prepositions and particles Fill in the missing prepositions or particles in the following sentences. IB Everything seems to be above board, but there's something that doesn't feel quite right. I just wish I knew what it was. Uli If you have any complaints, then tell me m M ill 11 10 11 12 I always thought he was strange. After seeing him at the party I'm convinced that he's_the bendl my face. I can't stand people who do things my back. . principle. My mother is a vegetarian and won't eat meat_ _you, me and the gatepost, I don't think the new boss will last more than a few months. This work is taking much longer than I thought. rate it'll be Christmas before it's finished. this IK : He didn't have time to prepare a speech so he had to give one _the cuff. Throughout the flight he was very much edge, and didn't start to relax until the plane had landed. I wouldn't like to be_her shoes when Miss Hoffman finds' out that she's lost the exam papers. I'd love to come to the concert with you but I can't, I'm afraid. I'm__my ears in work this week. Playing tennis once a week is one way of letting_steam. He learnt Portuguese 13 I The competitors waited be read out. scratch in less than six months. _baited breath for the results to Mrs Samuel's daughter Is terrible, isn't she? Out hours and never a kind word to anyone. all I bought a computer last year, but I've had nothing but trouble with it. As far as I'm concerned it was money_the drainl The football match had to be postponed _the bad weather. account 'I wouldn't like to be in her shoes!' A drain is a pipe for carrying away water. So if you dropped anything down '* ~>u would lose rt! scratch used to be a starting line which was scratched on the ground low where a race should start from, so from scratch means from the bicui, beginning. 76 Section 4: Idioms using prepositions Section 4: Idioms using prepositions 77