Intensive Programme “ Science Hits for kids” The interdisciplinarity, the main direction of the renovation of the activity for teachers of Sciences – A case study. Romania Prof.drd. Marietta Lesovici - Teacher Training Center – Iaşi Prof.dr. Anca Dimitriu – Teacher Training Center - Iaşi Romania • In the National Curriculum, the contents of the school subjects were traditionally conceived with an emphasized independence of some subjects towards other, this means every subject should be independent. The curricular areas are: · Language and Communication · Maths and Nature Sciences · The human being and the society · Physical Education · Conciliation and Orientation. • Dealing with the interdisciplinarity of the experimental sciences • The pedagogical inquiry - based on a questionnaire in which the people answered three questions regarding the interdisciplinary teaching, the difficulties met by teachers in dealing with the interdisciplinary approach of the experimental sciences, the frequency of using the methods in their teaching process in the classroom The hierarchy of the difficulties met by the teachers in the interdisciplinary teaching of the experimental sciences The heuristic type of learning Communication methods based on the question-answer dialogue The teaching based on problem solving has a high percentage in the sciences of nature in the secondary school system as well as in high schools. Direct benefits for the Romanian educational system based on the AEL teaching: interdisciplinary approach of education, the innovative aspect of the teaching process, the assurance of the efficiency and the accomplishment of teaching, teaching and evaluating, the prevention of school abandonment, a higher attraction for pupils. The modelling represents a method with a great potential of creativity and also with efficiency in research The experiment , a learning method as a way of adaptation to the real conditions of the society and a way of developing the creativity The interest for using the critical thinking methods has increased, as many training programs took place, for primary school teachers, for the teachers from secondary schools and high schools Conclusions • refers mainly to the area of the Curriculum • attach our curriculum to the other educational systems from Europe especially on the interdisciplinarity domain • The Sciences syllabus for the higher education will have to be adapted • the initial development should generate skills for the interdisciplinary approach of the Sciences of Nature