Collaborative Project Development for Community and Environmental Impact

Week 2 (synchronous)- group formation, topic selection

SYNCHRONOUS SESSION online through MS Teams (link will be sent via school email and shared here as well)

Objectives and outcomes:

  • meeting "in person" and getting to know your colleagues better
  • selecting topics for projects
  • finalizing groups for projects (based on the topic selection)
  • clarifying any issues concerning the course organization

Based on the discussion in the last breakout room about your selected topic and its specification, upload a short summary of the points about your selected topic in the forum in IS. Try to think of a project that might be related to that topic. BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE! BE REASONABLE (you will be able to spend only approximately 3 weeks planning and 4 weeks executing the project)! If you are not sure about the project don't worry. You can offer a more general idea, or several options that you were thinking about. You can decide in the following week based on the feedback. 

Only 1 person uploads the summary for their group. 

Give information about:

  • What specific problem or need in your community or environment did you select to work on?
  • What will you do to answer this need/solve the problem (= what is the solution you will offer)?
  • HOW will you do it (solve that problem)? = What project will you create? (study, poster, prototype of a product, lecture, artwork, ... )
  • Who will directly benefit from your project (who is your target audience)?
  • What are the main tasks you need to do to complete the project?
  • Indicate the group members and the group manager (these can change throughout the semester, but it is highly advised to have a “group manager” role).