VISUAL IMPAIRMENT 1 In-class tasks 1. Try to sum up the basic facts about “low vision“ from the text you were supposed to read as homework (Odpovědník: Visual Impairment 1). Use your own words. 2. Put the following levels of visual impairment into the correct order: normal vision blindness moderate visual impairment severe visual impairment mild visual impairment 1…………………………………….. ……………………………… 2……………………………………. ……………………………… 3……………………………………. the person is called ……………………………… 4……………………………………. ……………………………… Now write next to each of the stages of visual impairment how we can call the individuals with this particular level of visual impairment. 3. What is the difference between the terms: BLIND X PARTIALLY SIGHTED ? 4. Fill in the missing words choosing from the offered ones: assistance neurological acuity total blindness approximately severe blindness sighted no light perception classified …………………… is the condition of lacking visual perception due to physiological or …………………… factors. Various scales have been developed to describe the extent of vision loss and define blindness ……………………….. is the complete lack of form and visual light perception and is clinically recorded as NLP, an abbreviation for "………………………..." Blindness is frequently used to describe …………………. visual impairment with residual vision. Those described as having only light perception have no more sight than the ability to tell light from dark and the general direction of a light source. In order to determine which people may need special ………………….. because of their visual disabilities, there have been formulated more complex definitions referred to as legal blindness.In North America and most of Europe, legal blindness is defined as visual ……………………….. (vision) of 20/200 (6/60) or less in the better eye with best correction possible. This means that a legally blind individual would have to stand 20 feet (6.1 m) from an object to see it—with corrective lenses—with the same degree of clarity as a normally ………………………. person could from 200 feet (61 m). In many areas, people with average acuity who nonetheless have a visual field of less than 20 degrees (the norm being 180 degrees) are also .................... as being legally blind… ……………………. ten percent of those considered legally blind, by any measure, have no vision. The rest have some vision, from light perception alone to relatively good acuity. Low vision is sometimes used to describe visual acuities from 20/70 to 20/200. (adapted from Discussion: 1.Do you have any personal experience with the visually impaired ? 2. What are the most difficult things people with a visual impairment have to face living in nowadays society? 3. What is the general attitude to people with visual impairment from the mainstream society? 4. Are there enough support centres and visual aids for visually impaired people? 5. What do you think is the most difficult thing to cope with when you are a parent of a severely visually impaired child? 6. What would be the first ten things you would do if you found out that you had a degenerative sight disease and you were going to lose your sight in 2 months?