Modern History of Central Europe

Týden 4

Inter war period

Purpose of the lecture:

1. First flaws of the peace system in Central Europe.

2. On the Eve of WW II.

End of democracy in CE:

Study materials:

Friedl, J. - Jurek, T. - Řezník, M. - Wihoda, M.: Dějiny Polska. Praha 2017. (relevant passages of the book).

Kontler, L.: Dějiny Maďarska. Praha 2001. (relevant passages of the book.

Křen, J.: Dvě století střední Evropy. Praha 2019. (relevant passages of the book).

Veber, V.: Dějiny Rakouska. Praha 2002.  (relevant passages of the book).

Paczowski, A.: Půl století dějin Polska 1939-1989. Praha 2000. (relevant passages of the book).

Pražák, R.: Dějiny Uher a Maďarska v datech. Praha 2010. (relevant passages of the book).


1. With which countries did Nazi Germany denounce treaties in the spring of 1939?

2. Describe in detail the internal political and social situation in Austria in the 1930s.

3. Describe in detail the change of foreign policy in Austria in the 1930s.

4. Describe in detail the internal political and social situation in Hungary in the 1920s -1930s.

5. Describe in detail the change of foreign policy in Hungary in the 1930s.

6. Carlsbad Programme.

7. Munich Agreement and First Vienna Award.

8. Pact Molotov-Ribbentrop.