on and off Complete sentences 1-12 by choosing an ending from a-4. It wasn't planned. We did it... Charles had short legs, so he found it hard ... The students were on tenterhooks as they ... I've been learning Japanese on and off... They arranged to meet outside the cinema ... We just called round ... The two men who escaped from jail at the weekend ... Oh, what's that actor's name? I know it! It's ... Let's meet later at the church. I'll... (U They're sending someone from head office to inspect us today . HO I can't take any more work on. I've got enough ... Ill Remember, you mustn't print any of it! What I've just told you 'What sort of insect is that?' 'Er L. it's on the tip of my tongue!' 72 Section 4: Idioms using prepositions ■ is strictly off the record, on my plate as it is. on the off-chance that you were at home. so we'd better be on our toes. on the spur of the moment at 8.30 on the dot. be off duty by then. to buy clothes off the peg. are still on the run. for about two years now. waited for their exam results. on the tip of my tonguel Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In the past, freshly woven cloth was stretched on a framework called a tenter and held tight by small hooks known as tenterhooks. If you are feeling anxious, your body is often tight or tense (on tenterhooks). The opposite of off duty is on duty. Section 4: idioms using prepositions 73