The European Social Fund, the Czech Republic State Budget, the UJEP Faculty of Natural Sciences and Permission to use is granted on the following conditions: The use is for educational purposes only No fees or other income is charged Appropriate reference to this source is made. Data sources are indicated except pictures and drawings having been taken by the authors respectively publishers. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Man and Nature at General Educational Programmes in the Czech Republic School Educational Programmes QUO VADIS? PhDr. Jiří Skoda, Ph.D.1 ('< Vice-Dean for Science and Foreign Relations of PF UJEP EFEU Project: PhDr.Vladislava Hermanová, Ph.D.2 PF UJEP Department of Pedagogy1 PF UJEP Department of Psychology2 Paradigms of Natural Science Education ? Generalization Abstraction Scientistic Model Atomisation Matematisation Scientistic Model >Ti.'l?"T -Strictly Rigid Curricula -Mass Teaching -Transmissive and Instructive Educational Procedures -Cognitive Goals «MW -Utilitarian Teaching Strategy -Uniform Approach to Pupils -Unification of Information Sources Decline of credibility of natural science education Do you not believe? A few results of the ROSE project {The Relevance of Science Education) I like school science better than most other school subjects Uganda-Ghana (Centr)— Lesotho-Swaziland— Zimbabwe— Botswa li a— Philippines-Bangladesh— Ind ia (Gujarat)-India (Mu mbai)-Malaysia— Trinidad & T— Israel (Hebr)-Turkey— Greece-Portugal— Spain (Baleár)— Russia (Karel)-Po land-Latvia— Eston ia— Ireland— N. Ireland-England— Japan-Fin land-Iceland— Sweden-Denmark— Norway— 7 In many countries, girls seem to dislike school science V 9 ■ : M J in* 4 3- In many industrialized countries, science is fess popular than other subjects v T T 1 1,5 2:0 2,5 3,0 3:5 4,0 ean F05. I like school science better than most other subjects Do you not believe? A few results of the ROSE project (The Relevance of Science Education) ,n developing ^ countries, children think that science has opened their veyes to exciting jobs y —3f School science has opened my eyes to new and exciting jobs Uganda—I y Ghana (Centr)— Lesoth o— Swaziland— Zimbabwe-Botswana— Philippinea-Eanglad esl Ind ia (Gujarat)-India (Mu m ba i J— Malaysi Trinidad & Israel (Hebr)-Turke Greece-Portuga Spain (Balear)— Russia (KarelJ-Polan Latu i E sto n i Ire I a ii N.Irela nd— Englan Japan— F in la n Icelan Sw eden— Denmark— Norw a r ■ : In many industrialized countries, childrei do not think that science has opened their eye< to exciting jobs 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,D 3,5 4 Mean F04. School science has opened my eyes to new and exc iting jobs Don t you believe?.. A few results of the ROSE Project {The Relevance of Science Education) I would like to become a scientist Uganda— Ghana (Centr)— Lesotho-Swaziland— Zimbabwe-Botswana— Philipp in es— Bangladesh-India (Gujarat)-India (Mumbai)-M alaysia— Trinidad & Israel (Hebr)-Tn rkey^-Greece— Portiiga Spain (Balear)— Russia [Karel)-Polan Latvia— E ston ia— Ire I an N.Irelan E ng Ian Japan-Fin Ian Ice Ian Swede Denni ark— Norwa In industrialized countries, few children dream about becoming scientists. In particular girls... " L I I I 2,5 3,0 3,5 4.0 Mean F14. I would like to become a scientist Prírodní vedy Zamö Finsko Japonsko Hong ken Korea LichtenSte Australia M acao Řešení problému C eska republika Nový Zéland Kanada Švýcarsko Frar Belgie Švédsko Irsko Madarsko Nemecko Polsko Slovensko Island USA Rakousko Rusko Lotyšsko Španělsko Itálie Norsko Lucembursko Řecko Dánsko Portugalsko Uruguay Srbsko Turecko Thajsko Mexiko Indonésie B razili q Tunisko ■ ■ 5E ■ SH ■ 'ulil SI ■ SI 3 ■ 513 ■ Sil ■ 9(13 4M SEE itů ia Ě •« Ě «i E m l Zorně Průměr Korea Vil A Hongkong ':i.H A ':i.H Japonsko □ Nový Zéland ca H ■lij A Austrálie 930 A Lichtenštejnsko Bf ■ Kanada HI Belgie ia ■ Švýcarsko ■ij1 ■ Nizozemsko IM ■ Francie VI ■ 317 ■ taská republika NSmecko S13 Švédsko )m ■ Rakousko M ■ Island n ■ M adarsko jľ 1 rsko ľm Lucembursko i* Slovensko n; Norsko w Polsko m Lotyšsko □ Španělsko Rusko USA Portugalsko og Itálie Řecko T Thajsko T Srbsko iai Uruguay i- Turecko i ltd Mexiko »1 Brazilie :i." T Indonésie :iü- Tunisko '!