U2, READING, p. 15, TASK Find the words in the text defined by the following. 1. _____________= as good or as bad as possible 2. _____________ = natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well 3. _____________ = the process of putting something into a liquid, a situation in which someone spends most of their time doing something or thinking about it, a method of teaching a foreign language in which teachers and students use only the foreign language during classes 4. _____________= a skill that is _____________ has not been used recently 5. _____________ = to get great pleasure or satisfaction from something 6. _____________ = serious, determined, and meaning what you say 7. _____________ = to express your love for someone too much, to try not to express a feeling, to kill someone by covering their face until they stop breathing, to cover someone or something completely 8. _____________ = to love someone very much, often so much that you do not notice their faults 9. _____________ = done in a way impossible to explain 10. _____________ = twisting and curving 11. _____________= have a good relationship with sb 12. _____________ (adj) = modern and fashionable 13. _____________= a law that does not allow people to go outside between a particular time in the evening and a particular time in the morning, the period of time during which people must not go outside according to a curfew law, the time by which someone, especially a child, must be home in the evening (mainly American) 14. _____________= if a relationship or situation_____________, or if something _____________ it, it stops being successful or satisfactory, Mutual accusations _____________ the peace talks. Relations between them have ____________________. if something such as milk_____________, or if something _____________it, it gets an unpleasant taste or smell because it is no longer fresh 15. _____________= if people_____________, their relationship gradually changes and they become less close 16. _____________ = to make someone do what they have promised or decided 17. _____________ (adj)= acting or done too quickly, without considering the effects of your actions 18. _____________ = someone who is with you when you get married and who signs the official document that you sign, someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen 19. _____________ = to see or speak to sb