Collaborative Project Development for Community and Environmental Impact

Week 1 (independent work) - new course, work in progress

Week 1 (asynchronous lesson = students work independently throughout the whole week)


  • learning about the structure of the course
  • finding out what the requirements for passing the course are
  • preparing a short introductory video (getting to know one's colleagues and their interests)
  • finding out possible topics for projects students will work with during the semester

The deadline for all the tasks is Sunday 11 p.m.


  • For all the tasks assigned to individuals or groups, it is required to hand them in before the deadline. The basic requirement for the interim deliverables (tasks assigned during the semester) is to cover all the required information (=following the instructions) and upload them in time. 
  • The final presentation of the project will build on all the tasks you work on during the semester and therefore requires observation of some quality standards. The RUBRIC for evaluation is available in the appropriate week together with the instructions. The required pass mark is 70%.

Week 1 syllabus (objectives, outcomes, outline, requirements, assessment)
In this file, you can find all the general information about the course. Please go through it at the beginning of the semester. If you have any questions, contact the teacher.


1) Read the syllabus and get familiar with the information about the course (aims, structure, requirements, outline of the course, assessment, use of AI in the course, ...). After you read it, take the "Quiz 1 CPD syllabus". You can take the quiz multiple times, but you are required to reach the 100% to ensure you understand the important information presented in the syllabus.

2) Record and upload an introductory videoprepare a short video of approx.1 minute where you introduce yourself and a community or/and environment-related topic that could serve as a springboard for the project you will work on in groups during the semester. We will discuss it in week 2 and you will try to decide on the best topics that you can cooperate on with one of the groups for the rest of the semester. (The basic requirements for the project are at the bottom of the page, and in the syllabus)

(introductions: name, field of studies, what do you find interesting about your program, which problems related to the environment, or your community (or any other) are of particular interest for you, In what way could you link your studies to the ecological, or social problem that concerns you? Can you already imagine a project related to that topic? What would it be/do/create? ...)

introductory videos
Upload the videos first here, convert them into an IS-friendly format, and use the generated link from IS to create a new thread in the "introductory videos forum" below. There you can also comment on the videos you watch directly below the selected video. Next week I am asking you to select 3 recordings that caught your attention and comment on them. If in doubt, consult the file with the instructions about how to upload the video into IS (also provided below).
How to upload the video into the archive and forum
Instructions with print screens - how to upload and convert the video in IS and use the generated link to create a new thread with a video in the forum.

3) Watch ALL the introductory videos of your colleagues and pick 3 that are most interesting for you topic-wise. For the selected THREEwrite a short comment (approx. 100 words each) explaining why you would like to learn more about the 3 selected topic – write the comment as a response to the video in IS forum.

NEXT week we are going to meet online. Watching the videos will help you to get familiar with the people beforehand. and it will be easier to select the groups and topics for the project we will work on throughout the semester. 


  • It needs to be interdisciplinary (try to link the project to your studies),
  • Have a positive impact on some community or the environment (or both)
  • The product can be tangible (a real product), but also anything else (a research, happening, lecture/workshop/…. for a specific group, …)
  • Must be finished by the end of the semester (not just the plan, but also the execution of the project)