-: Natural Sciensis - Problem Solving Country Country Average Research in natural science literacy and abilities to solve problems in 15-year old pupils according to the OECD PISA 2003 Czech Republic Natural sciences.... ...natural science subjects... ...their didactics, as well as our understanding of their meanings, are gradually developing and changing Different Competences !!! A MEANS What will man need to know in the course of the following 40-50 years of his professional career? What is school expected to prepare him for? ..And to equip him with? ... but a means of what? Key purposes and key competenses according to General Educational Programmes Competence to learning Competence to problem solving Communicative Competence Social and Personal Competence Civil Competence Working Competence Who meets competences given by General Educational Programmes? System of Curricular Documents State Level Pract Edu SPE NEPs Basic Edu NEPs Gvmt NEPs Other NEPs NEPs School Level School Educational Programmes 7 Pract. Edu SEPs Basic Edu SEPs Gvmt SEPs Sec. Profe Edu SEPs Bíln kniha - Národní pro era m vzdelávam The White Paper - National Programme of Education R\T PY R\T ZV R\P GV SVP Ed. School Programmes Ed. sphere Vzdělávací oblast Vzdělávací obor Branch of Ed. Vyučovací předmět Hodina Lesson -_i _ RVPSOV jinéRVP Educational Programmes Schedule of the Startup Time of Year General Educational Programmes 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 i 2 1 Note 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 s School Year Only pilot schools, checking/testing elements of Basic Education GEP Only pilot schools, checking/testing the full scope of teaching Schools according to their own decision, always from the first and sixth forms Obligation of all schools, always from the first and sixth forms What are expected changes based on? "• Concept of whole-life education • Concept of variability of educational programmes at the school level Concept of the strengthening of pedagogical autonomy Concept of developing individuality of each pupil Concept of education for life Concept of changes in the school climate Possibility of school profiling Possibility of wider specialisation of schools Implementation of the marketing strategy of schools Expected demographic changes in the population aged 5-14 in the next decade 2005 = 100 120 i- Expected demographic changes in the population aged 15-19 in the next decade 2005 - 100 Věk 15 -19 let (předpokládané trendy v počtech žáků a absolventů vyššího sekundární! 130 vzdělávání) Age between 15-19 {Expected trends in numbers of pupils and graduates from higher Secondary Education ž -3 % S £ « (fi L ^ '* « >tu ^ « t £ u -> CO rC co £ y Já ^ P u 05 ^ U 8 o Cm 1/j Í3 SPÍ ■id O £ & S | w £ 5 O O O O ra -jh -jÍ _jÍ _jÍ General Educational Programme for Grammar School (Secondary General ) Secondary Edu GEP Cross-Sectional Themes 1. stupeň 2. stupeň Vzdělávací oblasti Vzdělávací obory 1st degree 1.-5. ročník 2nd degree . . 6. - 9. ročník a odpovídající ročníky víceletých středních Education Areas BranchesFields of Ed. škol Minimální časová dotace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Českýjazyk a literatura 38 16 Cizí jazyk 9 12 Matematika a její aplikace 22 16 Informační a kornunikačnítechnologie 1 1 Člověk a jeho svět 12 - Člověk a společnost 1 Society Dějepis 12 Výchova k občanství Fyzika - Člověk a příroda Chemie - 22 Přírodopis _ Man and Nature Zeměpis - Umění a kultura Culture Hudebni výchova 12 10 Výtvarná výchova Člověk a zdraví Health Výchova ke zdraví - 11 Tělesná výchova 10 Člověk a svět práce Work 5 4 ................ Cross-Section Themes p P Disponibilní časová dotace fixed - 10 free 9 8 . . Total Obligatory time telľova povinna c o sovo dotace Endowment 118 122 Total Number of Lessons in Pupils Aged 7-14 Fínsko Norsko Švédsko Korea Dánsko Polsko Maďarsko Nemecko Island ■ Česká republika ■ Japonsko ■ Lucembursko ■ Španělsko ■ Rakousko ■ Turecko ■ Belgie (Fv.) ■ Belgie (Fr.) L Anglie ■ Portugalsko Z Irsko ■ Mexiko ■ Řecko ■ Francie ■ Izrael ■ Nový Zéland ■ Itálie L Austr álle ■ Nizozemí ■ Vék7-Slet □ Vek 9-11 let □ Věk 12-14 let Czech Republic 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 & 000 9 000 What new elements are brought to education by General Educational Programmes? Change of pupils key competences Freedom to create the thematic plan Making use of innovative and alternative methods of learning ...and a POSSIBILITY OF INTEGRATING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? DENMARK Subjects: Language Branch Mathematics Branch Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Mathematics 135 127 132 135 127 Physics 127 79 108 127 Chemistry 127 79 135 127 Biology 79 127 79 135 127 Geography 81 81 Natural Science (Science) 79 108 - How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? ESTONIA Subjects: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Mathematics 9 35-lesson courses, i.e. 315 hours in 3 years Geography 3 35-lesson courses, i.e. 105 hours in 3 years Biology 4 35-lesson courses, i.e. 140 hours in 3 years Chemistry 4 35-lesson courses, i.e. 140 hours in 3 years Physics 6 35-lesson courses, i.e. 210 hours in 3 years How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? FINLAND Lower Level Higher Level Courses Subjects: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Obligatory Specialised Mathematics 9 6 - 10 2 - 3 Biology and Geography 7 Physics and Chemistry 6 Biology 2 2 Geography 2 || 2 Physics 1 7 Chemistry 1 3 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? FRANCE Subjects Preparatory Cycle Main Cycle Specialisation Cycle Year 6 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Mathematics 4 3.5 - 4.5 3.5 -4.5 4 History, Geography, and Civics 3 3 - 4 3 -4 3 - 3.5 Biology and Sciences about the Earth 1.5 1.5 - 2 1.5 -2 1.5 Technology 1.5 1.5 - 2 1.5 -2 2 fyzika a chemie 1.5 -2 1.5 -2 1.5 - 2 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? IRELAND Subjects: Junior Cycle Senior Cycle 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Natural Science (Science) Number of hours prescribed Group of Natural Science Subjects Mathematics Not specified Physics Chemistry Physics and Chemistry Biology Applied Mathematics Applied Sciences Physics and Chemistry Not specified Agriculture Group of Social Sciences Geography Not specified How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? ITALY Subjects: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Mathematics and Natural Sciences 6 6 6 History and Geography 4 4 5 Technical Education 3 3 3 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? CYPRUS Subjects: Grade A Grade B Grade C Mathematics 4 3 4 Geography 1 1 1 Physics 2 2 Chemistry 1 1 Botany and Zoology 2 Anthropology 1 Biology 1 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? LIECHTENSTEIN Subjects: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Obligatory Subjects Mathematics 3 5 5 5 Natural Sciences 3 3 3 3 History, Political Sciences, Geography 3 4 3 4 Elective Obligatory Subjects Mathematics 1 2 2 2 Natural Sciences 2 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? LATVIA Subjects: Year 11 Year 12 Mathematics 5 5 Natural Sciences (Biology, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry) 4 4 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? MALTA Subjects: District School Junior Lyceum Years 1-2 Years 3-5 Years 1-2 Years 3-5 Mathematics 5 5 5 5 Integrated Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) 4 4 4 4 Geography 1 1 2 1 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? THE NETHERLANDS Subjects Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Geography 140 Mathematics 400 _ Physics and Chemistry 200 Biology 120 Technology 180 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? POLAND Subjects Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Mathematics 12 Physics and Astronomy 4 Chemistry 4 Biology 4 Geography 4 Technology 2 