Jena plan Petera Petersena Motto o o „ We learn, work, sing and play together. We are all responsible for our community.“ Peter Petersen (1884-1952) oeducator and philosopher influenced by Lamprecht and Wundt oworking at Lichtwark experimental school in Hamburg-Winterhude odividing of teaching in basic lessons and courses, the idea of a school community oUniversity of Jena (1925) omain works: General Education (1924), Internal Reform and a New School Education (1925), New Educational Movement in Europe (1925), Little Jena Plan (1927) and Theory of Leadership Training (1937) Basic ideas and solutions I. olife cycle with the participation of the educated and educator oservice - educator → child, teacher → pupil o"Life Community" - groups of people to live and work together at school ogaining knowledge from all areas of own activities, development of thinking in context of complex and problem-solving skills obased on real situations and learning in a real situation oapproach to life Basic ideas and solutions II. o"Educational situation" - a situation in which are the issues and questions for both (teacher and the pupil) created, these issues must be solved, responded to; interconnectedness between teacher and pupil otwo levels (look at the teacher and his activity) o - Leassons Leadership o - Leadership in Teaching othe aim of education is not a traditional education, but education based on the model of a family education oa parent is in Jena plan replaced by municipality (educates its members to togetherness) Basic ideas and solutions III. odividing of teaching materials - three basic concepts, "God, nature and human's world " oweekly work plan based on these terms - expressed in terms of knowledge areas: god, nature and humanity (following the acquisition of knowledge and skills with the help of courses on various topics) odivision to strain fields o - Substance (what may be the object of cognition) o - What can not fully be understood osense of pedagogical situations is in so called acceptance of a strain takeover Basic ideas and solutions IV. otwo interconnected levels: a)Man receives internal strains (philosophizing and thinking, perception, sensation and perception, and insight into the problems, piety) b)based on three basic standpoints deduces four primary forms (interview, play, work and celebration) oweekly schedule circuits o - God (interview, celebration) o - Nature (interview, work, celebration) o - Human (interview, play, work, celebration) The basic organization of teaching I. oSchool for 400-500 pupils oOne teacher should take care of 50 pupils oFour basic tribal groups: o - Lower group (1st – 3rd grade) o - Middle group (4th - 6th grade) o - Higher group (7th - 8th grade) o - Group of Youths (9th - 10th grade) ochildren in the class are gathered according to chronological age and their peers o Lower group (1st - 3rd grade) 6-8 years reading, writing and arithmetic; work in teams; educational games; drawing, religion, music and gymnastics Middle group (4th - 6th grade) 9-11 years team work in the theory of culture, geography; courses in language and mathematics; optional courses - foreign language; musical and gymnastic; religion Higher group (7th - 8th grade) 12-13 years group work; solving social issues; training courses; a second foreign language Group of Youths (9th -10th grade) 14-15 years education prepares for the profession; team work; training courses The basic organization of teaching II. The basic organization of teaching III. oschedule is not designed as lessons with traditional teaching subjects but as so called courses oobligatory courses (basic courses of mother tongue and mathematics and introductory courses to other subjects) and optional oclassroom has a form a simple living room, called School Living Room olightweight and simple tables and chairs, shelves and cabinets oaids available to everyone, pupils are involved in class decoration The basic organization of teaching IV. opupils in the „school room“ work in two to four-member groups, these groups have the greatest possible of freedom level oSchool Rules takes the form of a law that creates and determine the pupils themselves (what team approves is mandatory for individuals) oevaluation - combined, marks criticized, but applied, but can be supplemented by a verbal and written evaluation, in the first years of teaching marks are canceled othere is no certificate in its traditional form The basic organization of teaching V. oschool must continuously follow extracurricular life of a child oso the weekly work plan incorporates Saturday and Sunday that a child spends with his parents in the family (practically being taught) oWeek is initiated and completed with festivities of beginning and end of the week oFrom Tuesday to Friday are included courses for math and language classes oat the end of morning lessons, introductory courses and practical exercises for each of the tribal groups o The basic organization of teaching VI. obetween morning and afternoon teaching is classes so called school break, the big break between classes in length from 40 to 50 minutes othree parts lasting 15 minutes at max. (physical activity, relaxing part with rest and free play) oafternoon classes in workshops, games, sports, foreign language courses Teaching forms ofour basic forms of teaching o interview o game o work o celebration oWith an efficient alternating forms are fulfilled the basic objectives of the Petersen education the development of social contacts, the formation of social communication skills, self-fulfillment and individual development of creativity Forms of teaching - interview oactivity of teacher and pupils, at which they communicate together ocircle - between teacher and a pupil is no obstacle, everyone gets the opportunity to express themselves oblock - students and teacher sitting at tables assembled into a square or pentagon, everyone has a fixed place, one particular activity and task for all of them oinformal circle - a loose group of pupils and teacher, pupils allows to communicate with each other and form groups according to their own wishes ocumulus - casual form of unification children (yard work, visiting the theater), the possibility of conversation during work or employment Forms of teaching - game oscheduled games with clear rules ofree game - performed in a room equipped for playing, use in the lower group once a week in classes for free playing and hobby oteaching games - in classes, appropriately didactically adjusted opurpose games - used during breaks, physical education, clearly guided by a pre-planned, thoroughly thought out and prepared (controlled game) ovisual games - improvised dramatization, puppet games with puppets, improvisational verbal outputs, own outcomes of children in dramatic scenes or theater performance with roles for individual pupils Forms of teaching - work othe most used method, about 100 minutes devoted each day otribal groups are mostly working in a form of team work (groups organized around work tables), are not affected by the pupils, the form then spontaneously, the use of reading, writing, counting, painting; Pupils learn to work with information, search for its acquire and process it ocourses - several kinds of courses, introductory courses - familiarizing new students with environment, learning new working techniques; level courses - divide pupils according to aptitude, language and mathematics; Training courses - students are trained in new techniques (use of maps, setting up tables); Special courses - kids interested in a certain area; Optional courses - the pupils themselves shape the content and encourage their special talents and interests Forms of teaching - celebration ostrengthens relationships in the community and develop emotional life of children omorning feast or celebration of the end of the week - teacher proposes a program of activities, pupils are involved in its creation ocelebration of Advent, Christmas - teacher guides festivities organized at the occassion of various community festivals oImatriculation of new pupils - the teacher manages the celebration, pupils participate in groups by preparing program for new pupils oCelebrations organized by pupils - teacher lets all activity, preparation and implementation to pupils; used at the occasion of children´s birthdays, saying goodbye to teachers or pupils The present of Jena Plan othe most developed in the Netherlands (unmarked with past) ofollowed by Germany, Belgium, USA, in our country undeveloped oone of the major benefits of Jena Plan for inovation schools and education - efforts to integrate individual and social tasks, the pursuit of development of each individual, as a personality and as a member of the human community at the same time