LESSON PLANNING TEACHING CONDITIONS NG^^ REFLEC TIVE TEACHING I A STUDENT ^ PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE STANDARD J "1 FEEDBACK AND ASSESSMENT TEACH I SUPPORT of Education PED A STUDENT PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE STANDARD Jana Kratochvílová Petr Svojanovský et al. MASARYK UNIVERSITY M II ľll T Department ľl U U 1 of Education P E D EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni im u n is P E D A student professional competence standard was developed as a part of OPVVV project, call nr. 02_16_038 for Undergraduate education in Priority axis 3 OP: The Development of the process of undergraduate education at The Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. Project Registration number CZ 02.3.68/0.0/0.0/16_038/0006952 Two teams participated in the creation of a concise and extended version of the standard. There were representatives of The Faculty of Education, Masaryk University and contracted teacher training schools in the first, broader team. They prepared the design of the Standard areas and criteria. A smaller team followed up with specifying the evaluation criteria and the creation of indicators assessing the embracement level. Dobrovolná Alena (The Department of English language and literature, PdF MU), Dvořáková Blanka (ZŠ1 Laštůvkova), Fialková Johana (ZŠ Horní), Grycová Martina (ZŠ Řeznovice), Horká Hana (the Department of Education, PdF2 MU), Kratochvílová Jana (the Department of Education, PdF, MU), Kuchaříkova Marta (ZŠ Řeznovice), Novotná Olga (ZŠ Vejrostova), Prachařová Hana (ZŠ Horní), Slaná Reissmannová Jitka (the Department of Physical eduation and Health education, PdF MU), Suquet Petra (the Department of French language and literature, PdF MU), Svojanovský Petr (the Department of Pedagogy, PdF MU), Tešnarová Lucie (ZŠ Vejrostova), Tichá Jitka (ZŠ Křídlovická), Vystrčilová Petra (the Department of Primary Education, PdF MU). MEMBERS OF THE BROADER TEAM - THE REPRESENTATIVES OF CONTRACTED TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOLS AND PARTS OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION MU (IN THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER): Institute for Research in Inclusive Education , PdF MU; the Department of English language and literature, PdF MU; the Department of Biology, PdF MU; the Department of Czech language and literature, PdF MU; the Department of French language and literature, PdF MU; the Department of Geography, PdF MU; the Department of History, PdF MU; the Department of Music, PdF MU; the Department of Mathematics, PdF MU; the Department of German language and literature, PdF MU; the Department of Citizenship Education, PdF MU; the Department of Education, PdF MU; the Department of Primary education, PdF MU; the Department of Russian language and literature, PdF MU; the Department of Special and inclusive Education, PdF MU; the Department of Physical eduation and Health education, PdF MU; the Department of Art, PdF MU; Nursery school Brno, Klášterského 14; Nursery school Brno, Štolcova 21; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Horníkova 1; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Husova 17; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Jihomoravské nám. 2; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Kotlářská 4; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Křídlovická 30b; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, náměstí 28. října 22; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Brno, Vedlejší 10; Primary and lower secondary school and Nursery school Ivančice- 1ZS stands for primary school and lower secondary school for children aged 6/7 to 14/15. 2 PdF MU stands for Faculty of Education, Masaryk University MEMBERS OF THE SMALLER TEAM (IN THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER): EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. MLtóEŽE a TĚLOVÝCHOVY 3 im u n is P E D Řeznovice, Řeznovice 88; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Antonínská 3; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Arménská 21; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Bakalovo nábřeží 8; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Bosonožská 9; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Botanická 70; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Gajdošova 3; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Heyrovského 32; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Horní 16; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Laštůvkova 77; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Měšťanská 21; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Slovanské náměstí 2; Primary and lower secondary school Brno, Vejrostova 1. The Student Professional Competence Standard (TSPCS) is an instrument of complex formative self-assessment and evaluation of the level of professional competences of the pre-service teacher (primary and secondary schools) during the course of the study in the context of undergraduate professional training. Professional competences are understood as a set of professional knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and personality characteristics. The purpose of the standard is to support the professional development of students (future teachers) in the framework of pre-graduate training. It is the primary standard preceding the future professional standard of the teacher and directs the student, in cooperation with others (accompanying teachers, academics and peers), to autoregulation of his own professional growth. The Standard is based on a personalized humanist-oriented education concept (Rogers, 1969; McCombs, 2001; Bray & McClaskey, 2015). It is framed by the competency model (Spilkova, 2001; Vasutova, 2004), which describes the required quality criteria of a student's work in planning, realization and evaluation of his own teaching. We believe that the TSPCS will be used creatively, it will be taken for the benefit of a student's professional development from the beginning of the study to its completion in Bachelor's and follow-up Master's (or five-year master's) study teaching programmes. The instrument applied in practice will be part of a student's professional portfolio and can be used in the state final exam as an evidence of a student's professional competences development during his/her studies. TSPCS is primarily intended for students of teacher study programmes at The Faculty of Education, MU and their accompanying teachers from contracted teacher training schools and cooperating schools as well as academics who can assist students in understanding the requirements of the quality of teaching at present. The understanding of the qualities description defined by the Standard is a prerequisite for efficient use of the tool. 1. ACTORS, GOALS AND LIMITS OF THE STUDENT'S PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES QUALITY STANDARD Actors EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. MLtóEŽE a TĚLOVÝCHOVY 4 IIIIU PE II T Department lil -I- of Education Aims • Describe the expert knowledge of primary and secondary school teachers, and the academic staff of the Faculty of Education about what is well-prepared implemented and assessed teaching. • To help pre-service teachers to become aware of the demands of the quality of teaching at primary and secondary schools and activities directly related to teaching; to distinguish desirable and undesirable behaviour during lessons planning, implementation, and assessment. • To enable students to evaluate the quality of professional competencies necessary for lessons planning, implementing, and assessment. • To monitor student progress during his / her teaching practice and to help students systematically improve their level of professional competence. • To help to create a shared understanding of the teaching quality in the community of prospective and current teachers, thus bringing together