Asking and Answering Quetions in the History of Mathematics Aarhus University, Denmark Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen Henrik Kragh Sørensen Summer 2012 Contents Historiography of Mathematics 1 1 T. H. Kjeldsen, S. A. Pedersen, and L. M. Sonne-Hansen (2004). “Introduction”. In: New Trends in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics. New Trends in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Ed. by T. H. Kjeldsen, S. A. Pedersen, and L. M. Sonne-Hansen. University of Southern Denmark Studies in Philosophy 19. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, pp. 11–25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 T. H. Kjeldsen (July 2012). “Uses of History for the Learning of and about Mathematics. Towards a theoretical framework for integrating history of mathematics in mathematics education”. Plenary address at the HPM International Congress in Korea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3 I. Grattan-Guinness (May 2004). “The mathematics of the past: distinguishing its history from our heritage”. Historia Mathematica, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 163–185. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4 J. Lützen and W. Purkert (1989). “Conflicting Tendencies in the Historiography of Mathematics: M. Cantor and H. G. Zeuthen”. In: The History of Modern Mathematics. Ed. by D. E. Rowe, J. McCleary, and E. Knobloch. Vol. 3. Proceedings of the Symposium on the History of Modern Mathematics, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 20–24, 1989. 3 volumes. Academic Press, pp. 1–42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5 M. Epple (2011). “Between Timelessness and Historiality: On the Dynamics of the Epistemic Objects of Mathematics”. Isis, vol. 102, no. 3, pp. 481–493. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 i 6 Anachronical and diachronical history. From H. Kragh (1994). An Introduction to the Historiography of Science. First published 1987. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 89–107. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 7 Discussion of geometric algebra. From J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 10–17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Mini course on History of Analysis 123 8 The Method of Archimedes. From T. L. Heath, ed. (1953). The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes. New York: Dover Publications, pp. 12–21. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 22–26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 9 K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 10 T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. . . . . . . . . . . 166 11 Fermat on maxima and minima. From D. J. Struik (1969). A Source Book in Mathematics. 1200–1800. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, pp. 222–225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 12 Fermat on maxima and minima. From J. Fauvel and J. Gray, eds. (1987). The History of Mathematics: A Reader. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., pp. 359– 360. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 13 Wallis on interpolation. From D. J. Struik (1969). A Source Book in Mathematics. 1200–1800. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, pp. 244– 246. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 14 Roberval on the quadrature of the parabola. From E. Walker (1932). A Study of the Traité des Indivisibles of Gilles Persone de Roberval. New York, pp. 181–182. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 15 H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 ii 16 N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 17 Newton on fluxions and fluents. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 22–25. . 263 18 Newton on the method of drawing tangents. From D. T. Whiteside, ed. (1964). The Mathematical Works of Isaac Newton. Vol. 1. Johnson Reprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 19 Leibniz’ process of discovery. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 42–43. . . . . . 268 20 Bishop Berkeley’s The Analyst. From D. E. Smith (1959). A source book in mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., pp. 627– 634. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 95–99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 21 J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 22 I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 23 H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Mini course on History of Algebra 362 24 Old Babylonian problems from BM 13901. From E. Robson (2007). “Mesopotamian Mathematics”. In: The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook. Ed. by V. J. Katz. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 57–186, pp. 104–107. . . 362 25 Islamic algebra. From J. L. Berggren (2007). “Mathematics in Medieval Islam”. In: The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook. Ed. by V. J. Katz. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 5, pp. 515–675, pp. 542-545. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 26 E. Robson (2005). “Influence, ignorance, or indifference? Rethinking the relationship between Babylonian and Greek mathematics”. Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, vol. 4, pp. 1–17. . . . . . . 370 iii 27 R. Franci (2010). “The history of algebra in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries. Some remarks on recent historiography”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 175–194. DOI: 10.2436/20.2006. 01.158. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 28 B. M. Kiernan (1971). “The Development of Galois Theory from Lagrange to Artin”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1–2, pp. 40–154, pp. 40–66. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 29 Abel’s 1824 proof. From P. Pesic (2003). Abel’s Proof. An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability. Cambridge (MA)/London: The MIT Press, pp. 155–169. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 30 J. Lützen (2009). “Why was Wantzel Overlooked for a Century? The Changing Importance of an Impossibility Result”. Historia Mathematica, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 374–394. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 31 P. M. Neumann (1999). “What groups were: A study of the development of the axiomatics of group theory”. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. Vol. 60, pp. 285–301. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 iv Archimedes then describes some theorems that he has found and mentions that he has included the proofs. He continues Text 8: The Method of Archimedes. From T. L. Heath, ed. (1953). The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes. New York: Dover Publications, pp. 12–21. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 22–26. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 123 of 479. This is followed by some theorems about centers of gravity and the argument for the above mentioned theorem. This argument concludes with the following remark: Text 8: The Method of Archimedes. From T. L. Heath, ed. (1953). The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes. New York: Dover Publications, pp. 12–21. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 22–26. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 124 of 479. Text 8: The Method of Archimedes. From T. L. Heath, ed. (1953). The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes. New York: Dover Publications, pp. 12–21. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 22–26. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 125 of 479. Text 8: The Method of Archimedes. From T. L. Heath, ed. (1953). The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes. New York: Dover Publications, pp. 12–21. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 22–26. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 126 of 479. Chapter 1 Techniques of the Calculus, 1630--1660 Kirsti M011er Pedersen 1.1. Introduction During the first six decades of the 17th century mathematics was in a state of rapid development. In this period ideas were born and developed which were to be taken up later by Isaac Newton and G. W. Leibniz. Many me.thods were developed to solve calculus problems; common to most of them was their ad hoc character. It is possible to find examples from the time before Newton and Leibniz which, when translated into modern mathematical language, show that differentiation and integration are inverse procedures; however, these examples are all related to specific problems and not to general theories. The special merit of Newton and Leibniz was that they both worked out a general theory of the infinitesimal calculus. However, it cannot be said that either Newton or Leibniz gave to his calculus a higher degree of mathematical rigour than their predecessors had done. As the ideas which were the basis of the methods preceding the work of Newton and Leibniz came to bear fruit, the methods themselves fell into oblivion. In this chapter, therefore, great importance will be attached to the earlier ideas, and the methods will be illustrated by simple examples. The picture of what the mathematicians of the time achieved may thus appear somewhat distorted, but a rendering of the more complicated examples would be all too easily submerged in calculations. That it is possible to find simple problems is due to the fact that it was the practice of the mathematicians of the time to verify their methods by applying them to problems of which the solutions were known beforehand. Then the next step was to find new results by means of these methods. It is impossible to deal comprehensively with this topic in a single chapter. My approach will be to exemplify the calculus of the period by relatively few methods, which are described in some detail. This implies that the methods of many important mathematicians will have 10 Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 127 of 479. 1.1. Introduction 11 to be left unmentioned. A more general survey giving a more profound impression of the development of the calculus from 1630 to 1660 may be found in the rich literature on this subject. 1 I have made my choice on the assumption that to give even a tolerably satisfactory general survey in a single chapter would mean listing names and outlining techniques in a way which could not possibly give a proper impression of the methods and style of the time to a reader who is not acquainted with the period. One criterion for the selection of methods has been that they should render a picture of the way in which the mathematicians of the time did actually solve the problems with which they were most heavily engaged; another has been that they should inform the reader of the ideas which were to become sources of inspiration for later methods. Where different methods are based on similar ideas, I have tried to select the writer who first formulated the idea. Of the period 1630-1660, no less than of all other periods, it holds true that if you really want to set its mathematics into relief then you must know the mathematics which preceded it. The mathematics of the period in question were greatly influenced by classical Greek mathematics2 and also by that of the previous period. The reason for the importance of Greek mathematics was that during the 16th century it had become usual for the mathematicians to acquire a knowledge of this discipline, and it formed a basic element in the mathematical equipment of most of them. Greek mathematics was especially admired for its great stringency. But its methods were not heuristic; they were not well-fitted to suggest ideas as to how to attack a new problem, a fact which will be illustrated later in connection with quadratures and cubatures. It was natural, therefore, to search for other methods which, if they could not live up to the Greek requirement of exactness, were at least able to suggest ideas as to the solution of problems. The seeds of such methods are to be found in the previous period, the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries, which was a fertile time for the exact sciences as a whole. Astronomy made great progress through the work of Johannes Kepler; Simon Stevin contributed much to statics with his treatise De Beghinselen der Weeghconst (' The elements of the art of weighing': 1586a). In mechanics Galileo Galilei's deduction of the laws of freely falling bodies and of the parabolic paths of projectiles meant a break with Aristotelian physics and the beginning of a new epoch, where mathematics was to be extensively used in physics. 1 See, for example, Baron 1969a, Boyer 1939a and Whiteside 1961a, and their bibliographies. 2 There are excellent bibliographies of Greek mathematics in Boyer 1968a and Kline 1972a. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 128 of 479. 12 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 Kepler made use of infinitesimal methods in his works. The interest he took in estimating the volumes of wine casks resulted in the book Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum (' New measurement of large wine casks': 161Sa). There he considered solids of revolution as composed in various ways of infinitely many constituent solids. For example, he regarded a sphere as made up of an infinite number of cones with vertices at the centre and bases on the surface of the sphere. This led to the result that the sphere is equal in volume to the cone which has the radius of the sphere as altitude and as base a circle equal to the surface of the sphere, that is, a circle with the diameter of the sphere as radius (Kepler 161Sa, ,Prima Pars, Theorem 11; Worksl , vol. 4, 563, or Works2, vol. 9, 23 f.). Galileo planned to write a book on indivisibles, but this book never appeared; however, his ideas had a great influence on his pupil Cavalieri, with whose work we shall deal later. 1.2. Mathematicians and their society A great many mathematicians of the 17th century were not mathematicians by profession. This tendency was especially noticeable in France; there only GiBes Personne de Roberval occupied a chair of mathematics, while great mathematicians like Pierre de Fermat, Rent~ Descartes and Blaise Pascal worked without any official connection with their discipline. Like the mathematician who inspired him, Franc;ois Viete, Fermat was a lawyer, and worked as such in Toulouse for most of his career. Descartes and Pascal were men of private means and, apart from mathematics, were also occupied with physics and philosophy. Descartes spent a large part of his time outside France, living for long periods in Holland and elsewhere. This stay of Descartes in Holland served to inspire several Dutch mathematicians, among whom was Frans van Schooten. He was a member of the School of Engineering at Leyden, while his more important pupils, whose treatises he published along with his own, mostly worked professionally outside mathematics. However, the most illustrious of his pupils, Christiaan Huygens, devoted his whole life to mathematics and physics. In 1666 the Academie des Sciences was founded in Paris, and Huygens was offered a membership which he accepted. As a member of the Academie he received an ample stipend. In Italy, the most outstanding mathematicians and physicists, such as Galileo Galilei, Bonaventura Cavalieri and Evangelista Torricelli, held offices within their own fields, partly at universities and partly as court mathematicians. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 129 of 479. 1.3. Geometrical curves and associated problems 13 The development of that part of mathematics with which this chapter is concerned started later in England than on the Continent. Hence the only English mathematician with whom we shall deal in this chapter is John Wallis, who was Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford from 1649. It should be mentioned that in Thomas Harriot England had a brilliant scientist whose work both in algebra and the calculus preceded some of the methods discussed in this chapter. But only his Artis analyticae praxis (' Practice of the analytical art': 1631a), which con~ tains his less important work, was published (posthumously) at this time; thus his unpublished results will not be considered. The period provides several good examples of the independent and almost simultaneous discovery of methods with striking resemblance, which often gave rise to disputes about priority and charges of plagiarism. Today, we are able to establish that as a rule these charges 'were unfounded; but at the time this was not possible, since it was not common to publish one's treatises. For this there were two principal reasons. First, after 1640 publishers were reluctant to print mathematical litera~ ture, which was not very profitable; and second, mathematicians were reticent about publishing their new methods, wanting to release the results only. Many treatises had to wait a very long time for their publication: several were left unprinted until the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, and some remain unpublished to this day. Not until the last third of the 17th century did scientific periodicals come into existence; before that time mathematicians communicated by letter. Here the Frenchman Marin Mersenne played an important part, for he kept in touch with many European scientists by correspondence and meetings which he held at his convent in Paris. To the mathematicians he sent the problems which he could not solve himself, and took care that the results and manuscripts he received were circulated among those interested in them. 1.3. Geometrical curves and associated problems In the 17th century the calculus was closely bound up with the investigation of curves, since there was as yet no explicit concept of the variable or of functional relationships between variables. The first curves to be dealt with were those inherited from the Greeks: the conic sections, Hippias's quadratrix, the Archimedean spiral, the conchoid of Nlcomedes, and the cissoid of Diocles. (For the definition and the history of these and the following curves see, for example, Loria 1902a.) As the century went on, these curves were augmented by, among Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 130 of 479. 14 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 others, the cycloid, the higher parabolas and hyperbolas (ym = kxn and kymxn = 1 respectively, m and n being natural numbers and k a constant), the spiral of Galileo, and the conchoid to a circle, also termed 'the limayon of [Etienne] Pascal', which is in turn a variant of the curves called ' the ovals of Descartes '. Next to the conic sections the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along a horizontal line, was the curve most often investigated. Its early history is connected with a problem called' Aristotle's wheel' (see Drabkin 1950a). When solving this problem Roberval generalised the motion which generates the curve, and considered the curtate and the prolate cycloid (which are traced by points on a radius and respectively outside and inside the circle) as well as the ordinary cycloid. In 1658 Blaise Pascal arranged a competition designed to find the area of a section of the cycloid, its centre of gravity, the volumes of solids obtained by revolving the section about certain axes, and the centres of gravity of these volumes (Pascal 1658a and 1658b). In La geometrie (1637a) Descartes introduced his oval as a curve involved in the solution of various optical problems. One of these problems was to determine the form of a lens which makes all the rays that come from a single point or that are parallel converge at another unique point, after having passed through the lens (Descartes 1637a, 362; 1925a, 135). Similarly, Galileo's spiral was the attempted solution of a physical problem concerning the path of a body which moves uniformly around a centre and at the same time descends towards the centre with constant acceleration. The recognition of the shape of another of Galileo's curves, namely, the catenary, caused the mathematicians many difficulties. This curve has the form of a chain suspended from two points (see section 2.8). The three last-mentioned curves are examples of an interplay between physics and mathematics. Before discussing this topic further we shall answer the question: what kind of problems concerning curves did the mathematicians solve in the period before 1660 ? Pascal's competition of 1658 relates to certain typical problems which were solved. Other problems consisted in finding tangents, surface areas and extreme values; furthermore, some inverse tangent problems (that is, to find a curve which has tangents with a specific property) were considered. Finally, about the middle of the century, the rectification of arcs became a question of interest. Although there are earlier examples of rectifications, Christopher Wren's rectification of the cycloidal arc in the late 1650s was the first widely known one. He sent the result to Pascal outside the competition (see Wren 1659a, or Wallis Works, yoJ. 1, 532-541). Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 131 of 479. 1.4. Algebra and geometry 15 Even though the solutions to these problems could be applied both to physics and to astronomy, their inspiration owed more to Greek mathematics than to physics and astronomy. The Greeks had worked on all the types of problem mentioned above; one may therefore consider work on them as a continuation of the tradition of the Greek mathematicians. This does not mean that there was no correlation between mathematics and physics. This continued to happen, if for no other reason than that in this period important physicists were often also important mathematicians. It is nevertheless difficult to point unambiguously to a concrete physical problem which inspired the mathematicians to take up the above-mentioned problems. In the late 1650s, however, a new mathematical problem cropped up which sprang from physics, namely the study of evolutes, which was started by Huygens in connection with his work on the pendulum clock. 1.4. Algebra and geometry When the Greeks came to realise the exi~tence of incommensurable magnitudes, which meant that the rational numbers are not sufficient for purposes of measurement, they made geom~try the foundation of that part of mathematics which was not number theory, the straight line being a substitute for a continuous field of numbers. This attitude resulted in the geometric algebra on which Euclid, Archimedes and Apollonius based their calculations. In the course of time the theory of equations became separated from geometry, and a good deal of symbolism was gradually developed for this discipline. Viete contributed much to the introduction of symbols with his work In artem analyticen isagoge (' Introduction to the analytic art': 1591a), in which he emphasised the advantage of using symbols to indicate not only unknown but also known quantities (Viete 1591a, ch. V, 5; Works, 8, or 1973a, 52). In this way he could deal with equations in general. Viete also connected algebra and geometry by determining the equations which correspond to various geometrical constructions. He only employed this technique when the geometrical problems were determinate and led to determinate equations in one unknown quantity. The next step was to use an indeterminate equation in two unknown quantities when solving problems concerning geometriG loci. Fermat and Descartes took this step almost simultaneously. Fermat's treatise Ad locos pIanos et solidos isagoge (' Introduction to plane and solid loci': 1637a) contains a pedagogic introduction to analytic geometry and some of its applications. However, the Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 132 of 479. 16 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 treatise did not have any great influence, for the simple reason that Descartes's La geometrie Was published before it was generally known. La geometrie treats many subjects with supreme skill, but it starts with an introduction to analytic geometry that was not easy for the uninitiated to follow. Notwithstanding this fact, the work had a tremendous influence, especially after van Schooten had published it in Latin translation and with commentaries in 1659. Its success was mainly due to Descartes's notation, which bore the hallmark of genius. It will not surprise the modern reader, as it is the beginning of the notation still in use; but for the time it was revolutionary. There is no doubt that the notation and the thoughts embodied in La geometrie had a positive-if only indirect--influence on the development of the calculus. 1.5. Descartes's method of determining the normal, and Hudde's rule In La geometrie Descartes described his technique of determining the normal to an algebraic curve at any point. He attached great importance to the method, as can be seen from the following introductory remarks (1637a, 341; 1925a, 95) : This is my reason for believing that I shall have given here a sufficient introduction to the study of curves when I have given a general method of drawing a straight line making right angles with a curve at an arbitrarily chosen point upon it. And I dare say that this is not only the most useful and most general problem in geometry that I know, but even that I ever desired to know. Let the algebraic curve ACE be given and let it be required to draw the normal to the curve at C (see figure 1.5.1). Descartes supposed the line CP to be the solution of the problem. Let CM x, AM= y, Figure 1.5.1. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 133 of 479. 1.5. Descartes on determining the normal, and Hudde's rule 17 AP=v and CP=s. Although he always used a particular example, for the sake of convenience we &hall suppose the curve to have the following equation: x=f(y). (1.5.1) We shall also modernise his notation to some extent. Besides the curve, Descartes considered the circle Cl' with centre at P and passing through C; that is, the circle with the equation (1.5.2) This circle will touch the curve CE at C without cutting it, whereas the circle cQ (1.5.3) with centre at a point Q different from P and passing through C will cut the curve not only at C but also in another point. Let this point be E. This means that the equation obtained x from (1.5.1) and (1.5.3), (1.5.4) has two distinct roots; 1 but' the more C and E approach each other, the smaller the difference of the two roots, and at last, when the points coincide, the roots are exactly equal, that is to say when the circle through C touches the curve at the point C without cutting it ' (Descartes 1637a, 346-347; 1925a, 103-104). Thus the analysis has brought Descartes to the conclusion that CP will be a normal to the curve at C when P (that is, v) is so determined that the equation (f(y»2 +(v - y)2 - S2 = 0 (1.5.5) has two roots equal to Yo (or the corresponding equation with y eliminated has one pair of equal roots). With modern conceptions it is not difficult to realise that this requirement gives the correct expression, (1.5.6) for the sub-normal MP. Descartes illustrated his method by finding, among other things, the normal to the ellipse (1637a, 347; 1925a,104). Putting its equation in the form r x2=ry-- y2, q he found the equation corresponding to (1.5.5) to be (1.5.7) 1 Descartes only considered curves for which (j(y»2 is a polynomial in y or y2 a polynomial in x. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 134 of 479. 18 1. Techniques of the calculus, .1630-.1660 ( rq - 2vq) qv2 -- qs2 y2+ y+ =0. q-r q-r (1.5.8) This equation has two roots equal to Yo when rq-2vq.. 2 q-r -:Yo and (1.5.9) because the point C is given, the value Yo is known, and from (1.5.9) the sub-normal v --Yo can be determined: r r v-Yo=:z-qYo. (1.5.10) Although an indication, not to say a full account, of what happens when the two points C and E coincide would involve limit-considerations,l Descartes, by taking the double contact of the circle with the curve as a characteristic of the normal, has avoided the use of infinitesimals and obtained an algebraic method. His correspondence indicates that in solving some of his problems he did employ methods which involved the use of infinitesimals. However, he did not consider them precise enough to be published. In principle, Descartes's method is applicable to any algebraic curve. But when the equation of the curve is not a simple algebraic equation, the method becomes tedious because of the laborious calculations which it is necessary to carry out in order to determine v by comparing the coefficients. The Dutch mathematician (later Burgomaster of Amsterdam) Johann Hudde invented a rule for determining double roots. He described his method in a letter to Frans van Schooten, who published it in his 1659 Latin edition of Descartes's La geometrie (Hudde 1659a, 507) : If in an equation two roots are equal, and if the equation is multiplied by any arithmetical progression in such a way that the first term of the equation is multiplied by the first term of the progression and so on, I say that the product will be an equation in which the given root is found again. 1 If we let the coordinates of E be (Yo+Ll.Y,!(Yo+Ll.y», then the requirement that C and E be on the same circle with centre at Q on the axis gives us the condition: AQ= +Ll.y + (!(yo+Ll.y)-!(yo») (!(yo+Ll.Y)+f(Yo») Yo 2 Ll.y 2 ' (To obtain this result, let F be the mid-point of CE and note that QF ..LCE.) P and v are then determined by the coincidence of the points C and E, that is : v =AP = lim A Q =!'(yo)f(yo) +Yo. LJ.y-..O Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 135 of 479. 1.5. Descartes on determining the normal, and Hudde's rule 19 Fot this rule Hudde gave a proof which in modern notation may be rendered as follows. Let x = Xo be a double root in the polynomial p(x), that is, n p(x)=(X-XO)2 L Cl(iXi ;=0 n L Cl(i(Xi+·2 - 2xOxi ..j-l.+ X0 2Xi ), ;=0 (1.5.11 ) and let a, a+d, ..., a+(n+2)d be an arbitrary arithmetical ",",,,,.,.,,,Q We then multiply the constant term Cl(OX02 in p(x) by a, the term of the first degree by a +d, and so on. Let the result of this procedure be denoted by (p(x), a, d); that is, n (p(x), a, d)= L Cl(i{(a+(i-I-2)d)xi+2-2(a+(i+ l)d)xoxi +l ;=0 (Note that (p(x), a, d) = ap(x) +dxp'(x), (1.5.13) where p'(x) is the derivative of p(x) and ' dx ' means dx x.) If we put Xo x, the expression in curled brackets in (1.5.12) vanishes. We therefore have (p(xo), a, d) = O. This necessary condition for a polynomial to have one pair of equal roots made Descartes's method easier to apply, because one might so arrange the arithmetical progression that a difficult term might be multiplied by O. We see that in his studies in autumn 1664 Newton found the sub-normal to a curve by using a combination of Descartes's method and Hudde's rule (Newton Papers, vol. 1,217 H.). Hudde applied his rule to the determination of extreme values, acting on the assumption that if C(. is a value which makes p(x) extreme, then the equation p(x) = p(C(.) has two equal roots (see Haas 1956a, 250-255). He also extended his procedure to a rule for determining sub-tangents (1659b). He did not prove this rule, but it is interesting because it is one of the first general rules. Let the equation of the curve be p(x, y) = 0, where p is a polynomial in x and y; Hudde's rule then states that the sub-tangent t to a point (x, y) is given by -x(p(x,y), a, d)y t= . (p(x, y), a, d)x (1.5.14) The subscripts mean that in the numerator p(x, y) is to be considered as a polynomial in y and in the denominator as a polynomial in x. From (1.5.13) we have Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 136 of 479. 20 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 t= -x(ap(x, y) +dypy'(x, y» ap(x, y) +dxpx'(x, y) (1.5.15 ) (where the prime indicates differentiation with respect to the subscript variable), or, since p(x, y) =0, t= -ypy'(x, y). Px'(x, y) (1.5.16) Hudde's method was not forgotten after the introduction of the differential calculus; for example, l'Hopital commented on it in his 1696a, ch. 10, para. 192 (see also section 2.5 below). 1.6. Roberval's method of tangents In the late 1630s Gilles Personne de Roberval and Evangelista Torricelli independently found a method of tangents which used arguments from kinematics. In 1644, in his Opera geometrica, Torricelli published an application of his method to the parabola (Torricelli 1644a, 119-121 ; Works, vol. 2, 122-124). In the same year Mersenne, in his Cogitata physico mathematica (' Physico-mathematical thoughts '), mentioned Roberval's method and applied it also to the parabola (Mersenne 1644a, 115-116; see Jacoli 1875a). One of Roberval's pupils, Franyois du Verdus, wrote a treatise on Roberval's method. It was eventually published in 1693 (Roberval Observations) and became quite wellknown, so the kinematic method came to bear Roberval's name. The method rests on two basic ideas. The first is to consider a curve as the path of a moving point which is simultaneously impressed by two motions. The second is to consider the tangent at a given point as the direction of motion at that very point. If the two generating motions are independent, then the direction of the resultant motion is found by the parallelogram law for compounding motions. However, Roberval also applied his method to curves like the quadratrix and the cissoid, where the generating motions which he considered were dependent. He ingeniously compensated for the dependence when compounding the motions, as we shall see. Roberval succeeded in determining the correct tangents to all the curves which were generally considered at his time. For the conic sections, however, the tangents were not determined correctly, because he took the generating motions to be the motions away from the foci or from the focus and the directrix, and wrongly used the parallelogram rule in compounding these motions (see Pedersen 1968a, 165 ff.). Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 137 of 479. 1.6. Roberval's method of tangents H Figure 1.6.1. 21 To illustrate the method, we shall first see how Roberval determined the tangents to the cycloids (Roberval Works2a, 58-63). Let ABC be a cycloid generated by the circle AD; that is, ABC is the path of the point A when the circle makes one turn on the line AC (compare figure 1.6.1, where the ordinary cycloid is drawn). The motion of A is then compounded of a uniform motion with direction AC or and a uniform rotation about the centre of the generating circle, the direction of this at a point E being the tangent to the generating circle at E or the line FH. The ratio between the speeds of these motions is equal to the ratio between AC and the perimeter ADA, so if the point H is determined by EF: FH =AC: perimeter ADA, (1.6.1) then EH will be the tangent to the cycloid at E. For the ordinary cycloid, the ratio on the right hand side is equal to unity, and Roberval proved geometrically that EH is parallel to FB. Thus the method is easily applied to the cycloid; but to see how general it is, let us also consider Roberval's determination of the tangent to the quadratrix. In figure 1.6.2 we let the two sides AD and CD of a square ABCD move simultaneously, AD being rotated uniformly about A and CD being paralleledly displaced in such a way that AD and CD coincide with AB at the same time. The point of intersection between the two lines will then describe a quadratrix DFH. Let F~ the point of intersection between IN and ADl~be one of the points of the quadratrix and let us see how he determines the tangent at F. (Actually he considers a point on DFH's prolongation, but the principle is the same.) Robcrval starts by letting the line FK represent the velocity of the line IN. From the definition of the quadratrix follows that F describes the line FK in the same time as D1 describes the arc DiB, whence arc DIB represents the speed of D1's circular motion. As Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 138 of 479. 22 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 R s Figure 1.6.2. (the speed of the circular motion of F) : (the speed of the circular motion of DI) = AF: ADI arc FG : arc D1B, (1.6.2) the arc FG represents the speed of F's circular motion; and further, as the direction of this latter motion is perpendicular to AF, the circular motion of F will be represented by the line-segment FR on the perpendicular with length equal to arc FG. To obtain F's direction of movement he then draws the line RS through R parallel to AF and seeks the point of intersection, M, between RS and AB (which is the line through K parallel to IF) and connects F and M. FM will then be the tangent. Roberval used this general approach in other cases too. His argument for it is not quite clear, but it has a great deal in common with the following. F's motion s;an be considered in two ways: (1) F's motion on the quadratrix is compounded of the motion F has by taking part in AF's motion (with the instantaneous velocity FR) and the motion F has on AF because it has to be the point of intersection; the direction of the last motion is AF or RS. By compounding these two motions we see that the line of direction of the movement of F starts at F and ends on the line RS. (2) Similarly, it is realised, by compounding the motion F has when it takes part in the motion of IF with its motion on IF, that its direction of motion is a line starting at F and ending on AB. As both the conclusion of {I) and (2) must be fulfilled, the above construction follows. By taking the instantaneous direction of motion as known, Roberval and Torricelli had avoided the use of infinitesimals in their method. Their method had the further advantage of being applicable to curves which are not referred to a Cartesian coordinate system. The method, Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 139 of 479. 1.7. Fermat's method of maxima and minima 23 however, was not general as long as the velocities could not be generally determined. It is interesting to note that Newton's method of tangents from 1666 is inspired by the same ideas as Roberval's. For algebraic curves Newton only had to use the method once to obtain the sub-tangent expressed by a formula; but for transcendental curves like the quadratrix he found the tangent in almost the same manner as had Roberval (Newton Papers, vol. 1,416-418). 1.7. Fermat's method of maxima and minima About 1636 there was circulated among the French mathematicians a memoir of Fermat entitled Methodus ad disquirendam maximam et minimam (' Method of investigating maxima and minima': Methodus). It was remarkable, for it gave the first known general method of determining extreme values. It contained another striking feature, namely, the idea of giving an increment to a magnitude, which we might interpret as the independent variable. The memoir opens with the sentence: 'The entire theory of determining maxima and minima is based on two positions expressed in symbols and this single rule'. The rule is the following: I. Let A be a term related to the problem; 11. The maximum or minimum quantity is expressed III terms containing powers of A ; II I. A is replaced by A +E, and the maximum or minimum is then expressed in terms involving powers of A and E ; IV. The two expressions of the maximum or minimum are· made , adequal " which means something like 'as nearly equal as possible' ;1 V. Common terms are removed; VI. All terms are divided by a power of E, so that at least one term does not contain E; VII. The terms which still contain E are ignored; VIII. The rest are made equal. The solution of the last equation will give the value of A which makes the expression take an extreme value. Fermat illustrated his method by finding the point E on the line-segment AC which makes the rectangle AE. EC a maximum. Let AC b and let us replace Fermat's A by x (so that AE=x), and his E bye; we then have to 1 Fermat used the word' adaequo '. Mahoney has translated this as ' set adequal ' (1973a, 162). The idea of adequality derives from Diophantus (ibid., 163-165). Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 140 of 479. 