TERTIARY EDUCATION 1. Write a short paragraph introducing yourself and your studies. Information that should be included: name, where from (home-town), age, secondary school (type, where), university-faculty-subjects of study, why did you choose them, what would you like to do in future etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. Introduce yourself to your colleagues that you have never spoken to, using the draft from the previous exercise. 3. Match the following words on the left with their Czech equivalents on the right: requirements odevzdat (co) university degree zapsat se (kam) diploma titul enrol on a course požadavky withdraw from a course jít na zkoušku/ skládat zkoušku z hand in essays diplom take/sit for/do an exam in maths odhlásit se/odregistrovat se z pass x fail an exam psát esej/práci/diplomovou práci (na téma) take a re-sit stipendium write an essay/paper/ thesis on sth. jít na opravný termín/skládat opravnou zk lecture koleje (ubytování pro VŠ studenty) scholarship přednáška graduation ceremony úspěšně x neúspěšně složit zkoušku halls of residence (GB) / dormitory (US) aula assembly hall/university hall posluchárna lecture hall /auditorium promoce freshman prvák 4. Listening (Face2face Pre-intermediate, CD2, track 4.10) 5. Degrees – Akademické tituly What exactly do the following abbreviations mean? BA (B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of A _ _ _ ) BSc (B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of S _ _ _ _ _ _ ) BEd (B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) MA (M _ _ _ _ _ of A _ _ _ ) MSc (M _ _ _ _ _ of S _ _ _ _ _ _ ) MEd (M _ _ _ _ _ of E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) MBA (M _ _ _ _ _ of B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) PhD (D _ _ _ _ _ of P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) LLD (D _ _ _ _ _ of L _ _ ) MD (D _ _ _ _ _ of M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) VMD (V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M_ _ _ _ _ _ D_ _ _ _ _ ) THD (D _ _ _ _ _ of T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) e.g. My brother has an MA in English literature. Phil is studying for / doing an MSc in biochemistry.