Fourth Edition How Languages are Learned Patsy M. Lightbown & Nina Spada OXFORD OXFORD university press Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, 0x2 6dp, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2013 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2013 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 10 987654321 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. 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Reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press; p.53 Extract from 'Speeding up acquisition of his/her: Explicit L1/L2 contracts help' in Second Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner: Child's Play? by Joanna White (2008) pp.193-228. With kind permission of John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia; p.54 Extract from 'Second language instruction does make a difference' by Catherine Doughty in Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Volume 13/4, pp.431-69 (1991). Reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press; p. 136 Reprinted from International journal of Educational Research, Volume 37 by Merrill Swain and Sharon Lapkin 'Talking it through: two French immersion learners' response to reformulations' pp.285-304 (2002) with permission from Elsevier; p.139 Extract from 'Corrective feedback and learner uptake' by Roy Lyster and Leila Ranta in Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Volume 19/1 pp.37-66 (1997). 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To the teachers and students from whom we have learned so much CONTENTS Acknowledgements xi Preface to the fourth edition xiii Introduction 1 Before we begin... 2 1 Language learning in early childhood 5 Preview 5 First language acquisition 5 The first three years: Milestones and developmental sequences 6 The pre-school years 12 The school years 13 Explaining first language acquisition 14 The behaviourist perspective 15 The innatist perspective 20 Interactionist/developmental perspectives 24 Language disorders and delays 29 Childhood bilingualism 30 Summary 33 Suggestions for further reading 34 2 Second language learning 35 Preview 35 Learner characteristics 36 Learning conditions 38 Studying the language of second language learners 40 Contrastive analysis, error analysis, and interlanguage 41 Developmental sequences 45 More about first language influence 57 Vocabulary 60 Pragmatics 65 Phonology 68 Sampling learners' language 72 Summary 72 Suggestions for further reading 73 viii Contents 3 Individual differences in second language learning 75 Preview 75 Research on learner characteristics 77 Intelligence 79 Language learning aptitude 80 Learning styles 83 Personality 84 Attitudes and motivation 87 Motivation in the classroom 88 Identity and ethnic group affiliation 89 Learner beliefs 90 Individual differences and classroom instruction 92 Age and second language learning 92 The critical period: More than just pronunciation? 94 Intuitions of grammaticality 95 Rate of learning 96 Age and second language instruction 96 Summary 99 Suggestions for further reading 100 4 Explaining second language learning 103 Preview 103 The behaviourist perspective 103 Second language applications: Mimicry and memorization 103 The innatist perspective 104 Second language applications: Krashen's 'Monitor Model' 106 The cognitive perspective 108 Information processing 108 Usage-based learning 110 The competition model 111 Language and the brain 113 Second language applications: Interacting, noticing, processing, and practising 113 The sociocultural perspective 118 Second language applications: Learning by talking 119 Summary 120 Suggestions for further reading 121 Contents 5 Observing learning and teaching in the second language classroom 123 Preview 123 Natural and instructional settings 123 In natural acquisition settings 124 In structure-based instructional settings 126 In communicative instructional settings 127 Observation schemes 129 Classroom comparisons: Teacher—student interactions 129 Classroom comparisons: Student-student interactions 135 Corrective feedback in the classroom 139 Questions in the classroom 145 Ethnography 149 Summary 151 Suggestions for further reading 152 6 Second language learning in the classroom 153 Preview 153 Proposals for teaching 153 1 Get it right from the beginning 154 2 Just listen ... and read 159 3 Let's talk 165 4 Get two for one 171 5 Teach what is teachable 177 6 Get it right in the end 182 Assessing the proposals 194 Summary 197 Suggestions for further reading 198 7 Popular ideas about language learning revisited 201 Preview 201 Reflecting on the popular ideas: Learning from research 201 Conclusion 212 Glossary 213 Bibliography 227 Index 249 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION How Languages Are Learned (HLAL) started out as a series of professional development workshops for teachers in Quebec, Canada, where we both worked for many years. Three editions of the book have now travelled far from those origins. When we were working on the first edition in the 1980s and 1990s we were still in the early days of remarkable growth of research in second language acquisition. In updating the research for each new edition, the decisions about what to include have grown more difficult. Keeping the book to a reasonable length has often meant choosing between classics in the field and important new studies, of which there are now so many. In this edition, we have annotated some 'Suggestions for further reading' at the end of each chapter. We encourage readers to follow these readings and the reference list to deepen their understanding of topics that we can only introduce here. In this fourth edition of HLAL, we have added 'Questions for reflection' at the end of each chapter, and we have included some new 'Activities' that give readers opportunities to explore some of the topics. Another new feature of this edition is a companion website which contains additional activities, readings, and other web-based material and resources to enhance your reading and understanding of the contents of the book. It will also provide opportunities for readers to interact with others and to share their ideas for teaching and learning languages. The website for How Languages are Learned can be accessed at We are currently working on a new series of books for teachers, the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom. Each volume, written by a different author, will focus on a specific topic (such as assessment, content-based language teaching, literacy, and oral interaction), reviewing the relevant research and linking the findings to classroom practice. We hope that the books in this series will encourage teachers to continue learning about some of the topics that are introduced in HLAL. We hope that both new readers and those who have read the previous editions of HLAL will find ideas and information that will challenge and inspire them to make their own contributions to second language learning, teaching, and research. Patsy M. Lightbown, Harwich, MA, USA Nina Spada, Toronto, ON, Canada INTRODUCTION When new methods and textbooks for second and foreign language teaching are introduced, they are often said to be based on the latest research in psychology, linguistics, or pedagogy. Teachers are told that they will be more effective than those that have gone before. In many cases, the new approaches are prescribed for immediate implementation in a school or region. Sometimes, the new materials come with opportunities for extensive training in their implementation. Sometimes, they are simply ordered and distributed to teachers who have to do their best to use them effectively. Many approaches to language teaching have been proposed and implemented. One approach requires students to learn rules of grammar and lists of vocabulary to use in translating literary texts. Another emphasizes the value of having students imitate and practise a set of correct sentences and memorize entire dialogues. Yet another encourages natural' communication between students as they engage cooperatively in tasks or projects while using the new language. In some classrooms, the second language is used as the medium to teach subject matter, with the assumption that the language itself will be learned incidentally as students focus on the academic content. How are teachers to evaluate the potential effectiveness of different instructional practices? To be sure, the most important influence on teachers' decisions is their own experience with previous successes or disappointments, as well as their understanding of the needs and abilities of their students. We believe that ideas drawn from research and theory in second language acquisition are also valuable in helping teachers to evaluate claims made by proponents of various language teaching methods. The goal of this book is to introduce teachers—both novice and experienced—to some of the language acquisition research that may help them not only to evaluate existing textbooks and materials but also to adapt them in ways that are more consistent with our understanding of how languages are learned. The book begins with a chapter on language learning in early childhood. This background is important because both second language research and second language teaching have been influenced by our understanding of how children acquire their first language. Several theories about first language (LI) learning are presented in this chapter and they are revisited later in the book in relation to second language (L2) learning. Introduction In Chapter 2 we look at second language learners' developing knowledge, their ability to use that knowledge, and how this compares with LI learning. In Chapter 3, we turn our attention to how individual learner characteristics may affect success. In Chapter 4, several theories that have been advanced to explain second language learning are presented and discussed. Chapter 5 begins with a comparison of natural and instructional environments for second language learning. We then examine some different ways in which researchers have observed and described teaching and learning practices in second language classrooms. In Chapter 6, we examine six proposals that have been made for second language teaching. Examples of research related to each of the proposals are presented, leading to a discussion of the evidence available for assessing their effectiveness. The chapter ends with a discussion of what research findings suggest about the most effective ways to teach and learn a second language in the classroom. In Chapter 7, we will provide a general summary of the book by looking at how research can inform our response to some 'popular opinions' about language learning and teaching that are introduced below. A Glossary provides a quick reference for a number of terms that may be new or have specific technical meanings in the context of language acquisition research. Glossary words are shown in bold letters where they first appear in the text. For readers who would like to find out more, an annotated list of suggestions for further reading is included at the end of each chapter. The Bibliography provides full reference information for the suggested readings and all the works that are referred to in the text. We have tried to present the information in a way that does not assume that readers are already familiar with research methods or theoretical issues in second language learning. Examples and case studies are included throughout the book to illustrate the research ideas. Many of the examples are taken from second language classrooms. We have also included a number of activities for readers to practise some of the techniques of observation and analysis used in the research that we review in this book. At the end of each chapter are 'Questions for reflection' to help readers consolidate and expand their understanding of the material. Before we begin ... It is probably true, as some have claimed, that most of us teach as we were taught or in a way that matches our ideas and preferences about how we learn. Take a moment to reflect on your views about how languages are learned and what you think this means about how they should be taught. The statements in the activity below summarize some popular opinions about language Introduction learning and teaching. Think about whether you agree or disagree with each opinion. Keep these statements and your reactions to them in mind as you read about current research and theory in second language learning. activity Give your opinion on these statements Indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement by marking an X in the box associated with your opinion: SA-strongly agree A-agree somewhat D-disagree somewhat SD-strongly disagree SA A D SD 1 Languages are learned mainly through imitation. 2 Parents usually correct young children when they make grammatical errors. 3 Highly intelligent people are good language learners. 4 The most important predictor of success in second language acquisition is motivation. 5 The earlier a second language is introduced in school programmes, the greater the likelihood of success in learning. 6 Most of the mistakes that second language learners make are due to interference from their first language. 7 The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading. 8 It is essential for learners to be able to pronounce all the individual sounds in the second language. 9 Once learners know 1,000 words and the basic structure of a language, they can easily participate in conversations with native speakers. 10 Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should practise examples of each one before going on to another. 11 Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones. Introduction 12 Learners' errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to prevent the formation of bad habits. 13 Teachers should use materials that expose students only to language structures they have already been taught. 14 When learners are allowed to interact freely (for example, in group or pair activities), they copy each other's mistakes. 15 Students learn what they are taught. 16 Teachers should respond to students' errors by correctly rephrasing what they have said rather than by explicitly pointing out the error. 17 Students can learn both language and academic content (for example, science and history) simultaneously in classes where the subject matter is taught in their second language. 18 Classrooms are good places to learn about language but not for learning how to use language. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press LANGUAGE LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Preview In this chapter, we will look briefly at the language development of young children. We will then consider several theories that have been offered as explanations for how language is learned. There is an immense amount of research on child language. Although much of this research has been done in middle-class North American and European families, there is a rich body of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural research as well. Our purpose in this chapter is to touch on a few main points in this research, primarily as a preparation for the discussion of second language acquisition (SLA), which is the focus of this book. First language acquisition Language acquisition is one of the most impressive and fascinating aspects of human development. We listen with pleasure to the sounds made by a three-month-old baby. We laugh and answer' the conversational 'ba-ba-ba babbling of older babies, and we share in the pride and joy of parents whose one-year-old has uttered the first 'bye-bye'. Indeed, learning a language is an amazing feat—one that has attracted the attention of linguists and psychologists for generations. How do children accomplish this? What enables a child not only to learn words, but to put them together in meaningful sentences? What pushes children to go on developing complex grammatical language even though their early simple communication is successful for most purposes? Does child language develop similarly around the world? How do bilingual children acquire more than one language? Language learning in early childhood Thefirst three years: Milestones and developmental sequences One remarkable thing about first language acquisition is the high degree of similarity in the early language of children all over the world. Researchers have described developmental sequences for many aspects of first language acquisition. The earliest vocalizations are simply the involuntary crying that babies do when they are hungry or uncomfortable. Soon, however, we hear the cooing and gurgling sounds of contented babies, lying in their beds looking at fascinating shapes and movement around them. Even though they have little control over the sounds they make in these early weeks of life, infants are able to hear subtle differences between the sounds of human languages. Not only do they distinguish the voice of their mothers from those of other speakers, they also seem to recognize the language that was spoken around their mother before they were born. Furthermore, in cleverly designed experiments, researchers have demonstrated that tiny babies are capable of very fine auditory discrimination. For example, they can hear the difference between sounds as similar as pa' and 'ba. Janet Werker, Patricia Kuhl, and others have used new technologies that allow us to see how sensitive infants are to speech sounds. What may seem even more remarkable is that infants stop making distinctions between sounds that are not phonemic in the language that is spoken around them. For example, by the time they are a year old, babies who will become speakers of Arabic stop reacting to the difference between pa' and 'ba which is not phonemic in Arabic. Babies who regularly hear more than one language in their environment continue to respond to these differences for a longer period (Werker, Weikum, and Yoshida 2006). One important finding is that it is not enough for babies to hear language sounds from electronic devices. In order to learn—or retain—the ability to distinguish between sounds, they need to interact with a human speaker (Conboy and Kuhl 2011). The Internet abounds with remarkable videos of infants reacting to language sounds. Whether they are becoming monolingual or bilingual children, however, it will be many months before their own vocalizations begin to reflect the characteristics of the language or languages they hear and longer still before they connect language sounds with specific meaning. However, by the end of their first year, most babies understand quite a few frequently repeated words in the language or languages spoken around them. They wave when someone says 'bye-bye'; they clap when someone says 'pat-a-cake'; they eagerly hurry to the kitchen when 'juice and cookies' are mentioned. At 12 months, most babies will have begun to produce a word or two that everyone recognizes. By the age of two, most children reliably produce at least 50 different words and some produce many more. About this time, they begin to combine words into simple sentences such as 'Mommy juice' and Language learning in early childhood 'baby fall down'. These sentences are sometimes called telegraphic' because they leave out such things as articles, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs. "We recognize them as sentences because, even though function words and grammatical morphemes are missing, the word order reflects the word order of the language they are hearing and the combined words have a meaningful relationship that makes them more than just a list of words. Thus, for an English-speaking child, 'kiss baby' does not mean the same thing as 'baby kiss'. Remarkably, we also see evidence, even in these early sentences that children are doing more than imperfectly imitating what they have heard. Their two- and three-word sentences show signs that they can creatively combine words. For example, 'more outside' may mean 'I want to go outside again.' Depending on the situation, 'Daddy uh-oh' might mean 'Daddy fell down' or 'Daddy dropped something or even 'Daddy, please do that funny thing where you pretend to drop me off your lap.' As children progress through the discovery of language in their first three years, there are predictable patterns in the emergence and development of many features of the language they are learning. For some language features, these patterns have been described in terms of developmental sequences or stages'. To some extent, these stages in language acquisition are related to children's cognitive development. For example, children do not use temporal adverbs such as 'tomorrow' or 'last week' until they develop some understanding of time. In other cases, the developmental sequences seem to reflect the gradual acquisition of the linguistic elements for expressing ideas that have been present in children's cognitive understanding for a long time. For example, children can distinguish between singular and plural long before they reliably add plural endings to nouns. Correct use of irregular plurals (such as 'feet') takes even more time and may not be completely under control until the school years. Grammatical morphemes In the 1960s, several researchers focused on how children acquire grammatical morphemes in English. One of the best-known studies was carried out by Roger