actors involved in undergraduate training of pre-service teachers. • The individual criteria of the Standard (and their indicators) can capture the complexity of the teaching process only to a limited extent. • The standard is focused on the teaching quality (specifically on lessons planning, implementation, and assessment), so it has no ambition to include all aspects of the teaching profession. This is mainly because a student does not have the opportunity to develop certain competencies during the teaching practice (e.g. communication with parents, cf. e.g. Tomkova et al., 2012), but also because the lessons planning, implementation, and assessment are prioritized. • The Standard criteria and indicators do not capture the ethical principles of teaching work. Nevertheless, they are mentioned in this document. It is assumed that the actors involved in undergraduate training of pre-service teachers and students themselves adhere to the ethical principles of pedagogical work. • The standard does not serve (academic staff) as an observation sheet. A student professional competence standard can be used only to a limited extent (e.g. using selected criteria relevant to an observed lesson), based on a single observation. Rather, the standard is used for a long-term assessment of a student during a teaching practice throughout a semester (or semesters). • The Standard does not consider the characteristics of a field - it is up to a Department's decision to add a field-specific part. Limits 2. THE PROCESS OF CREATING THE STANDARD EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. MLtóEŽE a TĚLOVÝCHOVY 5 M II l\ T DePartment III UNI of Education PED Standard was created at The Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in five sequential phases (Picture 1). The process of creating The standard was of a circular character - The Standard was repeatedly reviewed up to the final form within the individual phases. I EVROPSKÁ UNIE I Lvropské strukturální a investiční fondy I Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni 6 MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. MLtóEŽE a TĚLOVÝCHOVY Department of Education • sharing existing Standards and tools • discussion on the form of the Standard • defining the umbrella areas of the Standard and the Standard criteria • the work of an expert group on revising criteria and developing indicators • finalizing the pilot version of the Standard • piloting of the Standard within the course of Teaching Practice 2, including feedback from pre-service teachers • revising of the pilot version of the Standard • finishing the final version of the Standard • the introduction of the final version of the Standard into practice at primary, lower secondary and secondary schools in the framework of all teacher study programmes at The Faculty of Education, MU EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání iui U n is P E D Picture 1: The process of creating TSPCS The development of the standard was funded by the project OPVVV Pregraduate preparation and lasted 18 months (March 2018-August 2019). Varied and numerous groups of experts (academics, who also teach didactics of their field, senior staff and accompanying teachers of contracted teacher training school schools) participated in the creation of the Standard, both during "practice community" roundtables and also during the whole period of creation commented on the emerging Standard in online shared documents. The Standard was inspired by a number of domestic and foreign documents. We got inspired by a domestic environment e.g. The teacher's professional quality framework. Evaluation and self-evaluation sheet (Tomková et al. 2012), documents The Evaluation of continuous teaching practice teacher/student/university educator (Kratochvílová, 2012), from foreign documents e.g.: a) Assessment Toolkit for Qualified Teacher Status Teachers' Standards: Grade Descriptors and Teachers' Standards (Bishop Grosseteste University), b) Pre-Service Teacher Summary Teaching Observation Report ECE 2187 Practicum (College of Education, Temple University, Philadelphia), c) Référentiel de competences professionnelles - Institut deformation de /'Education nationale - Luxembourg. The Standard composes of three parts: 1) The Introduction Content: It contains basic information about the standard - from the goals to the way we work with the standard. Aim: Provides a basic orientation in the standard content and describes how to work with it. 2) Standard - short version 3. CONTENT SPECIFICATION SPCS EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. MLtóEŽE a TĚLOVÝCHOVY 8 IUI II dl T DePartment IVI UNI of Education PED Content: It contains 26 quality criteria of professional competencies necessary for planning, implementation and assessment of teaching. Each criterion is formulated from the perspective of a pre-service teacher and also if possible from the pupil's perspective3. The criteria are divided into five thematic areas: 1. Lesson planning, 2. Teaching conditions, 3. Teaching support, 4. Feedback and Assessment, 5. Reflective teaching. For each criterion, there is a defined space for the verbal and numerical evaluation of the quality level of the occupational competency (Figure 2). Aim: It is designed for a student's self-assessment of achieved quality level in individual criteria. Numerical evaluation allows for a quick indicative assessment of the quality of a given professional competence within four quality levels: the level of 'missing competence' (0), the level of 'forming competence' (1), the level of 'establishing competence' (2), the level of 'advanced competence' (3). Verbal evaluation allows explaining numerical evaluation and underpinning it with practical examples. 3a Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to learn to perceive the curriculum as meaningful. Teacher perspective: 1 discuss the meaning of the curriculum and its meaningfulness with pupils. 1 2 3 4 Notes, evidence: Figure 2: An illustration taken from the short version of the Standard 3) Standard - extended version Content: The contents of the extended version of the Standard is consistent with the contents of the above-described short version in the defined criteria, but does not include allotted space for verbal and numerical assessment of the quality of a given professional competence. Yet each criterion is specified in detail by means of four indicators that define the meaning of each quality level of a given professional competence (Figure 3). Aim: It is used to understand the importance of each quality level of a given professional competence. 3a Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to learn to perceive the curriculum as meaningful. Teacher perspective: 1 discuss the meaning of the curriculum and its meaningfulness with pupils. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not pay attention to the If pupils are interested, 1 tell why 1 inform pupils about the meaning 1 have discussions with pupils and 3 We consider the specification of both perspectives to be a very important feature of the Standard. The Standard should lead students not to look at teaching only from the teacher's perspective, but also from the perspective of a student. EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání 9 iui U n is P E D meaningfulness of the subject we are learning something, matter, I do not consider it important. I do not explain to pupils why they are learning a given subject matter or why we are dealing with a particular topic.