Globální oteplování lHistorie výzkumu GO lMěření CO2 lMěření globální teploty lSkleníkový jev lZpětné vazby lGlobální cirkulace atmosféry lEmisní scénáře Historie výzkumu globálního oteplování l1824 – Joseph Fourier (formuloval skleníkový jev) l1859 – John Tyndall (proměřil účinnost skleníkových plynů) l1894 – Svante Arrhenius (spočítal „citlivost klimatu“) Milankovitchovi cykly 1879-1958 lexcentricita lsklon osy lprecese William Ruddiman Charles David Keeling - 1958 The graph shows recent monthly mean carbon dioxide measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. The last four complete years of the Mauna Loa CO2 record plus the current year are shown. Data are reported as a dry mole fraction defined as the number of molecules of carbon dioxide divided by the number of molecules of dry air multiplied by one million (ppm). Click for a graph of the full Mauna Loa record. The last year of data is still preliminary, pending recalibrations of reference gases and other quality control checks. The dashed red line with diamond symbols represents the monthly mean values, centered on the middle of each month. The black line with the square symbols represents the same, after correction for the average seasonal cycle. The latter is determined as a moving average of ten adjacent seasonal cycles centered on the month to be corrected, except for the first and last five years of the record, where the seasonal cycle has been averaged over the first and last ten years, respectively. The Mauna Loa data are being obtained at an altitude of 3400 m in the northern subtropics, and may not be the same as the globally averaged CO2 concentration at the surface. Měření CO2: The NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory global cooperative air sampling network Síť meteorologických stanic Koncentrace CO2 a globální teplota Skleníkový efekt Noci se oteplují rychleji než dny Skleníkové plyny Globální cirkulace atmosféry Kritické emise CO2 z fosilních paliv