New English File – Intermediate Výsledky k lekci 1 VOCABULARY - Personality (Pg. 147) 1 What are they like?: 1. spoilt 2. competitive 3. selfish 4. aggressive 5. charming 6. sensible 7. sociable 8. manipulative 9. moody 10. independent 11. bossy 12. affectionate 13. reliable 14. sensitive 15. ambitious 16. jealous 2 Opposite adjectives: Clever – stupid Generous – mean Insecure – self-confident Lazy – hard-working Quiet – talkative Shy – extrovert 3. Negative prefixes Unfriendly, unimaginative, unkind, unreliable, unselfish, unsociable, untidy Dishonest, disorganized Impatient, irresponsible, insensitive REVISE and CHECK Grammar: 1. did you get 7. ‘m meeting/ ‘m going to meet 2. bought 8. finish 3. Do you like 9. ‘ll pick you up 4. hit 10. ‘ll love/ ‘re going to love 5. was driving 6. had changed Vocabulary: A 1. seafood (not an adjective) 2. fried (not a kind of meat) 3. roast (a way of cooking) 4. pitch (not a person but a place) 5. beat ( verb, not a place) 6. affectionate (the others are adjectives with a negative meaning) 7. moody (the others are adjectives with a positive meaning) 8. family (it’s a ‘group’ – the others are individual) B 1. spicy 2. starter 3. draw 4. injured 5. stepfather 6. selfish 7. mean C 1. for, out 2. for 3. up 4. on Jam today, tomorrow, yesterday…. A 1 F 2 DS 3T 4T 5 F 6 F 7 DS 8 T 9 DS 10 T B Nutritionist – an expert on diet Rejects – doesn’t want Solid – the opposite of liquid Craves – wants very much Choking – not being able to breathe because you have something in your throat In advance – before you do something