Directions: (1) Fill in fields on the left side. (2) For each occurrence collect data by recording the date, time, initials and placing checks to identify the behavior (B), location, activity, antecedent (A), & consequence (C). (3) Summarize the (A) & (C) data to identify the likely function. Enter the # of times an A or C was checked under the function headings, by calculating across. Enter totals at the end of each column.-- r - -—x Date Time Initials 3 ■ - ■ ; 2 ? P t i - ■ — • ■ ■ 11 Behavior (specific targets): 1 NC • y ■ > • 2 __ 3 Location where behavior occurred: ® (llAtCrooxA y < • General activities in progress: / ■ ■ - Was ignored, walked away from Leisure item or food removed/denied Other request denied Given instruction/prompt to work ~A v / y y • Provoked No change (client alone) + Rt + Rt attention materials ■ Rt Auto. Rt escape sensory Immediate consequence (C): Attention, response block, told to stop Redirected to another area/activity Leisure item or food given Work requirement terminated -Ne-change-trttelTäTöTieT \