DYSLEXIA § Slow and painful reading § Transpositions of letters in words (přesmykování) § Problems with decoding, remembering, distinguishing, and reading individual letters, especially those of similar shapes, e.g., b-d, s-z, b-p § Difficulty with recalling known words § Problems with linking individual letters into syllables and syllables into words when reading § Problems with identifying and understanding important facts and themes in a text § Confusion of left & right DYSGRAPHIA · Difficulty with expressing thoughts in writing and with the act of writing itself § Inconsistent letter shape & size * Difficulty copying text from the board or a textbook § Slow and labored written production § Awkward pencil grip and/or an overly tight grip; unusual wrist, body, or paper position when writing · Messy handwriting, often illegible even by the author § Inconsistent spacing between letters, words, and sentences (can't stay on/between the lines) DYSORTOGRAPHIA § Difficulty with sentence structure, e.g., incomplete sentences, poor use of grammar, missing inflectional endings § Distinguishing y x I (in Czech) or inflectional endings · Specific difficulties with spelling * Not using apostrophes (in English), e.g., I’m, or using them incorrectly § Substitution of one small word for another, e.g. he, the, there, and skipping of words or lines of printed material · Confusing letters, writing words together, or mistaking spoken and written words · Article confusion and misuse (i.e. ‚a, an, the‘) DYSCALCULIA § Difficulty with arithmetic and math operations and concepts § Difficulty recalling the sequence of operational concepts § Reversal of numbers, e.g., 123 to 321 or 231 § Confusion of operational symbols § Difficulty in understanding concepts of place, value and quantity, positive and negative value, number lines, fractions * Great difficulty memorizing times tables, understanding reasoning methods, and multi-step calculation procedures such as algebra * Lack number sense such as understanding immediately and intuitively that 6 is a larger number than 5 DYSPRAXIA § Problems with motor coordination § Difficulty performing complex movements, including muscle motions needed for talking § Problems with coordination of movement, often seen as clumsiness, e.g., in using a pencil, doing buttons, tying shoe laces or in sports · Difficulty learning new skills · Poor hand-eye coordination · Poor balance · Easily fatigued/becoming tired