Teaching Portfolio Guidelines how to compile it and what to include in it Why Portfolio? You can keep a record of your teacher-training course as well as your teaching experience. It will serve as a reference material which you can use for your further professional development and also as evidence of your Presett development. It can also provide hands-on experience in working with Portfolio which you can use in your teaching practice. What should it include? Ø Your aims as a professional TEFL teacher ( what do you want to achieve in your language learning, teaching, other areas that are linked to your profession) Ø Your language proficiency and further development of the language (self-assessment based on European Language Portfolio for Adult Learners) Ø Topics covered in Methodology and Didactics seminars, your observations, reflection Ø Activities – used both in Methodology seminars and in other seminars with self-reflection and possible adaptations for your own teaching practice Ø Useful Literature – both theoretical and practical books and manuals, teaching journals Ø Your teaching experience – lesson plans with reflections Ø Useful contacts – your colleagues, teachers, institutions, publishers, etc. Ø Further professional development – INSETT course providers, professional associations,conferences, etc. Ø List of professional achievements – exams, certificates, references, etc. Ø Dossier of your own materials INSETT=in-service teacher training, tj. kurzy pro už učící učitele PRESETT= pre-service teacher training, tj. vlastně výuka na PdF