Practical Language First Year Aims: Students will develop all four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing for better communication. At first they will diagnose their actual level of the language and they will suggest strategies for improvement. As they are expected to be on the upper-intermediate level, they will probably work on extending the range and accuracy of the language as well as the register. They will learn to analyse the language for teaching purposes and they will be aware of the fact that they have changed their roles -- from being the users of the language into being the source of information about the language and language model providers. At the end of the course (ie. after two semesters of the Practical language course ) they are expected to achieve C 1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference, ie. CAE level. Assessment scheme: Continuous assessment: (throughout the course) Attendance ( for each attended lesson the Ss will be awarded 1 point) = 33 points per term Course work ( active participation in the lessons, preparation for the lessons, punctuality, initiative, independent learning) = 17 points per term Written assignments (two per term) = 20 points per term Achievement tests during the term ( three per term) = 30 points per term Maximum achievement per term for continuous assessment = 100 points Minimum achievement per term 65 points, if the student does not reach the minimum s/he will not be allowed to sit the credit test. Credit requirements: Continuous assessment minimum 65 points Credit test -- written 60 points - oral 40 points Minimum pass mark for the credit test 65 points Course material: Ceri Jones and Tania Bastow with Jon Hird: Inside Out Advanced, Macmillan 2001 Recommended materials for self-study: R. Murphy: English Grammar In Use, CUP CAE Practice Tests, any publisher Readers level 6 English -- English Dictionary Advanced Level