Specific Learning Disability
General information
The aim of the course
- Familiarize students with the basic therminology of Specific learning disabilities from the international perspective.
- Student will be introduced to main types of SLD
- Students with be introduced to contemporary provision provided for students with SLD and concepts of remediation care.
Course requirements
- Active participation on the course meeting (1 absence possible)
- 8.3. 8:00-11:50
- 22.3. 10:00-13:50
- 10.5. 9:00-12:50
- Written repetition on main course topics
- Answer questions about main course topics (questions available in study materials)
- Submit your work to the homework vault till 18.5.2024
- Essay
- Essay on the effects of
selected type of SLD on the
overall child´s development
- Student is asked to submit an essay on the effects of selected type of
SLD on the overall child´s development. The type of SLD is up to the
student´s choice. Student should take into account:
- Psychosocial and emotional aspects
- Academic skills development
- Possible effects of the social environment on the overall child´s
- You can draw from your own practice and use any particular example (siblings, friends, classmate, etc.)
- Lenght 2-3 pages
- Submit your work to the homework vault till 18.5.2024