__ of the subject matter and its overlap into everyday life. meaning of the subject matter. Meaningfulness of the subject matter is an important part of teaching. lead them to discover the Figure 3: An illustration taken from the extended version of the Standard 4. HOW TO WORK WITH THE STANDARD The standard is used at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University in the follow-up Master's teacher training programme mainly within the framework of the courses Teaching Practice 1, 2 and 3 and Seminar for Teaching Practice. During practical teaching period, both the short version of the Standard (recording a student's career shift) and the extended version of the Standard (for understanding the individual indicators) are used. However, students also work with the Standard in various other educational and didactical subjects of the pedagogical-psychological module from the first year of Bachelor's study programme to the last year of the follow-up Master's study programme. They reflect on the importance of criteria and indicators with regard to quality teaching, they communicate their needs for their own professional development. We will gradually explain how to use the Standard within teaching practice. At The Commencement Of Teaching Practice 1 • Upon commencement of teaching practice at a contracted teacher training school the guarantor of the Teaching Practice provides an accompanying teacher with a brief explanation of the Standard, a detailed description will be provided by a student alone. Accompanying teachers who do not come from a contracted teacher training school are introduced to the Standard at the beginning of the teaching practice by a student. The student will bring a printed version of the short as well as extended version of the Standard in two copies (for himself, for teachers). • Once the accompanying teacher is introduced to the content and the way how to use the Standard, the student (after consulting the accompanying teacher) selects 3 criteria which he / she will focus on in the first half of the teaching practice, i.e. professional competence which he / she wants to develop. The purpose of the focus on a limited number of selected criteria is to teach a student to develop sub-skills. We suggest in particular those skills that a student considers as his/her weaknesses. In midst of Teaching practice 1 EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni INISTEHSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. ml*ceíe a tělovýchovy 10 mi p UII T Department lu -I- of Education ED • In the middle of the practice a student together with an accompanying teacher evaluates the student's success in developing the earlier selected criteria. Subsequently they record the level the student has reached at the moment in the short paper version of the Standard. The assessment is justified in a written form and evidence from lessons is provided. • Afterwards the student again selects 3 criteria which he / she will focus on in the second half of the teaching practice. It is possible to select that the same, partially the same or new criteria (based on one's own consideration). At the end of Teaching practice 1 • At the end of the practice a student together with an accompanying teacher evaluates the student's success in developing the three selected criteria. They record the level the student reached at the end of the practice in the short paper version of the Standard. The assessment will be once more justified in a written form and evidence from lessons will be provided. • Afterwards they evaluate together the student's professional development status for all other criteria. They record the level the student has currently reached (verbal reasoning is possible but not mandatory) in a short paper version of the Standard. The student saves this completed short paper version of the Standard for follow-up teaching practice. The Course of Teaching Practice 2 and 3 • For Teaching Practice 2 and 3, the instructions are the same as for the above mentioned, Teaching Practice 1. The only difference is that at the beginning of the practice the student tells the accompanying teacher what professional competences he / she paid extra attention to in the previous practice (s) and explains how he / she developed based on the evidence in the short paper version of the Standard. The student thus continues his / her previous professional development and monitors his / her further progress. Additional information • A completed short version of the Standard from each Teaching practice is stored in the student's portfolio. • After completing Teaching Practice 3, the student demonstrates that he / she achieves at least level 1 for all criteria. • There are more possibilities how to use the Standard, but due to the overall assessment, the above described approach is consistent. However, a student, together with the accompanying teacher, can work with the Standard according to their own needs beyond the framework of a uniform procedure. • In the case of an observation of a student by a faculty teacher, the student presents the current phase of his / her professional development using the Standard to the teacher. The faculty teacher (does not use) uses the Standard to provide feedback to the student after the class observation at his / her discretion. EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni INISTEHSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. mla^eíe a tělovýchovy 11 iui U n is P E D • A prerequisite for the quality of the student's professional activities during practical teaching is his / her conduct in accordance with the ethical principles of the teaching profession (adopted and modified from Tomkovä et al., 2012, p. 13): o respects human rights. It does not discriminate pupils or/and colleagues. Can work positively with differences stemming from origin, religion and gender; o applies binding legal standards applicable to the teaching profession; o acts in accordance with the protection of the personal data of pupils, their families and their colleagues; o adheres to the ethical values of altruistic behaviour (respect for a man and his development, protection of life, help to the weaker, belonging, love for people, etc.); o his / her professional decision-making is based on the concept of a child as a developing personality; o introduces democratic principles of action, communication and coexistence to the class; o is willing and able to explain his / her decisions concerning pupils' learning and education - is responsible for the means by which he / she • Assessment Toolkit for Qualified Teacher Status Teachers' Standards: Grade Descriptors and Teachers' Standards (Bishop Grosseteste University). Available form: https://www.bishopg.ac.uk/qtsdocs/Documents/BGU%20Assessment%20for%20QTS%20-%20Grade%20Descriptors%20April%2015%281%29.pdf • Bray, B., & McClaskey, K. (2015). Make learning personal. California: Corwin. • Kratochvílová, J. (2012). Hodnocení souvislé pedagogické praxe učitel/student/VŠ pedagog. (Nepublikováno). • McCombs, B. (2001). What Do We Know About Learners and Learning? The Learner-Centered Framework: Bringing the Educational System into Balance. Educational Horizons, 79(4), 182-193. • Pre-Service Teacher Summary Teaching Observation Report ECE 2187 Practicum (College of Education, Temple University, Philadelphia). Available form: https://sites.temple.edu/edresources/files/2013/08/ECE-2187-Summary-TOR.pdf • Rogers, C. R. (1969). Freedom to learn: a view of what education might become. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill. • Spilková, V., & Tomková, A. (2010). Kvalita učitele a profesní standard. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta. • Teaching Careers in Europe: Acces, Progression and Support. (2018). Brussels: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency. • Tomková A. et al. (2012). Rámec profesních kvalit učitele. Hodnotící a sebehodnoticí arch. Praha: Národní ústav pro vzdělávání. • Vašutová, J. (2004). Profese učitele v českém vzdělávacím kontextu. Brno: Paido. instructs and educates his / her pupils. 