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? PORTUGAL Subjects: Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Mathematics and Natural Sciences 7 _ Social Sciences, History, Geography 7 Mathematics 6 Natural Sciences, Physics, Chemistry 6.5 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? AUSTRIA Subjects Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Geography and Economy 7 - 12 Mathematics 14 - 20 Biology and the Environment 7 - 12 Physics 1.5 -4 Chemistry 5 -10 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? ROMANIA Subjects Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Mathematics 4 4 4 4 Physics 2 2 2 Chemistry - 2 2 Biology 1-2 2 2 1-2 Geography 1-2 1 -2 1-2 2 Technical Education 1-2 1 -2 1-2 1 -2 GREECE (Obligatory Subjects) Subjects: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Major Obligatory Subjects (for all specialisations) Mathematics 4-5 4 Mathematics and Statistics 2 Physics and Chemistry 4-5 Physics-Chemistry-Biology 4 Physics and Biology 2 Obligatory Subjects of Natural Science Specialisation Mathematics 3 5 Physics 3 Chemistry 2 2 Biology 2 Obligatory Subjects of Technical Specialisation Mathematics 3 5 Physics 2 3 Chemistry and Biochemistry 2 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? GREECE (Elective Subjects) Elective Subjects Environmental Sciences 2 Astronomy and the Universe 2 Biology 2 Chemistry 2 Management of Water Resources 2 - Statistics 2 Agronomy 2 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? SLOVAKIA Subjects: Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Geography 2 2 2 2 ■ 1 Mathematics 5 5 5 4 4 Physics 2 2 2 1 Chemistry 2 3 Natural Science 2 2 2 2 1 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? SLOVENIA Subjects: Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Geography 70 66 ,,x48 Natural Science (Science) 70 70 Biology 70 66 48 Chemistry - 66 64 Physics 66 64 Mathematics 175 140 140 i 132 128 Natural Science Days 16 12 16 12 16 How far did the integration of teaching natural science subjects get in the EU countries? SPAIN (Selected Provinces) Subjects: Andalusia Galicia Basque Region 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mathematics 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 Social Sciences History, Geography 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 3 Natural Sciences 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 4 2.5 Physics and Chemistry 3 2 3 Biology,Geology 3 2 3 Technology 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2.5 2.5 What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? /o 60 P 30 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - Histogram relativních četností Relative Frequency Rate o 1 2 3 4 s e forma integrace yýuky prírodovedných predmetu na ZŠ Form of Integration of teching Science Subjects at Primary School Individual independent subjects (zero integration) 1 More emphasis on cross-subject relationships within the framework of independent subjects 2 Joint (integrated) teaching of selected themes S A wider range of integration- e.g. by means of project work 4 Full integration of two or more natural science subjects S What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Suitability of full integration of subjects at Primary School 1. Chemistry-Natural Science 60.90% 2. Physics-Chemistry-Natural Science 58.90% 3. Chemistry- Physics 56.60% 4. Man and Nature (Physics-Chemistry-Geography-Natural Science) 52.60% 5. Natural Science - Geography "^faJHB 45.10% 6. Chemistry-Geography-Natural Science 39.60% 7. Physics-Chemistry-Geography 34.80% 8. Physics-Geography-Natural Science 29.90% 9. Physics - Natural Science 28.30% 10. Chemistry-Geography 24.50% 11. Physics-Geography 20.00% What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Suitability of full integration of subjects at Primary School Integration of Science Teaching CH-Pr CH-Fy CH-Ze Fy-Pr Fy-Zs Pr-Ze Fy-CH-Pf Fy-CH-Ze CH-Ze-Pf Fy-Ze-Pr Üovsk a pnroda What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Histogram relativních četností Relative Frequency Rate .60 F 0 \-.