Weeks 3-4: Challenging Behavior Assessment Sheri Kingsdorf, Ph.D., BCBA-D Self-Evaluate your Intake Report ● Look at the following checklist to self-evaluate your intake report so far. https://forms.gle/v6xJWgDeZmWJbedR8 In this week’s class, targeting challenging behavior(s), you will: ✘ Practice using: ○ Direct functional assessment tools: ■ Structured ABC ■ Trial-based functional analysis ✘ Use collected (direct assessment) data from your case or practice activities to: ○ Write a clear operational definition ○ Describe the history of the behavior ○ Graph baseline data ○ Identify common antecedents ○ Identify common consequences ○ Hypothesize function Needed Materials ✘ Completed pieces (and indirect assessment data) from the first part of the intake report template. ✘ Intake report template (second part). ✘ Intake process part 2 instructions. ✘ Structured ABC form. ✘ Trial-based functional analysis form. ✘ Additional pieces will be added to doc sharing in Zoom during the call. Questions on Part 1? Direct Functional Assessment Forms: Structured ABC Practice ❇ Take the provided narrative data. ❇ Take the structured ABC form. ❇ Take the instructions. ❇ Diagram the contingencies. ❇ Complete the structured ABC form. Instructions Model ❇ Using the provided narrative data I will model diagramming an ABC contingency. ❇ Then I will model diagramming using the structured ABC form. 8:30 Teacher asked student to get his reading book out of his desk and turn to page 129 in the reading book. Student sat in his desk and ignored the request. Teacher reminded student his Free Friday was the next day and he would have to open his reading book and begin reading or he would lose points. Consider…Data Collection ✘ Use your structured ABC form to also represent: ○ Frequency ○ Rate ○ If you collect narrative data to use with the structured ABC form, consider looking to see if you observed any occurrences of appropriate behavior from the client… for use later. You will need: ● Intake report template (first part) ● Intake process part 2 instructions ● Hanley opened ended functional assessment interview form ● FAST form ● Structured ABC form with narrative data ● Trial based functional analysis form with script ● Program book checklist ● Additional forms for use on your own case later Direct Functional Assessment Forms: Trial-based FA Practice ❇ Pair up. ❇ Take the role play script, instructions, and trial-based FA form. ❇ Go through half of the script then switch roles with your partner. ❇ I will be around to support and provide feedback. Instructions Model ❇ I will model role playing the first trial and recording the data on the trial-based FA form. Using the Collected Data ● Make sure that all areas of your first portion of the intake report are now completed, add in any missing information. ● Move onto the next section of the report. Labels & Definitions Structure (topography) vs Function ● Saying the word fire while looking at the letters f-i-r-e is different than saying FIRE! When smelling smoke in a crowded theater. ● Same form, but different functions. ● Reading the word f-i-r-e may result in praise or a cue to move onto the next word in the sentence. ● Saying the word fire in the presents of smoke in a movie theater may result in everyone running out of the theater. Instructions Label and definition I will model labeling and writing a definition of a target behavior. Model ● Gather the data that you collected from the case since the last workshop (on part 1 of your intake report), OR quickly find a YouTube video of a challenging behavior. ● Take the instructions. ● Take the report template. ● I will be around to provide support. Practice + sharing Model ✓ Label: Non-compliance in the academic setting ✓ Definition: Doing something other than a given direction; not engaging in the behavior specified in the direction within 10 seconds of being given the direction; engaging with materials in a way other than what aligns with the expectation (e.g., swiping materials to the floor when they should be on the desk, putting head down on the desk when head should be up and attending to task/person, or not responding to the comment/statement of another person). ◻ Write a label for the target behavior. The label should be: ◻ Clear, concise, observable, and topographical. ◻ Write an operational definition for the challenging behavior. The definition should: ◻ Use non-mentalistic terms. ◻ Be objective, clear, concise, and topography-based. ◻ Have inclusions and exclusions as needed. PRACTICE! Behavior One SHARE ✘ Taking turns… ○ Share your definition - so do not say the name/label, only the definition (be sure that the name is not in the definition). ○ We will try to guess the behavior. ○ If we guess correctly- awesome! ○ If not, just make changes as needed. Instructions History, Data, & Graphing I will model completing these steps. Model ● If you have data from your case- feel free to use it now. Otherwise, use data from practice activities, hypothetical data, or data from a video online. ● Take the instructions. ● Take the report template. ● I will be around to provide support. Practice Model ✓ History: The mother and teacher report that the behavior of non-compliance has been going on for a long time. They report that within the last 6 months it has become more intense, now