5. LITERATURE EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni INISTEHSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ. ml*ceíe a tělovýchovy 12 M II l\ T Department III UNI of Education PED • Referentiel de competences professionnelles - Institut de formation de I'Education nationale. Luxembou I EVROPSKÁ UNIE ''V'KL- I Lvropské strukturální a investiční fondy f\/| I I Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání ministerstvo Školství. I^^m mlAdeže a těldWchow Ill II I'l T Department 111 U II 1 of Education PED EXTENDED VERSION OF THE STANDARD EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education mi ii 11 t DePartment Ml U II 1 of Education PED The Thematic focus of the criteria in particular areas of the Standard - an overview Lesson planning Teaching conditions Teaching support Feedback and Assessment Reflective teaching consultation with the safety (2a) meaningfulness (3a) continuous teacher teaching reflection (5a) accompanying teacher: link discipline (2b) aims (3b) feedback(4a) self-development goals to the curriculum and live contact (2c) content (3c) pupil self-assessment (5b) previous work of the teaching aids (2d) factual accuracy (3d) and feedback (4b) teacher(la) rest (2e) use of previous knowledge (3e) various forms of individualization and success (2f) methods and forms (3f) assessment (4c) differentiation (lb) time (2g) cooperation of pupils (3g) aims, objectives and their mistakes handling (3h) verification (lc) ICT (3i) methods, forms, concepts, problems (Id) lessons plans (le) EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED 1 Lesson planning la Teacher perspective: 1 consult my accompanying teacher for lessons plans (connection to School Educational Plan, a thematic plan, previous teacher and pupils' work). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not consult the accompanying teacher for lessons plans. 1 did not get acquainted with the School Educational Plan, a thematic plan or previous teacher and pupils' activity. 1 do not respond to the accompanying teacher comments regarding my preparation for teaching. 1 consult already a completed lesson plan with my accompanying teacher regardless of its connection to the School Educational Plan, a thematic plan or previous teacher and pupils' work. 1 do not adjust my lesson plan based on my accompanying teacher comments. 1 consult the accompanying teacher for lessons plans in connection to the School Educational Plan, a thematic plan, and previous teacher and pupils' work. 1 adjust my lesson plane due to mutual cooperation and base on my accompanying teacher comments. 1 consult the accompanying teacher for lessons plans in connection to the School Educational Plan, a thematic plan, and previous teacher and pupils' work. 1 adjust and expand my lesson plane base on my accompanying teacher comments. lb Teacher perspective: When planning a lesson, 1 take into account the possibilities of specific pupils -1 individualize and differentiate the teaching plan (also based on IEP, ESP, SEP4). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not search information concerning pupils' individual educational needs, and 1 do not respect them while 1 plan lessons („1 1 search information concerning pupils' individual educational needs but while 1 plan lessons 1 do not include activities that take into 1 search for information concerning pupils' individual educational needs - particularly pupils with IEP and SEP. 1 consult the preparation of materials for pupils with a 1 search for information concerning pupils' individual educational needs, and 1 plan lessons taking into consideration these needs and prepare activities enabling every 4 IEP - Individual Educational Plan, ESP - Educational Support Plan, SEP - School Educational Plan EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Ml U n IS PED work with everyone the same way. ")■ accounts pupils' individual educational needs. 1 leave the preparation of materials for a pupil with a SEP5 up to a teacher assistant (if present). SEP with a teacher assistant (if present). pupil to take part and fulfilling his potential. It does not concern only pupils with SEP. 1 thought through my cooperation with a teacher assistant. lc Teacher perspective: 1 formulate educational aims and objectives (cognitive and / or affective and / or psychomotor) and think about their interconnection with the curriculum, teaching methods, organizational forms, i.e. with the overall concept of teaching. 1 plan ways to verify the fulfilment of goals. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not set educational aims and objectives while planning a lesson. 1 plan only the content, the topic (what 1 am going to teach). 1 set educational aims and objectives while planning a lesson, but there may be certain flaws (e.g. the way the aims and objectives are formulated, the amount and interconnection of aims and objectives with curriculum/ teaching methods and their suitability for pupils...). With the help of an accompanying teacher, 1 can set individual educational aims and objectives that are in line with the overall concept of teaching (curriculum, methods, pupils' needs...). 1 can set individual educational aims and objectives that are in line with the overall concept of teaching (curriculum, methods, pupils' needs...). While 1 plan lessons, 1 forget to include methods to verify the realization of a set goal (goals). 1 plan lessons with the help of an accompanying teacher and 1 plan effective methods to verify the realization of set goals. 1 independently plan lessons including methods to verify the realization of set goals. The methods 1 choose are not always effective (the methods are shallow, time-consuming, do not provide me with a qualitative feedback...). 1 plan lessons thoughtfully including methods to verify the realization of the goals set by pupils as well as an accompanying teacher which provides me with information for my following lesson plans. Id Teacher perspective: 1 do a didactic analysis of the curriculum (kev concepts, learning tasks) concerning a set goal; 1 plan adequate teaching methods and organizational forms. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not pay attention to a thorough 1 do a didactic analysis of curriculum 1 do a didactic analysis of curriculum with a 1 do a didactic analysis independently and 5 SEP - special educational plan EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED didactic analysis of the curriculum. 1 instead focus on learning tasks (exercises), that 1 will solve with pupils during lessons. rather intuitively, non-systemically. 1 have not clearly defined key concepts and their relation to the curriculum. Teaching methods and forms correspond more to learning tasks according to the textbook. little help of an accompanying teacher whom 1 consult teaching methods and forms for a given curriculum and class with. thoroughly concerning the individual needs of students and set lessons aims and objectives. 1 use different sources of information during lesson planning. le Teacher perspective: 1 prepare a time plan for mv lesson procedure. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not elaborate a time plan for my lessons, 1 cannot really estimate time needed in the course of lessons. 1 can plan lessons with the help of an accompanying teacher better. 1 have a more realistic idea of a time plan for my lessons. 1 elaborate a time plan of my lesson procedure rather individually. 1 elaborate a time plan of my lesson procedure individually, 1 think about what to do in unexpected situations (finishing earlier, not having enough time...). 2 Teaching conditions 2a Pupils perspective: Pupils do not feel threatened, unreasonable fears, fear of failure, boredom in lessons. Teacher Perspective: 1 support classroom safety (positive atmosphere). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not support safety in my classroom. 1 do not deal with situations that threaten the safe environment in the classroom (e.g. mocking, tension, the fear of making a mistake...). 1 pay attention to situations that disrupt classroom safety and try to solve them. 1 create a safe environment where pupils are not afraid to get involved, say their opinion, communicate, take risks, make mistakes. 