Dear students, I have corrected your tests and added the results from the second part of your test to the results noted in the system. The overwhelming majority of students have passed the test. There are only two who have failed, namely 425859 (only 63 per cent)and 430382 (only 56 per cent). Owing to the poor results, these two students can take the test once more in about two weeks' time together with the students who have been absent this week, just in order to improve their average result from this semester. Unfortunately, three students have not signed their tests. I know that two of them are Rasek and Marianek (with results 39, 47 or 50 from my part of the test). The third once is not listed in the list and Michal Blaha is not listed there either, so I was not able to add his results in the system. I am going to write to our technician on Monday morning and ask for the missing results of Blaha and one anonymous student. If you know that your results are missing, let me know who you are. I hope the problems will be solved at the beginning of next week. Best regards, Renata Povolná AJ2BP_SSYA Seminář k syntaxi A