Jazyková cvičení 1A

Týden 1

The course is aimed at the development and improvement of the students' language skills through a range of reading, speaking and listenting activities. Students should broaden their vocabulary and become more confident using it within particular contexts. Special emphasis is placed on the students' ability to communicate their ideas meaningfully and correctly, carry out conversations and improve their knowledge of grammar at intermediate level.

Requirements: attendance, active participation, all assigned homework and preparation throughout the whole term, tests after each unit, Final test, Credit - interviews in pairs.

The course is based on New English File - students will need Intermediate MultiPACK A. The plan is to cover U1, 2 and 3 which will be supplemented by other additional materials. The basic study material is the coursebook New English File INTERMEDIATE (Student's book and Workbook).

New English file :[student's book A, workbook A, multiROM + grammar checker]. Edited by Clive Oxenden - Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. 159, 39 s. ISBN 9780194518307.



Homework for the next week (25. 9. 2009)

Read through Start-of-course Grammar Checker to revise and check the grammar you should know at the start of the Intermediate level.