1 support and create a safe environment where pupils are not afraid to get involved, say their opinions, communicate, take risks, make mistakes. 1 purposefully include activities that promote safety and address specific situations in the classroom. 2b Pupils perspective: Pupils know mutual expectations and boundaries, they can rely on rules that help prevent problems, allow solutions and are not self-restrictive. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED Teacher perspective: 1 solve discipline problems (1 work as needed with established rules or 1 negotiate them with pupils; 1 appraise pupil positive behaviour). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 am not acquainted with the classroom (behaviour) rules; 1 am not aware of whether there are any. 1 am not capable of solving discipline problems effectively, 1 don't know how to deal with undisciplined pupils. 1 forget to appraise pupils for their good behaviour. In advance 1 get acquainted with the classroom (behaviour) rules, or 1 negotiate them with pupils but 1 do have problems with ensuring their observance. 1 have problems with maintaining discipline. 1 appraise pupils for good behaviour only occasionally. In advance 1 get acquainted with the classroom (behaviour) rules, or 1 negotiate them with pupils, but sometimes 1 have problems with ensuring their observance. Only exceptionally 1 am not able to maintain discipline in the classroom. The pupils gradually respect me. I'm trying to look for good behaviour and appraise it. In advance 1 get acquainted with the classroom (behaviour) rules, or 1 negotiate them with pupils, and we keep them. 1 appraise pupils if they keep them. The pupils respect me. 1 am able to handle and solve discipline problems efficiently. 2c Pupils perspective: the communication manner assures pupils of teacher interest and keeps their attention. Teacher perspective: 1 keep "live contact" with pupils (through verbal and non-verbal communication, addressing pupils by their first name...). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 focus on myself only and the content of teaching, not on pupils and resulting pedagogical situations. 1 do not adapt the communication to pedagogical situations in the classroom (e.g. 1 do not adapt the verbal communication to the situation, 1 do not initiate eye contact, 1 do not call pupils by their first name...). 1 am aware of the need to respond to given pedagogical situations, and 1 avoid contact with pupils (1 am afraid, 1 do not know how to react...). 1 respond to a given pedagogical situation in class, but the manner of my communication with pupils is not always appropriate. 1 respond to given pedagogical situations through appropriate communication with pupils. 2d Pupils perspective: Pupils are not overlooked by the teacher, they are not frustrated by his requirements and manner of communication. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED Teacher perspective: I respond with respect to the pupils needs (social, physiological) in the classroom. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) I focus on me and my lesson plan. I do not focus on pupils needs. I pay attention to the signs of pupils unfulfilled needs (tiredness, yawning, warmth, stereotype activities ...) but I tend to overlook them. I do not respond to them. I pay attention to the signs of pupils unfulfilled needs. I respond to them immediately. I pay attention to the immediate needs of pupils, I recognise them and respond. I provide the pupils with space to express their needs. I try to avoid pupils unfulfilled needs - I use various relaxation activities, games, movement, cooperation, the possibility of ventilation, etc., which become a regular part of the teaching. 2e Pupils perspective: The lesson is not monotonous; pupils have a chance to relax. Teacher perspective: Creating space for relaxation (I work with atmosphere changes, I respond to signs of fatigue, fluctuations of attention, I show a sense of humour, I include interesting facts and my own experience in presentations...). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) I did not include varied activities or other interesting facts in my lesson plan, and I concentrated my attention only on the content of the teaching. I did not focus on responding and paying attention to pupils focus on my presentation. I included some activities (for variety's sake) in my lesson plan, but they turned out to be to one-way / did not catch pupils' attention. I did not include the planned activities (I ran out of time / did not know when to include them in the presentation etc.) I included various activities or other interesting facts for the presentation with the focus on pupils. I included them in my lesson plan base on my time plan, not due to pupils' fatigue or to catch pupils declining attention. Thus, I positively assess the implementation of certain activities or the inclusion of interesting facts, but the implementation of other activities was not according to my expectations. I planned a lesson, I created a battery of several different activities or other possible changes in teaching, and I planned time for their realization in a lesson plan. Based on observing changes in pupils' reactions, I have included activities into a presentation to draw their attention back to the discussed curriculum. 2f Pupils perspective: Pupils have an opportunity to experience success. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Ml U n IS PED Teacher perspective: 1 create an opportunity for all pupils to experience success. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 assign work for the whole class uniformly (the same task for everyone). 1 prepare extra work for students who work faster than others (time differentiation). 1 prepare different tasks for groups of pupils according to their level of knowledge. 1 offer students variously demanding tasks. 1 encourage them to choose a level appropriate for them and allows them to experience success. 1 often prefer tasks according to my teaching style (according to a dominant sense - auditory, visual, haptic and kinaesthetic). 1 do not consider students' learning styles. Based on the theory of learning styles and a typology of learning tasks 1 try to include various learning tasks (multisensory approach) for all pupils simultaneously. 1 am trying to determine pupils' learning styles specifically with pupils who suffer from some learning difficulties. 1 try to adapt my teaching according to them. Based on my observation 1 become aware of the dominant learning style of the whole class. 1 prepare the tasks considering this finding. 1 often include a competition, because from my point of view it is a strong motivating factor. Pupils have fun. 1 sometimes include a competition as a form of a relief management technique. 1 compare pupils results within a class. 1 prefer cooperation to competition. If 1 include a competition, 1 select them and vary them so as different pupils can excel. If 1 include a competition, 1 make sure that the competition enables various students to excel. 1 am aware of the positives and negatives of including competitions in a lesson with regard to pupils' opportunities to experience success. 1 compare pupils results with their former ones. 2g Pupils perspective: Pupils do not notice "deaf places" during a lesson. Teacher Perspective: 1 make effective use of teaching time (in relation to my plan, class situation and the understanding of the curriculum). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Ml U n IS PED 1 do not make effective use of teaching time, 1 am not able to follow my time plan nor respond to sudden situations in a class. 1 make effective use of teaching time only partially; 1 am not able to respond to sudden situations in an adequate way. Individual parts of a lesson are sometimes incoherent. Although 1 make effective use of teaching time, 1 am not able to respond to sudden situations. Individual parts of a lesson are sometimes incoherent. 