Area Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Very Good Excellent 1.0 – 3.9 4.0 – 6.9 7.0 – 7.9 8.0 – 8.9 9.0 – 10 Grammar Very limited Insufficient Adequate range of A wide range of Great range of range of range, basic structures structures used structures, tenses, lack tense and sufficiently appropriately; appropriate and of precise use simple syntax appropriate, good complex consistent use of of structures attempt to use complex grammatical complex prepositions predominate grammatical forms. forms used with grammatical and other heavily over ease. forms. grammatical complex use of Grammar is forms, word grammatical sufficiently accurate Low occurrence Minimal order mistakes forms. to convey intended of inaccuracies. occurrence of occur meanings; occasional minor frequently. Frequent signs traces of fossilized Sound evidence inaccuracies. of fossilized incorrect usage. of newly Signs of incorrect acquired Excellent ability consistent usage, Satisfactory knowledge. to apply newly incorrect occasional demonstration of newly acquired usage of misuse of acquired knowledge. knowledge. grammatical tense and forms; errors prepositions obscure and other meaning. grammatical forms in Little common evidence of expressions. newly acquired knowledge. Insufficient evidence of newly acquired knowledge. Vocabulary Very limited Insufficient Adequate range A wide range Great range, range, lack of range, basic sufficiently used appropriate and precise use of vocabulary appropriate, good appropriately; consistent use of vocabulary or predominates, attempt to use specific, specific, complex idiomatic little use of specific, complex complex and/or and/or idiomatic expressions. specific, and/or idiomatic idiomatic expressions, complex and/or expressions. expressions used creative and Signs of idiomatic with ease. imaginative way consistent expressions. Sufficiently accurate of choosing incorrect usage with occasional Low occurrence words. usage, misuse Frequent signs minor of inaccuracies. of words in of fossilized errors/fossilizations. Minimal common incorrect Sound evidence occurrence of expressions. usage, Satisfactory of newly minor occasional demonstration of newly acquired inaccuracies. Little misuse of acquired knowledge knowledge evidence of words in (specific terms, (specific terms, Excellent ability newly acquired common collocations, phrasal collocations, to apply newly knowledge expressions. verbs, etc). phrasal verbs, acquired (specific etc). knowledge terms, Insufficient (specific terms, collocations, evidence of collocations, phrasal verbs, newly acquired phrasal verbs, etc). knowledge etc). (specific terms, collocations, phrasal verbs, etc). Pronunciation Noticeable L1 Noticeable L1 Some traces of L1 No noticeable Solid mastering accent which accent which accent which may put strain on the of English puts a strain often puts a some strain on the listener in rhythm, no on the strain on the listener; indistinct terms of L1 occurrence of listener; listener; pronunciation of accent; mispronunciation. indistinct frequent certain words and mispronunciation pronunciation indistinct phrases only. of individual Intonation, of words and pronunciation words is linking and weak phrases most of words and Mostly correct use of exceptional. forms used of the time. phrases. intonation; some naturally and attempt at linking and Appropriate use with ease at all Completely Incorrect use weak forms. of various times. incorrect use of intonation; intonation of intonation; limited Most problematic patterns; very All sounds in non-existent attempt at sounds for Czech good linking and almost all linking and linking and speakers pronounced weak forms. situations weak forms. weak forms. correctly but there pronounced are still some sounds All sounds correctly; no All Most which need pronounced problems with problematic problematic improvement; correctly with word stress, even sounds for sounds for occasional errors in occasional difficult words Czech speakers Czech speakers word stress. errors; no are mostly consistently mispronounced; problems with well-stressed. mispronounced; high word stress high occurrence of except for some occurrence of words with difficult words. words with misused stress misused stress pattern. pattern. Area Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Very Good Excellent 1.0 – 3.9 4.0 – 6.9 7.0 – 7.9 8.0 – 8.9 9.0 – 10 Discourse Irrelevant and Mostly irrelevant Generally Mostly relevant Always relevant Management inadequate and inadequate relevant and and adequate and adequate contributions contributions, adequate contributions, contributions, at all times, often lacking contributions, coherent – coherent – mostly lacking coherence. coherent – discourse discourse coherence. discourse mostly developed Contributions developed developed consistently Contributions often incomplete adequately. effectively. and mostly or choppy, effectively. incomplete and inappropriate in Contributions Length of extremely length (too short generally contributions Length of short. or too long). appropriate in mostly contributions length. appropriate. appropriate at A complete Insufficient use all times. absence of of discourse Satisfactory Sound use of discourse markers, making use of discourse Excellent use markers to the train of discourse markers. of discourse show thought hard to markers, though markers - used progression of follow. occasionally with ease. thought. missing or misused. Interactive Unable to Responds Adequate Is able to Initiates, Communication initiate or occasionally but ability to respond and maintains and maintain the not at a initiate or initiate sustains conversation. sufficient level maintain the interaction and interaction to ensure the conversation. sustain the well. Often continuity of the Responds to conversation hesitates or conversation. comments with very minor Responds well fails to appropriately. difficulties. and in a timely respond Frequent manner to entirely which hesitations or Occasional Rarely enhance the leads to extremely slow hesitation in hesitates when interaction. dissolution of responses which responding but responding to interaction. interfere with this does not other speakers. Displays quality of seriously excellent Does not conversation. impede the Displays good conversational display conversation. conversational skills both in adequate Displays a few skills and turn taking and skills in skills of Displays awareness of in assisting maintaining interactive adequate how to interact others to conversation communication but conversational effectively. participate such as turn enough below skills such as actively. taking, normal to cause turn taking, response and difficulties for responses and other cues. others in other cues. discussion. Notes Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Discourse Interactive Management Communication Name of Student: _______________________________________ Date: ______________ Total Points Gained (Out of 50): _____________________ Name of Examiner(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________