24 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 maximize the expression x(b- x). In accordance with the method, we have (x+e)(b-(x+e)) ~x(b-x), (1.7.1) where ~ signifies the adequality. Removing common terms, we have and dividing bye, b ~2x+e. Finally we ignore the term e and obtain b= 2x. (1.7.2) (1.7.3) It is tempting to reproduce Fermat's method by letting A x, E = !'ix, and the quantity = f(x); the rule then tells us IV, V VI VII, VIII f(x +!'ix) - f(x) ~ 0, f(x +!'ix) - f(x) '"" 0 !'ix ~ , ( f(X+!'iX) f(X)) =0. !'ix L>x =0 (1.7.4) (1.7.5) (1.7.6) For differentiable functions this might be interpreted in modern terms as if the x which makes f(x) a local extreme value is determined by the equation f(x)= lim {f(X+!'iX)--f(X~} =0. L>x--+O !'ix (1.7.7) However, this would be to read too much into the method. Primarily, Fermat did not think of a quantity as a function. Secondly, he did not say anything about E being an infinitesimal, or even a small magnitude, and the method does not involve any concept of limits; it is purely algebraic. Thirdly, the statement in VI makes no sense in this interpretation, as we always have to divide by E to the first degree. Nevertheless, his examples show us that on occasion he divided by higher powers of E than one. The reason for this is that, if the quantity contained a square root, he squared the adequality before applying the last steps of the rule. Note that he did not emphasise that his method gave only a necessary condition. Few results in the history of science have been so closely examined as Fermat's method of maxima and minima. He wrote about a dozen short memoirs where he explained and applied his method. Historians have been puzzled by his very short descriptions, and disagree about the dating of the memoirs and about the order of his ideas. To me it seems probable that he developed his ideas in the way that he intimated in his manuscript 'Syncriseos et anastrophes' (Syncriseos; see Mahoney 1973a, 145-165). Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 141 of 479. 1.7. Fermat's method of maxima and minima 25 Fermat says here that he got the idea of a process for determining extreme values by studying Viete's theory of equations and combining it with the expression' fLovrxX6, , used by Pappus to characterise a minimal ratio (see Pappus Collections, book VII, theorem 61). Fermat takes , fLovrxxo, , to mean' singular' in the sense of ' unique' (see his Works, vol. 1, 142, 147), and gives an illustrative examplc of what he meant. The line-segment of the length B has to be divided by a point so that the product of the segments is maximum. The required point is the midpoint which makes the maximum equal to B2/4. If Z < then the equation X(B--X)=' Z (1.7.8) will have two roots. Let them be A and E. Following Viete, Fermat obtains A(B--A)=E(B E) (1.7.9) or (1.7.10) By dividing by A -- E, it is seen that B = A + E. The closer that Z approaches B2/4, the smaller will be the difference between A and E; at last, when Z = B2/4, A will be equal to E, and B = 2A, which is the unique solution leading to the maximum product. In other words, to find the maximum you have to equate the two roots. As it can be complicated to divide by the binomial A - E, Fermat chose to let the two roots be A and A +E; then he divided by E, and finally equated the two roots by putting E = O. After these considerations he repeated his procedure from Methodus sketched in I-VIII at the beginning of this section. In this procedure he did not put E = 0, but ignored the terms still containing E. However, the process is the same, and it became common practice to put E, or a corresponding magnitude, equal to 0 when his method was applied. Until it was realised that the important process is lim {f(X +t.x) - f(X)}, L'.x--+O t.x (1.7.11) the procedure that involved dividing by E and putting E = 0 was a thorn in the mathematicians' side. They were severely criticised for it, and they admitted that it was unsatisfactory. Huygens who knew, applied and simplified Fermat's method, tried in vain to justify it logically (manuscript from 1652 printed in Huygens Works, vol. 12, 61). Instead he found another method, and one of which he could give a proof (ibid., 62 ff.). This method combined Fermat's idea of an extreme value as unique with Descartes's idea of a Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 142 of 479. 26 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 double-root which he used in his method of normals. Briefly and in modern terms: Let p(x) be a polynomial and let p(xo) be a maximum; when a lP, and from the property of the parabola DC: DI=CB2: IP2, (1.8.1) Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 143 of 479. 1.8. Fermat's method of tangents Figure 1.8.1. it follows that DC: D1> CB2: 102• Since the triangles E10 and ECB are similar, we have CB2 : 102 = EC2 : E12. Thus DC: D1> EC2: E12. 27 (1.8.2) (1.8.3) (1.8.4) Let DC = x (x is known since the point B is given), EC = a (the unknown quantity) and 1C=e. Then (1.8.4) becomes x: (x-e»a2 : (a-e)2, or Fermat replaces this inequality by the adequality (1.8.5) (1.8.6) (1.8.7) By using the procedure of the method of maxima and minima he obtains a = 2x, and thereby determines the tangent. In a letter to Mersenne of January 1638 Descartes objected to this determination, maintaining that it did not solve the problem of an extreme value (see Fermat Works, vol. 2, 126-132, or Descartes Works, vol. 1, 486-493). He also accused Fermat of not having used the specific property of the curve, so that the determination would give the same result for all curves. The last objection is clearly wrong, and may be ascribed to the hostile attitude which Descartes took to Fermat after Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 144 of 479. - 28 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 Fermat had criticised his Dioptrique (1637a). The first objection, however, is worth examining. The inequality 10> IP holds for curves concave with respect to the axis, and the inequality 10 < IP for convex curves. For curves without points of inflection it is possible from these inequalities to find a magnitude depending on a - e and x - e which has an extreme value for x-e=x (see Itard 1947a, 597, and Mahoney 1973a, 167). As x( =DC) is known, a may be determined from the requirement for an extreme value. Neither in Methodus nor in Fermat's later writings, however, is there any indication that this was the way he related his method of tangents to his method of maxima and minima. In the memoir 1638b of June 1638, Fermat, after having explained his method, wanted to show that there was a relation between the method of maxima and minima and that of tangents. However, by solving a problem of extrema he did not find the tangent to the curve, but rather the normal. This gave an algorithm quite different from the one used in Methodus and explained in the memoir. He is therefore not likely to have used this relation when he established his method of tangents. (By the way, the problem of extreme values which Fermat solved was suggested by Descartes in his first attack on Fermat's method.) So Descartes was right after all in raising the objection that the method of tangents was not a direct application of the method of maxima and minima. When, in the memoir just mentioned, Fermat explained his method of tangents to Descartes, he clearly showed that he used only the procedure drawn from the method of maxima and minima. Descartes thereafter accepted the method. In modern notation Fermat's explanation can be reproduced in the following way. Let B be the point (x, y) on the curve f(x,y)=O and let DI=x-e (see figure 1.8.1). From the similar triangles EOI and EBC we obtain (1.8.8) Since 10 is almost equal to PI, Fermat writes (1.8.9) This is the adequality to which he applied his procedure from the method of maxima and minima. It is not difficult to see that it will lead to an expression for a corresponding to a = _yfll' f:c' . (1.8.10) rb Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 145 of 479. 1.8. Fermat's method of tangents If we have the parabola ax=y2, we obtain from (1.8.9) y2(a-e)2 a(x e)---2--::::00, a or and since y2 = ax, then which is (1.8.7). As the method requires a development of ( y(a-'-.e)) f x--e, --a-- , 29 (1.8.11) (1.8.12) (1.8.13) it was in its original presentation only applicable to curves (because in Fermat's time only algebraic functions were developed). However, in 'Doctrinam tangentium' Fermat extended its field of application to include some transcendental curves. He introduced two principles (Fermat Works, vol. 1, 162), stating that it was allowed (1) ... to replace the ordinates to the curves by the ordinates to the tangents [already] found ... (2) ... to replace the arc lengths of the curves by the corresponding portions of tangents already found . .. . These two principles enabled him to determine the tangent to the cycloid (ibid., 163). Let HCG be a cycloid with vertex C and generating circle CMF (figure 1.8.2), and RB be the tangent at an arbitrary point R. For the sake of convenience we reproduce his analysis with use of some modern symbols. Let CD=x, RD=f(x), MD =g(x), and the magnitude to be investigated DB a. The specific property of the cycloid is the following: f(x)=RM+MD=arc CM+g(x). (1.8.14) Let DE = e, and draw NE parallel to RD intersecting RB at N and the circle at 0; as usual in the method of tangents, we have that NE=f(x)(a e) ::::of(x e), a (1.8.15) where f(x-e)=arc CO+g(x-e)=arc CM--arc OM+g(x-e). (1.8.16) Let MA be the tangent to the circle at M intersecting NE at V, and let MA=d and AD=b. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 146 of 479. 30 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 A Figure 1.8.2. From the first principle Fermat obtains (1.8.17) and from the second (1.8.18) Thus f( ) CM de g(x)(b- e) x e ::::oarc 7;+ b ' (1.8.19) which together with (1.8.14) and (1.8.15) gives (arc CM +g(x»(a - e) CM de g(x)(b - e) a ::::0 arc -7;+ b . (1.8.20) Hence, by the standard procedure, arc CM +g(x) d +g(x) a b (1.8.21) or f(x) d+g(x) a b (1.8.22) Geometrically it is seen that iOn Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 147 of 479. 1.9. The method of exhaustion d+g(x) g(x) ---b- =---;;so that the tangent at R is parallel to MC. 1.9. The method of exhaustion 31 (1.8.23) The method of geometrical integration which was considered in the first part of the 17th century to be ideal was the exhaustion method, which had been invented by Eudoxus and improved by Archimedes. The name is unfortunate because the idea of the method is to avoid the infinite, and the method therefore does not lead to an exhaustion of the figure to be determined, as will be seen from the following outline of the idea behind it (see Dijksterhuis 1956a, 130-132). The method aims at showing that an area, a surface or a volume to be investigated, X, is equal to a known magnitude of the same kind K (for example, X may be the surface of a sphere and K four circles on the sphere). A monotone ascending sequence In and a monotone descending sequence Cn of, respectively, inscribed and circumscribed figures to X are constructed. Thus we have the result : for all n, In < X < Cn' (1.9.1) It is then shown either that for any magnitude € > °there exists a number N such that (1.9.2) or that for any two magnitudes of the same kind fk and v where fk > v> 0, there exists a number N such that and further that for all n, In < K < Cn' (1.9.3 ) (1.9.4) From (1.9.1), (1.9.2) or (1.9.3), and (1.9.4), it follows by a reductio ad absurdum that K = X. This last demonstration always proceeds in the same manner, independent as it is of the magnitudes in question. Nevertheless, whenever applying the method, the Greek mathematicians wrote out the argument down to the last detail. The reason may be that they did not have a notation which made it easy for them to deal with the general case. Furthermore, it is rather complicated to establish the basic inequalities of the proof, especially (1.9.4), and the method can be used only if K Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 148 of 479. 32 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 is knQwn in advance. This means that it needs to. be supplemented by anQther methQd, if results are to. be prQduced. AmQng the mathematicians Qf the early 17th century there was a desire to. find such a methQd Qf Qbtaining results which, in CQntrast to. the methQd Qf exhaustiQn, WQuld be direct. It WQuld be as well if the new methQd, apart frQm giving results, CQuld be used to. prQve the relatiQns achieved. Such a direct methQd might have been obtained had it been realised that lim Cn = lim In' (1.9.5) n-+CiJ n-rOO and had X been put equal to. that limit; hQwever, this was nQt within the style Qf expressiQn and PQwer Qf abstractiQn Qf 17th-century mathe- maticians. The path which they fQllQwed was that Qf an intuitive understanding Qf the geQmetric magnitudes. They imagined an area to. be filled up, fQr example, by an infinite number Qf parallel lines. When, in 1906, Heiberg fQund Archimedes's The method, it was discQvered that Archimedes tQQ had adQpted this PQint Qf view in his search fQr results. HQwever, he did nQt regard it as sufficiently rigorous to be applied in proofs. Kepler, too., had used techniques invQlving such intuitive CQnsiderations, and it was the purpose of the first systematic expositiQn of the methQd Qf indivisibles to legitimise such techniques. This expositiQn, Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum nova quadam ratione promota (' GeQmetry by indivisibles of the cQntinua advanced by a new method' : 1635a, hereafter referred to. as Geometria), by Cavalieri, appeared in 1635, when he was a professor Qf mathematics at the University of Bologna. The ideas that it contained were developed in 1627, as can be seen in a letter from Cavalieri to. Galileo. (Galileo Works, vol. 13, 381 ). The mathematicians differed on the importance to attach to a proof by the methQd Qf indivisibles. Most of those who thought about the matter regarded the method of indivisibles as heuristic, and thQught that an exhaustion proof was still necessary. The exhaustion method was therefore mQdified and extended during the 17th century (see Whiteside 1961a, 333-348). In many cases, hQwever, mathematicians confined themselves to the remark that the results achieved by the method Qf indivisibles could be easily demQnstrated by an exhaustion proof. 1.10. Cavalieri's method of indivisibles Geometria, and Cavalieri's later wQrk Exercitationes geometricae sex (' Six geometrical exercises': 1647a), became well-known among Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 149 of 479. 1.10. Cavalieri's method of indivisibles 33 mathematicians. The works inspired many of them to find their own methods, whereas others like Fermat and Roberval found their integration methods independently of Cavalieri. Cavalieri presented two methods of indivisibles in his Geometria, and called them the 'collective' and the 'distributive' methods respectively. The first six of the seven books of Geometria embody the collective method, and a summary of it is given in Exercitationes, Book I. The framework of this section cannot possibly allow for a full account of the wide spectrum of concepts and ideas which Cavalieri introduced and developed in these six books, but th~ following outline gives a rough idea of his approach. Figure 1.10.1. Let there be given a plane figure F = ABC limited by the curve ABC, and the straight line AB, called the 'regula' (figure 1.10.1). Cavalieri imagined that a straight line starting along AB is uniformly displaced parallel to AB, and considered the bunch of parallel linesegments which made up the section between F and the line during the motion. He named these line-segments' all the lines of the given figure' (' omnes lineae propositae figurae '), 'and sometimes referred to them as , the indivisibles of the given figure'; let us denote them by (f)F(l). Expressed in modern terms, Cavalieri constructed a mapping (1.10.1 ) from the set of plane figures into a set consisting of bunches of parallel line-segments. He then extended Eudoxus's theory of magnitudes (see book V of Euclid's Elements) to include his new magnitudes {(f)F(l)}. Thereafter he established-although not in a mathematically satisfactory manner-the fundamental relation (1.10.2) between two plane figures (Cavalieri 1635a, Book Il, Theorem 3). By letting the regula be a plane he obtained in a similar way the relation Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 150 of 479. 34 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 SI: S2={9S,(P): (9S2(P), (1.10.3) where Si is a solid and (9s,(p) all the planes belonging to it, i = 1, 2. Cavalieri's aim was to find the ratio on the left hand side of (1.10.2) by calculating the ratio on the right hand side. In doing so he was greatly helped by a postulate which leads to 'Cavalieri's theorem' (described below), a skilful use of previous results, theorems about similar figures, and the concept of powers of line-segments. The postulate (1635a, Corollarium to Theorem 4 of Book II) states that if in two figures Fl and F2 with the same altitude every pair of corresponding line-segments (that is, line-segments at equal distances from the common regula) has the same ratio, then {9Ji'1 (I) and (9Ji',(l) have this ratio too. In modern notation and using figure 1.10.2, Figure 1.10.2. if fl(x): f2(X)=b: c for all x O and a2n+2 = ~ a 2n will not generally have an+1/an continuously decreasing. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 158 of 479. -- 42 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 ... (n 2).n.n J(n+2) vol. 9, 3-5). That is, I FD. DO= I EG/'. (1.12.11) AB AC If we put AB=a, AC=b, AD=x, FD==y f(x) and DO=z=g(x) (both being monotone functions), the relation corresponds to a J f(x)g(x) dx (} b (f"(Y) ) J J get) dt dy, () (} (1.12.12) which can be obtained by an integration by parts. Since f(a) 0 we have: Jf(x)g(x) dx==·- J( j get) dt) f'(x) dx (} (} () =, I(f-r)g(t) dt) dy. (1.12.13) When g(x) = x, we obtain a b x2 J xy dx = J - dy. (} () 2 (1.12.14) Roberval found the summation form of (1.12.14) in his Traite in a way similar to that of Pascal (Roberval Works2a, 271), and it was used by Fermat too (Works, vol. 1, 272). Among other things, it could be applied to the determination of the centre of gravity of the ar~a i y dx. () Let the x-coordinate of this point be t; in modern notation the argument is the following (see figure 1.12.3). If we consider a lever AC a and let the area Jy dx operate on the arm g on the one side, and at the () a other let all the rectangles y6.x of the area Jy dx or BDC operate each (} on the arm x, then there will be equilibrium. Hence we have a a t f y dx = f xy dx. (1.12.15) (} (} Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 162 of 479. 46 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630--1660 Figure 1.12.3. Therefore, by (1.12.14), b x2 f dy ~= o (1.12.16)- - -a f Y dx o which gives the x-coordinate of the centre of gravity. The y-coordinate can be found in a similar way. (1.12.16) is equivalent to the relation b a 7T f x2 dy=27T~ f y dx, (1.12.17) o 0 which states that the volume obtained by revolving the area BCD about the axis BD (compare figure 1.12.3) is equal to the product of the area and the distance traversed by the centre of gravity. This is a special case of the theorem now known as ' Pappus-Guldin's theorem', formulated by Paul Guldin in Centrobaryca (1635-1641a, vol. 2, 147) in the following way: 'the product of a rotating quantity and the path of rotation [that is, the circumference of the circle traversed by the centre of gravity], is equal to the quantity generated by the rotation'. The theorem is also found in Book VII of Pappus's Collections, but it may be a later addition (see, for example, Ver Eecke 1932a). 1.13. Concluding remarks The examples given in sections 1.5-1.8 and 1.10-1.12 illustrate the remark in the introductory section 1.1 about the special character of the infinitesimal methods in the period 1630-1660. In the case of the Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 163 of 479. 