1 make effective and meaningful use of teaching time with regards to a lesson plan. 1 am able to respond to sudden situations in a class. 3 Teaching support 3a Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to learn to perceive the curriculum as meaningful. Teacher perspective: 1 discuss the meaning of the curriculum and its meaningfulness with pupils. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not pursue the meaningfulness of the curriculum; 1 do not consider it important. 1 do not explain the reason why a theme is taught or why we devote ourselves to a particular topic. In case pupils show interest, 1 explain the reason why a theme is taught. 1 explain the meaningfulness of the curriculum and its overlap to our lives. 1 discuss the curriculum with pupils, 1 lead them to discover its importance. Meaningfulness of the curriculum is an important part of teaching. 3b Pupil perspective: Pupils can explain what is the aim of their work. Pupils are aware of the ways how to reach their learning objectives and learn to monitor their achievements. Teacher perspective: 1 set and facilitate (if convenient considering the method) appropriate teaching goals (common, individual). 1 verifv the achievement of learning objectives and evaluate them. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 am not able to define the teaching objective; 1 confuse it for the content. 1 am not able to communicate the objective so as to be reasonable, controllable. 1 do not facilitate the teaching goal to pupils, nor 1 lead them to discover it. 1 am able to communicate or to come to a common teaching objective with pupils (particularly on the cognitive level). 1 am able to communicate or to come to a common teaching objective/objectives with pupils (if it is possible and convenient 1 communicate various objectives). 1 begin to orientate in taxonomies. 1 precisely and particularly specify what pupils (a pupil) should acquire in all possible domains (common objectives, individual objectives). EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED I don't verify the achievement of learning objectives. I unintentionally and accidentally verify the achievement of learning objectives rather for individuals. I intentionally and considerably verify the achievement of learning objectives. I intentionally and considerably verify the achievement of learning objectives also using pupil self-assessment. 3c Pupil perspective: A pupil understands what he learns. Teacher perspective: I facilitate content and instructions clearly with regard to individual educational needs and the age of pupils. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) I do not respect pupils' needs in teaching, I do not manage to choose appropriate content and teaching methods, pupils do not understand. My attempts to mediate curriculum appropriately are rare; I am not able to reconcile the abilities and needs of pupils with adequate content in terms of scope, methods and language. I am successful in applying appropriate methods in the comprehensible mediation of the curriculum to an adequate scope in regard to pupils' abilities. I carefully choose the appropriate content, the scope of the curriculum and the method of its mediation, a comprehensible language with respect to the needs and abilities of pupils. I am able to justify my choice. Pupil perspective: Pupils learn factually correct information appropriate to their age and schooling. Teacher perspective: I mediate the curriculum properly. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 make frequent factual mistakes; 1 do not have sufficient knowledge to teach the subject. 1 have sufficient knowledge to teach the subject, but 1 cannot handle the information properly (the presentation lacks fluency and cohesion), and sometimes 1 make factual mistakes. 1 have sufficient knowledge to teach the subject, but 1 sometimes have problems to handle the information properly (the presentation lacks fluency and cohesion). 1 do not make factual mistakes. 1 have sufficient knowledge to teach the subject, and 1 am able to handle the information properly (the presentation is fluent and cohesive). 1 do not make factual mistakes. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Ml U N I S PED 3e Pupil perspective: Pupils can integrate the curriculum into their thought structure, they are to connect it with their previous curriculum or experience. Teacher perspective: 1 explain the curriculum using the previous pupils' knowledge and experience The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not check whether the pupils know something about the subject or whether they have any previous experience prior to or during the lesson. 1 focus only on my prepared interpretation and activities, and 1 do not use previous knowledge and experience of pupils. 1 do not check students' previous experience or the real level of previously acquired knowledge at the beginning of the lesson (or during the lesson). 1 just mention that the lesson content (topic) currently discussed follows... (a specific content or topic). 1 discuss with students their previous experiences and check their knowledge at the beginning of the lesson. However, 1 am not able to build on their experience and knowledge my prepared explanation and activities. 1 discuss with students their previous experience and knowledge at the beginning of the lesson (as well as during my presentation / activities). 1 adjust my further presentation and the choice of activities following my findings. At the end of the lesson 1 summarize what knowledge/experience the pupils brought to my lessons and what they learned in today's lesson. 3f Pupil perspective: Pupils understand how the selected teaching methods and organizational forms help to achieve the aim. Teacher perspective: 1 use teaching methods and organizational forms that support learners' learning and lead to achieving the aim. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) The chosen methods and forms are not very effective in relation to the set aim, they are not well considered. 1 try teaching methods and organizational forms that effectively lead to the aim. I'm not afraid to try new ones. 1 try teaching methods and organizational forms that effectively lead to the aim. 1 lead pupils to reflect on their influence on the process and the result of their learning. 1 offer pupils various teaching methods and organizational forms. The pupils independently choose the ones that lead to achieving their individual aims. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED 3g Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Teacher perspective: 1 support cooperation and mutual learning. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not create opportunities for cooperation and mutual learning in the lessons. 1 try to create opportunities for cooperation and mutual learning. 1 copy the rules and possibilities of cooperation from the accompanying teacher. 1 create opportunities for cooperation and mutual learning of pupils individually after consultation with the accompanying teacher. Mutual learning is a natural part of my lessons. Pupils understand these strategies. 1 create opportunities for cooperation and mutual learning together with pupils taking into account their individual differences. 3h Pupil Perspective: Pupils are not afraid to make a mistake and draw attention to their own mistake. They have the opportunity to understand and use it in learning. Teacher Perspective: 1 work meaningfully with the pupil's mistake and take it as an opportunity for development. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 decide on the wrong / correct solution. 1 perceive the mistake as a bad element in the class that 1 immediately correct (detection, identification and correction of the mistake by the teacher). 1 draw a pupil's attention to the mistake (detection by the teacher) and give him / her room for correction (correction by the pupil) 1 use the error for learning (detection by the teacher). 