NEW ENGLISH FILE – INTERMEDIATE UNIT 3B, 3C, REVISE and CHECK UNIT 3B READING: 1c) 1. Because it’s the photo of ourselves that we most often show other people. 2. The Italians 3. The Norwegians 4. The French 1d) Ruth England is happy with hers. She took time to get a good photo of herself. Michael Winner isn’t happy with his. He thinks he looks like a drug dealer. Toby Young doesn’t like his because it doesn’t look like him, so people don’t believe the passport is his. 1e) 1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b VOCABULARY / describing people: Vocabulary bank: 1 AGE 1 about 2 forties 3 mid- 4 late 5 early 2 HEIGHT and BUILD 1 A 2 C 3 B 3 HAIR 1E 2A 3G 4B 5C 6F 7D 4 GENERAL ADJECTIVES Attractive + B plain - B Beautiful + W pretty + W Good-looking + B ugly - B Handsome + M GRAMMAR: 4a) 1C 2B 3 A 4b) 1. Laura, because people think she’s too small to be a policewoman. Thea, because they think she’s too young and dresses too casually to be a managing director. 2. Sam, because when people recognize her name they expect her to be a ‘typical rich kid.’ 4c) 1 can’t 2 must be 3 might be UNIT 3C GRAMMAR: 1a) ….try, try again. 1b) it is similar in meaning to CAN 1c) 1D 2G 3B 4F 5A 6E 7C 1d) A present perfect E gerund B past simple F conditional C future with will G present simple D past simple VOCABULARY: 4a) 1. The woman is (C) bored because the man is talking too much. He (A) is boring. 2. The little girl (B) is embarrassed because of the way her father is dancing. He is embarrassing. 4b) 1 disappointed 2 embarrassing 3 frustrating 4d) 1. Exciting 2. Depressed 3. Interesting 4. Disappointed 5. tiring 6. Bored 7. Embarrassing 8. Frightened 9. tired 10. Boring READING: 6b) Natalie 1. A car hit her when she was going to a training session on a motorbike. 2. Three months after the accident. 3. Thrilled. It felt like her leg was there. 4. She qualified for the final at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester (for able-bodied swimmers) 5. She hopes to swim faster than she did before the accident. Bethany 1. A tiger shark attacked her and tore off her arm. 2. As soon as she left hospital. 3. She was so happy she cried. 4. She finished 5^th at the National Surfing Championship 5. She accepts that she will never be world champion. 6e) They are both sportswomen, who excelled in water sports. They both lost a limb, but have both gone back to their sports and have triumphed again, competing against able-bodied people. Natalie still wants to improve as a swimmer and her dream is to swim faster than before she had the accident. Bethany, however, has accepted that she will never fulfil her dream to be world champion. PRACTICAL ENGLISH HOW TO GET THERE Where exactly is it? How far is it? How do I get to Belleville? The easiest way is to get the metro at Pyramides. Take line 14 and change at Chatelet, Then take line 11 towards Mairie des Lilas. Where do I get off? How many stops is it? How long does it take to get there? If you can wait till six, I’ll give you a lift. USEFUL PHRASES So, what do you think? It’s a long way from (the station). It’s a pity (there isn’t a lift) What’s it like? I can’t wait (to see it)! Are you on your own? I’ll call you back. REVISE and CHECK GRAMMAR 1. should join 2. Can’t be 3. Be able 4. Mustn’t take/can’t take 5. might not/ may not 6. Don’t have 7. Must be 8. Might be/may be 9. have to 10. Shouldn’t drink VOCABULARY a) 1. Mid 2. Length 3. Straight 4. Fringe 5. Wears b) 1. Interested 2. Depressed 3. Boring 4. Embarrassing 5. Frustrated c) 1. Off 2. Back 3. Up 4. Like 5. In CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a) 1b 2a 3c 4a 5b b) burst into tears = suddenly start crying sympathetic = understanding other people’s feelings/problems I couldn’t stand it = I couldn’t bear/tolerate the situation Turned down = rejected, refused to publish Deeply hurt = (made to feel) very unhappy/upset