Dramatické postupy ve výuce AJ 2

Týden 1

REQUIREMENTS for getting the credit:

1) active participation in the classes

2) presenting a group project - 3 groups 

(STRUCTURED DRAMA FOR OLDER LEARNERS warm-up, lead-in/tune-in, main drama, calm-down, reflection)


WARM-UP: move to the music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLexgOxsZu0)

When I stop the music FREEZE!

(VYL/YL: the freezer dance (teaching verbs of movement: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UcZWXvgMZE 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BLgIzdnvo8)

ICE-BREAKER/GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER - names - the story of your name (speed dating 3 times) - when I stop the music find a partner, when music starts, start walking and mingling in the space again

CIRCLE (storytelling): Name, what is the story (there are 3 people who should know and help each other to retell it), the person chooses the next person

STORYTELLING (personifying the story): 1) object with the story in the middle of the circle (Sharka and her broken cartridge pen); 2) returning the object and linking the story to myself (I am returning the earplugs as I also need music all the time like you...)

NOTICING THINGS ABOUT OTHERS: 3 GROUPS - observe each other closely andfind out about each other as much info as possible (5 minutes). Now close your eyes and raise your hand, if anybody in your group...(is wearing glasses, underwear, boots; has got earrings, piercing; lives in a shared flat,...)

STRUCTURING DRAMA WORK (JONOTHAN NEELANDS - there are 3 copies in the library): 

sample: https://assets.cambridge.org/97811075/30164/frontmatter/9781107530164_frontmatter.pdf

STRUCTURED ENGLISH FOR THE YOUNGEST CHILDREN (YOUNG LEARNERS) - I am putting it here again for the primary group

STRUCTURED DRAMA (G. Chaucer: The Wife of Bath´s Tale) - you will my original lesson plan with red writing of the changes we had yesterday; and then a variation of the lesson plan more focused on frozen pictures adapted by Eva Goksel


preparing activities for the next session 

DRAMA as a CLIL LESSON (The story of an arranged marriage)   https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FGcJK8vu877SDVNjdNh-1TFIkNQ-xoUToMBWWKTm0Hk/edit?usp=drive_link

6pm: creating a character and a detective story from bits and pieces (what is in the handbag/rucksack)

storytelling and keeping the poker face