If you don't know the person's name, begin the letter. 'Dear Sir,' or 'Dear Sir or Madam,' Notice the comma. c The name and address of the people you're writing to. \ 'S — The date can alsp be written March 4th 1985, or 4/3/85. Fust the date, then the month, then the year. — Your address, but not your name. ■-•17, Brick Street, London. S.W.I. ~«4th March 1985 Breakaway, 84, Clarendon Road, Colchester. Dear Sir, I saw your advertisement for holiday cottages in the Guardian newspaper. Could you please send me a copy of your 1985 brochure, and include information such as price lists and booking arrangements? I look forward tq> hearing/'from you, and thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, John Naunton \ ou can indent or begin on the left-hand s,idc It doesn't matter But keep to one style in one letter. It is becoming more frequent to address women as Ms in business letters, whether you know they are married or not. 3 Some useful phrases a. Asking someone to do something Could you please,..? (Not Please couldyou...) / would be (most) grateful if you could. b. Saying you have included another document Please find enclosed a cheque for. 1 enclose a stamped addressed envelope. c. Ending the letter I look forward to hearing from you soon. (I look is formal; I'm looking is informal.) I hope to hear from you soon is slightly more informal. 4 There are no contractions in a formal letter. I have . I've T not ,, lam I'm # Writing A formal letter of enquiry 1 Notice the organization of the letter. - Paragraph 1 Introduction. - Paragraph 2 The body of the letter. - Paragraph3 The conclusion. - Ending 'Yours faithfully,'if you begin 'Dear Sir,' and 'Yours sincerely,' if you begin 'Dear Mr Smith,'. - Your signature and your name printed clearly underneath. 2 Notice that most letters in English, formal and informal, begin with 'Dear...; If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to, begin Dear Sir, or Dear Sir or Madam, If you know the name of the person you're writing to, begin Dear Mr Brown, Dear Mrs Black, Dear Miss Jones, , Dear Ms Jackson,