1.13. Concluding remarks 47 methods of quadrature we saw that they were all naturally founded on the conception of an area as an infinitesimal sum. However, mathematicians differed in their ways of approaching the problems raised by that concept. And not only were the methods of the various mathematicians based on different ideas; some of them also developed different methods, each one adapted to solve special problems of quadrature. Some of the methods of solving tangent or normal problems led to fixed rules--of which the most general one was Hudde's rule for determining the sub·,tangent to an algebraic curve---while others only suggested a procedure. The ideas behind the methods differed widely. Descartes used an argument about the number of points of intersection between a cirele and the curve; Fermat employed similar triangles and the concept of adequality; while Roberval's method was founded on an intuitive conception of instantaneous velocity and the law of parallelogram of velocities. The characteristic triangle (with sides ~x, ~y and ~s) did not explicitly play a part in the deduction of the tangent methods. Nevertheless, it was applied by (for example) Pascal in connection with a transformation of a sum (see section 2.3); but not until Leibniz was the importance of this triangle fully recognised. Thus the period did not in itself bring any perception of basic concepts which were applicable to the determination of tangents as well as to quadratures. An important reason why mathematicians failed to see the general perspectives inherent in their various methods was probably the fact that to a great extent they expressed themselves in ordinary language without any special notation and so found it difficult to formulate the connections between the problem they dealt with. As an illustration we may consider one of the results achieved by the different quadrature methods outlined in the preceding sections. This result can be expressed in modern terms as a an+1 J xn dx~~-­ o n+ l' (1.13.1) where n is a natural number different from - 1. The mathematicians of that period, however, could not express their result so simply; they had to refer to areas under special parabolas. Their terminology did not prevent them from seeing connections such as that between the rectification of the parabola and the quadrature of the hyperbola, or the relation of certain inverse tangent problems to quadratures; but it may have barred their way to a deeper insight into the meaning of these connections. These remarks are not to be taken in the negative sense at all. It is not the task of a historian of mathematics to evaluate the work of Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 164 of 479. 48 1. Techniques of the calculus, 1630-1660 earlier mathematicians by present mathematical standards, nor to emphasise the inadequacy of their conq~pts as compared to modern ones. On the contrary, a historian of mathematics ought to enter into the mode of thought of the period under consideration in order to bring out the development of the mathematical ideas in its historical context. Briefly, it may be said that the mathematicians in the period preceding the invention of the calculus blazed the trail for its invention. They did so by employing heuristic methods, by making the geometry analytical, and by seeking methods for solving problems of quadratures and tangents. 1 1 I am grateful to Dr. John North of Oxford University for correcting some of my linguistic mistakes, and to Dr. D. T. Whiteside of Cambridge University for his valuable comments on the manuscript. Text 9: K. M. Pedersen (1980). “Techniques of the Calculus, 1630–1660”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 1, pp. 10–48. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 165 of 479. DOES HISTORY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROLE TO PLAY FOR THE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse Tinne Hoff KJELDSEN IMFUFA, NSM, Roskilde University, PO-Box 260, Roskilde, Denmark ABSTRACT In the present paper it will be argued that and proposed how the history of mathematics can play a significant role in mathematics education for the learning of meta rules of mathematical discourse. The theoretical argument is based on Sfard’s theory of thinking as communicating. A multiple perspective approach to history of mathematics from the practice of mathematics will be introduced along with the notions of epistemic objects and techniques. It will be argued that by having students read and analyse mathematical texts from the past within this methodology, the texts can function as “interlocutors”. In such learning situations the sources can assist in revealing meta rules of (past) mathematical discourses, making them explicit objects for students’ reflections. The proposed methodology and the potential of history for the learning of meta-discursive rules of mathematical discourse is exemplified by analyses of four sources from the 17th century by Fermat and Newton belonging to the calculus, and it is demonstrated how meta level rules can be made objects of students’ reflections. The paper ends with a proposal for a matrix-organised design for how the introduced approach to history of mathematics for elucidating meta-discursive rules might be implemented in upper secondary mathematics education. 1 Introduction One can think of several purposes for using history in mathematics education: (1) For pedagogical reasons; it is often argued that history motivates students to learn mathematics by bringing in a human aspect. (2) As a didactical method for the learning and teaching of the subject matter of mathematics. (3) For the development of students’ historical awareness and knowledge about the development of mathematics and its driving forces. (4) For general educational goals, with respect to which the so called cultural argument makes the strongest case for history, but history can also serve general educational goals in mathematics education of developing interdisciplinary competences as a counterpart to specialisation (Beckmann 2009). These purposes are not necessarily mutually independent. In carefully designed teaching sessions all four of the above mentioned purposes can be realized in varying degrees.1 Regarding the question whether history promotes students’ learning of mathematics I have argued in (Kjeldsen 2011), that by adopting a multiple perspective approach to history from the practice of mathematics, history has potentials in developing students’ mathematical competence while providing them with genuine historical insights. In the present paper, I will go a step further and suggest that history might have a much more 1 See (Kjeldsen 2010) where it is shown how all these four purposes can be accomplished in problem oriented and student directed project work. In (Jankvist and Kjeldsen 2011) two avenues for integrating history in mathematics education are discussed with respect to the development of students’ mathematical competence and historical awareness anchored in the subject matter of mathematics, respectively, both within a scholarly approach to history. In (Kjeldsen forthcoming) a didactical transposition of history from the academic research subject to history in mathematics education is proposed for developing a framework for integrating history of mathematics in mathematics education. In Evelyne Barbin, Manfred Kronfellner, and Constantinos Tzanakis, (eds.) History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, 2011, pp. 51-62. Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 166 of 479. profound role to play for the learning of mathematics. This suggestion is based on Sfard’s (2008) theory of commognition. In the following it will be argued that, and proposed how, the history of mathematics can play a significant role in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The theoretical argument is outlined in section 2. In section 3, the multiple perspective approach to history of mathematics from its practice is presented along with some tools of historians’. The adaptation for mathematics education is discussed in section 4. The potential of history for the learning of meta-discursive rules of mathematical discourse is exemplified in section 5 through analyses of four sources from the 17th century by Fermat and Newton belonging to the calculus. In section 6 a proposal is outlined for a so called matrix-organised design for how such an approach to history of mathematics for elucidating meta-discursive rules might be implemented in upper secondary school. The paper ends with a concluding section 7. 2 The theoretical argument for the significance of history In Sfard’s (2008, 129) theory of Thinking as Communicating mathematics is seen as a discourse that is regulated by discursive rules, and where the objects of mathematics are discursive constructs. There are two kinds of discursive rules both of which are important for the learning of mathematics: object-level rules and meta-discursive rules. The object-level rules have the content of the discourse as object. In mathematics they regard the properties of mathematical objects. The meta-discursive rules have the discourse itself as object. They govern proper communicative actions shaping the discourse. The meta-discursive rules are often tacit. They are implicitly present in discursive actions when we e.g. judge if a solution or proof of a mathematical problem or statement can count as a proper solution or proof (Sfard 2000, 167). The meta-discursive rules are not necessary; they are given historically. The meta-discursive rules are connected to the object-level of the discourse and have an impact on how participants in the discourse interpret its content. As a consequence, developing proper meta-discursive rules are indispensable for the learning of mathematics (Sfard 2008, 202). This means that designing learning situations where meta-discursive rules are elucidated is an important aspect of mathematics education. History of mathematics is an obvious method for illuminating meta-discursive rules. Because of the contingency of these rules, they can be treated at the object level of history discourse, and thereby be made into explicit objects of reflection. Hence, history might have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics, precisely because meta-discursive rules can be treated as objects of historical investigations. By reading historical sources students can be acquainted with episodes of past mathematics where other meta-discursive rules governed the discourse. If students study original sources in their historical context, and try to understand the work of past mathematicians, their views on mathematics, the way they formulated and argued for mathematical statements etc. the historical texts can play the role as “interlocutors”, as discussants acting according to meta rules that are different than the ones that govern the discourse of our days mathematics and (maybe) of the students. By identifying meta rules that governed past mathematics and comparing them with the rules that govern e.g. their textbook, students can be engaged in learning processes where they can become aware of their own meta rules. In case a student is acting according to non-proper meta rules he or she might experience what Sfard calls a commognitive conflict, which is “a situation in which different discursants are acting according to different metarules” (Sfard 2008, 256). Such Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 167 of 479. situations can initiate a metalevel change in the learner’s discourse. This, of course, presupposes a genuine approach to history. In section 3 and 4 it will be argued that within a multiple perspective approach to the history of the practice of mathematics, and by using historian of mathematics’ tools such as the idea of epistemic objects and techniques, original sources can be used in mathematics education to have students investigate and reflect upon meta-discursive rules. For further discussion of this see (Kjeldsen and Blomhøj 2011), where also some student directed problem oriented project work performed by students at degree level mathematics are analysed with respect to students’ reflections about meta-discursive rules to provide empirical evidence for the theoretical claim. These projects will not be presented here. Instead I will present a proposal (see section 6) for a so called matrix-organised design for how such an approach to history of mathematics for investigating meta-discursive rules might be implemented in upper secondary school. 3 A multiple perspective approach to history The so called whig interpretation of history has been debated at length in the historiography of mathematics.2 In mathematics education Schubring (2008) has pointed out how translations of sources, due to an underlying whig interpretation of history, have changed the mathematics of the source. In the whig interpretation history is written from the point of view of the present, as explained by the British historian Herbert Butterfield, who coined the term in the 1930s: It is part and parcel of the whig interpretation of history that it studies the past with reference to the present … The whig historian stand on the summit of the twentieth century and organises his scheme of history from the point of view of his own day. (Butterfield 1931, 13) If we want to use history to throw light on changes in meta rules from episodes of past mathematics to our days mathematics whig interpretations of history poses a problem, because, as it has been pointed out by Wilson and Ashplant (1988, 11) history then becomes “constrained by the perceptual and conceptual categories of the present, bound within the framework of the present, deploying a perceptual ‘set’ derived from the present”. In this quote, Wilson and Ashplant emphasis exactly why one cannot design learning and teaching situations that focus on bringing out differences in meta rules of past episodes in the history of mathematics and modern ones within a whig interpretation of history. Historical sources cannot function as “interlocutors” that can be used to clarify differences in meta rules if the sources is interpreted within the framework of how mathematics is conceptualized and perceived of today. The trap of whiggism can be avoided by investigating past mathematics as a historical product from its practice. This implies to study the sources in their proper historical context with respect to the intellectual workshop3 of their authors, the particular mathematicians, to ask questions such as: how was mathematics viewed at the time? How did the mathematician, who wrote the source, view mathematics? What was his/hers 2 Discussions of whig interpretations in the historiography of mathematics can be followed e.g. in the following papers (Unguru 1975), (van der Waerden 1976), (Freudenthal 1977), (Unguru and Rowe, 1981/82), (Grattan-Guiness 2004). 3 See (Epple 2004). Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 168 of 479. intention? Why and how did mathematicians introduce certain concepts? How did they use them and for what purposes? Why and how did they work on the problems they did? Which kinds of tools were available for the mathematician (group of mathematicians)? Why and how did they employ certain strategies of proofs? Such questions can reveal underlying meta rules of the discourse at the time and place of the sources. By posing and answering such questions to the sources, possibilities for identifying meta rules that governed the mathematics of the source can emerge, and hereby also opportunities for turning meta rules into explicit objects of reflection in a teaching and learning situation. As explained by Kjeldsen (2009b, 2011) one way of answering such questions and to provide explanations for historical processes of change is to adopt a multiple perspective approach to the history of the practice of mathematics. I have taken the term “a multiple perspective” approach from the Danish historian Jensen (2003). It signifies that episodes of the past can be studied from several perspectives, several points of observation, depending on which kind of insights into, or from, the past, we are searching for. Episodes in the history of mathematics can e.g. be studied from the perspective of sub-disciplines within mathematics to understand if, and if so, how other fields in mathematics have influenced the emergence and/or the development of the episode under consideration. They can be studied from an applied point of view to understand e.g. dynamics between pure and applied mathematics, or the role of mathematical modelling in the production of mathematical and/or scientific knowledge. They can be studied from a sociological perspective to understand the institutionalization of mathematics, its funding etc. They can be studied from a gender perspective, from a philosophical perspective and so on. 4 Adaptation for mathematics education In mathematics education the above approach can be implemented on a small scale, by focusing on a limited amount of perspectives that address the intended learning. In the present context the purpose is to use past mathematics and history of mathematics as a means for elucidating meta discursive rules and make them into explicit objects of students’ reflections. Hence, students should study the sources to answer clearly formulated historical questions that concern the underlying meta rules of the mathematics in the source. Theoretical constructs that have been developed by historians of mathematics and/or science to investigate the history of scientific practices can be used to “open” the sources. With respect to the purpose of the present paper of uses of history to reveal meta rules of a (past) mathematical discourse by studying the history of mathematics from its practice, the notions of epistemic objects and techniques are promising tools. The term epistemic object refers to mathematical objects that are treated in a source, i.e. the object about which mathematicians were searching for new knowledge or were trying to grasp. The term epistemic technique refers to the methods employed in the source by the mathematicians to investigate the epistemic objects.4 These theoretical constructs can give insights into the dynamics of concrete productions of pieces of mathematical knowledge, since they are constructed to distinguish between elements of the source that provide answers and elements that generate mathematical questions.5 4 These notions have been adapted into the historiography of mathematics by Epple (2004) from Rheinberger’s (1997) study of experimental science. 5 For examples of uses of this methodological tool see (Epple 2004) and (Kjeldsen 2009a). Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 169 of 479. The question is whether history dealt with in this way, where students study episodes from the history of mathematics from perspectives that pertain to meta rules of (past) discourses, ask historians’ questions to the sources concerning the practice of mathematics, and answer them using theoretical constructs such as epistemic objects and techniques, can facilitate meta level learning in mathematics education. In the following section four texts from the 1600s will be analyzed to provide some answers to this question. 5 Analysis of four sources within the proposed methodology Four texts from the 1600s will be used in the following; two by Pierre de Fermat (Fermat I and Fermat II) and two by Isaac Newton (Newton I and Newton II). Fermat I is Fermat’s text on maxima and minima taken from Struik’s (1969) A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800, whereas Fermat II is called “A second method for finding maxima and minima”, which is published in Fauvel’s and Gray’s (1988) reader in the history of mathematics. Newton I is Newton’s demonstration of how he found a relation between the fluxions of some fluent quantities from a given relation between these. This text is the one prepared by Baron and Bos (1974), whereas Newton II is Newton’s method of tangent taken from Whiteside’s (1967) The Mathematical Works of Isaac Newton. The quality of these translations of sources can be criticised, and investigated for degrees of whiggism (Schubring 2008), but this will not be done in the present paper. In a teaching situation the students should work with the four texts, but in order to give the reader an impression of the texts, summaries of the four texts are inserted here: In Fermat I, Fermat stated a rule for the evaluation of maxima and minima and gave an example. The text is summarised below in Box 1. Fermat I: On a method for the evaluation of max. and min. Rule: let a be any unknown of the problem • Indicate the max or min in terms of a • Replace the unknown a by a+e – express max./min. in terms of a and e • “adequate” the two expressions for max./min. and remove common terms • Both sides will contain terms with e – divide all terms by (powers of) e • Suppress all terms in which e will still appear – and equate the others • The solution of this equation will yield the value of a leading to max./min. Example: To divide the segment AC at E so that AE x EC may be a maximum aA E Cb - a b Max: a(b-a) = ab-aa (a+e)b-(a+e)(a+e) = ab+eb-aa-2ae-ee ab+eb-aa-2ae-ee ~ ab-aa “adequate” eb ~ 2ae + ee remove common terms b ~ 2a + e ; b=2a ; a=½b; divide, suppress, solve Box 1 If the above procedure is translated into modern mathematics using functions and the derivative it can be explained why Fermat reached the correct solution. But this does not explain how Fermat was thinking, since he knew neither our concept of a function nor our concept of derivatives. In Fermat II we can get a glimpse of how Fermat was thinking. Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 170 of 479. The text is summarised below in Box 2. Fermat II: A second method for finding maxima and minima • Here he explained why his “rule” leads to max./min.: correlative equations – Viete • Resolving all the difficulties concerning limiting conditions Example: To divide the line b such that the product of the segments shall be a max. If one proposes to divide the line b in such a way that the product of the segments [a and (b-a)] shall equal z’’ … there will be two points answering the question, and they will be found situated on one side and the other of the point corresponding to the max. Z’’ a e ba-aa = z’’ and be-ee = z’’ ba-aa = be-ee ; ba-be = aa-ee Divide by a-e b = a + e At the point of maximum we will have a = e, then b = a +a = 2a, hence as before a=½b. If we call the roots a and a+e (instead of a and e) the procedure follows the rule from text I. Box 2 In Newton I, Newton explained through an example, how, given a relation between fluent quantities, a relation between the fluxions of these quantities can be found. In Box 3 his procedure is summarised and illustrated with an example of a second degree equation instead of the third degree equation that Newton used in the text. Newton I: Find relation between fluxions from fluents Newton’s fluxions and fluents • Curves are trajectories (paths) for motions • Variables are entities that change with time – fluents x , y • The speed with which fluents change – fluxions x’ , y’ (Newton: dots!) • Newton: All problems relating to curves can be reduced to two problems: 1. Find the relation between the fluxions given the relation between the fluents. 2. The opposite. ox’x y oy’ Example: axx+bx+c-y=0 substitute x, y with x+x’o, y+y’o a(x+x’o)(x+x’o)+b(x+x’o)+c-y-y’o=0 axx+a2xx’o+ax’x’oo+bx+bx’o+c-y-y’o=0 a2xx’o+ax’x’oo+bx’o-y’o=0 a2xx’+ax’x’o+bx’-y’=0 divided by o; cast out terms with o a2xx’+bx’-y’=0 hence y’/x’=2ax+b Box 3 In Newtons’s terminology o denotes an infinitely small period of time, so ox’ [Newton used a dot over x instead of x’ to designate the fluxions] is the infinitely small addition by which x increases during the infinitely small interval of time. Finally, in Newton II, Newton showed how to draw tangents to curves and illustrated it with the same example as he used in the first text. In Box 4 below the example is Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 171 of 479. illustrated with reference to the example used in Box 3. Newton II: To draw Tangents to Curves ox’x y oy’ Example: T A B b c d D Similar triangles: dcD and DBT TB:BD = Dc:cd “infinitesimal triangle” BT/y = x’o/y’o =x’/y’ x’/y’ can be found by the method from Newton I Box 4 The suggestion made in this paper is that these four sources can be used to exhibit changes in meta rules of mathematical discourse, if students read the sources from the perspective of rigor, and focus on entities and arguments. The following worksheet (Box 5) can be used to guide the students work. It consists of two sets of questions. The first set concerns questions that help the students to identify the epistemic objects and techniques of the two texts. The students are asked to compare and contrast the answers they get from studying Fermat, Newton, and their textbook, respectively. Perspective Rigor – entities, arguments Worksheet: History from the practice of math. Compare/contrast Fermat and Newton Questions: What mathematical objects are Fermat/Newton dealing with? Compare/contrast How do they perceive them? – compare with your textbook What are the problems they are trying to solve? What techniques are they using? – what do we do today? How do they argue for their claims? – how do we argue today? Can you find any changes in understandings of the involved mathematical concepts from Fermat over Newton to today? Explain Can you find any changes in the way of argumentation from Fermat over Newton to today? Explain What kind of objections do you think your math teacher would have to Fermat’s and Newton’s texts? Epistemic objects and techniques Meta-rules – explicit object of reflection Opportunities provided by historyBox 5 The second set of questions refers directly to meta rules of the involved mathematical discourses. Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 172 of 479. Regarding the first set of questions, an analysis of the four texts and the comparison between the objects that Fermat and Newton investigated, how they perceived them, the problems they tried to solve, the techniques they used and the arguments they employed might be summarised in the following scheme (Box 6): Fermat: Objects: curves - algebraic expressions ex.: multiplication of line segments Perceive: Area; geometrical problems treated by algebraic methods Problem: evaluate max/min Techniques: equations, roots, algebraic mani. Argue: Text 1: shows the method works on an example Text 2: heuristic arguments with roots in equations given by an example Newton: Objects: any curve variables that change in time Perceive: trajectories for moving particles Problem: relations between fluxions (velocities) given relations between the fluents Techniques: algebraic mani; physics, geometry Argue: Physical arguments about distance and velocity, algebraic arguments, infinitesimal triangle, o-infinitely small Box 6 Regarding the second set of questions, which refers to meta rules of the discourse, the following changes can be discussed (se Box 7): Changes in understanding: Fermat: curves; algebraic expressions Newton: curves, traced by a moving point, variables change in time Today: functions, correspondence between variables in domains Changes in the way of argumentation: Fermat: ad hoc; “it works – its true”; heuristic argument, no infinitely small quantities Newton: more general procedure, physical arguments, infinitesimal triangle, infinitely small quantities (o) Today: limit, the real numbers, epsilon-delta proofs Box 7 In Kjeldsen and Blomhøj (2011) we have analysed some student directed problem oriented project work conducted by students in a degree level university mathematics programme. Here we were able to demonstrate that history, used within the framework of a multiple perspective approach to the history of mathematics from its practice, can be Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 173 of 479. used in mathematics education to give students insights into how meta rules of a mathematical discourse are established and why/how they change. These projects were made in a rather unique educational setting and the question is whether this methodology can be implemented in more traditional educational settings. The analyses of the sources guided by the worksheet (Box 5) and presented in Box 6 and Box 7 suggest that this approach can elucidate meta rules and turn them into explicit objects for students reflections. In the following section I present an outline for a so called matrix-organised design for how such a multiple perspective approach to history of mathematics from its practice might be implemented in upper secondary mathematics education. 6 Implementation in upper secondary school: A proposal In the Danish upper secondary school system history of mathematics is part of the mathematics curriculum. The curriculum is comprised of a core curriculum which is mandatory and is tested in the national final, and a supplementary part, which should take up 1/3 of the teaching. History is mentioned explicitly in the supplementary part, which means that all upper secondary students should be taught some aspects of history of mathematics. The supplementary part of the curriculum is tested in an oral examination together with the core curriculum. In Box 8 below an outline is presented for a matrix organised design for how history could be (but has not yet been) implemented in a Danish upper secondary school for elucidating meta rules within the theoretical framework of section 2, 3 and 4, using the sources and the worksheet presented in section 5. Implementation in a Danish high school: a proposal Step 1: Six groups – basic groups (worksheets would have to be prepared for each group with respect to the intended learning) 1. The mathematical community in the 17th century 2. The standard history of analysis 3. Who were Fermat and Newton? 4. The two texts of Fermat - the questions of the worksheet of Box 5 5. The two texts of Newton - the questions of the worksheet of Box 5 6. Berkeley’s critique of Newton Step 2: Six groups – expert groups (each group consists of at least one member from each of the basic groups) The experts teach the other group members of what they learned in their basic group. Each expert group write a common report/prepare an oral presentation of the collected work from all six basic groups as it was discussed in their expert groups Step 3: A plenary discussion lead by the teacher focuses on methods of argumentation, the development/changes in the perception of objects and techniques, compared with the standards of today. Box 8 This design follows a three step implementation. First six groups (so called basic groups) are formed who look into some aspects of the historical episode in question. In Box 8 it is suggested e.g. that group 1 investigates what the mathematical community of the 17th century looked like. Guided by a worksheet with questions relevant for the intended learning, the work in this group will provide the students with a sociological perspective on mathematics and its development. In step 2 new groups (so called expert Text 10: T. H. Kjeldsen (2011). “Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics? Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse”. In: History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University ESU 6. Ed. by E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, and C. Tzanakis. Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, pp. 51–62. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 174 of 479. groups) are formed. They consist of at least one member from each of the six basic groups. In this way each new group consists of individual experts. Each expert now teaches the other members of the new group what he/she learned in his/hers basic group, and based on their shared knowledge provided by the various experts they answer the second set of questions of the worksheet in Box 5. The design is referred to as being matrix organised because it can be illustrated with a matrix, where the members of basic group 1 is listed in column 1, the members of basic group in column 2, etc. In step 2 the expert groups are formed by taking the students in the rows, i.e. expert group 1 consists of the students listed in row 1; expert group 2 of the students listed in row 2, etc. In this way all expert groups consists of at least one member from each basic group. In such a set up it is possible to create complex teaching and learning situations where students work independently and autonomously in an inquire-like environment, developing general educational skills as well.6 7 Discussion and conclusion The main question in the present paper is whether working with sources in the spirit of the worksheet of Box 5 within the methodology outlined in section 3 may give rise to situations where meta rules of (past) mathematical discourses are made into explicit objects of students’ reflections, and whether this can assist the development of students’ proper meta rules of mathematical discourse. As pointed out above, the analyses of the sources guided by the questions of the worksheet in Box 5, and the suggestions for answers outlined in Box 6 and 7, suggest that history and historical sources can be used within the methodological framework of section 2, 3 and 4 to elucidate meta rules and make them explicit objects for students reflections. Regarding the second part of the question, whether such an approach to the use of history and historical sources in mathematics education also can assist the development of students’ proper meta rules of our days mathematics is a complex question which is much more difficult to document. The framework and methodology outlined in this paper provide a theoretical argument for the claim that history has the potential for playing such a profound role for the learning of mathematics, but in order to realize this in practice more research needs to be done, and methodological tools for detecting students’ meta rules and for monitoring any changes towards developing proper meta rules need to be developed. 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IV ANAJ,YSIS BEFOltE NEWTON AND I,EIBNIZ values of y corresponding to Xl' X2, X3' ... are lh ~= an, Y2 = a"rn, Ys = anr2n, .. " Then the sum S of the rectangles 11Xl + 12x2 .+. lsxs + ... is (1 r)an+1(1 + 1'n+l + r2n +2 + ...) When r = 8 q (s < 1) and n ¥ 1, then J:xn dx = an +1 lim 1 _. r' p+ q n + As we see, this procedure holds for n positive and negative, but it fails for n -1. This method approaches our modern method of' limits; it uscs the concept of the limit of an infinite geometric series. 8 1<'I B02/0J2, since the point 0 is exterior to the parabola. But B02/0J2 = OE2/JE2, in view of the similarity of triangles. Hence OD/DJ> OE2/JE2. Now the point B is given, consequently the ordinate BO, consequently the point 0, hence also OD. Let OD = d be this given quantity. Put OE a and OJ = e; we obtain Removing the fractions: da2 + de2 - 2dae > da2 - a2 e. Let us then adequate, following the preceding method; by taking out the common terms we find: or, which is the same, Let us divide all terms bye: de + a2 '" 2da. On taking out de, there remains a2 2da, consequently a = 2d. Thus we have proved that OE is the double of OD-which is the result. This method never fails and could be extended to a number of beautiful problems; with its aid, we have found the centers of gravity of figures bounded by straight lines or curves, as well as those of solids, and a number of other results which we may treat elsewhere if we have time to do so. I have previously discussed at length with M. de Hoberval 5 the quadrature of areas bounded by curves and straight lines as well as the ratio that the solids which they generate have to the cones of the same base and the same height. 4 Fm'mat wrote: D ad D _. E habebit majorem proportionem quam Ag. ad Aq. + Eq. - A in E bis (D will have to D - E a larger ratio than A 2 to A 2 + E2 - 2AE). 5 See the letters from Fermat to Hoberval, written in 1636 (Oeuvres, HI, 292-294, 296- 297). Text 11: Fermat on maxima and minima. From D. J. Struik (1969). A Source Book in Mathematics. 1200–1800. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, pp. 222–225. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 179 of 479. }<'ERMAT. MAXIMA AND MINIMA 8 225 Now follows the second illustration of Fermat's "e-method," where Fermat's e =, Newton's 0 = Leibniz' dx.6 (2) CEN'l'Im OF GRAVITY OF PAB.ABOLOID OF R1WOLUTION, USING '.rIm SAME METHOD'I Let aBA V (Fig. 3) be a paraboloid of revolution, having for its axis lA and for its base a circle of diameter aTV. Let us find its center of gravity by using the same method which we applied for maxima and minima and for the tangents of curves; let us illustrate, with new examples and with new and brilliant applica. tions of this method, how wrong those are who believe that it may fail. Fig. 3 A 81-------1 C'-----"__r In order to carry out this analysis, we write lA = b. Let; 0 be the center of gravity, and a the unknown length of the segment AO; we intersect the axis lA by any plane BN and put IN e, so that NA 0= b -- e. It is clear that in this figure and in similar ones (parabolas and paraboloids) the centers of gravity of segments cut off by parallels to the base divide the axis in a constant proportion (indeed, the argument of Archimedes can be extended by similar reasoning from the case of a parabola to all parabolas and paraboloids of revolution8). Then the center of gravity of the segment of which N A is the axis and BN the radius of the base will divide AN at a point E such that NA/AE lA/AO, or, in formula, b/a = (b e)/AE. 6 The gist of this method is that we change the variable x inJ(x) to x + e, e small. Since J(x) is stationary near a maximum or minimum (Kepler's remark), J(x + e) - J(x) goes to zero faster than e does. Hence, if we divide bye, we obtain an expression that yields the required values for x if we let e be zero. The legitimacy of this procedure remained, as we shall see, a subject of sharp controversy for many years. Now we see in it a first appreach to the modern formula: j'(x) = !im .f..53: + e) ,- J(x) , introduced by Cauchy (1820-21). 8-+0 e 7 This paper seems to have been sent in a letter to Mersenne written in April 1638, for transmission to Roberval. Mersenne reported its contents to Descartes. Fermat used the term "parabolic conoid" for what we call "paraboloid of revolution." 8 "All parabolas" means "parabolas of higher order," y = 7cxn, n > 2. Tho reference is to Archimedes' On floating bodie8, n, Prop. 2 and following; see '1'. L. Heath, The works oJ Archimede8 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1897; reprint, Dover, New York),264ff. Text 11: Fermat on maxima and minima. From D. J. Struik (1969). A Source Book in Mathematics. 1200–1800. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, pp. 222–225. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 180 of 479. Descartes, Fermat and Their Contemporaries 359 c I D E N Removing the fractions: da2 + de2 - 2dae > da2 a2e. Let us then adequate, following the preceding method; by taking out the common terms we find: or, which is the same, Let us divide all terms bye: de+a2~2da. On taking out de, there remains a2 = 2da, consequently a = 2d. Thus we have proved that CE is the double of CD-which is the result. This method never fails and could be extended to a number of beautiful problems; with its aid, we have found the centres ofgravity offigures bounded by straight lines or curves, as well as those of solids, and a number of other results which we may treat elsewhere if we have time to do so. I have previously discussed at length with M. de Roberval the quadrature of areas bounded by curves and straight lines as well as the ratio that the solids which they generate have to the cones of the same base and the same height. 11.C2 A second method for finding maxima and minima In studying the method of syncriseos and anastrophe of Viete, and carefully following its application to the study of the nature of correlative equations, it occurred to me to derive a process for finding maxima and minima and thus for resolving easily all the Text 12: Fermat on maxima and minima. From J. Fauvel and J. Gray, eds. (1987). The History of Mathematics: A Reader. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., pp. 359–360. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 181 of 479. 360 The History of Mathematics difficulties concerning limiting conditions which have caused so many problems for ancient and modern geometers. Maxima and minima are in effect unique and singular, as Pappus said and as the ancients already knew, although Commandino claimed not to know what the term 'singular' signified in Pappus. It follows from this that on one side and the other of the point constituting the limit one can take an ambiguous equation, and that the two ambiguous equations thus obtained are accordingly correlative, equal and similar. For example, let it be proposed to divide the line b in such a way that the product of the shall be a maximum. The point answering this question is evidently the middle of the line, and the maximum product is equal to b2 /4; no other division of this line a product equal to b2 /4. But if one proposes to divide the same line b in such a way that the product of the segments shall equal z" (this area being besides supposed to be less than b2 /4) there will be two points answering the question, and they will be found situated on one side and the other of the point corresponding to the maximum product. In fact let a be one of the segments of the line h, one will have ha - a2 = z"; an ambiguous equation, since for the segment a one can take each of the two roots. Therefore let the correlative equation be he e2 z". Comparing the two equations according to the method of Viete: ba -- he a2 - e2. . Dividing both sides by a -- e, one obtains b a -+ e; the lengths a and e will moreover be unequal. in place of the area z", one takes another greater value, although always less than h2 /4, the segments a and e will differ less from each other than the previous ones, the points of division approaching closer to the point constituting the maximum of the product. The more the product increases the more on the contrary diminishes the difference between a and e until it will vanish exactly at the division corresponding to the maximum product; in this case there will only be a unique and singular solution, the two quantities a and e becoming equal. Now the method ofViete applied to the two correlative equations above leads to the equality b = a -+ e, therefore if e = a (which will always happen at the point constituting the maximum or the minimum) one will have, in the case proposed, b = 2a, which is to say that if one takes the middle of the segment b, the product of the segments will be a maximum. Let us take another example: to divide the segment b in such a way that the product of the square of one of the segments with the other shall be a maximum. Let a be one of the segments; one must have ba2 a3 maximum. The equal and similar correlative equation is be2 - e3 . Comparing these two equations according to the method of Viete: dividing both sides by a - e one obtains ba -+ be a2 -+ ae -+ e2 , which gives the form of the correlative equations. Text 12: Fermat on maxima and minima. From J. Fauvel and J. Gray, eds. (1987). The History of Mathematics: A Reader. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., pp. 359–360. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 182 of 479. 244 IV ANALYSIS BEFORE NEWTON AND I,]':IBNIZ In Proposition II,f(y) = y (the line AOJ( is a straight line), Ply) = b 2, and Pascal has several more examples based on this change of variables. It is here that we meet one of Pascal's references to a fourth dimension, when he generalizes his triligne8 from plane to space and beyond: "l,a quatrieme dimension n'est point contrc la pure geometrie" (The fourth dimension is not against pure geometry). See H. Bosmans, "Sur l'intcrpretation geometriquc donnoe par Pascal al'cspace aquatre dimen.. sions," Annales de la Societe ScientiJique de Bruxelles 42 (1923), 337-345. 13 WALIAS. COMPUTATION OF 7T BY SUCCESSIVI 1 ·10 io ..L .1. i"6 60 30 .1 .1- ~.L. 1 1 ..L ,7 42 105 140 105 42 Figure 2.3.1. Leibniz's ' harmonic triangle'. The numbers in the n··th row are Surnmations can be read off from the scheme as, for example : 1 1 1 1 1 1 3+12+ 30 + 60 + 105+'" These results were not exactly new, but they did make Leibniz aware that the forming of difference sequences and of sum sequences are mutually inverse operations. This principal idea became more significant when he transposed it to geometry. The curve in figure 2.3.2 defines a sequence of equidistant ordinates y. If their distance is 1, the sum of the y's is an approximation of the quadrature of the curve, and the difference of two successive y's yields approximately the slope of the pertaining tangent. Moreover, the smaller the unit 1 is chosen, the better the approximation. Leibniz concluded that if the unit could Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 199 of 479. 62 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition o 1 18 Figure 2.3.2. be chosen infinitely small, the approximations would become exact: in that case the quadrature would be equal to the sum of the ordinates, and the slope of the tangent would be equal to the difference of the ordinates. In this way, he concluded from the reciprocity of summing and taking differences that the determination of quadratures and tangents are also mutually inverse operations. Thus Leibniz's second principal idea, however vague as it was in about 1673, suggested already an infinitesimal calculus of sums and differences of ordinates by which quadratures and tangents could be determined, and in which these determinations would occur as inverse processes. The idea~lso made plausible that, just as in sequences the determination of differences is always possible but the determination of sums is not, so in the case of curves the tangents are always easily to be found, but not so the quadratures. The third principal idea was the use of the ' characteristic triangle' in transformations of quadratures. In studying the work of Pascal, Leibniz noted the importance of the small triangle cc'd along the curve in figure 2.3.3, for it was (approximately) similar to the triangles formed Figure 2.3.3. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 200 of 479. g 2.3. The principal ideas in Leibniz's discovery 63 by ordinate, tangent and sub-tangent, or ordinate, normal and subnormal. The configuration occurs in many 17th-century mathematical works; Pascal's use of it concerned the circle. Leibniz saw its general use in finding relations between quadratures of curves and other quantities like moments and centres of gravity. For instance, the similarity of the triangles yields cc' x Y = cd x n; hence cc' x y Lcd x n. (2.3.4) The left hand side can be interpreted as the total moment of the curve arc with respect to the x-axis (the moment of a particle with respect to an axis is its weight multiplied by its vertical distance to the axis), whereas the right hand side can be interpreted as the area formed by plotting the normals along the x-axis. b Figure 2.3.4. As an example of Leibniz's use of the characteristic triangle, here is his derivation of a special transformation of quadratures which he called 'the transmutation' and which, for good reasons, he valued highly (compare Hofmann 1949a, 32-35 (1974a, 54-60), and Leibniz Writings, vol. 5, 401-402). In figure 2.3.4 let the curve Occ'C be given, with ".,-.. characteristic triangle cdc' at c. Its quadrature f2 = OCB, the sum of the strips bee'b', can also be considered as the sum of the triangles Occ' supplemented by the triangle OBC : f2 = L 6.0cc' +6.0BC. (2.3.5) Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 201 of 479. 64 Now 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition /).Occ' = 1cc' x Op = 1cd x Os (since the characteristic triangle cdc' is similar to /).Osp) =1bqq'b'. (2.3.6) Now for each c on Occ'C we can find the corresponding q by drawing the tangent, determining s and taking bq = Os. Thus we form a new curve Oqq'Q, and we have from (2.3.5) : .22=1 (quadrature Oqq'Q)-t-/).OCB. (2.3.7) This is Leibniz's transmutation rule which, through the use of the characteristic triangle, yields a transformation of the quadrature of a curve into the quadrature of another curve, related to the original curve through a process of taking tangents. It can be used in those cases where the quadrature of the new curve is already known, or bears a known relation to the original quadrature. Leibniz found this for instance to be the case with the general parabolas and hyperbolas (see section 1.3), for which the rule gives the quadratures very easily. He also applied his transmutation rule to the quadrature of the circle, m which investigation he found his famous arithmetical series for 7T : (2.3.8) The success of the transmutation rule also convinced him that the analytical calculus for problems of quadratures which he was looking for would have to cover transformations such as this one by appropriate symbols and rules. The transmutation rule as Leibniz discovered it in 1673 belongs to the style of geometrical treatment of problems of quadrature which was common in the second half of the 17th century. Similar rules and methods can be found in the works of Huygens, Barrow, Gregory and others. Barrow's Lectiones geometricae (1670a), for instance, contain a great number of transformation rules for quadratures which, if translated from his purely geometrical presentation into the symbolism and notation of the calculus, appear as various standard alogrithms of the differential and integral calculus. This has even been used (by J. M. Child in his 1920a) as an argument to give to Barrow, rather than Newton or Leibniz, the title of inventor of the calculus. However, this view can be sustained only when one disregards completely the effect of the translation of Barrow's geometrical text into analytical formulas. It is the very possibility of the analytical expression of methods, and hence Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 202 of 479. 2.3. The principal ideas in Leibniz's discovery 65 the understanding of their logical coherence and generality, which was the great advantage of Newton's and Leibniz's discoveries. It is appropriate to illustrate this advantage by an example. To do this, I shall give a translation, with comments, of Leibniz's transmutation rule into analytical formulas. The ordinate z of the curve Oqq'Q is, by construction, z=y x (2.3.9) (note the use of the characteristic triangle). The transmutation rule states that, for OB = xo, Xo Xo Jy dx = t J z dx + txoyo· (2.3.10) o 0 Inserting z from (2.3.9), we find x, Jy dx o x, x, dy = t JY dx - t J x -d dx +txoyo' o 0 x Hence x, x, dy !Y dx+ !x dx dx=xoyo, (2.3.11 ) so that we recognise the rule as an instance of ' integration by parts'. Apart from the indication of the limits of integration (0, xo) along the J-sign, the symbolism used above was found by Leibniz in 1675. The advantages of that symbolism over the geometrical deduction and statement of the rule are evident: the geometrical construction of the curve Oqq'Q is described by a simple formula (2.3.9), and the formalism carries the proof of the rule with it, as it were. (2.3.11) follows immediately from the rule d(x y) =x dy+y dx. (2.3.12) These advantages, manipulative ease and transparency through the rules of the symbolism, formed the main factors in the success of Leibniz's method over its geometrical predecessors. But we have anticipated in our story. So we return to October 1675, when the transmutation rule was already found but not yet the new symbolism. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 203 of 479. 66 2. Newton, Leibniz.and the Leibnizian tradition 2.4. Leibniz's creation of the calculus In the manuscripts of 25 October-ll November 1675 we have a close record of studies of Leibniz on the problem of quadratures. We find him attacking the problem from several angles, one of these. being the use of the Cavalierian symbolism' omn.' in finding, analytically (that is, by manipulation of formulas) all sorts of relations between quadra·· tures. 'Omn.' is the abbreviation of 'omnes lineae', 'all lines'; in section 1.10 it was represented by the symbol ' (9 '. A characteristic example of Leibniz's investigations here is the following. In a diagram such as figure 2.4.1 he conceived a sequence of --y- S~ 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 xl w_-,~I 1 I 1 ult. x 1 ~1 1 Y _ I , i~ ~ \ w 1\ B wC Figure 2.4.1. ordinates y of the curve OC; the distance between successive ordinates is the (infinitely small) unit. The differences of the successive ordinates are called w. OBC is then equal to the sum of the ordinates y. The rectangles like w x x are interpreted as the moments of the differences w with respect to the axis OD (moment = weight x distance to axis). Hence the area OCD represents the total moment of the differences w. ~ ~ OCB is the complement of OCD within the rectangle ODCB, ·so that Leibniz finds that ' The moments of the differences about a straight line perpendicular to the axis are equal to the complement of the sum of the terms' (Child 1920a, 20). The' terms' are the y. Now w is the difference sequence of the sequence of ordinates y; hence, conversely, y is the sum-sequence of the w's, so that we may eliminate y Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 204 of 479. 2.4. 'Leibniz's creation of the calculus 67 and consider only the sequence wand its sum-sequences, which yields: , and the moments of the terms are equal to the complement of the sum of the sums' (ibid.). Here the 'terms' are the w. Leibniz writes this result in a formula using the symbol 'Omn. ' for what he calls , a sum'. We give the formula as he gave it, and we add an explanation under the accolades; n is his symbol for equality, ' ult. x ' stands for ultimus x, the last of the x, that is, and he uses and commas where we would use brackets (ibid.) : omn. xw n ~ moments of the terms w total sum of sums of the terms (2.4.1 ) the sums (Compare the form of (2.4.1) with that of (2.3.11).) he sees the possibility to obtain from this formula, by various substitutions, other relations between quadratures. For instance, of xw=a, w=a/x yields a a omn. a n ult. x, omn. - - omn. omn. -, x x (2.4.2) which he interprets as an expression of the ' sum of the logarithms in terms of the quadrature of the hyperbola' (ibid,. 71). Indeed, omn. a/x is the quadrature of the hyperbola y = a/x, and this quadrature is a logarithm, so that omn. omn. a/x is the sum of the logarithms. We see in these studies an endeavour to deal analytically with problems of quadrature through appropriate symbols and notations, as well as a clear recognition and use of the reciprocity relation between difference and sum sequences. In a manuscript of some days later, these insights are pushed to a further consequence. Leibniz starts here from the formula (2.4.1), now written as omn. xl n x omn. 1- omn. omn. I. (2.4.3 ) He stresses the conception of the sequence of ordinates with infinitely small distance: ' . .'. I is taken to be a term of the progression, and x is the number which expresses the position or order of the I corresponding to it; or x is the ordinal number and I is the ordered thing' (ibid., 80). He now notes a rule concerning the dimensions in formulas like (2.4.3), namely that omn., prefixed to a line, such as I, yields an area (the qUildrature); omn., prefixed to an area, like xl, yields a solid, and so on. Such a law of dimensional homogeneity was well-known from the Cartesian analysis of curves, in which the formulas must consist of Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 205 of 479. 68 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition terms all of the same dimension. (In (2.4.3) all terms are of thret: dimensions, in x2 +y2 = a2 all terms are of two dimensions; an expression like a2 +a is, if dimensionally interpreted, unacceptable, for it would express the sym of an area and a line.) This consideration of dimensional homogeneity seems to have suggested to Leibniz to use a single letter instead of the symbol ' omlfl. " for he goes on to write: 'It will be useful to write Jfor omn, so that JI stands for omn. I or the sum of all l's ' (ibid.). Thus the J-sign is introduced. 'J' is one of the forms of the letter's' as used in script (or italics print) in Leibniz's time: it is the first letter of the word summa, sum. He immediately writes (2.4.3) in the new formalism: Jxl = x J1- JJI ; he notes that (2.4.4) (2.4.5) and he stresses that these rules apply for' series in which the differences of the terms bear to the terms themselves a ratio that is less than any assigned quantity' (ibid.), that is, series whose differences are infinitely small. Some lines further on we also find the introduction of the symbol' d ' for differentiating. It occurs in a brilliant argument which may be rendered as follows: The problem of quadratures is a problem of summing sequences, for which we have introduced the symbol 'J' and for which we want to elaborate a calculus, a set of useful algorithms. Now summing sequences, that is, finding a general expression for Jy for given y, is usually not possible, but it is always possible to find an expression for the differences of a given sequence. This finding of differences is the reciprocal calculus of the calculus of sums, and therefore we may hope to acquire insight in the calculus of sums by working out the reciprocal calculus of differences. To quote Leibniz's own words (ibid., 82) : Given I, and its relation to x, to find fI. This is to be obtained from the contrary calculus, that is to say, suppose that J1=ya. Let 1=yald; then just as f will increase, so d will diminish the dimensions. But Jmeans a sum, and d a difference. From the given y, we can always find yid or I, that is, the difference of the y's. Thus the 'd '-symbol (or rather the symbol 'lid') is introduced Because Leibniz interprets f dimensionally, he has to write the 'd' in the denominator: I is a line, JI is an area, say ya (note the role of , a' to make it an area), the differences must again be lines, so we must write' yajd '. In fact he soon becomes aware that this is a notational disadvantage which is not outweighed by the advantage of dimensional Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 206 of 479. 2.4. Leibniz's creation of the calculus 69 interpretability of Jand d, so he soon writes' d(ya) , instead of 'yaJd' and henceforth re-interprets 'd' and 'J' as dimensionless symbols. Nevertheless, the consideration of dimension did guide the decisive steps of choosing the new symbolism. In the remainder of the manuscript Leibniz explores his new symbolism, translates old results into it and investigates the operational rules for Jand d. In these investigations he keeps for some to the idea that d(uv) must be equal to du dv, but finally he finds the correct rule d(uv)=,u dv+v duo (2.4.6) Another problem is that he still for a long time writes Jx, JX2, ••• for what he is later to write consistently as Jx dx, Jx2 dx, . .. . A lot of this straightening out of the calculus was still to be done after 11 November 1675; it took Leibniz roughly two years to complete it. Nevertheless, the Jllanuscripts which we discussed contain the essential features of the new, the Leibnizian, calculus: the concepts of the differential and the sum, the symbols d and $, their inverse relation and most of the rules for their use in formulas. Let us summarise shortly the main features of these Leibnizian concepts (compare Bos 1974a, 12-35). The differential of a variable y is the infinitely small difference of two successive values of y. That is, Leibniz conceives corresponding sequences of variables such as y and x in figure 2.4.2. The successive terms of these sequences lie infinitely close. dy is the infinitely small difference of two successive ordinates y, dx is the infinitely small difference of two successive abscissae x, which, in this case, is equal to the infinitely small distance of two successive y's. A sum (later termed 'integral' by the Bernoullis) like Jy dx is the sum of the infinitely small rectangles y x dx. Hence the quadrature of the curve is equal to Jy dx. -----------x Figure 2.4.2. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 207 of 479. 70 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition Leibniz was rather reluctant to present his new calculus to the general mathematical public. When he eventually decided to do so, he faced the problem that his calculus involved infinitely small quantities, which were not rigorously defined and hence not quite acceptable in mathematics. He therefore made the radical but rather unfortunate decision to present a quite different concept of the differential which was not infinitely small but which satisfied the same rules. Thus in his first publication of the calculus, the article 'A new method for c ,...£-._ _ _-+-c__x__,---"_ __ A 8 Figure 2.4.3. maxima and minima as well as tangents' (1684a) in the issue for October 1684 of the Acta, he introduced a fixed finite line-segment (see figure 2.4.3) called dx, and he defined the dy at C as the line-segment satisfying the proportionality y: a=dy: dx, a being the length of the sub-tangent, or dy=!.. dx. a (2.4.7) (2.4.8) So defined, dy is also a finite line-segment. Leibniz presented the rules of the calculus for these differentials, and indicated some applications. In an article published two years later (1686a) he gave some indications about the meaning and use of the J-symbol. This way of publication of his new methods was not very favourable for a quick and fruitful reception in the mathematical community. Nevertheless, the calculus was accepted, as we shall see in the following sections. 2.5. l'Hopital's textbook version of the differential calculus Leibniz's publications did not offer an easy access to the art of his new calculus, and neither did the early articles of the Bernoullis. Still, a Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 208 of 479. 