Brown and his colleagues and students. In a longitudinal study of the language development of three children (called Adam, Eve, and Sarah) they found that 14 grammatical morphemes were acquired in a similar sequence. The list below (adapted from Brown's 1973 book) shows some of the morphemes they studied. present progressive -ing (Mommy running) plural -s (two books) irregular past forms (Baby went) possessive -s (DaddyV hat) copula (Mommy is happy) articles the and a Language learning in early childhood regular past -ed (she walk^ third person singular simple present -s (she runs) auxiliary be (he is coming) Brown and his colleagues found that a child who had mastered the grammatical morphemes at the bottom of the list had also mastered those at the top, but the reverse was not true. Thus, there was evidence for a 'developmental sequence' or order of acquisition. However, the children did not acquire the morphemes at the same age or rate. Eve had mastered nearly all the morphemes before she was two-and-a-half years old, while Sarah and Adam were still working on them when they were three-and-a-half or four. Brown's longitudinal work was confirmed in a cross-sectional study of 21 children. Jill and Peter de Villiers (1973) found that children who correctly used the morphemes that Adam, Eve, and Sarah had acquired late were also able to use the ones that Adam, Eve, and Sarah had acquired earlier. The children mastered the morphemes at different ages, just as Adam, Eve, and Sarah had done, but the order of their acquisition was very similar. Many hypotheses have been advanced to explain why these grammatical morphemes are acquired in the observed order. Researchers have studied the frequency with which the morphemes occur in parents' speech, the cognitive complexity of the meanings represented by each morpheme, and the difficulty of perceiving or pronouncing them. In the end, there has been no simple satisfactory explanation for the sequence, and most researchers agree that the order is determined by an interaction among a number of different factors. To supplement the evidence we have from simply observing children, some carefully designed procedures have been developed to further explore children's knowledge of grammatical morphemes. One of the first and best known is the so-called 'wug test' developed by Jean Berko Gleason (1958). In this 'test', children are shown drawings of imaginary creatures with novel names or people performing mysterious actions. For example, they are told, 'Here is a wug. Now there are two of them. There are two_' or 'Here is a man who knows how to bod. Yesterday he did the same thing. Yesterday, he_'. By completing these sentences with 'wugs' and 'bodded', children demonstrate that they know the patterns for plural and simple past in English. By generalizing these patterns to words they have never heard before, they show that their language is more than just a list of memorized word pairs such as 'book/ books' and 'nod/nodded'. activity Try out the 'wug' test A web search for'wug test' will turn up many examples of the pictures and the text created for this landmark research. If you know some English-speaking children under the age of five years, try using the test with them. Language learning in early childhood 1 What similarities and differences do you notice among the children at different ages? 2 Which grammatical morphemes do they find easy and which ones are more difficult? The acquisition of other language features also shows how children's language develops systematically, and how they go beyond what they have heard to create new forms and structures. Negation Children learn the functions of negation very early. That is, they learn to comment on the disappearance of objects, to refuse a suggestion, or to reject an assertion, even at the single word stage. However, as Lois Bloom's (1991) longitudinal studies show, even though children understand these functions and express them with single words and gestures, it takes some time before they can express them in sentences, using the appropriate words and word order. The following stages in the development of negation have been observed in the acquisition of English. Similar stages have been observed in other languages as well (Wode 1981). Stage 1 Negation is usually expressed by the word 'no', either all alone or as the first word in the utterance. No. No cookie. No comb hair. Stage 2 Utterances grow longer and the sentence subject may be included. The negative word appears just before the verb. Sentences expressing rejection or prohibition often use 'don't'. Daddy no comb hair. Don't touch that! Stage 3 The negative element is inserted into a more complex sentence. Children may add forms of the negative other than no', including words like 'can't' and 'don't'. These sentences appear to follow the correct English pattern of attaching the negative to the auxiliary or modal verb. However, children do not yet vary these forms for different persons or tenses. I can't do it. He don't want it. Stage 4 Children begin to attach the negative element to the correct form of auxiliary verbs such as 'do' and 'be'. Language learning in early childhood You didn't have supper. She doesn't want it. Even though their language system is by now quite complex, they may still have difficulty with some other features related to negatives. I don't have no more candies. Questions The challenge of learning complex language systems is also illustrated in the developmental stages through which children learn to ask questions. There is a remarkable consistency in the way children learn to form questions in English. For one thing, there is a predictable order in which the 'wh- words' emerge (Bloom 1991). 'What' is generally the first wh- question word to be used. It is often learned as part of a chunk ('Whassat?') and it is some time before the child learns that there are variations of the form, such as 'What is that?' and 'What are these?'. 'Where' and 'who' emerge very soon. Identifying and locating people and objects are within the child's understanding of the world. Furthermore, adults tend to ask children just these types of questions in the early days of language learning, for example, 'Where's Mommy?' or 'Who's that?' 'Why' emerges around the end of the second year and becomes a favourite for the next year or two. Children seem to ask an endless number of questions beginning with 'why', having discovered how effectively this little word gets adults to engage in conversation, for example, 'Why that lady has blue hair?' Finally, when the child has a better understanding of manner and time, 'how' and 'when emerge. In contrast to 'what', 'where', and 'who' questions, children sometimes ask the more cognitively difficult 'why', 'when', and 'how' questions without understanding the answers they get, as the following conversation with a four-year-old clearly shows. child When can we go outside? parent In about five minutes. child 1-2-3-4-5! Can we go now? The ability to use these question words is at least partly tied to children's cognitive development. It is also predicted in part by the questions children are asked and the linguistic complexity of questions with different wh- words. Thus it does not seem surprising that there is consistency in the sequence of their acquisition. Perhaps more surprising is the consistency in the acquisition of word order in questions. This development is not based on learning new meanings, but rather on learning different linguistic patterns to express meanings that are already understood. Language learning in early childhood Stage 1 Children's earliest questions are single words or simple two- or three-word sentences with rising intonation: Cookie? Mommy book? At the same time, they may produce some correct questions—correct because they have been learned as chunks: Where's Daddy? What's that? Stage 2 As they begin to ask more new questions, children use the word order of the declarative sentence, with rising intonation. You like this? I have some? They continue to produce the correct chunk-learned forms such as 'What's that?' alongside their own created questions. Stage 3 Gradually, children notice that the structure of questions is different and begin to produce questions such as: Can I go? Are you happy? Although some questions at this stage match the adult pattern, they may be right for the wrong reason. To describe this, we need to see the pattern from the child's perspective rather than from the perspective of the adult grammar. We call this stage 'fronting' because the child's rule seems to be that questions are formed by putting something (a verb or question word) at the 'front' of a sentence, leaving the rest of the sentence in its statement form. Is the teddy is tired? Do I can have a cookie? Why you don't have one? Why you catched it? Stage 4 At Stage 4, some questions are formed by subject-auxiliary inversion. The questions resemble those of Stage 3, but there is more variety in the auxiliaries that appear before the subject. Are you going to play with me? At this stage, children can even add 'do' in questions in which there would be no auxiliary in the declarative version of the sentence. Do dogs like ice cream? Even at this stage, however, children seem able to use either inversion or a wh-word, but not both (for example, 'Is he crying?' but not 'Why is he crying?' Language learning in early childhood Therefore, we may find inversion in yes/no questions but not in wh- questions, unless they are formulaic units such as 'What's that?' Stage 5 At Stage 5, both wh- andyes/no questions are formed correctly. Are these your boots? Why did you do that? Does Daddy have a box? Negative questions may still be a bit too difficult. Why the teddy bear can't go outside? And even though performance on most questions is correct, there is still one more hurdle. When wh- words appear in subordinate clauses or embedded questions, children overgeneralize the inverted form that would be correct for simple questions and produce sentences such as: Ask him why can't he go out. Stage 6 At this stage, children are able to correctly form all question types, including negative and complex embedded questions. Passage through developmental sequences does not always follow a steady uninterrupted path. Children appear to learn new things and then fall back on old patterns when there is added stress in a new situation or when they are using other new elements in their language. But the overall path takes them toward a closer and closer approximation of the language that is spoken around them. The preschool years By the age of four, most children can ask questions, give commands, report real events, and create stories about imaginary ones, using correct word order and grammatical markers most of the time. In fact, it is generally accepted that by age four, children have acquired the basic structures of the language or languages spoken to them in these early years. Three- and four-year-olds continue to learn vocabulary at the rate of several words a day. They begin to acquire less frequent and more complex linguistic structures such as passives and relative clauses. Much of children's language acquisition effort in the late pre-school years is spent in developing their ability to use language in a widening social environment. They use language in a greater variety of situations. They interact more often with unfamiliar adults. They begin to talk sensibly on the telephone to invisible grandparents (younger children do not understand that their telephone partner cannot see what they see). They acquire the aggressive or Language learning in early childhood cajoling language that is needed to defend their toys in the playground. They show that they have learned the difference between how adults talk to babies and how they talk to each other, and they use this knowledge in elaborate pretend play in which they practise using these different 'voices'. In this way, they explore and begin to understand how and why language varies. In the pre-school years, children also begin to develop metalinguistic awareness, the ability to treat language as an object separate from the meaning it conveys. Three-year-old children can tell you that it's 'silly' to say 'drink the chair', because it doesn't make sense. However, although they would never say cake the eat', they are less sure that there's anything wrong with it. They may show that they know it's a bit odd, but they will focus mainly on the fact that they can understand what it means. Five-year-olds, on the other hand, know that 'drink the chair is wrong in a different way from 'cake the eat'. They can tell you that one is 'silly' but the other is 'the wrong way around'. Language acquisition in the pre-school years is impressive. It is also noteworthy that children have spent thousands of hours interacting with language—participating in conversations, eavesdropping on others' conversations, being read to, watching television, etc. A quick mathematical exercise will show you just how many hours children spend in language-rich environments. If children are awake for ten or twelve hours a day, we may estimate that they are in contact with the language of their environment for 20,000 hours or more by the time they go to school. Although pre-school children acquire complex knowledge and skills for language and language use, the school setting requires new ways of using language and brings new opportunities for language development. The school years Children develop the ability to use language to understand others and to express their own meanings in the pre-school years, and in the school years, this ability expands and grows. Learning to read gives a major boost to metalinguistic awareness. Seeing words represented by letters and other symbols on a page leads children to a new understanding that language has form as well as meaning. Reading reinforces the understanding that a 'word' is separate from the thing it represents. Unlike three-year-olds, children who can read understand that 'the' is a word, just as 'house' is. They understand that 'caterpillar' is a longer word than 'train', even though the object it represents is substantially shorter! Metalinguistic awareness also includes the discovery of such things as ambiguity. Knowing that words and sentences can have multiple meaning gives children access to word jokes, trick questions, and riddles, which they love to share with their friends and family. Language learning in early childhood One of the most impressive aspects of language development in the school years is the astonishing growth of vocabulary. Children enter school with the ability to understand and produce several thousand words, and thousands more will be learned at school. In both the spoken and written language at school, words such as 'homework' or 'ruler' appear frequently in situations where their meaning is either immediately or gradually revealed. Words like 'population' or 'latitude' occur less frequently, but they are made important by their significance in academic subject matter. Vocabulary grows at a rate of between several hundred and more than a thousand words a year, depending mainly on how much and how widely children read (Nagy, Herman, and Anderson 1985). The kind of vocabulary growth required for school success is likely to come from both reading for assignments and reading for pleasure, whether narrative or non-fiction. Dee Gardner (2004) suggests that reading a variety of text types is an essential part of vocabulary growth. His research has shown how the range of vocabulary in narrative texts is different from that in non-fiction. There are words in non-fiction texts that are unlikely to occur in stories or novels. In addition, non-fiction tends to include more opportunities to see a word in its different forms (for example, 'mummy, 'mummies', 'mummified'). The importance of reading for vocabulary growth is seen when observant parents report a child using a new word but mispronouncing it in a way that reveals it has been encountered only in written form. Another important development in the school years is the acquisition of different language registers. Children learn how written language differs from spoken language, how the language used to speak to the principal is different from the language of the playground, how the language of a science report is different from the language of a narrative. As Terry Piper (2006) and others have documented, some children will have even more to learn if they come to school speaking an ethnic or regional variety of the school language that is quite different from the one used by the teacher. They will have to learn that another variety, often referred to as the standard variety, is required for successful academic work. Other children arrive at school speaking a different language altogether. For these children, the work of language learning in the early school years presents additional opportunities and challenges. We will return to this topic when we discuss bilingualism in early childhood. Explaining first language acquisition These descriptions of language development from infancy through the early school years show that we have considerable knowledge of what children learn in their early language development. More controversial, however, are questions about how this development takes place. What abilities does the child bring to the task and what are the contributions of the environment? Language learning in early childhood Since the middle of the 20th century, three main theoretical positions have been advanced to explain language development: behaviourist, innatist, and interactional/developmental perspectives. The behaviourist perspective Behaviourism is a theory of learning that was influential in the 1940s and 1950s, especially in the United States. With regard to language learning, the best-known proponent of this psychological theory was B. E Skinner (1957). Traditional behaviourists hypothesized that when children imitated the language produced by those around them, their attempts to reproduce what they heard received 'positive reinforcement'. This could take the form of praise or just successful communication. Thus encouraged by their environment, children would continue to imitate and practise these sounds and patterns until they formed 'habits' of correct language use. According to this view, the quality and quantity of the language the child hears, as well as the consistency of the reinforcement offered by others in the environment, would shape the child's language behaviour. This theory gives great importance to the environment as the source of everything the child needs to learn. Analysing children's speech: Definitions and examples The behaviourists viewed imitation and practice as the primary processes in language development. To clarify what is meant by these two terms, consider the following definitions and examples. Imitation: word-for-word repetition of all or part of someone else's utterance. mother Shall we play with the dolls? lucy Play with dolls Practice: repetitive manipulation of form. cindy He eat carrots. The other one eat carrots. They both eat carrots. Now examine the transcripts from Peter, Cindy, and Kathryn. They were all about 24 months old when they were recorded as they played with a visiting adult. Using the definitions above, notice how Peter imitates the adult in the following dialogue. Peter (24 months) is playing with a dump truck while two adults, Patsy and Lois, look on. peter Get more. lois You're gonna put more wheels in the dump truck? peter Dump truck. Wheels. Dump truck. (later) patsy What happened to it (the truck)? Language learning in early childhood peter (looking under chair for it) Lose it. Dump truck! Dump truck! Fall! Fall! lois Yes, the dump truck fell down. peter Dump truck fell down. Dump truck. (Unpublished data from P. M. Lightbown) If we analysed a larger sample of Peter's speech, we would see that 30—40 per cent of his sentences were imitations of what someone else had just said. We would also see that his imitations were not random. That is, he did not simply imitate 30-40 per cent of everything he heard. Detailed analyses of large samples of Peter's speech over about a year showed that he imitated words and sentence structures that were just beginning to appear in his spontaneous speech. Once these new elements became solidly grounded in his language system, he stopped imitating them and went on to imitate others. Unlike a parrot who imitates the familiar and continues to repeat the same things again and again, children appear to imitate selectively. The choice of what to imitate seems to be based on something new that they have just begun to understand and use, not simply on what is available in the environment. For example, consider how Cindy imitates and practises language in the following conversations. Cindy (24 months, 16 days) is looking at a picture of a carrot in a book and trying to get Patsy's attention. cindy Kawo ? kawo ? kawo ? kawo ? kawo ? patsy What are the rabbits eating? cindy They eating ... kando? patsy No, that's a carrot. cindy Carrot, (pointing to each carrot on the page) The other ... carrot. The other carrot. The other carrot. (A few minutes later, Cindy brings Patsy a stuffed toy rabbit.) patsy What does this rabbit like to eat? cindy (incomprehensible) eat the carrots. (Cindy gets another stuffed rabbit.) cindy He (incomprehensible) eat