Donald Goldberg, Sharon Sandridge, Cynthia Gensur, and Craig Newman BEST PRACTICES IN PEDIATRIC AUDIOLOGY: THE CLEVELAND CLINIC MODEL Abstract The purpose of this poster presentation is to share the Cleveland Clinic’s “Pediatric Audiology Best Practices” algorithm for the evaluation and management of infants and children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our model reflects best current practices of comprehensive audiologic testing (including ABR, ASSR, OAE, immittance, and behavioral audiologic assessment); early amplification strategies (including fitting, verification, and validation); and decision steps for cochlear implant (CI) candidacy and follow-up programming. Following identification, infants may be enrolled into auditory-based intervention. The algorithm decisions are team-based with input from audiology, speech-language pathology, and otology. Hearing Implant Program Peter Weber, M.D.Donald Goldberg, Ph.D. Cochlear Implant Specialist Michael Scott, Au.D. Hillcrest Audiologists Nancy Adamson, M.A. Amy Aylward, Au.D. Main Campus Audiologists Melissa Drabo, Au.D. Janet Fraser, M.S. Tonya Nussbaum, M.S.Cynthia Gensur, Au.D. Coordinator, Pediatric Audiology Craig Newman, Ph.D. Section Head Audiology Sharon Sandridge, Ph.D. Director, Clinical Services Its ALL About Learning to Listen! Other Cleveland Clinic Audiology-SLP Services Auditory-Verbal Therapy Auditory-Based Therapy Communication Evaluations Assistive Listening/Alerting Devices (ALD) Demonstration Room TrakAid - Hearing Aid Data Management System TrakCI – Cochlear Implant Data Management System Tinnitus Management Support Group Sessions Adult Audiologic Rehabilitation – Hearing Aid Support Group Adult Audiologic Rehabilitation – Cochlear Implant Support Group Acronym Key ABR = Auditory Brainstem Response ASSR = Auditory Steady State Response DP-OAE = Distortion Product-Otoacoustic Emissions SNHL = Sensorineural Hearing Loss ABR click thresholds IF NORMAL (as defined as 20 dBnHL thresholds) do following tests: * Screening ASSR air conduction or 250 Hz tone burst ABR * Tympanometry using age-appropriate frequency * DP-OAEs RESULTS: If normal – See Treatment Plan A1 If abnormal – See Treatment Plan A2 IF ABNORMAL (defined as prolongation of all waves I-V that are parallel to the normal Latency-Intensity Function) do the following tests: * ASSR air conduction * ASSR bone conduction * Tympanometry using age-appropriate frequency RESULTS: If results suggest conductive hearing loss – See Treatment Plan B If results suggest mixed hearing loss – See Treatment Plan C IF ABNORMAL (defined as prolongation or absence of wave V) do the following tests: * ASSR air conduction * Screening ASSR bone conduction * DP-OAEs * Tympanometry using age-appropriate frequency RESULTS: If results suggest mild to moderately-severe SNHL – See Treatment Plan D If results suggest severe to profound SNHL – See Treatment Plan E If results suggest profound SNHL/deaf – See Treatment Plan F IF ABNORMAL (defined by the presence of a cochlear microphonic and abnormal/absence of wave III-V) do the following tests: * DP-OAEs * Tympanometry using age-appropriate frequency * Ipsilateral acoustic reflexes RESULTS: If results suggest auditory neuropathy (AN) – See Treatment Plan G Co-Directors HIP Diagnostic Plan Treatment Plans Treatment Plan A1: Confirmed normal hearing sensitivity * Retest hearing using age-appropriate behavioral audiometry by 12 months of age * Retest hearing using age-appropriate behavioral audiometry every 6 months if infant is at risk for progressive hearing loss until 3 years of age * Retest hearing using age-appropriate behavioral audiometry if parental concerns arise Treatment Plan A2: Probability for hearing loss is low * Repeat testing within 4 to 6 weeks Treatment Plan B: Confirmed conductive hearing loss * Otologic management and repeat audiometric/electrophysiologic testing following resolution of conductive pathology * Audiologic management if conductive pathology cannot be resolved medically/surgically: • Sensory device (e.g., Baha™, hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and follow-up • Closely monitor speech and language development • Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1, if needed Treatment Plan C: Confirmed mixed hearing loss * Otologic management and repeat audiometric/electrophysiologic testing following resolution of conductive pathology * Audiologic management for SNHL • Sensory device (e.g., hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and follow-up * Communication Evaluation2 to assess developmental status * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1 Treatment Plan D: Confirmed