Tenses I A 1 Paul: I (play) football since I was five years old. Tom: You (play) since you (come) to England? Paul: Oh yes, I (play) quite a lot. I (join) a club the day after I (arrive). 2 Tom: You (play) any matches? Paul: We (play) about ten. We have two more to play. We (have) a very good season, we (win) all our matches so far, though we (not really deserve) to win the last one. Tom: I (play) football when I (be) at school but when I (leave) school I (drop) it and (take) up golf. 3 Ann: Hallo Jack! I (not see) you for ages! Where you (be)? Jack: I (be) in Switzerland. I (mean) to send you a postcard but I (not have) your address with me. Ann: Never mind. You (have) a good time in Switz.? How long you (be) there? Jack: I (be) there for a month. I only just (get) back. Yes, I (enjoy) it thoroughly. I (ski) all day and (dance) all night. Anna: I (ski) when I (be) at uni, but I (break) a leg five years ago and since then I (not do) any. 4 Peter (meeting Ann at the airport): Hallo Ann. You (have) a good trip? Ann: The actual flight (be) lovely, one of the best I (have) ever, but it (take) ages to get into the plane. First they (think) that one of us (be) a hijacker and they (search) us all for firearms; then they (announce) that one of the engines (be) faulty. We finally (take off) an hour later. Peter: How you (spend) this extra hour before take-off? Ann: Oh, they (take) us to the restaurant and (feed) us and we (walk) about and (buy) things we (not need). The time (pass) all right. 5 When Paul (come) into the room, Ann was sitting in an armchair just behind the door. Paul, not noticing Ann, (go) to the window and (look) out. Ann (cough) and Paul (spin) round. "Hallo Ann!" he (exclaim), "I (not see) you!" 6 Jack: You just (agree) to go, so why aren't you getting ready? Peter: But I (not realize) that you (want) me to start at once! KEY ^l|have played/have been playing; Have you played, came; have played; joined, arrived j^jHave you played; have played; have had, have won, didn't really deserve $ played, was, left, dropped, took 3|haven't seen; have you been; I've been; meant, hadn't/didn't have; Did. you have/Had you, were; was; have only just got; enjoyed; skiied, danced skiied, was, broke, haven't done" Al Did you have/Have,you had; was, have ever had, took; thought, was, searched, announced, was; took off did you spend; took, fed, walked, bought, didn't need; passed I ^ 5]came; \ went; looked; coughed, spun; exclaimed, didn't see ܣlyou have just agreed; didn't realize, wanted