EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Introduction •SZk1029a Educational Psychology •SZ1029a Educational Psychology About teacher •Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Mareš, Ph.D. •Lecturer at Department of Psychology at Faculty of Social Studies MU and at Department of Psychology at Faculty of Education •Fields of professional interest •Educational and School Psychology, Adolescence and Coping, School and Classroom Climate, School Self-Evaluation, Research in School Environment, Testing and Assessment in Education, Teaching of Psychology •Research, Publications etc. •; •Mail • • About course •Lectures are planned from 15:00 hours in office 02038 at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Poříčí 31 from 19.10, 9.11 and 7.12.2012. •Examination – written test (60% min.) •Course objectives •At the end of the course students should be able to: develop the basic theoretical background; apply the knowledge of educational psychology into pedagogical practice; understand basic concepts and terms in educational psychology; apply adequately the basic methods of educational psychology; learn how to recognize learnings styles and strategies of the pupils; recognize and explain the causes of school failure of pupils. •Teaching methods •lectures, class discussion, homeworks, reading • • • • • • • •All presentations will be available in the MU Information system •FAQ - What about class discussion and homeworks? •Each student prepares a poster that will be presented at our last meeting in our poster miniconference (7.12.2012). Student chooses a topic of your own interest in the problem areas of the course. The content may be elaborated as (select one of posibilities suggested below): •an introduction to a particular theoretical framework or work of important authors in Educational Psychology or •the short presentation of students own research on a selected topic of educational psychology or •the case study of a particular pupil or student educational issues. • •The chosen poster topic will be continuously consulted with the teacher in the course Discussion group in the MU Information System What about reading? •Seifert, K. (2011, May 11). Educational Psychology. Retrieved from the Connexions Web site: •Main course textbook of prof. K. Seifert (2011) is available for free download at in pdf, epub, html and other formats •Green, Ch. D. Classics in the History of Psychology. An electronic reource. York University, Toronto, Canada. Web site • •And also recomended texts at lectures presentations Aditional Sources for posters •Electronic information resources at MU • •Especially Ebrary Education and EBSCO database • Lets start! •What are your interests in Educational Psychology? •What about your experiences with formal education? •What about your experiences with Czech educational system? Educational Psychology •Can be understood from many perspectives i.e.: •As the science; •List of professions (qualification requirements etc.); •Individual experience and professional experience; •Subject area(s) for different study groups; •Cultural and media phenomenon (list of actual themes) Educational Psychology •In the international context – the rising of the prestige •At USA – many APA activities for connecting the psychological knowledge base and the teaching practice •A Project of Division 15 (educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Society – series of books •Barry J. Zimmerman, Dale H. Schunk (Eds) (2003) Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions. Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (etc.) •At the EU – EFPA Educational Psychology •Education in the changing world – sir K. Robinson and one of his TED presentations •Education and its cultural and political backgrounds • •Educational Psychology •Fr. - psychologie de l’education, •Ger. - Pädagogische Psychologie, •Rus.- pedagogičeskaja psichologija • •Branch of psychology with long tradition since 19th century • Educational Psychology - history •According to Zimmerman and Schunk (2003) there are three main periods in history of Educatinal Psychology: •Oldest (1890-1920) •W. James, A. Binet, J. Dewey, E.L. Thorndike, L.M. Terman, M. Montessori. •Mid (1920 – 1960) •L.S. Vygotskij, B.F. Skinner, J. Piaget, L.J. Cronbach, R.M. Gagné. •Current (from 1960) •B.S. Bloom, N.L. Gage, J. Bruner, A. Bandura, A.L. Brown. • Main Journals •Journal of Educational Psychology (USA – from 1910), •Conteporary Educational Psychology (USA – from 1975), •Educational Psychologist (USA – from 1976), •Educational Psychology Review (USA – from 1989). •Review of Educational Research (USA – from 1931) •American Educational Research Journal (USA – from 1964). • •British Journal of Educational Psychology (GB – from 1931), •Educational Psychology in Practice (GB – from 1985), •Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht (Germany – from 1954, formerly Schule und Psychologie), •Revue de psychologie de l’ éducation (France, from 1996), •European Journal of Psychology in Education (Portugal, from 1986). • • •Czech Rep. •Pedagogika (CZ – from1951) •Československá psychologie (CZ – from 1957). • Chalenges and trends in teaching profession •Increased diversity among students •Age, language, skills, educational needs… • •Increased influence of technology in education • •Greater accountability in education – question of quality of teaching •Public control, evaluation at school, naitional and international level (PISA etc.) • •Increased presure on professionalism of teachers •Evidence based approach to Education •Action research • • Literature •Seifert, K. (2011, May 11). Educational Psychology. Retrieved from the Connexions Web site: •Barry J. Zimmerman, Dale H. Schunk (Eds) (2003) Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions. Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. •