Seasonal Changes, Niger Inland Delta 101 mm §w -■■■ "4":. .?-- ^ £89 •■■> ->• . — - 4a. Niger Inland Delta inJune(2003). 4b. Niger Inland Delta in October (2003). Ac. Land cover oftheNiger Inland Delta. Land cover ^ Water ail seasons | LphuJic (cphcitiLiul) IuLl | jUijííi/j steppe $ ' sandv desert (/tod: ---------\ Side road A/layimum water ,, j ■ Srruri-ana woodland Sparse veaefaf ion Wasteland „ ■ j _______ National M dispersion \ \narapan | U wet savan nah \ M semi-desert \ M aravel desert \ \ wain roaa | feordpr Number of Tsetse fly species un-| known mm >-*. 5. Tsetsefly species spread overhumid regions. 6a. Niger Inland Delta, outflow of the Nigerfrom Lake Debo 6b. Niger Inland Delta, outflow of the Nigerfrom Lake Debo in June (2001). in October(2001).