Ex. 50.3 1. a through a very strict and traditional education; b Education has been hit 2. a Traffic was building up; b war, (an) illegal traffic in 3. a he knew that resistance was useless; b to build up a resistance ... 4. a Mr Sinclair damages of nearly; b caused some damage to ... 5. a Muriel gave a paper at the ...; The use of recycled paper is ... 6. a to be speech that distinguishes; b long and boring speeches ... Ex. 52.1 1. have 2. is 3. is/are (“are” is more likely here) 4. are 5. has/have 6. is 7. is/are (“are” is more likely here) 8. have 9. is 10. is/are (“are” is more likely here) 11. is/are (“is” is more likely here) 12. has 13. has 14. have 15. is Ex. 51.3 1. are complex 2. OK 3. OK 4. is very disturbing 5. have changed 6. is an illness 7. OK 8. is no longer 9. is now compulsory 10. compete in the games 11. are worrying 12. OK