1 encourage the pupil / class to discover an error (identify by the learner) and correct it (correct by the learner) with explanation(interpretation). 1 use the error to learn and deliberately create problem situations. 1 encourage the pupil / class to discover the error and correct it with explanation (detection, identification, correction and interpretation by the pupil). 1 take into account the individual pupil's level. 1 do not work with the actual mistake further. 1 draw attention to a previous mistake before commencing similar work. 1 will show the learner a strategy to prevent the repetition of a mistake. 1 lead the pupil to find a strategy to prevent the repetition of a mistake. 3i Pupil Perspective: Pupils naturally use ICT in their teaching. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education MUNI* PED Teacher Perspective: 1 use meaningful information technology (ICT) to support learners' learning. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 don't use ICT in my classroom, it is not possible due to the environment, or 1 am not able. 1 try to include ICT in teaching, but 1 often do not select them appropriately to the stated aim and pupils' needs. It is more of an effect. 1 include suitable ICT in teaching in relation to the set aim. For the time being, 1 am not able to adapt them to the diverse pupils' needs. 1 use ICT that support pupils' learning meaningfully in teaching in relation to the stated aim and pupils' abilities. 4 Feedback and assessment 4a Pupils Perspective: Pupils know how to recognize whether or not they have achieved the lesson objective: they have specific information about their learning, know the criteria and understand them. They understand individual differences in the assessment. Teacher Perspective: 1 provide students with continuous feedback using descriptive language and criteria with respect to their individual needs. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not provide descriptive feedback to pupils. Rather, 1 use a general performance evaluation ("excellent, good...") or a person ("you are careful ..."). 1 give pupils specific descriptive feedback (learning information) - what is and is not going well. 1 give pupils specific descriptive feedback (learning information) - what is and is not going well, what specific progress the pupil is making. 1 give pupils specific descriptive feedback (learning information) - what is and is not going well, what specific progress the pupil is making, and how to improve further. 1 do not work with criteria that describe a pupil's level of performance. Pupils do not know what they are assessed for. 1 provide feedback according to my or accepted criteria, which 1 do not discuss with pupils. Pupils do not know what they are assessed for. 1 provide feedback according to my or accepted criteria, which 1 set on a specific task in the class prior to the beginning of a task. And pupils do understand them. 1 provide feedback according to criteria, which we created with my pupils. Pupils understand the criteria. When providing feedback, 1 do not consider individual needs and possibilities of pupils. When providing feedback, 1 do consider individual needs and possibilities of pupils based on the instructions from my accompanying teacher. When providing feedback in cooperation with my accompanying teacher, 1 consider individual needs and possibilities of pupils. When providing feedback, 1 independently consider individual needs and possibilities of pupils. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Ml U N IS PED 4b Pupil Perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their own procedures and results. Teacher Perspective: 1 lead pupils to reflect on their own achievements and progress in learning (self-assessment) and to provide feedback to others (classmates and teachers). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 do not involve pupils in the process of assessing my teaching. 1 rarely involve pupils in the process of assessing my teaching. 1 intentionally involve pupils in the assessment of my teaching. 1 am consistently interested in pupils' opinion on my teaching and 1 use their feedback in the following lessons. 1 do not include self-evaluation of pupils in the teaching. Usually, 1 do not have time, 1 do not know how... 1 include self-evaluation of pupils randomly, rather at the emotional level (like, dislike...). 1 include self-evaluation of pupils more regularly, focusing on how they evaluate the learning process and results. 1 include self-evaluation in a thoughtful way in relation to aims and set criteria and planning of their teaching. 1 lead the pupil to record self-evaluation. 1 do not include peer assessment, or 1 do not know how to include it. 1 include peer assessment in teaching occasionally, rather randomly, especially for some activities (e.g. presentations, group work ...), but it does not follow set criteria. Peer assessment in the classifications is planned, using descriptive language. 1 include peer assessment in the class thoughtfully, according to set criteria. Pupils provide feedback with an appropriate description of performance based on criteria. 4c Pupil Perspective: Pupils receive several sources and types of feedback from the teacher than grades. Teacher Perspective: 1 use a variety of forms of assessment and diverse indicators of learning outcomes and pupil progress. The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 provide assessment through grades only. 1 comment some of the grades orally or in a written form. In addition to the oral commentary of the grade, 1 use the performance evaluation by a graph, picture... (based on predefined criteria). 1 evaluate the performance with grades, graphs, images... (based on set criteria). 1 plan how to achieve the goal in cooperation with the pupil. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education iui ii II t DePartment IUI U Ii 1 of Education PED 5 Reflective teaching 5a Teacher Perspective: / reflect the course ofteachina (possiblv also preparation for teachina). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 don't (myself) reflect (1 don't want to, 1 can't do it, 1 don't have time ...). 1 try to (myself) reflect, but 1 am not able to analyse what significantly influenced the course of teaching. 1 make a detailed analysis of my teaching experience and 1 am able to evaluate my teaching critically. 1 critically reflect my lessons and make suggestions for the organization of the follow-up lessons. 1 am not interested in my accompanying teacher's assessment of my teaching or 1 cannot take the time to listen to him/her. 1 will listen to the lesson analysis by the accompanying teacher. 1 partially include the comments in the preparation of the follow-up lessons. 1 will listen carefully to the accompanying teacher's analysis and suggest how to incorporate the comments into further teaching. After familiarizing with the accompanying teacher's analysis, we consult individual warnings and work together to find solutions. 5b Teacher Perspective: 1 set adequate goals for my professional development, put into practice the steps to achieve them and evaluate them (within the current or next semester). The level of 'missing competence' (0) The level of 'forming competence' (1) The level of 'establishing competence' (2) The level of 'advanced competence' (3) 1 am not able or 1 do not want to name the goals of my professional development. 1 name the goals of my professional development, but they are not sufficiently specific, achievable, measurable, etc. 1 name the adequate goals of my professional development. 1 cannot propose or actually take the necessary steps to implement them. 1 name adequate goals of my professional development. 