Practical and Professional English 1 (winter 2013) --------------------------------------------------- n nIrena Headlandová Kalischová nOffice: 309 (Poříčí 9) nTel: 549 49 43 59 nConsultations: Mon 11.15 – 12.00 n Fri 13.30 – 14.15 n or by appointment n n Credit Requirements: nactive participation & home study n1 written assignment n1 oral presentation (in pairs) n1 credit test n(the general passmark is 70%) Study Materials nEnglish for the Teacher by Mary Spratt nInteraktivní osnova in IS nHandouts & worksheets distributed in class n nOptional: nGrammar in Context by H. Gethin nLongman Learner’s Advanced Grammar nPractical English Usage by M. Swan n??? that you find useful