TrinityTest fade Building the Atomic Bomb The first fission reaction was performed in Germany December 1938 by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann TrinityTest fade Building the Atomic Bomb Many Scientists fled Germany and Italy to America Two of these were: Enrico Fermi – Italian Nuclear physicist Leo Szilard – German Nuclear Scientist MP00640_ Building the Atomic Bomb Many of these scientist were fearful that Germany would develop an atomic bomb. Fermi Even met with military leaders to warn them, but nothing came of the meeting. Fermi TrinityTest fade Building the Atomic Bomb These scientist finally convinced Albert Einstein to sign a letter to President Roosevelt. From this letter, the Manhattan Project was initiated The Manhattan Project had two goals Study Nuclear Fission and develop an atomic bomb Chicago – Birthplace of sustained nuclear fission chicago TrinityTest fade First Sustained Nuclear Reaction Performed at the University of Chicago under the Direction of Enrico Fermi Marker At Stagg Field - Chicago monchicag Building the Atomic Bomb Men in Charge Military leader – General Leslie Groves Scinentific leader – Robert Oppenheimer oppi-groves Secret sites •Oak Ridge, TN •Uranium hanford Hanford WA Plutonium oak ridge losalamos Boys School – Los Alamos NM boyshome TrinityTest fade The Secret City Site Y PO Box 1663, Santa Fe NM 10,000 Residents in 6 months The Valley of Death valleyofdeath Plutonium Sphere plutonium sphere A Billion or So abillion Rare Accidents hand The Nuclear Age…..Ready? firstbomb The Tower of Time ontower The Tower vallydeath The Day the Sun Rose Twice explosion The Day the Sun Rose Twice blasts The Tower towerremains Melted Sand - A Mile and a Half arial view War Time Feelings propoganda1 Feelings About Japan tojo The Enola Gay - Tebbs enolagay Hiroshima hiroshema Hiroshima hiroshima2 Hiroshima hiroshima3 The Bombs bombs Trinity Site Today trinity Trinity Site Today monumenttrinity Trinity Site Today trinitite Trinity Site Today shed Los Alamos losalamos2 Trinity Site Today sand