Practical Language 3B - Aj

Week 4

All listenings are here

Aims for Week 4

Aims for this week

  • do a peer-review of a short written text
  • practise how to use modifiers
  • speak about places where you stayed
  • learn how to review a place to stay
  • practise negative questions
  • learn how to solve certain plumbers
  • phrase: to have / get something done

Unit 6 Accommodation

pages 54 - 55 , 172-173

Homework for Week 5

  • p.55 / ex.11, study modifiers, new Idioms, previous vocabulary, negative questions and the phrase to get / have something done in context - optional
  • open any of other student´s journal and write a feedback to them, then submit it to susmission folder below

Further practice

Tips on how to write a hotel review

Článek o psaní čárek v anglických větách - and, or, but

Článek o psaní čárek v anglických větách - spojky souřadicí a podřadicí

Peer review
Submit your feedback on someone else´s journal page
