Ex. 1: Complete these sentences with WILL, WOULD or USED TO. If more than 1 answer is possible, write them both. 1. I ................... like going to pop concerts when I was a teenager. 2. Business people .................. watch what their competitors are doing with great interest. 3. The country now known as Myanmar ..........................be called Burma. 4. My father didn’t know that we ...................... borrow the car when he was at work. Now answer these questions by expanding the notes, using an appropriate verb tense. If you can, use USED TO in your answer. 5. How often did you see Judith? (We / meet / every day for lunch.) 6. Where did you learn to speak Japanese? (We / work / Tokyo for 3 years.) 7. Where in Malaysia were you living? (We / live / east coast.) 8. How long have you known each other? (We / meet / 22 June last year) KEY: 1. used to 2. will 3. used to 4. would/used to 5. used to / met 6. worked 7. used to / lived 8. met