CORRECTING MISTAKES Miff 1 WF wrong form Tom is best than Peter. He can speak English good. WW wrong word I am making mv homework at the moment. Is your sister interested on computers? T tense They are smoking 20 cigarettes a dav. I lived here since 1987. Or Sp spelling I'll come and see vou on Thuesdav. WO word order The film liked all mv friends. n p punctuation Mv trench is not verv good. P This is mv brothers book. something is missing My flat isVfhe second floor. She'Meacher. / unnecessary I leave fyofn home at six. 9 I really don't understand there is a better way R repetition CORRECTING MISTAKES WF wrong form Tom is best than Peter. He can speak English good. I'l,/ WW wrong word I am making my homework at the moment. Is your sister interested on computers? T tense Thev are smoking 20 cigarettes a day. I lived here since 1987. Sp spelling I'll come and see vou on Thuesdav. WO word order The film likeďaíi mv friends. p punctuation Mv frefnch is not very good. This is mv brothers book. Y something is missing My flat isUhe second floor. She's\ťeacher. / unnecessary I leave frpfn home at six. 9 I really don't understand •w. there is a better way R repetition