mild to moderately-severe SNHL * Otologic work-up and management * Audiologic management for SNHL • Selection of sensory devices (e.g., hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and verification • Follow-up every 3-6 months as needed * Communication Evaluation2 to assess developmental status * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1 * Closely monitor speech and language development Treatment Plan E: Confirmed severe to profound SNHL * Otologic work-up and management * Audiologic management for SNHL • Hearing aids/FM devices provided on a loaner basis for pre-implant trial (trial period will be dependent upon age of identification and development of auditory/speech/language) • Selection of sensory devices (e.g., hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and verification • Follow-up every 3-6 months as needed * Communication Evaluation2 to assess developmental status * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1 * Cochlear Implant Evaluation3 initial appointment * Closely monitor auditory, speech, language development with hearing aids/FM devices (proceed with implantation evaluation if child is not making acceptable auditory/speech/language development) * Cochlear implant intervention4, if child receives cochlear implant/s Treatment Plan F: Confirmed profound SNHL to deaf * Otologic work-up and management * Audiologic management for SNHL (fast-tracked for cochlear implant consideration) • Hearing aids/FM devices provided on a loaner basis for pre-implant trial (trial period will be dependent upon age of identification and development of auditory/speech/language) • Selection of sensory devices (e.g., hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and verification • Follow-up every 3-6 months as needed * Communication Evaluation2 to assess developmental status * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1 * Cochlear Implant Evaluation3 initial appointment * Closely monitor auditory, speech, language development with hearing aids/FM devices (proceed with implantation evaluation if child is not making acceptable auditory/speech/language development) * Cochlear implant intervention4, if child receives cochlear implant/s Treatment Plan G: Confirmed auditory neuropathy/dysynchrony * Otologic work-up and management * Audiologic management for AN • Hearing aids/FM devices provided on a loaner basis to determine if amplification is beneficial. • Selection of sensory devices (e.g., hearing aids, FM devices) assessment, fitting, and verification • Follow-up every 3-6 months as needed * Communication Evaluation2 to assess developmental status * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program1 * Cochlear Implant Evaluation3 initial appointment * Closely monitor auditory, speech, language development with hearing aids/FM devices (proceed with implantation evaluation if child is not making acceptable auditory/speech/language development) * Cochlear implant intervention4, if child receives cochlear implant/s If child is less than 12 months of age: Repeat auditory electrophysiologic testing at age 12 months to determine if AN has resolved. If resolution of AN: • Discontinue use of amplification • Closely monitor auditory/speech/language development If no resolution of AN and development of auditory/speech/ language is not age-appropriate: • Cochlear Implant Evaluation3 • Cochlear implant intervention4 • Enrollment in Early Intervention Program If child is over 12 months of age: If development of auditory/speech/language is not age-appropriate: * Cochlear Implant Evaluation3 * Cochlear implant intervention4 * Enrollment in Early Intervention Program 1Early Intervention Program at Cleveland Clinic Hearing Implant Program • Monitor speech/phonetic repertoire • Monitor receptive/expressive language development (e.g., SKI-HI LDS, REEL-3, MacArthur Inventories, Minnesota/CDI) • Monitor auditory development 2Communication Evaluation • Case history • Auditory functioning • Speech/oral-motor • Receptive/expressive language skills • Referrals to developmental pediatrics, OT, PT, psychology, social work, as needed 3Cochlear Implant Evaluation • Candidacy – both medical/surgical and audiologic • Aided testing with appropriately fit hearing aids/FM system • Device selection: manufacturer/processor, unilateral versus bilateral (simultaneous versus sequential) 4Cochlear Implant Intervention • Initial activation performed 2-weeks post-surgery • Follow-up monitoring of CI MAPping • Serial CI audiogram at 3-6 month intervals • Serial speech perception measures at 3-6 month intervals • Serial outcome measures at 3-6 month intervals (e.g., IT-MAIS; MAIS; LittlEars)