1 can propose the necessary steps for their implementation (possibly even a timetable), actually implement them and continuously evaluate my progress. EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education II u II I pedagogiky P E D SHORT VERSION OF THE STANDARD EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání ■Kür 2 1 Lesson planning la Teacher perspective: 1 consult my accompanying teacher for lessons plans (connection to School Educational Plan, a thematic plan, previous teacher and pupils' work). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: lb Teacher perspective: When planning a lesson, 1 take into account the possibilities of specific pupils -1 individualize and differentiate the teaching plan (also based on IEP, ESP, SEP6). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: lc Teacher perspective: 1 formulate educational aims and objectives (cognitive and / or affective and / or psychomotor) and think about their interconnection with the curriculum, teaching methods, organizational forms, i.e. with the overall concept of teaching. 1 plan ways to verify the fulfilment of goals. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: Id Teacher perspective: 1 do a didactic analysis of the curriculum (key concepts, learning tasks) concerning a set goal; 1 plan adequate teaching methods and organizational forms. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: le Teacher perspective: 1 prepare a time plan for my lesson procedure. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 6 IEP - Individual Educational Plan, ESP - Educational Support Plan, SEP - School Educational Plan MINISTERSTVO SKOLSTvl. mlAdeíe * téusvvchovv I EVROPSKÁ UNIE I Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy I Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání 3 2 Teaching conditions 2a Pupils perspective: Pupils do not feel threatened, unreasonable fears, fear of failure, boredom in lessons. Teacher Perspective: 1 support classroom safety (positive atmosphere). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2b Pupils perspective: Pupils know mutual expectations and boundaries, they can rely on rules that help prevent problems, allow solutions and are not self-restrictive. Teacher perspective: 1 solve discipline problems (1 work as needed with established rules or 1 negotiate them with pupils; 1 appraise pupil positive behaviour). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2c Pupils perspective: The communication manner assures pupils of teacher interest and keeps their attention. Teacher perspective: 1 keep "live contact" with pupils (through verbal and non-verbal communication, addressing pupils by their first name...). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2d Pupils perspective: Pupils are not overlooked by the teacher, they are not frustrated by his requirements and manner of communication. Teacher perspective: 1 respond with respect to the pupils needs (social, physiological) in the classroom. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: Pupils perspective: The lesson is not monotonous; pupils have a chance to relax. Teacher perspective: Creating space for relaxation (I work with atmosphere changes, I respond to signs of fatigue, fluctuations of attention, I show a sense of humour, I include interesting facts and my own experience in presentations...)._ EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni 4 0 12 3 Comments, evidence: 2f Pupils perspective: Pupils have an opportunity to experience success. Teacher perspective: I create an opportunity for all pupils to experience success. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2g Pupils perspective: Pupils do not notice "deaf places" during a lesson. Teacher Perspective: 1 make effective use of teaching time (in relation to my plan, class situation and the understanding of the curriculum). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3 Teaching support 3a Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to learn to perceive the curriculum as meaningful. Teacher perspective: 1 discuss the meaning of the curriculum and its meaningfulness with pupils. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni lb 3b Pupil perspective: Pupils can explain what is the aim of their work. Pupils are aware of the ways how to reach their learning objectives and learn to monitor their achievements. Teacher perspective: I set and facilitate (if convenient considering the method) appropriate teaching goals (common, individual). I verify the achievement of learning objectives and evaluate them._ 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: Pupil perspective: A pupil understands what he learns. Teacher perspective: I facilitate content and instructions clearly with regard to individual educational needs and the age of pupils. 3c 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3d Pupil perspective: Pupils learn factually correct information appropriate to their age and schooling. Teacher perspective: I mediate the curriculum properly. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: Pupil perspective: Pupils can integrate the curriculum into their thought structure, they are to connect it with their previous curriculum or experience. Teacher perspective: I explain the curriculum using the previous pupils' knowledge and experience 3e 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: Pupil perspective: Pupils understand how the selected teaching methods and organizational forms help to achieve the aim. Teacher perspective: I use teaching methods and organizational forms that support learners' learning and lead to achieving the aim. 3f 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3g Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Teacher perspective: 1 support cooperation and mutual learning. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: MINfSTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ, MlADEÍE * TĚLOVÝCHOV* I EVROPSKÁ UNIE H Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy I Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání 6 3h Pupil Perspective: Pupils are not afraid to make a mistake and draw attention to their own mistake. They have the opportunity to understand and use it in learning. Teacher Perspective: 1 work meaningfully with the pupil's mistake and take it as an opportunity for development. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3i Pupil Perspective: Pupils naturally use ICT in their teaching. Teacher Perspective: 1 use meaningful information technology (ICT) to support learners' learning. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 4 Feedback and assessment 4a Pupils Perspective: Pupils know how to recognize whether or not they have achieved the lesson objective: they have specific information about their learning, know the criteria and understand them. They understand individual differences in the assessment. Teacher Perspective: 1 provide students with continuous feedback using descriptive language and criteria with respect to their individual needs. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 4b Pupil Perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their own procedures and results. Teacher Perspective: 1 lead pupils to reflect on their own achievements and progress in learning (self-assessment) and to provide feedback to others (classmates and teachers). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: ^c Pupil Perspective: Pupils receive several sources and types of feedback from the teacher than grades. __Teacher Perspective: I use a variety of forms of assessment and diverse indicators of learning outcomes and pupil progress. EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni 7 0 12 3 Comments, evidence: 5 Reflective teaching 5a Teacher Perspective: / reflect the course of teaching (possibly also preparation for teaching). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 5b Teacher Perspective: I set adequate goals for my professional development, put into practice the steps to achieve them and evaluate them (within the current or next semester). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzděláváni