James Henderson 18 Kings Rd. Birmingham Trans EuropeTours Bridge Street Cambridge DATE Dear Mr Bradley I was reading a magazine the other day – I think it was the February edition on sunshine holidays – and I saw your advertisement for travel couriers, and I thought I’d really like a job like that. You see, I’e got a degree in modern languages from bristol university, and I speak lots of languages – french german spanish and just a little bit of greek too. I’ve been to all sorts of places in europe. Last year me and my friend Paul went camping in France and Italz, and we saw the museums and all the places like that. I think I’d be really good at showing people round these places, well I’d really like the chance to try anyway. I’m not doing anything at the moment, so I could come and see you anytime. Just give me a ring – 744381229. I’m looking forward to meeting you. Yours ??? Grammar/spelling/format Too informal A certain level of informativeness but not formulated appropriately Letters of inquiry about job vacancies are often organized as follows: Paragraph 1: Introduction: saying where the writer read about the job Paragraph 2: Summary of personal details such as age, nationality, qualifications, experience Paragraph 3: Request for more information and an application form / Request for some other action.