—-c C 1 2 3 4 5 6 forma integrace výuky prírodovedných predmetu na SS Form of Integration of Science Subjects at Secondary Schools Individual independent subjects (zero integration) 1 More emphasis on cross-subject relationships within the framework of independent subjects 2 Joint (integrated) teaching of selected themes S A wider range of integration- e.g. by means of project work 4 Full integration of two or more natural science subjects S What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Applicability of full integration of subjects at secondary school Chemistry - Biology 47.60% Chemistry- Physics 41.30% Physics-Chemistry-Biology 41.10% Man and Nature (Physics-Chemistry-Geogr.-Biology) 37.90% Biology - Geography 30.40% Chemistry-Geography-Biology 29.60% Physics- Chemistry- Geography 25.80% Physics - Geography- Biology 25.30% Physics-Biology [JHI 22.90% Physics-Geography 21.00% Chemistry-Geography * 20.40% What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Full integration of subjects at secondary school is suitable Integrace výuky přírodovědných předmětů Integration of Science Subjects CH-Bi CH-Fy CH-Zě Fy-Bi Fy-Zfi Bi-Ze Fy-CH-Bi Fy-CH-Ze CH-Ze-Bi Fy-Ze-Bi Člověk a pnroda What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Optimised plan of teaching natural science subjects at primary school Subjects Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Chemistry 0 1 2 2 Physics 1 1 2 2 Geography 2 2 1 1 Natural Science 2 2 1 What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Ms I hi Mam dostatek informant o RVP ZY. I have enough information about GEP of Basic Education naprosto souhlasím I fully agree I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím r L Podílím se na tvorbě ŠVP na svém pracovišti. I participate in creating SEP in my work place naprosto souhlasím I fully agree I definitely don t agree What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Integrací výuky přírodovědných předmětu pokládám za vhodnou. I consider integration of Science Subject as Suitable Su I fully agree souhlasím I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím r RVP zjednoduší a za tra ktivní výuku přírodovědných předmětu. GEP will make science subjects easier and more attractive 1 naprosto souhlasím I fully agree I definitely don t agree rozhodně nesouhlasím What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Vysoká škola v současné době dobře připravuje své absolvent;- pro práci se SYP. Teacher Training prepare graduates very well for work with GEP/SEP naprosto ...-,.r.. I fully agree I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím Pokládám se za odborně způsobilého způsobilou k plně integrované vyu přírodovědných předmětu. I consider myself a teacher professionally qualified to transfer GEP at integration Form I fully agree souhlasím I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím What is the approach of our teachers to the integration of education? Integraci výuky přírodovědných předmětů je věnována dostatečná pozornost v rámci programů dalšího vzdělávání učitelů. Integration of Science Subjects is paid a sufficient amount of attention naprosto I fully agree I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím Fro integrovanou výuku je k dispozici dostatek materiálů (učebnice, metodické příručky, pracovní listy atd.) There is a sufficient quantity of materials (textbooks, methodological handbooks, work sheets, etc.) for intedrated education I fully agree souhlasím 10 I definitely don t agree And what is the approach of our teachers to integrated education of natural science subjects?Integrated education will be demanding for teacher preparation more integrovaná výuka přírodovědných předmětů bude náročnější na přípravu učitelů. Integrated education will be more demanding for teacher preparation i i fuMy agree souhlasím I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím Pro postupné zavádění integr o van é výuky přírodovědných předmětu jsou na naší škole vhodné podmínky. There are good conditions in our school for