The Earth Land Cover, Land Use 41 1. Global land cover and land use. A3 7.^ HB *■=>[ Water surface Sparse herbaceous or sparse shrub cover Tree cover, conifer, deciduous Tree cover, mixed-ieave type Tree cover, broad-ieaved, deciduous, dosed Tree cover, conifer, evergreen Tree cover, burnt Mosaic-, tree cover/ other natura! vegetation Bare ground Artifcia! surface and associated area Cuitivated and managed area Herbaceous cover, dosed-open Reguiariy flooded shrub and/or herbaceous cover Tree cover, broad-ieaved, deciduous, open Tree cover, broad-ieaved, evergreen Mosaic-, cropiand/ tree cover/ other naturai vegetation Mosaic-, cropiand/ shrub and/or grass cover Shrub cover, ciosed-open, evergreen Shrub cover, ciosed-open, deciduous Tree cover, reguiariy flooded, saiine water Tree cover, reguiariy flooded, fresh water y Scale for Landsat images 1 : 2 000 000 im :v /!. ■'-. \ : ^ l I^SIl I B^OTSiy 5BPP5» S / / WW 2. Finnmark, Norway (July 2000). 3. Salpausselkä, Finland (May 2002). 4. Carpathian Mts., Romania (August 1993). 5. Cyrenaica, Libya (August 2000). 6. Sahel, Chad (November 1999). 7. Central African Republic (November 1999). 8. Congo Basin, D. R. of the Congo (Feb 2002). 9. Kalahari, Botswana (June 2000).