including some property destruction. ✓ Data: During the three intake observations in the school setting the behavior of non-compliance with directions was observed as occurring an average of 5 times during a one hour observation (range 4-6). ◻ Write a short description of the history of the problem behavior. It should include information on: ◻ The onset/how long it has been going on. ◻ Any changes in intensity. ◻ Provide concise quantitative information on the baseline data that were collected (e.g., mean and range). Model Figure 1. The frequency of non-compliance with instructions presented in the school setting during 1 hour observations. Behavior One https://linegraphmaker.co/ PRACTICE! Antecedents- It’s not too early to start thinking about function: Where are these likely to fit? Assign those opposite to one of these: ✘ Attention ✘ Escape ✘ Access to materials ✘ Sensory ✘ Parent walked away to go make dinner. ✘ Tablet taken away. ✘ Told “no” when asking for a cookie. ✘ Asked to stop playing and clean-up. ✘ Toy taken by a sibling. ✘ Classroom lights start blinking. ✘ Group of kids are standing on the other side of the playground talking. ✘ Therapist takes a call on her phone. Instructions Antecedents I will model completing these steps. Model ● Any data that you have collected from a case or any practice activities. ● Take the instructions. ● Take the report template. ● I will be around to provide support. Practice Model ◻ Write the antecedents that were determined from the FA data collected to be happening most often BEFORE the challenging behavior. The antecedents should: ◻ Not be the behavior of the client. ◻ Be some stimulus within the environment (e.g., behavior of another person or the presence of an inanimate object). ◻ Be happening within close temporal sequence before the challenging behavior. ✓ Antecedents: Common antecedents to the challenging behavior were identified as being given an instruction or prompt to work in a group setting. Behavior One PRACTICE! Consequence Identification (common issues) ✘ Consequences occur together ○ Termination of a demand and access to something else ■ Telling the client that he can go over to the computer area when he was supposed to remain sitting at the group work table. ○ Access to a tangible and attention ■ Talking to the client about Thomas while taking out and handing over the trains. ✘ Put them together if needed, we will revisit this later… Instructions Consequences I will model completing these steps. Model ● Any data that you have collected from a case or any practice activities. ● Take the instructions. ● Take the report template. ● I will be around to provide support. Practice + sharing Model ◻ Write the consequences that were determined from the FA data collected to be happening most often AFTER the challenging behavior. The consequences should: ◻ Not be the behavior of the client. ◻ Be some stimulus within the environment (e.g., behavior of another person or the appearance of an inanimate object). ◻ Be happening within close temporal sequence following the challenging behavior. ✓ Consequences: Common consequences which seem to follow the challenging behavior were identified as having the work requirement/task demand verbally terminated or being left alone to engage in another behavior (without the continued presentation of attention, corrections, or new directions). Behavior One PRACTICE! Instructions Function I will model completing these steps. Model ● Any data that you have collected from a case or any practice activities. ● Take the instructions. ● Take the report template. ● I will be around to provide support. Practice + sharing Model ◻ Write a statement on the hypothesized function of the challenging behavior. Be sure that the statement: ◻ States what the determination is based on (e.g., FAST). ◻ Identifies only one function (EATS). ◻ Matches the antecedents and consequences described previously. ✓ Function: Based on the data collected using the functional assessment parent interview, FAST, structured ABC form, and trial-based functional analysis, it is hypothesized that the function of the problem behavior is escape or avoidance of task demands, and therefore maintained by social negative reinforcement. Behavior One PRACTICE! Sharing ✘ The name of your behavior. ✘ The most common antecedent. ✘ The most common consequence. ✘ We’ll guess the function in the chat box. Before Next Time ● Use the examples/tools with your current case to do: ○ Structured ABC form. ○ Trial-based functional assessment. ○ Create section 2 of the intake report. ● If you do not have a current case, please complete all of the pieces with another person who can pretend to be a parent of a child with challenging behaviors. *** Remember, telehealth is an option. Before Next Time ● Use the newly collected data to write part 2 of the intake report, part 1 should already be done- but make edits as needed. ● View all of the week 3 and week 4 materials. ● Watch this recording, if needed. ● Complete the assessment. ○ Do your best to complete sections 1 and 2- what we have worked on already. You can copy and paste your section 1 pieces, if you are happy with them. ○ Do not worry about sections we have not gotten to yet. ● Be prepared with part 1 & 2 of the intake report and any collected data for the next live class.