carrots. The other one eat carrots. They both eat carrots. (One week later, Cindy opens the book to the same page.) cindy Here's the carrots, (pointing) Is that a carrot? patsy Yes. (Unpublished data from P. M. Lightbown) Language learning in early childhood Cindy appears to be working hard on her language acquisition. She practises new words and structures in a way that sounds like a student in some foreign language classes! Perhaps most interesting is that she remembers the 'language lesson' a week later and turns straight to the page in the book she had not seen since Patsy's last visit. What is most striking is that, like Peter, her imitation and practice appear to be focused on what she is currently 'working on'. The samples of speech from Peter and Cindy seem to lend some support to the behaviourist explanation of language acquisition. Even so, as we saw, the choice of what to imitate and practise seemed determined by something inside the child rather than by the environment. Not all children imitate and practise as much as Peter and Cindy did. The amount of imitation in the speech of other children, whose development proceeded at a rate comparable to that of Cindy and Peter, has been calculated at less than 10 per cent. Consider the examples of imitation and practice in the following conversation between Kathryn and Lois. Kathryn (24 months) lois Did you see the toys I brought? kathryn I bring toys? Choo choo? Lois brought the choo choo train? lois Yes, Lois brought the choo choo train. kathryn (reaching for bag) I want play with choo choo train. I want play with choo choo train, (taking out slide) Want play. What's this? lois Oh you know what that is. kathryn Put down on floor. This. I do this. (Kathryn puts the slide on the floor.) kathryn (taking out two cars of train) Do this. I want do this, (trying to put train together) I do this. I do this. lois OK. You can do it. You can do it. Look I'll show you how. CLois puts it together.) kathryn (searching in box) I get more. Get a more. No more choo choo train. Get truck, (taking out truck) Kathryn truck. Where? Where a more choo choo train? lois Inside. It's in the box. kathryn A choo choo? (taking out part of train) This is a choo choo train. Irrom Bloom and Lahey 1978: 135) like Cindy, Kathryn sometimes repeats herself or produces a series of related practice sentences, but she rarely imitates the other speaker. Instead, she asks and answers questions and elaborates on the other speaker's questions or statements. Language learning in early childhood Thus, children vary in the amount of imitation they do. In addition, many of the things they say show that they are using language creatively, not just repeating what they have heard. This is evident in the following examples. Patterns in language The first example shows a child in the process of learning patterns in language, in this case the rules of word formation, and overgeneralizing them to new contexts. Randall (36 months) had a sore on his hand. mother Maybe we need to take you to the doctor. randall Why? So he can doc my little bump? Randall forms the verb 'doc' from the noun 'doctor', by analogy with farmers who farm, swimmers who swim, and actors who act. Focus on meaning Even older children have to work out some puzzles, for example, when familiar language is used in unfamiliar ways, as in the example below. When David (5 years, 1 month) was at his older sisters birthday party, toasts were proposed with grape juice in stemmed glasses: father I'd like to propose a toast. Several minutes later, David raised his glass: david I'd like to propose a piece of bread. Only when laughter sent David slinking from the table did the group realize that he wasn't intentionally making a play on words! He was concentrating Language learning in early childhood so hard on performing the fascinating new gesture and the formulaic expression Td like to propose ...' that he failed to realize that the word he thought he knew—'toast'—was not the same toast and could not be replaced with its apparent near-synonym, 'a piece of bread'. Question formation Randall (2 years, 9 months) asked the following questions in various situations over the course of a day. Are dogs can wiggle their tails? Are those are my boots? Are this is hot? Randall had concluded that the trick of asking questions was to put are' at the beginning of the sentence. His questions are good examples of Stage 3 in question development. Order of events Randall (3 years, 5 months) was looking for a towel. You took all the towels away because I can't dry my hands. He meant 'I can't dry my hands because you took all the towels away', but he made a mistake about which clause comes first. Children at this stage of language development tend to mention events in the order of their occurrence. In this case, the towels disappeared before Randall attempted to dry his hands, so that's what he said first. He did not yet understand how a word like 'before' or 'because' changes the order of cause and effect. These examples of children's speech provide us with a window on the process of language learning. Imitation and practice alone cannot explain some of the forms created by children. They are not merely repetitions of sentences that they have heard from adults. Rather, children appear to pick out patterns and generalize them to new contexts. They create new forms or new uses of words. Their new sentences are usually comprehensible and often correct. Behaviourism seems to offer a reasonable way of understanding how children learn some of the regular and routine aspects of language, especially at the earliest stages. However, children who do little overt imitation acquire language as fully and rapidly as those who imitate a lot. And although behaviourism goes some way to explaining the sorts of overgeneralization that children make, classical behaviourism is not a satisfactory explanation for the acquisition of the more complex grammar that children acquire. These limitations led researchers to look for different explanations for language acquisition. Language learning in early childhood The innatistperspective Noam Chomsky is one of the most influential figures in linguistics, and his ideas about how language is acquired and how it is stored in the mind sparked a revolution in many aspects of linguistics and psychology, including the study of language acquisition. The innatist perspective is related to Chomsky's hypothesis that all human languages are based on some innate universal principles. In his 1959 review of B. R Skinners book Verbal Behavior, Chomsky challenged the behaviourist explanation for language acquisition. He argued that children are biologically programmed for language and that language develops in the child in just the same way that other biological functions develop. For example, every child will learn to walk as long as adequate nourishment and reasonable freedom of movement are provided. The child does not have to be taught. Most children learn to walk at about the same age, and walking is essentially the same in all normal human beings. For Chomsky, language acquisition is very similar. The environment makes only a basic contribution—in this case, the availability of people who speak to the child. The child, or rather, the child's biological endowment, will do the rest. Chomsky argued that the behaviourist theory failed to account for 'the logical problem of language acquisition—the fact that children come to know more about the structure of their language than they could reasonably be expected to learn on the basis of the samples of language they hear. The language children are exposed to includes false starts, incomplete sentences, and slips of the tongue, and yet they learn to distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences. He concluded that children's minds are not blank slates to be filled by imitating language they hear in the environment. Instead, he hypothesized, children are born with a specific innate ability to discover for themselves the underlying rules of a language system on the basis of the samples of a natural language they are exposed to. This innate endowment was seen as a sort of template, containing the principles that are universal to all human languages. This universal grammar (UG) would prevent the child from pursuing all sorts of wrong hypotheses about how language systems might work. If children are pre-equipped with UG, then what they have to learn is the ways in which the language they are acquiring makes use of these principles. Consider the following sentences, from a book by Lydia White (1989). These English sentences contain the reflexive pronoun 'himself. Both the pronoun and the noun it refers to (the antecedent) are printed in italics. (An asterisk at the beginning of a sentence indicates that the sentence is ungrammatical.) a John saw himself. b ^Himselfsaw John. Language learning in early childhood In (a) and (b), it looks as if the reflexive pronoun must follow the noun it refers to. But (c) disproves this: c Looking after himself 'bores fohn. If we consider sentences such as: d John said that Fred liked himself e *fohn said that Fred liked himself f John told Bill to wash himself g *John told Bill to wash himself. we might conclude that the noun closest to the reflexive pronoun is the antecedent. However, (h) shows that this rule won't work either: h John promised Bill to wash himself. And it's even more complicated than that. Usually the reflexive must be in the same clause as the antecedent as in (a) and (d), but not always, as in (h). Furthermore, the reflexive can be in the subject position in (i) but not in (j). i John believes himself to be intelligent (non-finite clause). j *John believes that himself is intelligent (finite clause). In some cases, more than one antecedent is possible, as in (k) where the reflexive could refer to either John or Bill: k John? showed Bill?, a picture of himself When we look at this kind of complexity, it seems it would be very hard to learn, and children do make errors along the way. Yet, most school-age children would be able to correctly interpret the grammatical sentences and recognize the ungrammaticality of the others. Researchers who study language acquisition from the innatist perspective argue that such complex grammar could never be learned purely on the basis of imitating and practising sentences available in the input. They hypothesize that since all children acquire the language of their environment, they must have some innate mechanism or knowledge that allows them to discover such complex syntax in spite of limitations of the input. They hypothesize furthermore that the innate mechanism is used exclusively for language acquisition. The innatist perspective emphasizes the fact that almost all children successfully acquire their native language—or more than one language if they live in a multilingual community. Children who are profoundly deaf will learn sign language if they are exposed to it in infancy, and their progress in the acquisition of that language system is similar to hearing children's acquisition of spoken language. Even children with very limited cognitive ability develop quite complex language systems if they are brought up in environments in which people interact with them. Language learning in early childhood Children acquire the basic syntax and morphology of the language spoken to them in a variety of conditions, some of which would be expected to enhance language development (for example, caring, attentive parents who focus on the child's language), and some which might be expected to inhibit it (for example, abusive or rejecting parents). Children achieve different levels of vocabulary, creativity, social grace, and so on, but virtually all achieve the ability to use the patterns of the language or languages spoken to them. This is seen as support for the hypothesis that language is somehow separate from other aspects of cognitive development and may depend on a specific module of the brain. The Critical Period Hypothesis The innatist perspective is often linked to the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH)—the hypothesis that animals, including humans, are genetically programmed to acquire certain kinds of knowledge and skill at specific times in life. Beyond those critical periods', it is either difficult or impossible to acquire those abilities. With regard to language, the CPH suggests that children who are not given access to language in infancy and early childhood (because of deafness or extreme isolation) will never acquire language if these deprivations go on for too long. It is difficult to find evidence for or against the CPH, since nearly all children are exposed to language at an early age. However, history has documented a few natural experiments' where children have been deprived of contact with language. Two of the most famous cases are those of'Victor' and 'Genie'. In 1799, a boy who became known as Victor was found wandering naked in the woods in France. His story was dramatized in a 1970 film by Francois Truffaut called L'enfantsauvage (The Wild Child). When Victor was captured, he was about 12 years old and completely wild, apparently having had no contact with humans. Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, a young doctor accustomed to working with deaf children, devoted five years to socializing Victor and trying to teach him language. Although he succeeded to some extent in developing Victors sociability, memory, and judgement, there was little progress in his language ability. Nearly 200 years later, Genie, a 13-year-old girl who had been isolated, neglected, and abused, was discovered in California. Because of the irrational demands of a disturbed father and the submission and fear of an abused mother, Genie had spent more than 11 years tied to a chair or a crib in a small, darkened room. Her father had forbidden his wife and son to speak to Genie and had himself only growled and barked at her. She was beaten when she made any kind of noise, and she had long since resorted to complete silence. Genie was undeveloped physically, emotionally, and intellectually. She had no language. Language learning in early childhood After she was discovered, Genie was cared for and educated with the participation of many teachers and therapists, including Susan Curtiss (1977). After a brief period in a rehabilitation centre, she lived in a foster home and attended special schools. Genie made remarkable progress in becoming socialized and cognitively aware. She developed deep personal relationships and strong individual tastes and traits. Nevertheless, after five years of exposure to language, Genie's language was not like that of a typical five-year old. There was a larger than normal gap between comprehension and production. She used grammatical forms inconsistently and overused formulaic and routine speech. Although Victor and Genie appear to provide evidence in support of the CPH, it is difficult to argue that the hypothesis is confirmed on the basis of evidence from such unusual cases. We cannot know what other factors besides biological maturity might have contributed to their inability to learn language. It is not possible to determine whether either of them suffered from brain damage, developmental delays, or a specific language impairment, even before they were separated from normal human interaction. A more appropriate test of the CPH is the case of children who come from homes where they receive love and care from their parents, yet do not have access to language at the usual time. This is the case for some profoundly deaf children who have hearing parents. Only 5-10 per cent of the profoundly deaf are born to deaf parents, and only these children are likely to be exposed to ASL from birth. Hearing parents may not realize that their child cannot hear because the child uses other senses to interact in an apparently normal way. Thus, the early childhood period may be normal in most ways but devoid of language that is accessible to the child. These children's later experience in learning sign language has been the subject of some important research related to the CPH. Like oral and written languages, American Sign Language (ASL) makes use of grammatical markers to indicate such things as time (for example, past tense) and number. These markers are expressed through specific hand or body movements. Elissa Newport (1990) and her colleagues studied the ability of deaf users of ASL to produce and comprehend grammatical markers. They compared Native signers (who were exposed to ASL from birth), Early signers (who began using ASL between four and six years of age), and Late signers (who began learning ASL after age 12). They found no difference between the groups in some aspects of their use of ASL, for example in vocabulary knowledge. However, on tests focusing on grammatical markers, the Native group used the markers more consistently than the Early group who, in turn, used them more consistently than the Late group. The researchers concluded that Language learning in early childhood their study supports the hypothesis that there is a critical period for first language acquisition, whether that language is oral or gestural. Another line of research that has given new insight into the importance of early language experience comes from studies of 'international adoptees.' These are children who were adopted at an early age by families who did not speak the language the child had heard during infancy. In their review of studies of international adoptees, Johanne Paradis, Fred Genesee, and Martha Crago (2011) concluded that cognitive and linguistic outcomes were generally very positive. Some comparisons of their language with that of children the same age who had always heard the same language showed that subtle differences persist even after several years, but these are not the kinds of differences that most people would notice. Here again, of course, one cannot know whether something other than a late exposure to the language spoken in the adoptive environment also contributed to differences between these children and others who did not experience an abrupt change in their language environment. Nevertheless, with continuing research on children's linguistic behaviours and intuitions, as well as the neurological studies of infants' speech perception that we saw above, it is becoming clearer that language acquisition begins at birth, and possibly even before, as the child's brain is shaped by exposure to the language(s) in the environment. The innatist perspective is thus partly based on evidence that there is a critical period for language acquisition. It is also seen as an explanation for 'the logical problem of language acquisition, that is, the question of how adult speakers come to know the complex structure of their first language on the basis of the limited samples of language to which they are exposed. Interactionistldevelopmental perspectives Developmental and cognitive psychologists have focused on the interplay between the innate learning ability of children and the environment in which they develop. They argue that the innatists place too much emphasis on the 'final state' (the competence of adult native speakers) and not enough on the developmental aspects of language acquisition. In their view, language acquisition is but one example of the human child's ability to learn from experience, and they see no need to assume that there are specific brain structures devoted to language acquisition. They hypothesize that what children need to know is essentially available in the language they are exposed to as they hear it used in thousands of hours of interactions with the people and objects around them. Psychologists attribute considerably more importance to the environment than the innatists do even though they also recognize a powerful learning mechanism in the human brain. They see language acquisition as similar to and influenced by the acquisition of other kinds of skill and knowledge, rather than as something that is different from and largely independent of Language learning in early childhood the child's experience and cognitive development. Indeed, researchers such as Dan Slobin (1973) have long emphasized the close relationship between children's cognitive development and their acquisition of language. Piaget and Vygotsky One of the earliest proponents of the view that children's language is built on their cognitive development was the Swiss psychologist/epistemologist, Jean Piaget (1951). In the early decades of the 20th century, Piaget observed infants and children in their play and in their interaction with objects and people. He was able to trace the development of their cognitive understanding of such things as object permanence (knowing that things hidden from sight are still there), the stability of quantities regardless of changes in their appearance (knowing that 10 pennies spread out to form a long line are not more numerous than 10 pennies in a tightly squeezed line), and logical inferencing (figuring out which properties of a set of rods (their size, weight, material, etc.) cause some rods to sink and others to float on water). It is easy to see how children's cognitive development would partly determine how they acquire language. For example, the use of certain terms such as 'bigger' or more' depends on the children's understanding of the concepts they represent. The developing cognitive understanding is built on the interaction between the child and the things that can be observed or manipulated. For Piaget, language was one of a number of symbol systems that are developed in childhood. Language can be used to represent knowledge that children have acquired through physical interaction with the environment. Another influential student of child development was the psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1978). He observed interactions among children and also between children and adults in schools in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s. He concluded that language develops primarily from social interaction. He argued that in a supportive interactive environment, children are able to advance to higher levels of knowledge and performance. Vygotsky referred to a metaphorical place in which children could do more than they would be capable of doing independently as the zone of proximal development (ZPD). Vygotsky observed the importance of conversations that children have with adults and with other children and saw in these conversations the origins of both language and thought. The conversations provide the child with scaffolding, that is, a kind of supportive structure that helps them make the most of the knowledge they have and also to acquire new knowledge. Vygotsky s view differs from Piaget's. Piaget saw language as a symbol system that could be used to express knowledge acquired through interaction with the physical world. For Vygotsky, thought was essentially internalized speech, and speech emerged in social interaction. Vygotsky's views have become increasingly central in research on second language development, as we will see in Chapter 4. 