gradual introducing integrated education T naprosto I fully agree I definitely don t agree rozhodne nesouhlasím What is it that prevents most the introduction of integrated education of natural science subjects into schools? Teachers specialisation in 1 or 2 subjects Insufficient professional qualification of teachers Lack of certain textbooks Lack of financial funds, predominantly for finishing the equipment of specialised classrooms and laboratories What is it that prevents most the introduction of integrated education of natural science subjects into schools? Difficulties associated with the formation of the timetable Unwillingness of teachers to change traditional ways of teaching Insufficient motivation ... and when we speak about motivation Platy učitelů na nižší sekundární úrovni po zahájení kariéry, po 15 letech praxe a na konci kariéry (2004) Teachers salaries after starting their career after 15 years of teaching and the end of their carier □ Platy po 15 letech praxe/minimální kvalifikace # Platy ke konci kariéry/minimální kvalifikace O Platy na začátku kariéry/minimální kvalifikace 120000 100000 80 000 60 000 40 000 li) 000 o Teachers salaries conversed into USD per year. č c c 5 t O * • f O « x5 - 3 -C S3 ■Fc > 3 S3 ■v o - O O O -14 r./j N O N '■fi ••A - J4 rH — ■m r, "v o ^ (U O 03 t/j ■a a I (U r- Ctí pq o I = S3 - ti- O ď Ä — 3 > O -14 'J ífi '0 -i ■ŕ ■v S3 - - S3 "C S3 u O What is the biggest obstacle that prevents integrated education of natural science subjects from being introduced into schools? Lack of cooperation between subjects I Time-consuming character of these subjects Lack of interest in pupils Lack of interest in school management Possibilities of integration in the currently valid educational programmes Basic School General School National School IDC iYmti Mia F Ui Z F Ul Z F (Ji ft 6 - 6 6 J L - 2 1 - 3 - ] [ ] 2 4 3 8 4 2 1 J i 1 L 2 ■— 9l (+1) 2 (+ 1) (+ 1) JbtclVV cash eve Physics-Chemistry-Natural Science-Geography Possibilities from superstructure parts Interdisciplinary themes in teaching natural science subjects at primary schools Substances and Objects (properties of substances, condition of substances) Physics Year 6 Chemistry Year 8 Elemental Composition of Substances (atom and its composition, proton, neutron, electron, ion, molecule) Physics Year 6 Chemistry Year 8 Properties of Liquids and Gases, Air, Physic Geogra- Natural Chemis Atmospheric Pressure, Introduction to s phy Science -try Meteorology Year 6 Year 7 Year 6 Year 8 Light Phenomena, Light (Photosynthesis),Shadow, Eclipse of the Sun and the Moon Physics Year 6 Natural Science Year 6 Geography Year 6 Interdisciplinary themes in teaching natural science subjects at primary schools Electric Charge, Electrical Element, Electric Current, Accumulator, Redox of the Action, Electrolysis Physics Year 8 Chemistry Year 9 Energy and Its Metamorphoses, Internal Energy, Activating Energy, Exo- and Endothermic Reactions Physics Year 8 Chemistry Year 9 Production/Manufacture of Energy, Renewable and Non-Renewable Sources of Energy Physics Year 8 Geography Year 8 Chemistry Year 8 The Universe, the Universe and its Composition, the Star and the Apparent (Solar) Day Physics Year 9 Geography Year 9 Clean Air, Thermal Inversion, Smog, Acid Rains, Ozone Holes Geography Year 8 Natural Science Year 6 Chemistry Year 8 Interdisciplinary themes in teaching natural science subjects at primary schools Fossil Fuels, Coal, Crude Oil and Their Excavation and Ecological Risks Natural Science Year 9 Chemistry Year 9 Geography Year 8 Ability to Distinguish Organic and Anorganic Substances, Their Characteristic Features and Properties Natural Science Year 6 Chemistry Year 9 Radioactive Radiation, Nuclear Energy, Impact of Nuclear Radiation on Organisms Physics Year 8 Natural Science Year 9 Bioorgnaic Substancesy, Biopolymers, Nucleic Acids, Heredity Natural Science Year 8 Chemistry Year 9 The Earth as a Planet, Its Natural Geography Natural Science Elements and Development Year 6 Year 9 Interdisciplinary themes in science teaching: subjects at secondary schools Phy Molecular Physics and Thermic Processes Relative Atomic and Molecular Weight, Quantities of Substances, Avogadr Constant, Molar Weight and Volume, Weight of Atoms and Molecules Introduction to Studying Chemistry Ch Phy Physics of the Microworld Electron Envelope, Quantization, Quantization of Atom Energy, Atomic Orbitals, Their types, Valence Electrons Composition and Structure of Chemical Substances Ch Phy Molecular Physics and Thermic Processes Backgrounds to Termochemistry, Enthalpy, Internal Energy, Thermodynamic Laws Qualitative and Quantitative Side of Chemical Reactions Ch Phy Electricity and Magnetism Backgrounds to Electrochemistry, Faraday Laws Law behind Transformations of Initical Substances into Products Ch Interdisciplinary themes in science teaching: subjects at secondary schools Bi Basic Actions at the Cellular Level Enzymes and their significance, Anabolism, Catabolism, Breathing, Fermentation, Photosynthesis, Proteosynthesis, NK Synthesis Bioenergetics Fundamentals of Biochemistry Ch Bi Biology of Man Toxicomania, Alcoholism, Addictive Substances, Chemistry of natural Substances Chemistry of Natural Substances Ch Bi Ecology Biochemical Cycles of the following elements: C, N, P, Ca... Backgrounds of Inorganic Chemistry Ch Bi Ecology Ekological Problems within the Framework of Sustainable Development of Society Chemistry and the Environment Ch Interdisciplinary themes in science teaching: subjects at secondary schools Geo The Earth as an Object of the Universe Basic structure/composition of the Universe, stars and planets The Earth as part of the Universe Astrophysics Phy Geo Natural Picture of the Earth Organisms on the Earth and their environment, biosphere as one of the biospheres of the Earth, biosphere and man, antropogennous impacts on the biosphere, ecoclogical valence and abiotic factors. Ecology Bi Geo Landscape and the Environment Životní prostředí, ochrana a rozvoj životního prostředí, trvale udržitelný rozvoj lidské společnosti. Ecology Bi Teacher of Natural Science Subjects - Specialist or Universal Teacher? Situation in EU Countries Teacher of Science subjects - a specialist or a universal teacher? What are general educational programmes and what will they bring? "The current educational system is not being replaced by something better, only by something new" Prof. RNDr. František Kuřina, CSc. What are General Educational Programmes and What Will They Bring? Undisputable Positives: - Chance to a Change - A Possibility for schools to have a better profile -Support to Innovative Trends in the Process of Teaching/Learning - Path from Knowledge to Skills -Development of Teachers or Pupils Individualities -A Wider Scope of Autonomy, adaptability Is the profile of schools advantageous? Results in pupils of Year 9 (accord. to OECD PISA 2003) G50 GOO 550 500 450 400 Basic School ZS bez zaměření BS with advanced lessons Six or eight-year gymnazium ZS se zaměřením Víceletá gymnázia What are General Educational programmes and what changes will they bring? Undisputable negatives: National experiment on people - Reduction of horizontal permeability of the educational system or even its frustration - Lack of qualified teachers (eg. Those for integrated education). - Excessive dependance of schgool educational programmes on the current state|/condition of schools (facilities, human resources, etc.) Entrance examination for entering a higher school degree Evaluation of General Educational Programmes ... or when do we find out whether the idea is good or wrong? zs zs ^_J L_, ZŠ ZŠ ZŠ ZŠ ZŠ ZŠ ZŠ SŠ SŠ SŠ SŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ f-~\ f ~\ f f-~\ f— 2007 | Basic School Secondary School Higher Education 2030 "Reform is always made by the teacher". Prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Kolář, DrSc. Destiny and further progress of the Czech Educational System is now in your hands. Thank you for your attention and your patience and wish you a lot of success and strong nerves in yourfurtherpedagogical work.