D:\FRONTPAGE THEMES\NATURE\ANABNR2.PNG Lesson planning Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Formal planning nSee sample lesson plan for our TP Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Alternatives to formal planning nA brief ´running order´ nFlow chart nDream nCritical learning moments nHalf plan nChallenges nImmages nJungle path Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF A brief ´running order´ nSequence of activities n Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Flow chart nSketch boxes with interconnections Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Dream nDream through the lesson nDon´t write anything Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Critical learning moments nAims nCompetences n+Anticipated problems Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Half plan nPlan only skill work nVocab, grammar and pronunciation will be realized on the spot Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Challenges nSequence of activities nWith each: anticipated problems n solutions Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Immages nIn simple pictures Stationery C:\Wendy\anabnr2.GIF Jungle path nDon´t plan anything nStart with an activity or a piece of material nCreate the lesson in class nWork more with the people than with your material or plan