26 Language learning in early childhood Cross-cultural research Since the 1970s, researchers have studied children's language learning environments in a great many different cultural communities. The research has focused not only on the development of language itself, but also on the ways in which the environment provides what children need for language acquisition. Between 1985 and 1997, Dan Slobin edited five volumes devoted to research on the acquisition of 28 languages, providing examples and analyses of child language and the language-learning environment from communities around the world. One of the most remarkable resources for child language researchers is the Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES), where researchers have contributed child language data in dozens of languages in recorded and transcribed forms that are available as electronic files from the CHILDES website (MacWhinney 2000). One feature of cross-cultural research is the description of child-rearing patterns. Catherine Snow (1995) and others have studied the apparent effects on language acquisition of the ways in which adults talk to and interact with young children. In middle-class North American homes, researchers observed that adults often modify the way they speak when talking to little children. This child-directed speech may be characterized by a slower rate of delivery, higher pitch, more varied intonation, shorter, simpler sentence patterns, stress on keywords, frequent repetition, and paraphrase. Furthermore, topics of conversation emphasize the child's immediate environment, picture books, or experiences that the adult knows the child has had. Adults often repeat the content of a child's utterance, but they expand or recast it into a grammatically correct sentence. For example, when Peter says, 'Dump truck! Dump truck! Fall! Fall!', Lois responds, 'Yes, the dump truck fell down.' BaJ>y go bye-bye /^) Has &e not considered -the effects of sucu. iiput ? Language learning in early childhood Researchers working in a 'language socialization framework have found that the kind of child-directed speech observed in middle-class American homes is by no means universal. In some societies, adults do not engage in conversation or verbal play with very young children. For example, Bambi Schieffelin (1990) found that Kaluli mothers in Papua New Guinea did not consider their children to be appropriate conversational partners. Martha Crago (1992) observed that in traditional Inuit society, children are expected to watch and listen to adults. They are not expected or encouraged to participate in conversations with adults until they are older and have more developed language skills. Other researchers have observed that in some societies, young children interact primarily with older siblings who serve as their caregivers. Even within the United States, Shirley Brice Heath (1983) and others have documented substantial differences in the ways parents in different socioeconomic and ethnic groups interact with their children. Nevertheless, in every society, children are in situations in which they hear language that is meaningful to them in their environment. And they acquire the community language. Thus, it is difficult to judge the long-term effect of the modifications that some adults make in speech addressed to children. The importance of interaction The role of interaction between a language-learning child and an interlocutor who responds to the child is illuminated by cases where such interaction is missing. Jacqueline Sachs and her colleagues (1981) studied the language development of a child they called Jim. He was a hearing child of deaf parents, and his only contact with oral language was through television, which he watched frequently. The family was unusual in that the parents did not use sign language with Jim. Thus, although in other respects he was well cared for, Jim did not begin his linguistic development in a normal environment in which a parent communicated with him in either oral or sign language. A language assessment at three years and nine months indicated that he was well below age level in all aspects of language. Although he attempted to express ideas appropriate to his age, he used unusual, ungrammatical word order. When Jim began conversational sessions with an adult, his expressive abilities began to improve. By the age of four years and two months most of the unusual speech patterns had disappeared, replaced by language more typical of his age. Jim's younger brother Glenn did not display the same type of language delay. Glenn's linguistic environment was different from Jim's: he had his older brother—not only as a model, but, more importantly as a conversational partner whose interaction allowed Glenn to develop language in a more typical way. Language learning in early childhood Jim showed very rapid acquisition of English once he began to interact with an adult on a one-to-one basis. The fact that he had failed to acquire language normally prior to this experience suggests that impersonal sources of language such as television or radio alone are not sufficient. One-to-one interaction gives children access to language that is adjusted to their level of comprehension. When a child does not understand, the adult may repeat or paraphrase. The response of the adult may also allow children to find out when their own utterances are understood. Television, for obvious reasons, does not provide such interaction. Even in children's programmes, where simpler language is used and topics are relevant to younger viewers, no immediate adjustment is made for the needs of an individual child. Once children have acquired some language, however, television can be a source of language and cultural information. Usage-based learning As more and more research has documented the ways in which children interact with the environment, developmental and cognitive psychologists find further evidence that language acquisition is usage-based'. In this view, language acquisition is possible because of children's general cognitive capacities and the vast number of opportunities they have to make connections between the language they hear and what they experience in their environment. Sophisticated electronic recording devices have been used to track and count words and phrases children hear in their daily lives. Deb Roy documented his son's acquisition of words, showing the frequency and the contexts for the occurrence of language. Most remarkable, perhaps, is the demonstration of the power of interaction between the child and the adults and how adults focus on the language the child has begun to use (Roy 2009). The usage-based perspective on language acquisition differs from the behaviourist view in that the emphasis is more on the child's ability to create networks of associations rather than on processes of imitation and habit formation. Referred to by various names, including cognitive linguistics, this view also differs sharply from the innatists' because language acquisition is not seen as requiring a separate 'module of the mind' but rather depends on the child's general learning abilities and the contributions of the environment. As Elena Lieven and Michael Tomasello (2008) put it, 'Children learn language from their language experiences—there is no other way' (p. 168). According to this view, what children need to know is essentially available to them in the language they are exposed to. Some of the early research in this framework was done in the context of con-nectionism and involved computer simulations in which language samples were provided as input to a fairly simple program. The goal was to show that the computer could 'learn' certain things if exposed to enough examples. The program was found to be able to sort out the patterns from the input and even generalize beyond what it was actually exposed to. It even made the Language learning in early childhood same kinds of creative 'mistakes' that children make, such as putting a regular Wending on an irregular verb, for example, eated. In a usage-based model, language acquisition involves not only associating words with elements of external reality. It is also a process of associating words and phrases with the other words and phrases that occur with them, or words with grammatical morphemes that occur with them. For example, children learning languages in which nouns have grammatical gender learn to associate the appropriate article and adjective forms with nouns. So if children are learning French, they learn that la and une go with chaise (chair) and le and un go with livre (book). Similarly, they learn to associate pronouns with the verb forms that mark person and number—ilaime (he likes) and nous aimons (we like). They also learn which temporal adverbs go with which verb tenses. Of particular importance to this hypothesis is the fact that children are exposed to many thousands of opportunities to learn words and phrases. Learning takes place gradually, as the number of links between language and meaning and among language forms are built up. For usage-based theorists, acquisition of language, while impressive, is not the only remarkable feat accomplished by the child. They compare it to other cognitive and perceptual learning, including learning to 'see'. That is, the visual abilities that we take for granted, for example, focusing on and interpreting objects in our %isual field, are actually learned through experience. Language disorders and delays Although most children progress through the stages of language development without significant difficulty or delay, there are some children for whom this is not the case. A discussion of the various types of disabilities (including deafness, articulatory problems, autism, dyslexia, and so on) that sometimes affect language development is outside the scope of this book. It is essential that parents and teachers be encouraged to seek professional advice if they feel that a child is not developing language normally, keeping in mind that the range for normal' is wide indeed. While most children produce recognizable first words by 12 months, some may not speak before the age of three years. In very young children, one way to determine whether delayed language reflects a problem or simply an individual tfifference within the normal range is to determine whether the child responds no language and appears to understand even if he or she is not speaking. For older children, delays in learning to read that seem out of keeping with a child's overall cognitive functioning may suggest that there is a specific problem in that domain. Some children seem to begin reading almost by magic, discovering the mysteries of print with little direct instruction. For most children, instruction that includes some systematic attention to Language learning in early childhood sound-letter correspondences allows them to unlock the treasure chest of reading. Both groups fall within a normal range. For some children, however, reading presents such great challenges that they need expert help beyond what is available in a typical classroom. Childhood bilingualism The language development of children who learn multiple languages during childhood is of enormous importance throughout the world. Indeed, the majority of the world's children are exposed to more than one language. Some children learn multiple languages from earliest childhood; others acquire additional languages when they go to school. The acquisition and maintenance of more than one language can open doors to many personal, social, and economic opportunities. Unfortunately, as Jim Cummins (2000) and others have pointed out, children who already know one or more languages and who arrive at their first day of school without an age-appropriate knowledge of the language of the school have often been misdiagnosed as having language delays or disorders. This includes immigrant and minority language children who do not speak the school language at home and children who speak a different variety of the school language. These children's knowledge of a different language or language variety is often incorrectly interpreted as a lack of normal language development and a lack of background knowledge for school subjects. They may be placed in remedial or special education classes because schools are not equipped to provide an adequate assessment of children's ability to use their home language or of their general cognitive abilities or their knowledge of school subjects, learned through another language. Researchers have recently made important progress in providing guidelines that can help educators distinguish between disability and diversity (Paradis, Genesee, and Crago 2011), but much practical work remains to be done so that children can make the most of their cognitive and linguistic abilities. Children who learn more than one language from earliest childhood are referred to as 'simultaneous bilinguals', whereas those who learn another language later may be called 'sequential bilinguals'. We sometimes hear people express the opinion that it is too difficult for children to cope with two languages. They fear that the children will be confused or will not learn either language well. However, there is little support for the myth that learning more than one language in early childhood is a problem for children who have adequate opportunities to use each one. There is a considerable body of research on children's ability to learn more than one language in their earliest years. Although some studies show minor early delays in one or both languages for simultaneous bilinguals, there is no evidence that learning two Language learning in early childhood languages substantially slows down their linguistic development or interferes with cognitive development. Indeed, many children attain high levels of proficiency in both languages. Ellen Bialystok (2001) and other cognitive and developmental psychologists have found convincing evidence that achieving bilingual proficiency can have positive effects on abilities that are related to academic success, such as metalinguistic awareness. Limitations that may be observed in the language of bilingual individuals are more likely to be related to the circumstances in which each language is learned than to any limitation in the human capacity to learn more than one language. For example, if one language is heard much more often than the other or is more highly valued in the community, that language may eventually be used better than, or in preference to, the other. One aspect of bilingual language use is referred to as code switching—the use of words or phrases from more than one language within a conversation. For example, a child who speaks both French and English might say, 'I'm playing with le chateau . Such switching between languages may sometimes reflect the absence of a particular vocabulary word or expression, but it can just as often be the intentional use of a word from the other language for a variety of interactional purposes. Highly proficient adult bilinguals also code switch when they speak to others who also know both languages. The use of both languages within a bilingual context is not evidence of a lack of proficiency. It may have many different motivations, from expressing solidarity to making a joke. Psychologists have shown that speakers of more than one language are constantly making choices about how to express themselves and that code switching is patterned and often predictable. Indeed, this experience in making choices has been identified as contributing to cognitive flexibility throughout life (Bialystok 2009). As children learn a second language at school, they need to learn both the variety of language that children use among themselves (and in informal settings with familiar adults) and the variety that is used in academic settings. In his early research on childhood bilingualism, Jim Cummins called these two varieties BICS (basic interpersonal communication skills) and CALP (cognitive academic language proficiency). Characteristics of the two varieties overlap to a certain extent, but there are important differences, not just in the range of vocabulary that each requires but also in the way information is expressed. Mary Schleppegrell (2004) and others have sought to discover what exactly it is that characterizes these varieties of language and the interaction patterns that tend to go with them, and some aspects of the distinction remain controversial. It is widely agreed, however, that the language needed for academic discourse is more difficult for children to acquire than the informal language of day-to-day interaction (Cummins 2000). Language learning in early childhood Children entering school with little or no knowledge of the language spoken there may acquire BICS within a relatively short time—as little as a year or two. They learn from watching and imitating interactions among their peers and between teachers and students. They make connections between frequently heard words and phrases and the routines and recurring events of the classroom, cafeteria, and playground. For this reason, students are sometimes perceived as 'fluent' in their second language. This can lead teachers to assume that any difficulties in academic tasks are not due to limited language skills but to other causes—from lack of motivation to learning disabilities. More careful observation shows that the students, while fluent in social settings, do not have the CALP skills needed for academic tasks such as understanding a problem in mathematics, defining a word, or writing a science report. Virginia Collier (1989) found that, for most students, acquiring age-appropriate CALP takes several years. As the second language learner tries to catch up, the children who came to school already speaking the school language are continuing to learn hundreds of new words every year and to learn the concepts that these words represent. If second language learners have limited knowledge of the school language and do not have opportunities to continue learning academic content in a language they already know, it is not surprising that they fall behind in learning the academic subject matter that their peers have continued to develop. Children need time to develop their second language skills. Many people assume that this means that the best approach is to start learning as early as possible and to avoid the use of the child's previously learned languages. Certainly, it is important for children to begin learning and using the school language as early as possible, but considerable research suggests that continued development of the child's home language actually contributes in the long term to more successful acquisition of the school language. Researchers and educators have expressed concern about situations where children are cut off from their family language when they are very young, spending long hours away from their families in settings where the home language is absent or even forbidden. Lily Wong Fillmore (2000) observed that when children are 'submerged' in a different language for long periods in pre-school or day care, their development of the family language may be slowed down or stalled before they have developed an age-appropriate proficiency in the new language. Eventually they may stop speaking the family language altogether, and this loss of a common language can lead to significant social and psychological problems. Wallace Lambert (1987) called the loss of one language on the way to learning another subtractive bilingualism. It can have negative consequences for children's self-esteem, and their relationships with family members are also likely to be affected by such early loss of the family language. In these cases, children seem to continue to be caught between two languages: they have not Language learning in early childhood yet mastered the school language, and they have not continued to develop the family language. During the transition period, they may fall behind in their academic learning. Unfortunately, the solution' educators sometimes propose to parents is that they should stop speaking the family language at home and concentrate instead on speaking the school language with their children. The research evidence suggests that a better approach is to strive for additive bilingualism—the maintenance of the home language while the second language is being learned. This is especially true if the parents are also learners of the second language. If parents continue to use the language that they know best with their children, they are able to express their knowledge and ideas in ways that are richer and more elaborate than they can manage in a language they do not know as well. Using their own language in family settings is also a way for parents to maintain their own self-esteem, especially as they may have their own struggles with the new language outside the home, at work, or in the community. Maintaining the family language also allows children to retain family connections with grandparents or relatives who do not speak the new language. They benefit from the opportunity to continue both cognitive and affective development using a language they understand easily while they are still learning the second language. Other positive effects of bilingual or multilingual development go beyond those that accrue to the children and their families. Knowledge of more than one language can also increase opportunities for cross-cultural communication and economic cooperation among people. As we have seen, developing a second language takes years. But teachers, parents, and students need to know that the many benefits of additive bilingualism will reward their patience and effort. Summary In this chapter we have focused on some of the research on children's early language development that has influenced research on second language acquisition. We have described three broad theoretical perspectives for explaining first language acquisition. In Chapter 2 we will look at some of the findings of research examining the developing language of second language learners. Questions for reflection 1 Some research has found that the best predictor of children's vocabulary growth is the amount of language addressed to them by their parents and other caregivers.What have you seen in this chapter that is compatible with that finding? 