The wedding day TASK Complete the gaps with the following words, 5 words are not used. EMBARRASS, REGISTER, CONDEMNED, EXTRACTS, BODY, MATCHING, TRAIN, BEST MAN, VEIL, PROCESSION, AISLE, ORGAN, MARCH, HYMNS, CONFIRMATION, OBJECTIONS, PROCLAIMED, APPROVAL, RECEPTION, HONEYMOON, COMPLETION The groom and 1. ______________ arrive at the church first, and then the guests arrive. Last to arrive is the bride, normally dressed in a long white wedding dress with a 2. _________________(material from the dress that covers the floor behind her), her face covered in a 3. ______________l, carrying a bouquet of flowers, and accompanied by a couple of bridesmaids in 4. ______________ dresses. Usually the bride's father walks her down the 5. ______________ until they reach the priest / vicar at the altar. The church 6. ______________ plays the Wedding 7. ______________, and the guests rise to their feet to watch the 8. ______________. Once they reach the altar, the bride stands with the groom, and the service begins. The service lasts for about half an hour, and contains readings (9. ______________ from the Bible) and a couple of 10. ______________ (religious songs). The priest always asks if there are any 11. ______________ to the marriage (someone can speak or forever hold their peace = never have the opportunity again to object), and at the end of the service, the couple exchange rings and are 12. ______________ "man and wife". At that point, the groom is allowed to kiss his wife. The guests leave and the couple then sign the marriage 13. ______________. When they come out of the church, the guests often throw confetti (small pieces of coloured paper), and the photographer takes various formal photographs. Next in the big day is the 13. ______________ which is often a formal lunch in a hotel. After lunch there are various speeches. The bride's father normally gives a speech, then the best man gives a speech (which is often a funny speech designed to 14. ______________ the groom), and the bridegroom and / or the bride give a short speech to thank their guests. At the end of the day, the happy couple traditionally leave on 15. ______________. U5, listening, p. 51 TASK Complete the gaps with the words you hear: Oh, Moroccan weddings are 1. ____________________ (2 WORDS). Preparations take weeks, and the whole community is involved! The bride gets a lot of attention in the days 2. ___________________ (3 WORDS) the wedding – a group of women, usually older than the bride, but connected to her in some way, give her a sort of milk bath, which 3. ___________________________ (4 WORDS) her. Then she has her hands and feet decorated in henna. This ritual symbolises prosperity. It looks beautiful, and there is another custom which says that the bride isn´t supposed to do any housework until the henna 4. ___________ (2 WORDS). Inside Out, U4. p. 45, Vocabulary extra TASK Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of these phrasal verbs: COME UP, GET ON, GO ON, PUT UP, SET OFF, TAKE ON 1. To reach our destination as fast as we could we _________ early the next morning. 2. This evening Manchester United _________ Barcelona. 3. Grants were available to help with the cost of _________ new school buildings. 4. My mother __________ (it) herself to invite them. 5. It will _________ sale this summer. 6. Since there were no witnesses, the police had little to_________ . 7. We’re not _________ any new staff at the moment. 8. Jeff pushed open the front door, which _________ the alarm. 9. I’m going to have to cancel our lunch – something’s_________ . 10. How did you _________ in your exams? 11. The meeting _________ a lot longer than I expected. 12. Could you _________ (I) for the night when I come to London? 13. The victim was able to _________ little resistance. 14. In all, 60 political parties _________ candidates. 15. Her plain blue dress was _________ by a feather-trimmed hat. 16. I can’t _________ any more work at the moment. 17. I heard the TV _________ in the next room. 18. I need to _________ and cook this chicken before everyone gets here. 19. My mother’s _________ from England for the weekend. 20. Strangers _________ to him in the street and say how much they enjoy his books. 21. __________________ (your hood) or you’ll catch cold. 22. Somebody was _________ fireworks down the street. 23. She’s hoping a vacancy will _________ at the local college. U5, listening, p. 47 TASK Complete the gaps with the words you hear: My dad is the most ritualistic person I know, and many of his rituals involve his car. We've never kept domestic animals in our house, but my father's car is 1. _______________________ (6 WORDS) the family pet. In fact, to be honest, the car probably 2. ____________and more _________ (4 WORDS) than a pet would. Each night, the car 3_______________________ (4 WORDS) its garage under a 4. _______________________ (2 WORDS). Nobody – but nobody – is allowed in the garage in case they accidentally 5. _______________________ (2 WORDS) ' the precious one', causing who knows what damage. When we were children, on the rare occasions when my dad would get the car out of the garage (for births, deaths, marriages and national disasters – and then only if the buses weren't running), we would have to wear plastic bags on our feet in case we had a 6. _______________________ (4 WORDS) the seats with our school shoes. We would never be allowed to shut the car doors ourselves …. in case we slammed them too hard, I suppose. I mean, three, five and seven-year-old viros can 7. _______________________ (3 WORDS) by slamming the door shut. Nowadays, we don't have to wear plastic bags on our feet, but the 'Starting the car and settingoff' ritual has never changed. He'll start the engine and then sit there for at least five minutes with engine turning. As 8. _______________________ (5 WORDS) the fresh country air, he'll take out his pipe, and start tapping out his last smoke. Then he'll take a 9. _______________________ (1 WORD) of layers Medium Navy Cut (no other tobacco 10. _______________________ (2 WORDS)), stuff it in the bowl and spend a minute or two 11. ________ it _____________(2 WORDS). Next, he'll get out his box of matches and give it a shake. He always gives his matchbox a shake. The pipe won't light first go - he'll 12. _______________________ (5 WORDS), and finally, when the tobacco takes, he'll puff and puff until the car is full of smoke. 13. _______________________ (4 WORDS) and a car full of choking passengers, he'll take the hand-brake off and reverse out of the drive 14. _______________________ (2 WORDS) speed. It isn't pleasant being a passenger, but we always let him get away with this strange behaviour because he's the boss. None of us would 15. _______________________ (3 WORDS). My father used to be a pilot in the Royal Air Force, and I often wonder whether he would 16. _______________________ (2 WORDS) this kind of ritual before take-off and whether his 17. _______________________ (1 WORD) would let him get away with it because he was the boss. Probably.