Picture analysis as a teaching method Titta Liukkonen and Anni Aroluoma Finland Why are pictures important? n ”Picture tells more than thousand words” n Pictures help students to build right kind of image of natural habitats n e.g. forest in other countries may be different …Why are pictures important? n Students have different kind of learning methods n Many studies have shown that pictures help students to recall things learned before (A. Hassi 1987) What can be seen in pictures? n Nature: n Abiotic: water/ humidity, topography, weather n Biotic: plants, animals, fungus n People: age, wealth, health, occupation, values etc. n Peoples influence on the environment n Land use (buildings, farming, forestry etc.), pollutions, trashes n Causality n Why questions and conclusions n What cannot be seen? Topics to discuss n When to use picture analysis? n With whom? n Is it efficient method? n How to apply this method to different school subjects? Group work n Groups have pictures from different countries n Each group will have different topics to focus on • Discuss about pictures as a tool of learning • Plan a lesson for kids about your theme n Groups will present their own theme for the whole group Topics n Cultures n Health n Vegetation zones n Climate n Climate change n Flora & Fauna n Chemistry of water n Peoples influence n Correlation between species n Environmental problems