Teacher • A good English teacher has to: •Make students active •Make students study at home •Prepare entertaining lessons •Deal with lazy students •Work with large classes •Work with mixed ability classes •Face the stress •Be an actor, lawyer, nurse, psychologist, accountant, idealist, musician … •Be good at geography, history, art, biology, physical education •Be flexible, creative, enthusiastic, optimistic, hardworking, well-dressed •Be strict but fair, honest … Practical teaching skills are what we need •Just talking about teaching is like talking about food and leaving the listeners hungry. http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~tbayston/eme6313/learning_pyramid.jpg Types of a teacher • • •1 explainer •2 involver •3 enabler •Relax! •Allow some mother-tongue use •Listen and be adaptable •Go to a conference or a seminar •Observe your lessons mutually •Give private lessons •Read professional books and magazines •Think positive •don’t be too hard on yourself! Experience and advice •motivated teachers can easier motivate students – a Socrates – Commenius project /2001-2004/- Motivating teachers/motivating students •listen to students, let them open up and trust you •give all of them chance to show up- their strong parts •dont be afraid to make mistake •keep your word, students need to know what to expect from you •follow sense of justice and humor