2 Go to the children's section of a library or bookstore and look at the vocabulary used in books that are published for children between three Language learning in early childhood and six years old. Compare these to books for young readers, aged six to eight.What does this suggest about the importance of continuing to read to children after they have begun to learn to read at school? Finally, look at the language used in textbooks for children at age 10 or I I .What can you conclude about the challenge faced by English language learners entering school at this age? 3 If you are or may be teaching a second language to a group of school-aged learners with different first language backgrounds, can you think of pedagogical tasks/activities in which children can display and use their LI knowledge to help them learn the second language? Suggestions for further reading Berko Gleason, J. andN. Bernstein-Ratner (eds.). 2009. The Development of Language 71\\ edn. New York: Allyn and Bacon. Many of the chapters by leading experts in child language introduce readers to the best-known findings of the past 50 years of research on children's language development. In addition, there are chapters based on new research, using the kinds of technology that have only recently become available. Thus, the rich database created by researchers with notepads, tape recorders, and tools such as the 'wug test' is complemented by studies of the neurological bases of language learning and language use. Paradis, J., F. Genesee, and M. B. Crago. 2011. Dual Language Development and Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning 2nd edn. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes. The authors describe language acquisition by children who learn more than one language simultaneously or sequentially, drawing on research from education, psychology, and linguistics. They make the research accessible by their writing style, the inclusion of a glossary of terms, and above all by relating the research to profiles of children who are acquiring their languages in a variety of home, school, and community situations. The authors provide insights into both normal and atypical multilingual development. Pearson, B. Z. 2008. Raising a Bilingual Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents. New York: Living Language (Random House). Addressing herself mainly to parents, Barbara Zurer Pearson (2008) reviews research from many studies and shows how children become bilingual in many different environments. She also emphasizes the advantages of growing up with a knowledge of more than one language—from the evidence for cognitive flexibility to the benefits of cultural knowledge. Written in an approachable and humorous style, the text is supported by Zurer Pearson's thorough knowledge of the research literature that is included in the bibliography. SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING Preview In this chapter we focus on second language learners' developing knowledge and use of their new language. We begin by looking at the different contexts for first and second language learning as well as the different characteristics of learners in these contexts. We examine some of the errors that learners make and discuss what errors can tell us about their knowledge of the language and their ability to use that knowledge. We look at stages and sequences in the acquisition of some syntactic and morphological features in the second language. We also review some aspects of learners' development of vocabulary, pragmatics, and phonology. activity Explore contexts for second language learning A second language learner is different in many ways from a young child acquiring a first language or an older child learning a second language.This is true in terms of both the learners' characteristics and the environments in which the language acquisition typically occurs.Think about how the characteristics and learning conditions of the following learners may differ: • a young child learning a first language • a child learning a second language in day care or on the playground • an adolescent studying a foreign language in their own country • an adult immigrant with limited or disrupted education working in a second language environment and having no opportunity to go to language classes. Second language learning Now ask yourself the following questions about these different learners. 1 Do they already know at least one language? 2 Are they cognitively mature? Are they able to engage in problem solving, deduction, and complex memory tasks? 3 How well developed is their metalinguistic awareness? Can they define a word, say what sounds make up that word, or state a rule such as 'add an -s to form the plural'? 4 How extensive is their general knowledge of the world? Does this knowledge enable them to make good guesses about what a second language interlocutor is probably saying? 5 Are they likely to be anxious about making mistakes and concerned about sounding'silly' when speaking the language? 6 Does the learning environment allow them to be silent in the early stages of learning, or are they expected to speak from the beginning? 7 Do they have plenty of time available for language learning and plenty of contact with proficient speakers of the language? 8 Do they frequently receive corrective feedback when they make errors in grammar or pronunciation, or do listeners usually overlook these errors and pay attention to the meaning? 9 Do they receive corrective feedback when their meaning is not clear, when they use the wrong word, or when they say something that seems inappropriate or impolite? 10 Is modified input available?That is, do interlocutors adapt their speech so that learners can understand (for example, in terms of speed of delivery, complexity of grammatical structure, or vocabulary)? Then compare your views with the discussion of learner characteristics and learning conditions below. Learner characteristics By definition, all second language learners, regardless of age, have already acquired at least one language. This prior knowledge may be an advantage in the sense that they have an idea of how languages work. On the other hand, knowledge of other languages can lead learners to make incorrect guesses about how the second language works, and this may result in errors that first language learners would not make. Very young language learners begin the task of first language acquisition without the cognitive maturity or metalinguistic awareness that older second language learners have. Although young second language learners have begun to develop these characteristics, they will still have far to go in these areas, as well as in the area of world knowledge, before they reach the levels already attained by adults and adolescents. Second language learning Using the chart in Table 2.1 .give your opinion about the presence or absence of learner characteristics and learning conditions for the four different learners mentioned above. Use the following notation: + = usually present - = usually absent ? = sometimes present, sometimes absent, or you're not sure First language Second language Young child (at home) Young child (playground) Adolescent (classroom) Adult (on the job) Learner characteristics Another language Cognitive maturity Metalinguistic awareness World knowledge Anxiety about speaking Learning conditions Freedom to be silent Ample time Corrective feedback (grammar and pronunciation) Corrective feedback (meaning, word choice, politeness) Modified input Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Table 2.I Contexts for language learning Second language learning On the one hand, cognitive maturity and metalinguistic awareness allow older learners to solve problems and engage in discussions about language. This is particularly important for those who are learning language in a classroom, with limited time in contact with the language. On the other hand, some theorists have suggested that the use of these cognitive skills—so valuable for many kinds of tasks—can actually interfere with language acquisition. They argue that successful language acquisition draws on different mental abilities, abilities that are specific to language learning. It has been suggested that older learners draw on their problem-solving and metalinguistic abilities precisely because they can no longer access the innate language acquisition ability they had as young children. "We will have more to say about this in Chapter 3, when we discuss the role of age in second language acquisition. In addition to possible cognitive differences, there are also attitudinal and cultural differences between children and adults. Most child learners are willing to try to use the language—even when their proficiency is quite limited. Many adults and adolescents find it stressful when they are unable to express themselves clearly and correctly. Nevertheless, even very young (pre-school) children differ in their willingness to speak a language they do not know well. Some children happily chatter away in their new language; others prefer to listen and participate silently in social interaction with their peers. Learning conditions Young second language learners are often allowed to be silent until they are ready to speak. They may also practise their second language in songs and games that allow them to blend their voices with those of other children. Older second language learners are often forced to speak from the earliest days of their learning, whether to meet the requirements of classroom instruction or to carry out everyday tasks such as shopping, medical visits, or job interviews. Another way in which younger and older learners may differ is in the amount of time they can actually spend learning a second language. We know that first language learners spend thousands of hours in contact with the language or languages spoken around them. Young second language learners may also be exposed to their second language for many hours every day—in the classroom, on the playground, or in front of the television. Older learners, especially students in foreign language classrooms, receive far less exposure— perhaps only a few hours a week. Indeed, a typical foreign language student will have no more than a few hundred hours of exposure, spread out over a number of years. Adult learners who are immigrants or minority language speakers often continue to use the language they already know as they fulfil their daily responsibilities for work and family, and they may use the second language only in limited situations. Second language learning Classroom learners not only spend less time in contact with the new language, they also tend to be exposed to a far smaller range of discourse types. For example, classroom learners are often taught language that is somewhat formal in comparison to the language as it is used in most social settings. In many foreign language classes, teachers may even switch to their students' first language for discipline or classroom management, thus depriving learners of opportunities to experience uses of the language in real communication. As we saw in Chapter 1, parents tend to respond to the meaning rather than to the grammatical accuracy of their children's language. Similarly, in second language learning outside classrooms, errors that do not interfere with meaning are usually overlooked. Most people would feel they were being impolite if they interrupted and corrected someone who was trying to have a conversation with them. Nevertheless, interlocutors may react to an error if they cannot understand what the speaker is trying to say. Thus, errors of grammar and pronunciation may not be remarked on, but the wrong word choice may receive comment from a puzzled interlocutor. In a situation where a second language speaker appears to use inappropriate language, interlocutors may feel uncomfortable, not knowing whether the speaker intends to be rude or simply does not know the polite way to say what is intended. In this case too, especially between adults, it is unlikely that the second language speaker would be told that something had gone wrong. The only place where feedback on error is typically present with high frequency is the language classroom. Even there, it is not always provided consistently. In Chapters 5 and 6, research on the role of feedback in the classroom will be reviewed. One condition that appears to be common to learners of all ages—though not in equal quality or quantity—is exposure to modified or adapted input. This adjusted speech style, called child-directed speech in first language acquisition, has sometimes been called foreigner talk or teacher talk depending on the contexts of second language acquisition. Some people who interact regularly with language learners seem to have an intuitive sense of what adjustments they need to make to help learners understand. Of course, not everyone knows what adjustments will be most helpful. We have all witnessed those painful conversations in which people seem to think that they can make learners understand better if they simply talk louder! Some Canadian friends told us of an experience they had in China. They were visiting some historic temples and wanted to get more information about them than they could glean from a guidebook, so they asked their guide some questions. Unfortunately, their limited Chinese and his non-existent English made it difficult for them to exchange information. The guide kept speaking louder and louder, but our friends understood very little. Finally, in frustration, the guide concluded that it would help if they could see the information, so he mok a stick and began writing in the sand—in Chinese characters! Second language learning lJi*fort*A*t£ly,-fa€. entire ptu^bfo^ •4 curre^tUf under r*' Situ^^c a>ou<:--- ^lockS -fVom IN FOK MAT* on* 3 This brief discussion places the emphasis on how both the characteristics of learners and the contexts in which they acquire a second language may be different. In the following pages, we will focus more on similarities in how their knowledge of the new language develops over time. Studying the language of second language learners We have seen that children's knowledge of the grammatical system of their first language is built up in predictable sequences. For example, grammatical morphemes such as the -ing of the present progressive or the -ed of the simple past are not acquired at the same time, but in a sequence. Are there developmental sequences for second language acquisition? How does the prior knowledge of the first language affect the acquisition of the second (or third) language? How does instruction affect second language acquisition? Are there differences in the development of learners whose only contact with the new language is in a classroom and those who use the language in daily life? These are some of the questions researchers have sought to answer, and we will address them in this chapter as well as in Chapters 5 and 6. Knowing more about the development of learner language helps teachers to assess teaching procedures in the light of what they can reasonably expect to accomplish in the classroom. As we will see, some characteristics of learner Second language learning language can be quite perplexing if one does not have an overall picture of the steps learners go through in acquiring the second language. In presenting some of the findings of second language research, we have included a number of examples of learner language as well as some additional samples to give you an opportunity to practise analysing learner language. Of course, teachers analyse learner language all the time. They try to determine whether students have learned what has been taught and how closely their language matches the target language. But progress cannot always be measured in these terms. Sometimes language acquisition progress is reflected in a decrease in the use of a correct form that was based on rote memorization or chunk learning. New errors may be based on an emerging ability to generalize a particular grammatical form beyond the specific items with which it was first learned. In this sense, an increase in error may be an indication of progress. For example, like first language learners, second language learners usually learn the irregular past tense forms of certain common verbs before they learn to apply the regular simple past -ed marker. That means that a learner who says T buyed a bus ticket' may know more about English grammar than one who says T bought a bus ticket'. Without further information, we cannot conclude that the one who says 'bought' would use the regular past -ed marker where it is appropriate, but the learner who says 'buyed' has provided evidence of developing knowledge of a systematic aspect of English. Teachers and researchers cannot read learners' minds, so they must infer what learners know by observing what they do. Like those who study first language acquisition, we observe learners' spontaneous language use, but we also design procedures that help to reveal more about the knowledge underlying their observable use of language. Without these procedures, it is often difficult to determine whether a particular behaviour is representative of something systematic in a learner's current language knowledge or simply an isolated item, learned as a chunk. Like first language learners, second language learners do not learn language simply through imitation and practice. They produce sentences that are not exactly like those they have heard. These new sentences appear to be based on internal cognitive processes and prior knowledge that interact with the language they hear around them. Both first and second language acquisition are best described as developing systems with their own evolving rules and patterns, not simply as imperfect versions of the target language. Contrastive analysis, error analysis, and interlanguage Until the late 1960s, people tended to see second language learners' speech simply as an incorrect version of the target language. According to the contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH), errors were assumed to be the result Second language learning of transfer from learners' first language. Detailed analysis of learners' errors revealed, however, that not all errors made by second language learners can be explained in terms of first language transfer alone. A number of studies show that many errors can be explained better in terms of learners' developing knowledge of the structure of the target language rather than an attempt to transfer patterns of their first language (Richards 1974). Furthermore, some of the errors are remarkably similar to those made by young first language learners, for example, the use of a regular -eva'past tense ending on an irregular verb. A simplified version of the CAH would predict that, where differences exist, errors would be bi-directional, that is, for example, French speakers learning English and English speakers learning French would make errors on parallel linguistic features. Helmut Zobl (1980) observed that this is not always the case. For example, in simple English sentences, direct objects, whether nouns or pronouns, come after the verb ('The dog eats the cookie. The dog eats it.'). In French, direct objects that are nouns follow the verb (Le chien mange le biscuit—literally, "The dog eats the cookie'). However, direct object pronouns precede the verb {Le chien le mange—literally, 'The dog it eats'). The CAH would predict that a native speaker of English might make the error of saying: 'Le chien mange le when learning French, and that a native speaker of French might say 'The dog it eats' when learning English. In fact, English speakers learning French are more likely to make the predicted error than French speakers learning English. This may be due to the fact that English speakers learning French hear many examples of sentences with subject-verb-object word order (for example, Le chien mange le biscuit) and make the incorrect generalization—based on both the word order of their first language and evidence from the second language—that all direct objects come after the verb. French-speaking learners of English, on the other hand, hearing and seeing no evidence that English direct object pronouns precede verbs, do not tend to use this pattern from their first language. The finding that many aspects of learners' language could not be explained by the CAH led a number of researchers to take a different approach to analysing learners' errors. This approach, which developed during the 1970s, became known as 'error analysis' and involved detailed descriptions of the errors second language learners made. The goal of this research was to discover what learners really knew about the language. As Pit Corder observed in a famous article published in 1967, when learners produce correct sentences, they may simply be repeating something they have already heard; when they produce sentences that differ from the target language, we may assume that these sentences reflect the learners' current understanding of the rules and patterns of that language. We saw this in the example of a learner who says 'buyed' instead of 'bought.' Error analysis differed from contras-tive analysis in that it did not set out to predict errors. Rather, it sought to Second language learning discover and describe different kinds of errors in an effort to understand how learners process second language data. Error analysis was based on the hypothesis that, like child language, second language learner language is a system in its own right—one that is rule-governed and predictable. Larry Selinker (1972) gave the name interlanguage to learners' developing second language knowledge. Analysis of a learner's interlanguage shows that it has some characteristics influenced by previously learned languages, some characteristics of the second language, and some characteristics, such as the omission of function words and grammatical morphemes, that seem to be general and to occur in all interlanguage systems. Interlanguages have been found to be systematic, but they are also dynamic, continually evolving as learners receive more input and revise their hypotheses about the second language. The path through language acquisition is not necessarily smooth and even. Learners have bursts of progress, then reach a plateau for a while before something stimulates further progress. Selinker also coined the term fossilization to refer to the fact that some features in a learner's language seem to stop changing. This may be especially true for learners whose exposure to the second language does not include instruction or the kind of feedback that would help them to recognize differences between their interlanguage and the target language. activity Analyse learner language The following texts were written by two learners of English, one a French-speaking secondary school student,the other a Chinese-speaking adult learner. Both learners were describing a cartoon film entitled The GreatToy Robbery (National Film Board of Canada). After viewing the film, they were asked to retell the story in writing, as if they were telling it to someone who had not seen the film. Read the texts and answer the following questions: 1 Can you understand what each learner is trying to say? 2 Examine the errors made by each learner. What kinds of errors interfere most with your ability to understand? 3 Do both learners make the same kinds of errors? 4 In what ways do the two interlanguages differ? Learner I: French first language, secondary school student During a sunny day,a cowboy go in the desert with his horse, he has a big hat. His horse eat a flour. In the same time, Santa Clause go in a city to give some surprises. He has a red costume and a red packet of surprises.You have three robbers in the mountain who sees Santa Clause with a king of glaces that it permitted us to see at a long distance. Every robbers have a horse.They go in Second language learning the way of Santa Clause, not Santa Clause but his pocket of surprises. After they will go in a city and they go in a saloon. [...] (Unpublished data from P. M. Lightbown and B. Barkman) Learner 2: Chinese first language,adult This year Christmas comes soon! Santa Claus ride a one horse open sleigh to sent present for children, on the back of his body has big packet, it have a lot of toys, in the way he meet three robbers.They want to take his big packet. Santa Claus no way and no body help, so only a way give them, then three robbers ride their horse dashing through the town.There have saloon, they go to drink some beer and open the big packent.They plays toys in the Bar.They meet a cow boy in the saloon. (Unpublished data provided by M. J. Martens) Perhaps the most striking thing here is that many error types are common to both learners. Furthermore, both make errors of spelling and punctuation that we might find in the writing of a young first language speaker of English. Even though French uses grammatical morphemes to indicate person and number on verbs and Chinese does not, both these learners make errors of subject-verb agreement—both leaving off the third person -s marker and overusing it when the subject is plural (a cowboy go' and 'three robbers in the mountain who sees' by Learner 1 and 'Santa Claus ride' and 'they plays' by Learner 2). Such errors reflect learners' understanding of the second language system itself rather than an attempt to transfer characteristics of their first language. They are sometimes referred to as 'developmental' errors because they are similar to those made by children acquiring English as their first language. Sometimes these are errors of overgeneralization, that is, errors caused by trying to use a rule in a context where it does not belong, for example, the -s ending on the verb in 'they plays'. Sometimes the errors are better described as simplification, where elements of a sentence are left out or where all verbs have the same form regardless of person, number, or tense. One can also see, especially in Learner 2's text, the influence of classroom experience. An example is the use of formulaic expressions such as 'one horse open sleigh' which is taken verbatim from a well-known Christmas song that had been taught and sung in his English as a Second Language (ESL) class. The vivid 'dashing through the town' probably comes from the same source, with the substitution of'town' for snow'. For those who are familiar with the English spoken by native speakers of French, some of the errors (for example, preposition choice 'in the same time') made by the first learner will be seen as probably based on French. Similarly, those familiar with the English of Chinese speakers may recognize some word order patterns (for example, 'on the back of his body has big packet') as based on Chinese patterns. These may be called transfer or Second language learning 'interference' errors. What is most clear, however, is that it is often difficult to determine the source of errors. Thus, while error analysis has the advantage of describing what learners actually do rather than what they might do, it does not always give us clear insights into why they do it. Furthermore, as Jacquelyn Schachter pointed out in a 1974 article, learners sometimes avoid using some features of language that they perceive to be difficult for them. This avoidance may lead to the absence of certain errors, leaving the analyst without information about some aspects of the learners' developing interlanguage. The absence of particular errors is difficult to interpret, and the phenomenon of'avoidance' may itself be a part of the learner's systematic second language performance. Developmental sequences Second language learners, like first language learners, pass through sequences of development: what is learned early by one is learned early by others. Among first language learners, the existence of developmental sequences may not seem surprising because their language learning is partly tied to their cognitive development and to their experiences in learning about relationships between people, events, and objects around them. But the cognitive development of adult or adolescent second language learners is much more stable, and their experiences with the language are likely to be quite different, not only from the experiences of a small child, but also different from each other. Furthermore, second language learners already know another language that has different patterns for creating sentences and word forms. In light of this, it is more remarkable that we find developmental sequences that are similar in the developing interlanguage of learners from different language backgrounds and also similar to those observed in first language acquisition of the same language. Moreover, the features of the language that are most frequent are not always learned first. For example, virtually every English sentence has one or more articles ('a' or 'the'), but even advanced learners have difficulty using these forms correctly in all contexts. Finally, although the learner's first language does have an influence, many aspects of these developmental stages are similar among learners from different first language backgrounds. In Chapter 1 we saw some developmental sequences for English first language acquisition of grammatical morphemes, negation, and questions. Researchers in second language acquisition have also examined these, as well as other features. They have found patterns in the development of syntax and morphology that are similar among learners from different language backgrounds. Evidence for these developmental patterns first came from studies of learners whose primary learning environment was outside the classroom. For example, Jürgen Meisel, Harald Clahsen, and Manfred Pienemann Second language learning (1981) identified developmental sequences in the acquisition of German by speakers of several Romance languages who had little or no instruction. Subsequent research has shown that learners who receive instruction exhibit similar developmental sequences and error patterns. In the interlanguage of English speakers whose only exposure to German was in university classes in Australia, Pienemann (1988) found patterns that were similar to those of the uninstructed learners. In Chapter 6, we will discuss other studies that have investigated the influence of instruction on developmental sequences. Grammatical morphemes Researchers have examined the development of grammatical morphemes by learners of English as a second language in a variety of environments, at different ages, and from different first language backgrounds. In analysing each learner's speech, researchers identify the obligatory contexts for each morpheme, that is, the places in a sentence where the morpheme is necessary to make the sentence grammatically correct. For example, in the sentence 'Yesterday I play baseball for two hours', the adverb yesterday' creates an obligatory context for a past tense, and 'for two hours' tells us that the required form is a simple past ('played') rather than a past progressive ('was playing'). Similarly, 'two' creates an obligatory context for a plural -s on 'hours'. For the analysis, obligatory contexts for each grammatical morpheme are counted separately, that is, one count for simple past, one for plural, one for third person singular present tense, and so on. After counting the number of obligatory contexts, the researcher counts the correctly supplied morphemes. The next step is to divide the number of correctly supplied morphemes by the total number of obligatory contexts to answer the question 'what is the percentage accuracy for each morpheme?' An accuracy score is created for each morpheme, and these can then be ranked from highest to lowest, giving an accuracy order for the morphemes. The overall results of the studies suggested an order that was similar but not identical to the developmental sequence found for first language learners. However, the order the researchers found was quite similar among second language learners from different first language backgrounds. For example, most studies showed a higher degree of accuracy for plural -s than for possessive - jt, and for -ing than for regular past (-ed). Stephen Krashen summarized the order as shown in Figure 2.1. The diagram should be interpreted as showing that learners will produce the morphemes in higher boxes with higher accuracy than those in lower boxes, but that within boxes, there is no clear pattern of difference. Second language learning -ing (progressive) plural copula ('to be') auxiliary (progressive as in 'He is going') article irregular past regular past -ed third person singular -s possessive's Figure 2.1 Krashen's (1982) summary of second language grammatical morpheme acquisition sequence The similarity among learners suggests that the accuracy order cannot be described or explained in terms of transfer from the learners' first language, and some researchers saw this as strong evidence against the CAH. However, a thorough review of all the 'morpheme acquisition' studies shows that the learners' first language does have an influence on acquisition sequences. For example, learners whose first language has a possessive form that resembles the English s (such as German and Danish) seem to acquire the English possessive earlier than those whose first language has a very different way of forming the possessive (such as French or Spanish). And even though articles appear early in the sequence, learners from many language backgrounds (including Slavic languages, Chinese, and Japanese) continue to struggle with this aspect of English, even at advanced levels. Learners may do well in supplying articles in certain obligatory contexts but not others. If the language sample that is analysed contains only the easier' obligatory contexts, the learner may have a misleadingly high accuracy score. Another reason why something as difficult as English articles appears to be acquired early is that the order in the diagram is based on the analysis of correct use in obligatory contexts only. It does not take into account uses of grammatical morphemes in places where they do not belong, for example, when a learner says, 'The France is in Europe'. These issues led researchers Second language learning to question the adequacy of obligatory context analyses as the sole basis for understanding developmental sequences. Teresa Pica (1983) argued that accuracy scores should take account of overuse and incorrect uses to determine a score for target-like use rather than reflect only use in obligatory contexts. The morpheme acquisition literature raises other issues, not least of them the question of why there should be an order of acquisition for these language features. Some of the similarities observed in different studies seemed to be due to the use of particular tasks for collecting the data, and researchers found that different tasks tended to yield different results. Nevertheless, a number of studies have revealed similarities that cannot be explained by the data collection procedures alone. As with first language acquisition, researchers have not found a single simple explanation for the order. Jennifer Goldschneider and Robert DeKeyser (2001) reviewed this research and identified a number of variables that contribute to the order. Salience (how easy it is to notice the morpheme), linguistic complexity (for example, how many elements you have to keep track of), semantic transparency (how clear the meaning is), similarity to a first language form, and frequency in the input all seem to play a role. Negation The acquisition of negative sentences by second language learners follows a path that looks nearly identical to the stages we saw in Chapter 1 for first language acquisition. However, second language learners from different first language backgrounds behave somewhat differently within those stages. This was illustrated in John Schumann's (1979) research with Spanish speakers learning English and Henning Wode's (1978) work on German speakers learning English. Stage 1 The negative element (usually no' or not') is typically placed before the verb or the element being negated. Often, it occurs as the first word in the sentence because the subject is not there. No bicycle. I no like it. Not my friend. 'No' is preferred by most learners in this early stage, perhaps because it is the negative form that is easiest to hear and recognize in the speech they are exposed to. Italian- and Spanish-speaking learners may prefer 'no' because it corresponds to the negative form in Italian and Spanish {No tienen muchos libros). They may continue to use Stage 1 negation longer than other learners because of the similarity to a pattern from their first language. Even at more advanced stages, they may also use Stage 1 negatives in longer sentences or Second language learning when they are under pressure. Thus, similarity to a learner's first language may slow down a learner's progress through a particular developmental stage. Stage 2 At this stage, no' and 'not' may alternate with 'don't'. However, 'don't' is not marked for person, number, or tense and it may even be used before modals like can' and 'should'. He don't like it. I don't can sing. Stage 3 Learners begin to place the negative element after auxiliary verbs like are', 'is', and can'. But at this stage, the 'don't' form is still not fully analysed. You can not go there. He was not happy. She don't like rice. At this stage, German speakers, whose first language has a structure that places the negative after the verb may generalize the auxiliary—negative pattern to verb—negative and produce sentences such as: They come not [to] home. {Siekommen nicht nach Hause.) Stage 4 In this stage, 'do' is marked for tense, person, and number, and most interlan-guage sentences appear to be just like those of the target language. It doesn't work. We didn't have supper. However, some learners continue to mark tense, person, and number on both the auxiliary and the verb. I didn't went there. Questions Manfred Pienemann, Malcolm Johnston, and Geoff Brindley (1988) described a sequence in the acquisition of questions by learners of English from a variety of first language backgrounds. An adapted version of the sequence is shown in Stages 1-6 below. The examples (except those in Stage 6) come from French speakers who were playing a game in which they had to ask questions in order to find out which picture the other player fthe researcher) was holding. As we saw for negation, the overall sequence is similar to the one observed in first language acquisition. And again, there are some differences that are attributable to first language influence. Stage 1 Single words, formulae, or sentence fragments. Second language learning Dog? Four children? What's that? Stage 2 Declarative word order, no inversion, no fronting. It's a monster in the right corner? The boys throw the shoes? Declarative order with rising intonation is common in yes/no questions in informal spoken French. French speakers may hypothesize that in English, as in French, inversion is optional. Stage 3 Fronting: ^-fronting, ^-fronting without inversion, other fronting. Do you have a shoes on your picture? Where the children are playing? Does in this picture there is four astronauts? Is the picture has two planets on top? French has an invariant form est-ce que (literally 'is it that') that can be placed before a declarative sentence to make a question. For example, Jean aime le cinema becomes Est-ce que Jean aime le cinema*, ('is it that) John likes movies?' French speakers may think that 'do' or 'does' is such an invariant form and continue to produce Stage 3 questions for some time. Stage 4 Inversion in wh- + copula; yes/no questions with other auxiliaries. Where is the sun? Is there a fish in the water? At Stage 4, German speakers may infer that if English uses subject-auxiliary inversion, it may also permit inversion with full verbs, as German does, leading them to produce questions such as 'Like you baseball?' (Magstdu baseball!) Stage 5 Inversion in wh- questions with both an auxiliary and a main verb. How do you say 'proche'? What's the boy doing? French-speaking learners may have difficulty using Stage 5 questions in which the subject is a noun rather than a pronoun. They may say (and accept as grammatical) 'Why do you like chocolate?' but not 'Why do children like chocolate?' In this, they are drawing on French, where it is often Second language learning ungrammatical to use inversion with a noun subject {*Pourquoi aiment les enfants le chocolat?). Stage 6 Complex questions. question tag: Its better, isn't it? negative question: Why can't you go? embedded question: Can you tell me what the date is today? Pienemann's developmental sequence for questions has been the basis for a number of studies, some of which will be discussed in Chapter 6. Alison Mackey and her colleagues have done a number of these studies, and she provided the data in Table 2.2. These examples come from three adult Japanese learners of English as a second language who were interacting with a native speaker in a 'spot the differences' task. In this task, learners have similar but not identical pictures and they have to ask questions until they work out how the picture they can see is different from the one their interlocutor has. Note that progress to a higher stage does not always mean that learners produce fewer errors. activity Analyse learners* questions Using the information about the developmental sequence for questions, circle the stage of second language question development that best corresponds to each question. (Hint: Read all of each learner's questions before you begin.) Stage Learner 1 1 Where is he going and what is he saying? 12 3 4 5 6 2 Is the room his room? 12 3 4 5 6 3 Is he taking out his skate board? 12 3 4 5 6 4 What is he thinking? 12 3 4 5 6 5 The girl, what do you, what does she do, what is she doing? 12 3 4 5 6 i i j Learner 2 6 Are they buying some things? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Is they bought present? 12 3 4 5 6 Second language learning 8 Is they're retirement people? 12 3 4 5 6 9 Is this perfume or ... 1 don't know. 12 3 4 5 6 10 And it is necktie? 12 3 4 5 6 Learner 3 11 Are there any shuttle? Space shuttle? 12 3 4 5 6 12 Inside, is there any girl? 12 3 4 5 6 13 You don't see? 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 What are, what the people wearing? 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 And they are carrying pink box? 12 3 4 5 6 Answer key Learner I: Questions 1,4, and 5 are Stage 5 questions. Question 5 is interesting because it shows the speaker self-correcting, suggesting that Stage 5 is still a level that requires some greater effort. Questions 2 and 3 are Stage 4 questions. Learner 2: Questions 6 and 9 could be Stage 4 questions. However, the fact that questions 7 and 8 are Stage 3 questions suggests that this speaker has not actually progressed from 'fronting' to Inversion', particularly since question 10 is a Stage 2 question. Learner 3: Questions 11 and 12 are Stage 4 questions. Questions 13 and 15 are Stage 2 questions. Question 14 shows the speaker apparently on the verge of a Stage 5 question, then retreating to a Stage 3 question. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Table 2.2 Questions by Japanese-speaking learners of English Possessive determiners A developmental sequence for the English possessive forms 'his' and 'her' has been observed in the interlanguage of French- and Spanish-speaking learners. In English, the choice of'his' or 'her' (or 'its') is determined by the natural gender of the possessor. In French and Spanish (and many other languages), the correct form of the possessive determiner matches the grammatical gender of the object or person that is possessed. This can be illustrated with the following translation equivalents for French and English: Sa mere = his mother or her mother Son chien - his dog or her dog Ses enfants = his children or her children Second language learning Note that when the object possessed is a body part, French typically uses a definite article rather than a possessive determiner. IIs'est casse le bras = He broke the [his] arm. Joanna White (1998,2008) studied the acquisition of possessive determiners by French-speaking students, adapting a developmental sequence that was first proposed by Helmut Zobl (1984). White found a total of eight stages in the sequence, but they can be grouped into three main stages. The examples shown below come from French-speaking students learning English. They are describing cartoon drawings of family events and interactions. Stage 1: Pre-emergence No use of'his' and 'her'. Definite article or your used for all persons, genders, and numbers. The little boy play with the bicycle. He have band-aid on the arm, the leg, the stomach. This boy cry in the arm of your mother. There is one girl talk with your dad. Stage 2: Emergence Emergence of'his' and/or 'her', with a strong preference to use only one of the forms. The mother is dressing her little boy, and she put her clothes, her pant, her coat, and then she finish. The girl making hisself beautiful. She put the make-up on his hand, on his head, and his father is surprise. Stage 3: Post-emergence Differentiated use of 'his' and 'her' but not when the object possessed has natural gender. The girl fell on her bicycle. She look his father and cry. The dad put her little girl on his shoulder, and after, on his back. At the end of the post-emergence stage, in what White (2008) calls Stage 8, learners finally achieve error-free use of'his' and 'her' in all contexts including natural gender and body parts. The little girl with her dad play together. And the dad take his girl on his shoulder and he hurt his back. When English speakers learn French, or other languages that use grammatical gender as the basis for choosing possessive determiners, they must also learn a new way of determining the gender of the possessive determiner. The need to learn the grammatical gender of each and every noun further adds to the challenge. Second language learning Relative clauses Second language learners first acquire relative clauses that refer to nouns in the subject and direct object positions, and only later (and in some cases, never) learn to use them to modify nouns in other sentence roles (for example, indirect object and object of preposition). A summary of the observed pattern of acquisition for relative clauses is shown in Table 2.3. It is referred to as the accessibility hierarchy, and it reflects the apparent ease with which learners have access to certain structures in the target language. Part of speech Relative clause Subject The girl who was sick went home. Direct object The story that 1 read was long. Indirect object The man who[m] Susan gave the present to was happy. Object of preposition I found the book that John was talking about. Possessive 1 know the woman whose father is visiting. Object of comparison The person that Susan is taller than is Mary. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Table 2.3 Accessibility hierarchy for relative clauses in English (adapted from Doughty 1991) Unlike the study of grammatical morphemes, negation, and questions, the study of relative clauses was not inspired by research on child language. Rather, it came from patterns that Edward Keenan and Bernard Comrie (1977) observed in a large number of languages. They found that those languages that included the structures at the bottom of the list in Table 2.3 would also have those at the top, but the opposite was not necessarily true. Subsequently, Susan Gass (1982) and others found that if a second language learner could use one of the structures at the bottom of the list, he or she would probably be able to use any that precede it. On the other hand, a learner who could produce sentences with relative clauses in the subject or direct object positions (at the top of the list) would not necessarily be able to use them in any of the clause types further down the list. Despite the similarity of the general pattern, several types of first language influence have also been observed in the acquisition of relative clauses. First, it has been observed that for learners whose first language does not have a particular clause type (for example, object of comparison), it is more difficult to learn to use that type in English. Second, where learners have a first language with a substantially different way of forming relative clauses (for example, Chinese and Japanese, where the relative clause precedes the noun Second language learning it modifies), they may avoid using relative clauses even when their interlan-guage is fairly advanced. Third, first language influence is seen in the errors learners make. For example, Arabic speakers often produce both the relative marker and the pronoun it replaces (for example, 'The man who I saw him was very angry) as they would in Arabic. Reference to past A number of researchers, including Jiirgen Meisel (1987), have observed the developing ability to use language to locate events in time. The research has shown that learners from different first language backgrounds and acquiring a variety of second languages, acquire the language for referring to past events in a similar pattern. Like young children, learners with limited language may simply refer to events in the order in which they occurred or mention a time or place to show that the event occurred in the past. Viet Nam. We work too hard. My son come. He work in restaurant. Later, learners start to attach a grammatical morpheme marking the verb for past, although it may not be the one that the target language uses for that meaning. Me working long time. Now stop. Past tense forms of irregular verbs may be used before the regular past is used reliably. We went to school every day. We spoke Spanish. After they begin marking past tense on regular verbs, learners may overgen-eralize the regular -ed ending or the use of the wrong past tense form (for example, the present perfect rather than the simple past). My sister catched a big fish. She has lived here since fifteen years. Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig (2000) and others have found that learners are more likely to mark past tense in sentences such as 'I broke the vase' and 'My sister fixed it with glue' than in sentences such as 'She seemed happy last week' or 'My father swam in that lake'. These differences appear to be due to the 'lexical ^pect', that is, the kinds of meanings expressed by the different verbs. Learners seem to find it easier to mark past tense on verbs that refer to something whose end point can easily be determined. These are referred to as accomplishments' and 'achievements' ('I ran three miles.' 'My brother took an aspirin and went to bed'). For activities' that may continue for some period ('I swam all afternoon') or 'states' that may be perceived as constants ('He seemed happy to sit by the lake'), learners use simple past markers less frequently. Second language learning First language can have an influence here too. Laura Collins (2002) investigated the different English verb forms used by French speakers. The past tense that is most commonly used in spoken French and that is usually a translation of a simple past form in English is a form that resembles the present perfect in English. Thus, the equivalent of'Yesterday he ate an apple' is Hier ila mange unepomme—literally, 'Yesterday he has eaten an apple'. Teachers often comment on French speakers' tendency to overuse the present perfect. In Collins' study, learners completed passages by filling in blanks with the appropriate form of a verb. As expected, in places where English speakers would use the simple past, French speakers did sometimes use the perfect (either present perfect or past perfect) forms. Furthermore, they used them more frequently than a comparison group of Japanese speakers. However, the French speakers were more likely to use perfect forms for achievement and accomplishment verbs than for the states and activities. Collins observes, 'The [first language] influence does not appear to override the effect of lexical aspect; rather it occurs within it' (p. 85). Movement through developmental sequences We have seen in this section that, as in first language acquisition, there are systematic and predictable developmental sequences in second language acquisition. However, it is important to emphasize that developmental stages are not like closed rooms. Learners do not leave one behind when they enter another. In examining a language sample from an individual learner, one should not expect to find behaviours from only one stage. On the contrary, at a given point in time, learners may use sentences typical of several different stages. It is perhaps better to think of a stage as being characterized by the emergence and increasing frequency of new forms rather than by the complete disappearance of earlier ones. Even when a more advanced stage comes to dominate in a learner's speech, conditions of stress or complexity in a communicative interaction can cause the learner to slip back to an earlier stage. In addition, as we have already noted, progress to a higher stage does not always mean fewer errors. For example, a learner may produce correct questions at Stage 1 or Stage 3, but those correct forms are not necessarily based on underlying knowledge of subject-verb inversion. That is, correct questions at Stage 1 are formulaic chunks, not sentences that have been constructed from the words that make them up. At Stage 2, learners have advanced, in the sense that they are forming original questions, but the word order of those questions is not grammatical in the target language. At Stage 3, questions are formed by placing a question form (most often a wh- word or a form of the verb 'do') at the beginning of a sentence with declarative word order. This may result in questions such as 'Do you want to go?' that conform to English patterns. However, when the learner asks a question such as 'Do you can help Second language learning me?' we can see that the learner's interlanguage rule really is something like 'Put a question word at the beginning of the sentence.' Another important observation about developmental sequences is the way they interact with first language influence. Learners do not appear to assume that they can simply transfer the structures of their first language into the second. Rather, as Henning Wode (1978) and Helmut Zobl (1980) observed, when they reach a developmental stage at which they perceive a crucial similarity' between their first language and their interlanguage, they may generalize their first language pattern and end up making errors that speakers of other languages are less likely to make. They may also have difficulty moving beyond that stage if their errors do not interfere with communication. More about first language influence One reason that some researchers rejected the hypothesis that 'transfer' or 'interference' would best explain a learner's difficulties with the target language was the fact that contrastive analysis was closely associated with behaviourist views of language acquisition. In rejecting behaviourism, some researchers also discarded contrastive analysis. In doing so, they potentially lost an essential source of information about language acquisition. Researchers at the European Science Foundation carried out a study that created some valuable opportunities to examine the influence of the first language on second language learning. Adult language learners, most of whom had little or no second language instruction, were followed as they learned another European language. For each target language, learners from two different first language backgrounds were compared. Also, for each first language background, the progress of learners in their acquisition of the two target languages was studied. As Wolfgang Klein and Clive Perdue (1993) report, there were substantial similarities in the interlanguage patterns of the learners, in spite of the great variety in the first and second language combinations. The similarities were greatest in the earliest stages of second language acquisition, when learners produced similar simple sentences. There is no doubt that learners draw on the patterns of other languages they know as they try to discover the complexities of the new language they are learning. The patterns of those earlier languages are firmly established, and as learners have experience with the new language, there is an interplay between the new and old patterns. As Nick Ellis (2009: 153) put it, "The language calculator has no "clear" button.' In learning something new, we build on what we already know. Second language learning We have seen some ways in which the first language interacts with developmental sequences. When learners reach a certain stage and perceive a similarity to their first language, they may linger longer at that stage (for example, the extended use of preverbal no' by Spanish speakers) or add a sub-stage (for example, the German speaker's inversion of subject and lexical verbs in questions) to the sequence which, overall, is similar across learners, regardless of their first language. They may learn a second language rule but restrict its application (for example, the French speaker's rejection of subject-auxiliary inversion with noun subjects that we saw in Stage 5 questions on page 50). The first language may influence learners' interlanguage in other ways as well. As we saw earlier, the phenomenon of avoidance that Jacquelyn Schachter (1974) described appeared to be caused at least in part by learners' perception that a feature in the target language was so distant and different from their first language that they preferred not to try it. Other researchers have also found evidence of learners' sensitivity to degrees of distance or difference and a reluctance to attempt a transfer when they perceive the languages as too different. In one revealing study, Hákan Ringbom (1986) found that the interference errors made in English by both Finnish-Swedish and Swedish—Finnish bilinguals were most often traceable to Swedish, not Finnish. The fact that Swedish and English are closely related languages that actually do share many characteristics seems to have led learners to take a chance that a word or a sentence structure that worked in Swedish would have an English equivalent. Finnish, on the other hand, belongs to a completely different language family, and whether their own first language was Swedish or Finnish, learners appeared reluctant to draw on Finnish in learning English. The risk-taking associated with this perception of similarity has its limits, however. For example, Eric Kellerman (1986) observed that learners often believe that idiomatic or metaphorical uses of words are unique to a particular language. Kellerman found that Dutch learners of English were reluctant to accept that certain idiomatic expressions or unusual uses of words were also possible in English. For example, they rejected 'The wave broke on the shore' but accepted 'He broke the cup' even though both are straightforward translations of sentences with the Dutch verb breken. Another way in which learners' first languages can affect second language acquisition is by making it difficult for them to notice that something they are saying is not a feature of the language as it is used by more proficient speakers. Lydia White (1991) gave the example of adverb placement in French and English. Both languages allow adverbs in several positions in simple sentences. However, as the examples in Table 2.4 show, there are some differences. English, but not French, allows SAVO order; French, but not English, allows SVAO. Second language learning S = Subject V =Verb O = Object A = Adverb ASVO Often, Mary drinks tea. Souvent, Marie boit du the. SVOA Mary drinks tea often. Marie boit du the souvent SAVO Mary often drinks tea. *Mar/e souvent boit du the. SVAO *Mary drinks often tea. Marie boit souvent du the. Note:The asterisk (*) means that the sentence is not grammatical. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Table 2.4 Adverb placement in French and English It seems fairly easy for French-speaking learners of English to add SAVO to their repertoire and for English-speaking learners of French to add SVAO, but both groups have difficulty getting rid of a pattern that does not occur in the target language if it is similar to one in their first language. English-speaking learners of French continue to accept SAVO as grammatical, and French-speaking learners of English accept SVAO. As White points out, it is difficult to notice that something is not present in the input, especially when its translation equivalent sounds perfectly all right and communication is not disrupted. This may be even more challenging when learners interact with others from the same first language background. Their own errors are not likely to cause misunderstanding and, in fact, they may hear others make the same errors. We will return to this when we look at the role of instruction and feedback on errors in Chapters 5 and 6. Our understanding of the relationship between first- and later-learned languages has been refined in recent decades. The term cross-linguistic influence is now often used, in part to reflect the fact that the relationship is by no means unidirectional. That is, as we acquire a second or third language, the patterns that we learn can also have an impact on the way we use and understand the language(s) we learned earlier. Current views of second language development emphasize the interaction between the first language (or other previously learned languages), cognitive processes, and the samples of the target language that learners encounter in the input. As extensive reviews by Terence Odlin (2003) and Scott Jarvis and Aneta Pavlenko (2008) show, the complexity of this relationship has inspired scores of investigations. 