2.5. L'H6pital's textbook on the differential calculus 71 good introduction appeared surprisingly quickly, at least to the differential calculus, namely l'H6pital's Analyse (1696a). As a good textbook should, the Analyse starts with definitions, of variables and their differentials, and with postulates about these differentials. The definition of a differential is as follows: 'The infinitely small part whereby a variable quantity is continually or decreased, is called the differential of that quantity' (ch. 1). For further explanation l'H6pital refers to a diagram (figure 2.5.1), in which, 01 M /1 ;7L iR /s I / 1 / i// I / I / 1 / 1 / i'/ 1 y 1 _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A P P Figure 2.5.1. with respect to a curve AMB, the following variables are indicated: ~ abscissa AP=x, ordinate PM=y,chord AM=z, arcAM=s and ~ quadrature AMP=f2. A second ordinate pm ' infinitely close' to PM is drawn, and the differentials of the variables are seen to be: dx = Pp, dy = mR, dz = Sm, ds =Mm (the chord Mm and the arc Mm are taken to coincide) and df2 = MPpm. I'H6pital explains that the 'd' is a special symbol, used only to denote the differential of the variable written after it. The small lines Pp, mR, ... in the figure have to be considered as ' infinitely small'. He does not enter into the question whether such quantities exist, but he specifies, in the two postulates, how they behave (ibid.) : Postulate 1. Grant that two quantities, whose difference is an infinitely small quantity, may be used indifferently for each other: or (which is the same thing) that a quantity, which is increased or decreased only by an infinitely smaller quantity, may be considered as remaining the same. This means that AP may be considered equal to Ap (or x = x +dx), MP equal to mp (y=y+dy), and so on. The second postulate claims that a curve may be considered as the Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 209 of 479. 72 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition assemblage of an infinite number of infinitely small straight lines, or equivalently as a polygon with an infinite number of sides. The first postulate enables I'Hopital to derive the rules of the calculus, for instance: d(xy) = (x+ dx)(y +dy) - XY} =X dy+y dx+dx dy =X dy+y dx (2.5.1 ) , because dx dy is a quantity infinitely small, in respect of the other terms y dx and x dy: for if, for example, you divide y dx and dx dy by dx, we shall have the quotients y. and dy, the latter of which is infinitely less than the former' (ibid., ch. 1, para. 5). l'Hopital's concept of differential differs somewhat from Leibniz's. Leibniz's differentials are infinitely small differences between successive values of a variable. I'Hopital does not conceive variables as ranging over a sequence of infinitely close values, but rather as continually increasing or decreasing; the differentials are the infinitely small parts by which they are increased or decreased. In the further chapters l'Hopital explains various uses of differentiation in the geometry of curves: determination of tangents, extreme values and radii of curvature, the study of caustics, envelopes and various kinds of singularities in curves. For the determination of tangents he remarks that postulate 2 implies that the infinitesimal part Mm of the curve in figure 2.5.2, when prolonged, gives the tangent. T A y x m I dy ---IR dx I I I I I I I I I I I p p Figure 2.5.2. Therefore Rm : RM, or dy : dx, is equal to y : PT, so that PT =y(dx/dy), and the tangent can be constructed once we have determined y dx/dy (ibid., ch. 2, para. 9) : Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 210 of 479. 2.6. Johann Bernoulli's lectures on integration 73 Now by means of the difference of the given equation you can obtain a value of dx in terms which all contain dy, and if you multiply by y and divide by dy you will obtain an expression for the sub-tangent PT entirely in terms of known quantities and free from differences, which will enable you to draw the required tangent MT. To explain this, consider for example the curve ay2 7_~ x8. The' difference of the equation' is derived by taking differentials left and 2ay dy = 3x2 dx. dx can now be expressed in terms of dy : 2ay dx= 3x2 dy. Hence PT dx = 2ay = 2ay2 y 3x2 3x2 ' which provides the construction of the tangent. (2.5.2) (2.5.3 ) (2.5.4) The 'difference of the equation' is a true differential equation, namely an equation between differentials. l'H6pital considers expressions like 'dy/dx' actually as quotients of differentials, not as single symbols for derivatives. 2.6. lohann Bernoulli's lectures on integration In 1742, more than fifty years after they were written down, Johann Bernoulli published his lectures to I'H6pital on ' the method of integrals' in his collected works (Bernoulli 1691a), stating in a footnote that he omitted his lectures on differential calculus as their contents were now accessible to everyone in I'H6pital's Analyse. His lectures may be considered as a good summary of the views on integrals and their use in solving problems which were current around 1700. Bernoulli starts with defining the integral as the inverse of the differential: the integrals of differentials are those quantities from which these differentials originate by differentiation. This conception of the integral-the term, in fact, was introduced by the Bernoulli brothersdiffers from Leibniz's, who considered it as a sum of infinitely small quantItIes. Thus, in Leibniz's view, f y dx = fl means that the sum of the infinitely small rectangles y x dx equals fl; for Berr.oulli it means that dfl =y dx. Bernoulli states that the integral ofaxp dx is (a/(p + 1))xP +l, and he Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 211 of 479. 74 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition gives various methods usable in finqing integrals; among them is the method of substitution, explained by several examples, such as the following (1691a, lecture 1) : Suppose that one is required to find the integral of (ax+xx) dxJ(a+x). Substituting J(a +x) ='y we shall obtain x =yy -- a, and thus dx = 2y dy, and the whole quantity (ax+xx) dxJ(a+x)=2y6 dy-2ay4 dy. It is now easy and straightforward to integrate this expression; its integral isb? - ! ay5 and, after substituting the value of y, we find the integral to be ~(x+a)3J(x+a)-!a(x+a)2J(x+a). The principal use of the integral calculus, Bemoulli goes on to explain, is in the squaring of areas. For this the area has to be considered as divided up into infinitely small parts (strips, triangles, or quadrangles in general as in figure 2.6.1). These parts are the differentials of the areas; one has to find an expression for them 'by means of determined letters and only one kind of indeterminate' (ibid., lecture 2), that is, an expression f(u) du for some variable u. The required area is then equal to the integral Jf(u) duo Figure 2.6.1. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 212 of 479. 2.7. Euler's shaping of analysis 75 The further use of the method of integrals is in the so-called' inverse method of tangents' (ibid., lecture 8). The method, or rather the type of problem which Bernoulli has in mind here, originated in the 17th century; it concerns the determination of a curve from a given property of its tangents. He teaches that the given property of the tangents has to be expressed as an equation involving differentials, that is, a differential equation. From this differential equation the equation of the curve itself has to be found by means of the method of integrals. His first example is (ibid., lecture 8; see figure 2.6.2) : y Figure 2.6.2. It is asked what kind of curve AB it is whose ordinate BD is always the middle proportional between a given line E and the subtangent CD (that is, E:BD=BD:CD). Let E=a, AD=x, DB=y, then CD=yy: a. Now dy: dx=y: CD=yy/a (that is, CD=yy/a); therefore we get the equation y dx=yy dy: a or a dx =y dy; and after taking integrals on both sides, we get ax = tyy or 2ax =yy; which shows that the required curve AB is the parabola with parameter = 2a. In the further lectures BernQulli solves many instances of inverse tangent problems. He devotes considerable attention to the question how to translate the geometrical or often mechanical data of the problem into a treatable differential equation. The problems treated in his lectures concern, among other things, the rectification (computation of the arc-length) of curves, cycloids, logarithmic spirals, caustics (linear foci occurring when light-rays reflect or refract on curved surfaces), the catenary (see section 2.8 below), and the form of sails blown by the wind. 2.7. Euler's shaping of analysis In the (about) 50 years after the first articles on the calculus appeared, the Leibnizian calculus developed from a loose collection of methods Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 213 of 479. 76 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition for problems about curves into a coherent mathematical discipline: Analysis. Though many mathematicians, such as Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Alexis Clairaut, the younger generation of Bernoullis, and others, contributed to this development, it was in a large measure. the work of one man: Leonhard Euler. Not only did Euler contribute many new discoveries and methods to analysis, but he also unified and codified the field by his three great textbooks mentioned already in section 2.1. Shaping analysis into a coherent branch of mathematics meant first of all making clear what the subject was about. In the period of Leibniz, the elder Bernoullis and l'H6pital, the calculus consisted of analytical methods for the solution of problems about curves; the principal objects were variable geometrical quantities as they occurred in such problems. However, as the problems became more complex and the manipulations with the formulas more intricate, the geometrical origin of the variables became more remote and the calculus changed into a discipline merely concerning formulas. Euler accentuated this' transition by affirming explicitly that analysis is a branch of mathematics which deals with analytical expressions, and especially with functions, which he defined (following Johann Bernoulli) as follows: , a function of a variable quantity is an analytical expression composed in whatever way of that variable and of numbers and constant quantities' (1748a, vol. 1, para. 4). Expressions like xn , (b+X)2ax (with constants a and b) were functions of x. Algebraic expressions in general, and also infinite series, were considered as functions. The constants and the variable quantities could have imaginary or complex values. Euler undertook the inventorisation and classification of that wide realm of functions in the first part of his Introduction to the analysis of infinites (1748a). The Introduction is meant as a survey of concepts and methods in analysis and analytical geometry preliminary to the study of the differential and integral calculus. He made of this survey a masterly exercise in introducing as much as possible of analysis without using differentiation or integration. In particular, he introduced the elementary transcendental functions, the logarithm, the exponential function, the trigonometric functions and their inverses without recourse to integral calculus-which was no mean feat, as the logarithm was traditionally linked to the quadrature of the hyperbola and the trigonometric functions to the arc-length of the circle. Euler had to use some sort of infinitesimal process in the Introduction, namely, the expansion of functions in power-series (through long division, binomial expansion or other methods) and the substitution of infinitely large or infinitely small numbers in the formulas. A characteristic example of this approach is the deduction of the series expansion Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 214 of 479. .... 2.7. Euler's shaping of analysis 77 for aZ (1748a, vol. 1, paras. 114-116), where he proceeds as follows. Let a> 1, and let w be an ' infinitely small number, or a fraction so small that it is just not equal to zero '. Then aw=l+if; for some infinitely small number if;. Now put if;=kw in which k depends only on a; then aW =1+kw and w = log (1 +kw) if the logarithm is taken to the base a. (2.7.1) (2.7.2) (2.7.3) (2.7.4) Euler shows that for a = 10 the value of k can be found (approxima.. tely) from the common table of logarithms. He now writes aiw =(l +kw)i (2.7.5) for any (real) number i, so that by the binomial expansion iw _ 1 ~ k i(i·- 1) k2 2 i(i - 1)(i - 2) k3 3 ___ a - + 1 w+ 1.2 w + 1.2.3 w { .... (2.7.6) If z is any finite positive number, then i = z/w is infinitely large, and by substituting w = z/i in (2.7.6) we obtain aZ=aiw =1+{kz+ lii~2!) k2 z2 + 1(~~ ~~(~;i2) k3 z3 +. ... (2.7.7) But if i is infinitely large, (i-l)/i=l, (i-2)/i=1, and so on, and we arrive at (2.7.8) The natural logarithms arise if a is chosen such that k 1. Euler gives that value of a up to 23 decimals, introduces the now familiar notation e for that number and writes (ibid., para. 123) : (2.7.9) In the next chapter Euler deals with trigonometric functions. He writes down the various sum-formulas and adds: 'Because (sin. Z)2 + (cos. z)2= 1, we have, by factorising, (cos. z+ .J-1 . sin. z)(cos. z - .J-1 . sin. z) = 1, which factors, although imaginary, nevertheless are of immense use in comparing and multiplying arcs' (ibid., para. 132). Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 215 of 479. b 78 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition He further finds that (cos y ± J-1 sin y)(cos z ± J-:::t sin z) = cos (y+z):±: sin (y+z), (2.7.10) and hence (cos z ± J-:::Y sin z)n = cos nz ± J- 1 sin nz, (2.7.11 ) a relation usually called ' de Moivre's formula' as it occurs already in the work of Abraham de Moivre (see Schneider 1968a, 237-247). By expanding (2.7.11) Euler obtains expressions for cos nz and sin nz. Now taking z to be infinitely small (so that sin z = z and cos z """" 1), nz = v finite and hence n infinitely large, he arrives, by methods similar to those above, at cos v= 1v2 v4 v6 (2.7.12)+ + ... , v3 'l)o v7 (2.7.13)SIn v=v- + + ... (ibid., para. 134). Some paragraphs later (art. 138) we find, derived by similar methods, the identities: exp (± v J-1) =cos v + J-:::Y sin v, (2.7.14) cosv=t(exp [vJ-l]+exp [-vJ-l]), (2.7.15) sinv=2J_l (exp [vJ-l]-exp [-vJ-l]). (2.7.16) Euler's Textbooks on the differential calculus (1755b) starts with two chapters on the calculus of finite differences and then introduces the differential calculus as a calculus of infinitely small differences, thus returning to a conception more akin to Leibniz's than to l'Hopital's : , The analysis of infinites ... will be nothing else than a special case of the method of differences expounded in the first chapter, which occurs, when the differences, which previously were supposed finite, are taken infinitely small' (1755b, para. 114). He considers infinitely small quantities as being in fact equal to zero, but capable of having finite ratios; according to him, the equality 0 . n = 0 implies that 0/0 may in cases be equal to n. The differential calculus investigates the values of such ratios of zeros. Euler proceeds to discuss the differentiation of functions of one or several variables, higher-order differentiation and differential equations. He also obtains the equality 02V 02V - - -- oxoy ayox (2.7.17) Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 216 of 479. 2.8. The catenary and the brachistochrone 79 for a function V of x and y (though not using this notation, and without obtaining a fully rigorous proof; 1755b, paras. 288 ff.). In his discussion of higher-order differentiation Euler gives a prominent role to the differential coefficients, p, q, r, defined, for a function y =f(x), as follows; dy dx (2.7.18) (where p is the coefficient with which to multiply the constant dx in order to obtain dy, so that p is again a function of x); and similarly, dp=qdx (so that ddy=q(dx)2), dq=r dx (so that dddy=r(dx)3), ... (2.7.19) (2.7.20) These differential coefficients are, though differently defined, equal to the first- and higher-order derivatives of the function f. In his textbook on the integral calculus he treats higher-order differential equations in terms of these differential coefficients, thus, in some measure, the way for the replacement of the differential by the derivative as funda·· mental concept of the calculus. The three-volume Textbooks on the integral calculus (1768--1770a) give a magisterial close to the trilogy of textbooks. Here Euler gives a nearly complete discussion of the integration of functions in terms of algebraic and elementary transcendental functions, he discusses various definite integrals (including those now called the beta and gamma functions), and he gives a host of methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Apart from determining, through these textbooks, the scope and style of analysis for at least the next fifty years, Euler contributed to the infinitesimal calculus in many other ways. Two of these contributions are worth special emphasis. Firstly, he gave a thorough treatment of the calculus of variations, whose beginnings lie in the studies by the Bernoullis of the brachistochrone and of isoperimetric problems (see section 2.8 below). Secondly, he applied analysis, and indeed worked out many new analytical methods, in the context of studies in mechanics, celestial mechanics, hydrodynamics and many other branches of natural sciences, thus transforming these subjects into strongly mathematised form. In the next section I shall describe one example of each of these ways. 2.8. Two famous problems: the catenary and the brachi,ftochrone In writing the history of the calculus, it is customary to devote much attention to the fundamental concepts and methods. This tends to Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 217 of 479. 80 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition obscure the fact that most mathematicians spend most of their time not in contemplating these concepts and methods, but in using them to solve problems. Indeed, in the 18th century the term' mathematics' comprised much more than the calculus and analysis, for it ranged from arithmetic, algebra and analysis through astronomy;, optics, mechanics and hydrodynamics to such technological subject~ as artillery, shipbuilding and navigation. In this section I discuss two famous problems whose solution was made possible by the new methods of the differential and integral calculus; in the next section I shall say something about what more was made possible through these methods. The catenary problem The catenary is the form of a hanging fully flexible rope or chain (the name comes from catena, which means' chain '), suspended on two points (see figure 2.8.1). The interest in this curve originated with B A Figure 2.8.1. Galileo, who thought that it was a parabola. Young Christiaan Huygens proved in 1646 that this cannot be the case. What the actual form was remained an open question till 1691, when Leibniz, Johann Bernoulli and the then much older Huygens sent solutions of the problem to the Acta (Jakob Bernoulli, 1690a, Johann Bernoulli 1691b, Huygens 1691a and Leibniz 1691a), in which the previous year Jakob Bernoulli had challenged mathematicians to solve it. As published, the solutions did not reveal the methods, but through later publications of manuscripts these methods have become known. Huygens applied with great virtuosity the by then classical methods of 17th-century infinitesimal mathematics, and he needed all his ingenuity to reach a satisfactory solution. Leibniz and Bernoulli, applying the new calculus, found the solutions in a much more direct way. In fact, the catenary was a testcase between the old and the new style in the study of curves, and only because the champion of the old style was a giant like Huygens, the test-case can formally be considered as ending in a draw. A short summary of Johann Bernoulli's solution (he recapitulated it in his 1691a, lectures 12 and 36), may provide an insight in how the Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 218 of 479. 2.8. The catenary and the brachistochrone p Figure 2.8.2. new method was applied. In figure 2.8.2 let AB be part of the 81 Using arguments from mechanics, he inferred that the forces Fo and F l , applicable in B and A to keep the part AB of the chain in position, are the same (in direction and quantity) as the forces required to keep the weight P of the chain AB in position, suspended as a mass at E on weightless cords AE and BE, which are tangent to the curve as in the figure. Moreover, the force Fo at B does not depend 9n the choice of the position of A along the chain. P may be. put equal to the length s of the chain from B to A; Fo = a, a constant; and from composition of forces we have Hence P: Fo=s: a=dx: dy. dy a dx s (2.8.1 ) (2.8.2) This is the differential equation of the curve, though in a rather intractable form as x andy occur implicitly in the arc-length s. Through skilful manipulation Bernoulli arrives at the equivalent differential equation dy (2.8.3 ) I shall not follow his argument here in detail, but the equivalence can be seen by going backwards and calculating ds from (2.8.3) : ds= J(dy2+dx2) = J(x2:a2+ 1)dx= J(:2d~a2r (2.8.4) Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 219 of 479. 