Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lithuania) Dr. Dalius Dapkus Vice-dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences Vilnius Pedagogical University l The biggest higher educational establishment training teachers for Lithuanian schools; l ~12500 students; l 13 faculties; l ~600 university teachers. Main aims of the university l future teacher training, l improving school teachers’ qualification, l organizing their re-qualification, l scientific research. Some words about yourself? Integration of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Is Nature similar to a cake? l How to eat it? Inanimate environment & biotic environment => Natural Studies l Natural studies: Biology, Chemistry and Physics (and Geography). l Mathematics. l Other subjects? Is it necessary to integrate science subjects? l Or discrete subjects should be taught without integration? l E.g., integration of science in Lithuanian schools started only after 1990`s. Integration l Inner integration (e.g. relation between animals and plants). l Interdisciplinary integration (relationships among Biology, Chemistry and Physics). l Sociocultural integration (understanding of harmony in nature, balanced consumption, etc.). To integrate or not? l The task for you is to discuss about and give ideas on: But… l The nature is not a cake divided into small pieces. So… l A pupil should understand nature as a whole unity. l He /she should understand the complexity and harmony of the world. l To understand phenomena and processes of nature. l To educate himself as a friendly consumer of natural resources, etc. What is the system of integration of science subjects in your country? l Discussion and short report paying attention to: l Primary school (age ? – age ?); l Basic school (age ? – age ?); l Secondary school (age ? – age ?). Primary school l The integration of science is necessary. l Pupils should acquire some basic knowledge about nature as an integrity. l Get acquainted with basic concepts. l To know the world around us: I can see/ I can touch… l Engagement and curiosity to natural studies should be developed. Basic school l Lower classes (e.g. 5-6 forms) – integration is necessary. l Pupils study processes and concepts of science more deeply. l They recognize objects of inanimate and alive nature. l They raise questions and hypotheses, plan some experiments. l Form their world-view. Two ways of realization l integration of concepts l integration of phenomena. Integration of concepts l Movement. l Energy. l System. l Evolution. l Variation. Integration of phenomena l E.g. “Respiration” Respiration in Chemistry l Chemical composition of air we breath Respiration in Biology l Physiological processes of breathing as biological sphere. Respiration in Physics l Physical processes during respiration (diffusion, pressure, etc.) Integration of Physics and Biology l Microphone and ear Upper grades of a basic school l In Lithuania, Biology and Physics appear as discrete subjects from the 7^th grade. l Chemistry – from the 8^th grade. l In 9^th and 10^th grades pupils study generalizing courses of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Secondary school l Pupils think about their future profession (?). l They can choose to deepen their knowledge in Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Motivation of pupils is very important, but… l A big decline in interest in science subjects throughout the whole Europe… The task for all of you l If I am a Minister of Education, what should I do for the favor of science subjects? l Let’s think 4-5 main things. Thank you!