60 Second language learning So far this chapter has focused on the acquisition of morphology and syntax in the second language. We now turn to the learning of some other important components of communicative competence: vocabulary, pragmatics, and pronunciation. Vocabulary In 1980, Paul Meara characterized vocabulary learning as a neglected aspect of language learning'. Researchers in the 1970s and early 1980s were drawn to syntax and morphology because of the way error patterns and developmental sequences of these features might reveal something about universals in languages and language acquisition. How different things are now! Just as Meara was commenting on the state of neglect, an explosion of research on vocabulary learning was beginning, and the acquisition of vocabulary has become one of the most active areas in second language acquisition research. For most people, the importance of vocabulary seems very clear. As it has often been remarked, we can communicate by using words that are not placed in the proper order, pronounced perfectly, or marked with the proper grammatical morphemes, but communication often breaks down if we do not use the correct word. Although circumlocution and gestures can sometimes compensate, the importance of vocabulary can hardly be overestimated. Know AM-J Second language learning The challenge of acquiring a large enough vocabulary for successful communication in a variety of settings has been the focus of much recent research. Every language has an astonishingly large number of words. English, which has built its vocabulary from a great variety of source languages, is variously estimated to have anywhere from 100,000 to one million words, depending in part on how words are counted. For example, some would treat 'teach, teacher, teaching, and taught' as separate words while others would count all of them as part of one 'word'—a single root from which the others are derived. An educated adult speaker of English is believed to know at least 20,000 words; some estimates suggest a number that is more than twice that. But most everyday conversation requires a far smaller number, something more like 2,000 words. Similarly, although Chinese and Japanese have tens of thousands of characters, most are rare, and non-technical material can usually be read with a knowledge of about 2,000 characters. Even so, acquiring a basic vocabulary is a significant accomplishment for a second language learner. As we saw in Chapter 1, children learn thousands of words in their first language with little observable effort. The task of acquiring a large vocabulary is quite different for second language learners. For one thing, they are likely to be exposed to far smaller samples of the language to be learned. Also, the contexts in which second language learners encounter new vocabulary may not be as helpful as those in which children learn the first one or two thousand words of their first language. If they are older children or adults, the words they are exposed to may be more difficult, referring to meanings that are not easily guessed from context. Marcella Hu and Paul Nation (2000) showed that, in order to understand a text without frequent stops to consult a dictionary, one needs to know more than 95 per cent of the words—a rare case for second language learners at most stages of acquisition. Although the two or three thousand most frequent words in English make up as much as 80—90 per cent of most non-technical texts, less frequent words are crucial to the meaning of many things we hear and read. For example, the meaning of a newspaper article about a court case may be lost without the knowledge of words such as 'testimony', alleged', or accomplice'. The first step in knowing a word is simply to recognize that it is a word. Paul Meara and his colleagues (2005) have developed tests that take advantage of this fact. Some of these tests take the form of word lists, and learners are instructed to check 'yes' or no' according to whether or not they know the word. Each list also includes some items that look like English words but are not. The number of real words that the learner identifies is adjusted for guessing by a factor that takes account of the number of non-words that are also chosen. Such a procedure is more effective than it might sound. A carefully constructed list can be used to estimate the vocabulary size of even advanced learners. For example, if shown the following list: 'frolip, laggy, scrule, and Second language learning albeit', a proficient speaker of English would know that only one of these words is a real English word, albeit a rare and somewhat odd one. On the other hand, even proficient speakers might recognize none of the following items: 'goniometer, micelle, laminitis, throstle'. Even our computer's spell-checker rejected two out of four, but all are real English words, according to the New Oxford Dictionary of American English. Among the factors that make new vocabulary more easily learnable by second language learners is the frequency with which the word is seen, heard, and understood. Paul Nation (2001) reviews a number of studies suggesting that a learner needs to have many meaningful encounters with a new word before it becomes firmly established in memory. The estimates range as high as 16 times in some studies. Even more encounters may be needed before a learner can retrieve the word in fluent speech or automatically understand the meaning of the word when it occurs in a new context. The ability to understand the meaning of most words without focused attention is essential for fluent reading as well as for fluent speaking. Frequency is not the only factor that determines how easily words are learned, however, as illustrated by the words in the three lists shown in Table 2.5. List 1 List 2 List 3 friend hamburger government more Coke responsibility town T-shirt dictionary book Facebook elementary hunt taxi remarkable sing pizza description box hotel expression smile dollar international eye Internet denouement night disco entente Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Table 2.5 English words that may be 'easy' or 'difficult' for second language learners All of the words in List 1 look easy because they are simple one-syllable words that refer to easily illustrated actions or objects. They are also quite common words in English, appearing among the 1,000 most frequent words. And yet, they are not likely to be known to students who have not had previous instruction in English or exposure to the language outside school. Furthermore, Second language learning there is nothing in the written form or the pronunciation of the words themselves that gives a clue to their meaning. If students are to learn them, they must see or hear the words in contexts that reveal their meaning, and, as a rule, they must do this many times before the link between a word and its meaning is well established. On the other hand, some students who have never studied English might already know words in List 2, because they are part of an international vocabulary. With increasing internationalization of communications, many languages have 'borrowed' and adapted words from other languages. Students throughout the world may be surprised to learn how many words they already know in the language they are trying to learn. The words in List 3 look difficult. They are rather long, not easily illustrated, and most are fairly infrequent in the language. However, many students would either 'know' them on sight or learn them after a single exposure because they look like their translation equivalent in other languages that they already know. Some, such as 'nation' and 'dictionary', are cognates (words that have come from the same original root); others, such as 'denouement' and entente', are borrowed words (words that have been adopted from other languages). These words that look alike and have shared meaning can help learners expand their vocabulary. Teachers should not assume that students will always recognize borrowed words or cognates in their second language. Some cognates are identical in form and meaning, while others may require some knowledge of how spelling patterns are related in the two languages (for example, 'water' and Wasser in English and German respectively or 'music' and musique in English and French). Even with different spellings, words are likely to be easier to recognize in their written form than they are in the spoken language. Learners may need guidance in recognizing them, as illustrated in the following question, asked by an eight-year-old in a Quebec hockey arena: '// 2i8g grammaticality judgement 95,106, 2i8g group work 170, 209 see also pair work habits 14,104 human input, need for 6, 28 identity 70, 89-90 imitation and first language acquisition 15-19 and the behaviourist perspective 14-19 and second languages 41, 201-2 immersion programmes 79-80,128,142,171, 172-5,187-9, 2.19g immigrants importance of continued development of Li 32-3, 97,174,175,176, 204 second language acquisition 79, 89—90, 94> 95> 171 implicit knowledge 193 individual differences 75-101 inductive instruction 81-2 information-processing model 108-10, 219g information questions (genuine questions) 130,145-9 inhibition 84—5 Initiation/Response/Evaluation (IRE) exchanges 126 innatist perspective on child language acquisition 20-4,104-7, 2I9g input 219g see also comprehensible input; modified input flood 162-3, 2I9g amount of exposure (time) important 38, 69,128,148-9 enhanced input/input enhancement 162-3 frequency of encounters with new material is important 62 in the innatist perspective on child language acquisition 21 input flood 162-3, 2I9g input hypothesis 106 input processing 116 the 'logical problem' of second language acquisition 105 structured input 81-2 instruction (teaching) age and second language instruction 96-9 amount and distribution of time available 148 'drip feed' vs intensive 148, 205 explicit instruction and pragmatics 67—8 explicit instruction and pronunciation 70-1 explicit instruction and vocabulary learning 64 and the innatist perspective 105 instructed vs uninstructed learners 46-7 instructional programmes and aptitude profiles 81 instructional settings 124-9 see classrooms teachability hypothesis 177-82 instrumental motivation 87, 219g integrated form-focused instruction 191 integrative motivation 87, 219g intelligence 79-80, 203 Index 253 intelligibility, as goal of pronunciation 71 intensive ESL 148,162, 2i9g intensive vs 'drip feed' instruction models 148, 205 interaction collaborative dialogues 119,189 conversational interaction 114,165-71 importance of interaction in first language acquisition 27-8 interaction hypothesis 114,118,165,167, 169-70, 2I9g interactionist/ developmental perspective, child language acquisition 24-5 lack of in 'just listen ... and read' approaches 159-65 learner-learner interactions 119,128, 135-9,169-70, 209 modified interaction see modified input need to take social setting into account when researching 79 interference see cross-linguistic influence interlanguage 220g generally 43 and 'get it right from the beginning' 157—8 interlanguage pragmatics 65-6 interlocutors see interaction 'international adoptees' 24 international vocabulary 63 investment (of learner in learning) 89-90 IQ (intelligence quotient) 78-80, 203 isolated form-focused instruction 191 'just listen ... and read' 159—65 kinaesthetic learners 83 language acquisition order see developmental sequences language disorders and delays 29-30 language distance 69 see also cross-linguistic influence language learning aptitude 80-3 language-related episodes (LREs) 189, 220g 'language socialization' 27 learner charactetistics generally 37-8 age 92-6 attitudes and motivation 70, 87-9 and classroom instruction 92 identity and group affiliation 70, 89-90 intelligence 79—80 language learning aptitude 80-3 learner beliefs 90—1,170 learning styles 83-4 personality 84—6 readiness to learn 180-1 research methods 75-7 learner-learner interactions 119,128,135-9, 167-70, 209 learning conditions 38—40 learning vs acquisition 106,193 'let's talk' 165-71 lingua franca, English as 71 longitudinal studies 7-8, 9, 66, 89, 98,149, 220g meaning, focus on see focus on meaning memory and the information processing model 109-10 memorization 103-4 retrieving new words 70 working memory capacity 80-1 meta-analysis 193, 220g metalinguistic awareness 220g and bilingualism 31 metalinguistic feedback 140—1,143,183—4 and older learners 38 in pre-schoolers 13 mimicry 103-4 see imitation mitigation 66, 67, 220g Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) 80 modified input 220g benefits of 207-8 child-directed speech 26-7 in communicative language teaching (CLT) 127-8 in content-based language teaching (CBLT) 173-4,176 enhanced input 162-3, 2i7g foreigner talk 39, 2i7g in learner—learner interactions 170 modified interaction 114, 220g see also corrective feedback; modified input in natural acquisition settings 126 and comprehensible input 114 teacher talk 39 modified interaction 115, 220g see also corrective feedback; modified input modified output 115,119,165 Monitor Model (/' +1) 106-7,118 morphemes, grammatical 7-9, 46-8, 22ig mother tongue see first language motivation difficulties in researching 78 and excessive correction 208 motivation retrospection 87-8 not always a predictor of success 203-4 teachers' motivational practices 88—9 as variable in second language learning 87-8 Index Motivation Orientation of Language Teaching (MOLT) 88 multicompetence (as better goal than native ability) 96 multiple intelligences 80 native language see first language native-like ability 68, 71, 96, 22ig native speaker 3, 24, 42, 51, 67, 69, 71, 94, 96, 97,114,126,145, 22Ig natural acquisition settings 123-9 natural order hypothesis 106, 22ig see also developmental sequences negation child acquisition of 9-10 second language learning 48-9 negative feedback see clarification requests; corrective feedback negotiation for meaning 114,128,130,165-6, 22Ig negotiation of form 139, 22ig see also form-focused instruction neurological research 113 noticing hypothesis 115,177,183—4, I^9) 2.2ig object pronouns 164 obligatory contexts 46-8,158, 22ig observation ethnography 149-51 observation schemes 129-48 open questions 147 order of acquisition 22ig see developmental sequences overgeneralization errors 22ig and the behaviourist perspective 18-19 in first language acquisition 12 and the information processing model no in pronunciation 68—9 in second language learning generally 44 pair work 168-9, ^o, 2°9 paraphrasing 114,147 see also recasts parent-child interaction 26-7 past tense 55-6,173 pattern practice drills 157-8, 22ig patterns in language, learning 18 peer group, learning from 119 see also learner-learner interactions perception of sounds 69, 70 perceptually-based learning styles 83 performance 12, 45, 71, 79, 85, 94, 96,107, 117,186, 22Ig personal characteristics of learners see learner characteristics personality 84-6 phonemic distinctions 222g infants' ability 6 second language learners 69 phonology 68-71, 206 polyglot savant 83 positive reinforcement 14 possessive determiners 46-8, 52-3,163 power relationships 70, 89 practice and the behaviourist perspective 14-19 and cognitive perspectives 117 pragmatics 222g importance of learning 207 interlanguage pragmatics 65-6 polite pronouns 173,187 registers (different language for different situations) 14,173,187, 222g and second language learning 65—8 pre-school years, and language acquisition 12-13 private speech 118,142, 222g procedural knowledge 109,117,193, 222g processability theory 116-17,177,182, 222g processing capacity 116 processing instruction 162,164-5, 222g proficiency and bilingualism 31-2 difficulties in researching 78-9 learner language and proficiency level 167-8 prompts clarification requests 114,140,188 elicitation 141,188 encouraging self-correction 188-9, r94 pronunciation 68-71 psychological theories see behaviourism; information processing model puberty 94-5 questions child acquisition of 10-12, 19 display questions 130 second language learning 49-51,180 teacher questioning in the classroom 145—9 rate of learning 96, 97, 222g readiness to learn 180—1 reading effect of literacy on first language development 13 'just listen ... and read' 159-65 and practice 117 problems in learning to read 29—30 reading as a source of vocabulary growth 63-4, 206 reading material for learners 161-2 recasts 222g comparison of feedback that corrects vs prompts 194 in content-based classrooms 139—45 Index 255 in immersion classrooms 188—9 in learner-learner interactions 170,171 learners may not notice 195 most common kind of feedback 210—11 for 'readies' and 'unreadies' 180 stress (prosodic) 144 reference to past 55-6 referential questions (genuine questions) 130, H5-9 reflexive pronouns 20—1 registers (different language for different situations) 14,173,187, 222g relative clauses 54-5,181—2 repetition 141 see also imitation; prompts requests, as pragmatic feature 66 research methods action research 154, 2i3g (classroom) observation schemes 129-49 correlation 78 corpus linguistics 72, 202, 2i6g cross-sectional studies 86, 2i6g descriptive studies 143, 2i6g difficulty in finding comparison groups 157 ethnography 149—51 experimental studies 153-4 longitudinal studies 86 observation schemes 129-49 qualitative research 86,129,149,154, 222g quantitative research 86,129,153, 222g researcher paradox (researcher affecting the study) 189 researching teacher-student interactions 129-35 sampling issues 72 for studying learner characteristics 77-8 restructuring 109—10, 222g routines (formulaic language) see formulaic language scaffolding 25,118,146-7, 223g second language 159, 223g school years, and first language acquisition 13-14 segmentals 68, 70, 223g self-correction vs other correction 194 self-repetition 114 sensitive period (Critical Period Hypothesis) 22-4, 92-6 sequential bilinguals 30 short-term memory 80-1 sign language 23 significant difference 159,189, 223g silence, use of in classroom 147,149 simplification 44,114, 223g simplified readers 161 simultaneous bilinguals 30 social interaction and the interactionist perspective 24-5 socialization, language 149—50 sociocultural theory 118-19,146,169, 223g sociolinguistics pre-schoolers learning social forms of language 12-13 sociolinguistic forms 187-8 sociopolitical change 150—1 speech and language disorders 29-30 stages see developmental sequences standard variety 14, 223g stimulated recalls 189 stress (anxiety) 85,106 stress (prosodic) importance in making yourself understood 206 as part of phonology 68, 69, 70, 71 in recasts 144 structural grading 223g student-student interactions see learner-learner interactions submersion methods 32 subtractive bilingualism 32-3,174,177, 223g suprasegmentals 68, 70, 223g target language 223g task-based language teaching (TBLT) 67,165, 190, 223g teachers role in motivation 204 teacher-learner interactions 129-35, H5 teacher questioning in the classroom 145-9 teachers' motivational practices 88-9 teacher talk 39, 224g teaching, classroom see audiolingual approach; communicative language teaching (CLT); content-based language teaching (CBLT); focus on meaning; form-focused instruction; grammar translation methods; task-based language teaching (TBLT) 'teach what is teachable' 177-82, 210 technology computer-based tools for sampling 72 input for child language acquisition needs to be humans not electronic 6, 28 'telegraphic' sentences, babies' 6-7 timing amount of exposure (time) in new language important 38, 69,128,148-9 Index of beginning instruction in second language 93, 96-9, 204-5 of corrective feedback 194 of form-focused instruction 191 transfer 224g see cross-linguistic influence transfer-appropriate processing (TAP) no, 191, 224g Wo for one' 171—7 typographical enhancements of input 163 UG (Universal Grammar) 20,104-5, 224g uptake 139,141,142,188, 224g usage-based learning 110-11 usage-based perspectives on child language acquisition 28-9 variables, personal 224g see learner characteristics variational features 116,177-9, 224g varieties of languages 14, 31, 71, 206, 224g 'Victor' 22 visual learners 83 vocabulary amount needed for conversation 61, 162, 206 can be taught any time 178 first language development of 14 growth through reading 162 learning strategies 64 second language learning 60-4 wait time 147 wA-words 10-12, 49-51 willingness to communicate (WTC) 86, 224g word identification 61-2 retrieval of word meanings 109 word order adverb placement 58-9 basic word order and predictable development paths 177,178,179 word order and meaning 111-12 working memory capacity 80—1, 225g 'wug test' 8-9 younger the better (for starting second language instruction) 93, 96—9, 204-5 zone of proximal development (ZPD) 25, 118, 225g OXFORD university press for all your testing needs \ online go to □xfordenglish testing,com isbn 978-0-19-454126-8 9 11780194 "54126- 9780194541268