COURSE SYLLABUS Practical Language 1 (A2BP_PJ1A) Autumn 2011 Teacher : Mgr. Veronika Tománková Office: “Domeček”,doctoral students' office Office hours: Wed 10:00-11:00 (and/or by appointment) Email address: This course is designed to help students improve their English language knowledge, including all productive and receptive language skills, i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking in particular. As this is an integrated course which combines practical language and study skills, various teaching techniques will be used in the classes and students will be asked to find the most suitable learning strategies for themselves, as these will be vital for their further independent study. Students are expected to come prepared and take active part in sessions. During the term, they will cover Units 1-5 in New Inside Out - Upper Intermediate, using a range of supplementary materials. Outside classes, students will carry out tasks on Moodlinka, such as forums, quizzes, texts for further reading etc. Coursebook and Other Resources: New Inside Out - Upper Intermediate. Student´s book. Edited by Susan Kay - Vaughan Jones - Philip Kerr - Jon Hird. 1st ed. Oxford : Macmillan, 2010. 159 s. ISBN 978-0-230-00914-1. Kerr, Philip. New Inside Out., [Upper intermediate]., Workbook. 1st publ. Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann English language teaching, 2010. 96 s. : il. ISBN 978-0-230-00923-3. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers. Edited by Raymond Murphy. 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. x, 379 s. ISBN 0-521-53762-2. English or czenglish ? Jak se vyhnout čechismům v angličtině. Edited by Don Sparling. 2. vyd. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991. 274 s. ISBN 80-04-25969-3. Bohuslavová, Libuše - Janíková, Věra - Táborská, Jana - Sládková, Věra. Evropské jazykové portfolio pro dospělé studenty v České republice. 1. vyd. Praha : Scientia,spol.s r.o. pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha 6, 2004. 43 s. ISBN 80-7183-313-4. Credit requirements To pass this course students need to achieve at least 70% of the total of 100% given for: Active participation you can miss 2 sessions Written assignment 20% Presentation in class 20% Progress tests 20% (2 tests - 10 points each) Forums 10% - 1 contribution per week (minimum required length: 80 words), revised by Veronika Tománková, about 5 random contributions per week Journals 10% - revised by Jana Chocholatá Portfolio 20% - You need to fill in the European Language Portfolio (An overview of languages which I know, My contacts with a foreign language outside language course, Self-Assessment, My plans – double page) and evidence your improved CEFR level with your written work (assignments) and examples of sources which you use in your self-study. SEMESTER PLAN – Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Week 1, 20-21 Sept Introduction. SWOT analysis. Week 2, 27 Sept Collocations. Family and friends. U2 - Generations – vocabulary. Week 3, 4-5 Oct Grammar U2 – gerunds vs. infinitives i, pronunciation and vocabulary. Week 4, 11-12 Oct Listening U2. Formal vs. informal writing. Vocabulary extra – learning about words. Week 5, 18-19 Oct U4 – Challenge - vocabulary. Narrative tenses. Dealing with new vocabulary*. Week 6, 25-26 Oct Personal Challenges. Future continuous vs. future perfect tense. Progress Test 1.** Week 7, 1-2 Nov Study skills – WRITING STYLES. Writing – formal and informal letters. Week 8, 8-9 Nov Phrasal verbs. Writing an article – peer assessment. Giving advice. U5 – Rituals – vocabulary. Week 9, 15-16 Nov Grammar – present and past habits. Grammar - gerunds vs. infinitives ii. Week 10, 22-23 Nov Writing – expressing an opinion. Coping with extended texts. Week 11, 29-30 Nov Guessing from context. Progress Test 2 Week 12, 6-7 Dec Presentations I. Week 13, 13-14 Dec Presentations II. *Study skills. ** deadlines