82 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition Hence by integration xdx dx s=J ----;--(2 2)= )(x2 _·a2 )=a-. (2.8.5) V x -a dy Through a substitution x -)- x +a Bernoulli reduces (2.8.3) to adx dY =")(x2 +2ax), (2.8.6) This substitution is needed to move the origin to B. In the differential equation (2.8.6) the variables are separated, so that the solution is adx y = J )(X2 +2ax)' (2.8.7) and the question is left to find out what the right hand side means. At that time, in the early 1690s, Bernoulli had not yet the analytical form of the logarithmic function at his disposal to express the integral as we would (namely, as a log (a + x + )[x2 + 2ax])). Instead he gave geometrical interpretations of the integral, namely, as quadratures of curves. He noted that the integral represents the area under the curve a2 z - --:----:-.,---.,. - ) (x2 +2ax)' (2.8.8) But he also interpreted (through transformations which again we shall not present in detail) the integral as an area under a certain hyperbola and even as an arc-length of a parabola. By these last two interpretations, or ' constructions' as this procedure of interpreting integrals was called, he proved that the form of the catenary' depended on the quadrature of the hyperbola' (we would say: involves only the transcendental function the logarithm) and with this proof the problem was, to the standards of the end of the 17th century, adequately solved. The brachistochrone problem If a body moves under influence of gravity, without friction or air resistance along a path y (see figure 2.8.3), then it will take a certain time, say Ty, to move to B starting from rest in A. Ty depends on the form of y. The brachistochrone (literally: shortest time) is the curve Yo from A to B for which Ty is minimal. It can easily be seen that the fall along a straight line from A to B does not take the minimal time, so there is a problem: to determine the brachistochrone. The problem was publicly proposed by Johann Bernoulli in the Acta of June 1696 (Bernoulli 1696a) and later in a separate pamphlet. Several solutions reached the Acta and were published in May 1697 (Johann Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 220 of 479. 2.8. The catenary and the brachistochrone A Figure 2.8.3. 83 Bernoulli 1697a, l'Hopital ,1697a, 1697a and Newton ; see Hofmann 1956a, 35-36). Bernoulli's own solution used an analogy argument: he saw that the problem could be reduced to the problem of the refraction of a light-ray through a medium in which the density, and hence the refraction index, is a function of the height Leibniz and Jakob Bernoulli first considered the position of two consecutive straight line-segments (see figure 2.8.4) such that from P to Q is minimal. This is an extreme value problem depending on one variable and therefore solvable. Extending this to three consecutive straight segments and considering these as infinitely small, they arrived at a differential equation for the curve, which they solved. They found, as did Johann Bernoulli, that the brachistochrone is a cycloid (compare section 1.8) through A and B with vertical tangent at A. Newton had also reached this conclusion. Figure 2.8.4. The problem of the brachistochrone is very significant in the history of mathematics, as it is an instance of a problem belonging to the calculus of variations. It is an extreme value problem, but one in which the quantity (Ty ), whose extreme value is sought, does not depend on one or a finite number of independent variables but on the form. of a curve. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 221 of 479. 84 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition Jakob Bernoulli proposed, as a sequel to his solution of the brachistochrone problem, further problems of this type, namely the so-called isoperimetric problems. In the case of the brachistochrone, the class of curves considered consists of the curves passing through A and B. In isoperimetric problems one considers curves with prescribed length. For instance, it could be asked to find the curve through A and B with length I and comprising, together with the segment AB, the largest area (see figure 2.8.5). Jakob Bernoulli made much progress in finding methods to solve this type of problem. Euler unified and generalised these methods in his treatise 1744a, thus shaping them into a separate branch of analysis. Lagrange contributed to the further development of the subject in his 1762a, in which he introduced the concept of variation to which the subject owes its present name-the calculus of variatons. On its history, see especially Woodhouse 1810a and Todhunter 1861a. 8 Figure 2.8.5. 2.9. Rational mechanics The catenary and brachistochrone problems were two problems whose solution was made possible by the new methods. There were many more such problems, and their origins were diverse. The direct observation of simple mechanical processes suggested the problems of the form of an elastic beam under tension, the problem of the vibrating string (which Taylor, Daniel Bernoulli, d'Alembert, Euler and many others studied; see section 3.3) and the problem of the form of a sail blown by the wind (discussed by the Bernoulli brothers in the early 1690s). More technologically involved constructions suggested the study of pendulum motion (which Huygens initiated), the path of projectiles, and the flow of water through pipes. Astronomy and philosophy suggested the motion of heavenly bodies as a subject for mathematical treatment. MathemRtics itself suggested problems too: special difText 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 222 of 479. trn 2.9. Rational mechanics 85 ferendal equations were generalised, types of integrals were classified (for example, elliptic integrals), and so on. Certain types of problems began rather quickly to form coherent fields with a unified mathematical approach: the calculus of variations, celestial mechanics, hydrodynamics, and mechanics in general. Somewhat later, probability (on which Jakob Bernoulli wrote a fundamental treatise Ars conjectandi (' The art of guessing '), which was published posthumously as 1713a), joined this group of mathematicised sciences, or sub-fields of mathe- matics. Something more should be said here about the new branches of mechanics (or ' rational mechanics' as it was then called, to distinguish it from the study of machines), which acquired its now familiar mathematicised form in the 18th century. The basis for this mathematicisao. tion was laid by Newton in his Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (1687a), in which he formulated the Newtonian laws of motion and showed that the supposition of a gravitational force inversely proportional to the square of the distance yields an appropriate descripo tion of the motion of planets as well as of the motion of falling and proo jected bodies here on earth. He gave here (among many other things) a full treatment of the motion of two bodies under influence of thei r mutual gravitational forces, several important results on the 'threcbody problem', and a theory of the motion of projectiles in a resistillf: medium. However, a great deal in the way of mathematicisation of the:>;' subjects still had to be done after the Principia. Though Newton made full use of his new infinitesimal methods in the Principia, he found and presented his results in a strongly geometrical style. Thus, although implicitly he set up and solved many differential equations, exactly or by approximation through series expansions, one rarely finds them written out in formulas in the Principia. Neither are his laws of motion expressed as fundamental differential equations to form the startingpoint of studies in mechanics. In the first half of the 18th century, through the efforts of men like Jakob, Johann and Daniel Bernoulli, d'Alembert, Clairaut and Euler, the style in this kind of study was further mathematicised~that is, the methods were transformed into the analytical methods-and they were unified through the formulation of basic laws expressed as mathematical formulas, differential equations in particular. Other fields were also tackled in this way, such as the mechanics of elastic bodies (on which Jakob Bernoulli published a fundamental article 1694a) and hydrodynamics, on which father and son Johann and Daniel Bernoulli wrote early treatises (1743a and 1738a respectively). Great textbooks of analytic mechanics, such as Euler's Mechanica (1736a), d'Alembert's 1743a and Lagrange's 1788a, show a gradual Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 223 of 479. 86 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition process of mathematicisation of mechanics. Though Euler's Mechanica was strongly analytical, the formulation of Newton's laws in terms of differential equations (now termed' Newton's equations ') occurred for the first time only in a study of Euler published in 1752 (see Truesdell 1960a). These branches of rational mechanics were very abstract fields in which highly simplified models of reality were studied. Therefore, the results were less often applicable than one might have hoped. These studies served to develop many new mathematical methods and theoretical frameworks for natural science which were to prove fruitful in a wider context only much later. Still, the interest in the problems treated was not entirely internally derived. Thus the proj!;:ctiles of artillery suggested the study of motion in a resisting medium, while the three-body problem was studied by Newton, Euler and many others, especially in connection with the motion of the moon under the influence of the earth and the sun, a celestial phenomenon which was of the utmost importance for navigation as good moon tables would solve the problem of determining a ship's position at sea (the so-called 'longitudinal problem '). Indeed, Euler's theoretical studies of this problem, combined with the practical astronomical expertise of Johann Tobias Mayer, gave navigation, in the 1760s, the first moon tables accurate enough to yield a sufficiently reliable means for determining position at sea. Central problems in hydrodynamics were the efflux of fluid from an opening in a vessel, and the problem of the shape of the earth. The latter problem was of philosophical as well as practical importance, because Cartesian philosophy predicted a form of the earth elongated along the axis, while Newtonian philosophy, considering the earth as a fluid mass under the influence of its own gravity and centrifugal forces through its rotation, concluded that the earth should be flattened at the poles. In practice, the deviation of the surface of the earth from the exact sphere form has to be known in order to calculate actual distances from astronomically determined geographical latitude and longitude. Several expeditions were held to measure one degree along a meridian in different parts of the earth, and the findings of these expeditions finally corroborated the Newtonian view. 2.10. What was left unsolved.' the foundational questions The problem that was left unsolved throughout the 18th century was that of the foundations of the calculus. That there was a problem was well-known, and that is hardly surprising when one considers how obviously self-contradictory properties were claimed for the fundamental concept of the calculus, the differential. According to l'H6pital's Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 224 of 479. ... 2.10. What was left unsolved: the foundational questions 87 first postulate, a differential can increase a quantity without increasing it. Nevertheless, this postulate is necessary for deriving the rules of the calculus, where higher-order differentials (or powers or products of differentials) have to be discarded with respect to ordinary differentials, and similarly ordinary differentials have to be discarded with respect to finite quantities (see (2.5.1)). Also, when Bernoulli takes the differential of the area fl to be equal to y dx he discards the small triangle at the top of the strip (like MmR in figure 2.5.2) because it is infinitely small with respect to y dx. Thus the differentials have necessary but apparently self-contradictory properties. This leads to the foundational question of the calculus as many mathematicians since Leibniz saw it : FQ 1: Do infinitely small quantities exist? Most practitioners of the Leibnizian calculus convinced themselves in some way or other that the answer to FQ 1 is ' yes', and thus they considered the rules of the calculus sufficiently proved. There is, however, a more sophisticated way of looking at the a way which for instance Leibniz himself adopted (see Bos 53--66). He had his doubts about the existence of infinitely small quantities, and he therefore tried to prove that by using the differentials as possibly meaningless symbols, and by applying the rules of the calculus, one would arrive at correct results. So his foundational question was: FQ 2: Is the use of infinitely small quantities in the calculus reliable? He did not obtain a satisfactory answer. In Newton's fluxional calculus (see section 2.2) there also was a foundational problem. Newton claimed that his calculus was independent of infinitely small quantities. His fundamental concept was the fluxion, the velocity of change of a variable which may be considered to increase or decrease with time. In the actual use of the fluxional calculus, the fluxions themselves are not important (in fact they are undetermined), but their ratios are. Thus the tangent of a curve is found by the argument that the ratio of ordinate to sub-tangent is equal to the ratio of the fluxions of the ordinate and the abscissa respectively: y!a=y!i: (y is the fluxion of y, i: the fluxion of x; see figure 2.10.1). -.---.~------ --_."'---- er Figure 2.10.1. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 225 of 479. 88 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition He explains that the ratio of the fluxions :fIx is equal to the' prime' or 'ultimate' ratio of the augments or decrements of y and x (see Newton 1693a ; Works2, vol. 1,141). That is, he conceives corresponding increments Bb of x and Ec of y, and he considers the ratio,EclCE for Ec and CE both decreasing towards 0 or both increasing from O. In the first case he speaks of their ultimate ratio which they have just when they vanish into zero or nothingness; in the latter case he speaks about their prime ratio, which they have when they come into being from zero or nothingness. The ratio :fIx is precisely equal to this ultimate ratio of evanescent augments, or equivalently to this prime ratio of , nascent' augments. Obviously there is a limit-concept implicit in this argument, but it is also clear that the formulation as it stands leaves room for doubt. For as long as the augments exist their ratio is not their ultimate ratio, and when they have ceased to exist they have no ratio. So here too is a foundational question, namely: FQ 3: Do prime or ultimate ratios exist? 2.11. Berkeley's fundamental critique of the calculus Most mathematicians who dealt with calculus techniques in the early 18th century did not worry overmuch about foundational questions. Indeed, it is significant that the first intensive discussion on the foundations of the calculus was not caused by difficulties encountered in working out or applying the new techniques, but by the critique of an outsider on the pretence of mathematicians that their science is based on secure foundations and therefore attains truth. The outsider was Bishop George Berkeley, the famous philosopher, and the target of his critique is made quite clear in the title of his tract 1734a: 'The Analyst; or a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician Wherein It Is Examined Whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the Modern Analysis are More Distinctly Conceived, or More Evidently Deduced, than Religious Mysteries and Points of Faith'. As we have seen, Berkeley indeed had a point. In sharp but captivating words he exposed the vagueness of infinitely small quantities, evanescent increments and their ratios, higher-order differentials and higher-order fluxions (1734a, para. 4) : Now as our Sense is strained and puzzled with the perception of Objects extremely minute, even so the Imagination, which Faculty derives from Sense, is very much strained and puzzled to frame clear Ideas of the least Particles of time) or the least Increments generated therein: and much more so to comprehend the Moments, or those Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 226 of 479. 2.11. Berkeley's fundamental critique of the calculus 89 Increments of the flowing Quantities in statu nascenti, in their very first origin or beginning to exist, before they become finite Particles. And it seems still more difficult, to conceive the abstracted Velocities of such nascent imperfect Entities. But the Velocities of the Velocities, the second, third, fourth and fifth Velocities, &c. exceed, if I mistake not, all Humane Understanding. The further the Mind analyseth and pursueth these fugitive Ideas, the more it is lost and bewildered; the Objects, at first fleeting and minute, soon vanishing out of sight. Certainly in any Sense a second or third Fluxion seems an obscure Mystery. The incipient Celerity of an incipient Celerity, the nascent Augment of a nascent Augment i.e. of a thing which hath no Magnitude: Take it in which light you please, the clear Conception of it will, if I mistake not, be found impossible, whether it be so or no I appeal to the trial of every thinking Reader. And if a second Fluxion be inconceivable, what are we to think of third, fourth, fifth Fluxions, and so onward without end? Further on comes the most famous quote from The analyst: 'And what are these Fluxions? The Velocities of evanescent Increments? And what are these same evanescent Increments? They are neither finite Quantities, nor Quantities infinitely small nor yet nothing. May we not call them the Ghosts of departed Quantities?' (para. 35). Berkeley also criticised the logical inconsistency of working with small increments which first are supposed unequal to zero in order to be able to divide by them, and finally are considered to be equal to zero in order to get rid of them. Of course Berkeley knew. that the calculus, notwithstanding the unclarities of its fundamental concepts, led, with great success, to correct conclusions. He explained this success-which led mathematicians to believe in the certainty of their science-by a compensation of errors, implicit in the application of the rules of the calculus. For instance, if one determines a tangent, one first supposes the characteristic tria'ngle similar to the triangle of ordinate, sub-tangent and tangent, which involves an error because these triangles are only approximately similar. Subsequently one applies the rules of the calculus to find the ratio dy/dx, which again involves an error as the rules are derived by discarding higher-order differentials. These two errors compensate each other, and thus the mathematicians arrive' though not at Science, yet at Truth, For Science it cannot be called, when you proceed blindfold, and arrive at the Truth not knowing how or by what means' (1734a, para. 22). Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 227 of 479. 90 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition 2.12. Limits and other attempts to solve the foundational questions Berkeley's critique started a long-lasting debate on the foundations of the calculus. Before mentioning some arguments in this debate, it may be useful to recall how in modern differential calculus the foundational question is solved. Modern calculus concerns functions and relates to a function f its derivative 1', which is again a function, defined by means of the concept of limit: f'(x)= lim (f(X+h)-f(X)). (2.12.1) Df h-+O h The preliminaries for this approach were worked out in the 18th and 19th centuries; they played different roles in the various approaches to the foundational questions which were adopted in that period. It is instructive to list the preliminaries. They are: (1) the idea that the calculus concerns functions (rather than variables) ; (2) the choice of the derivati'oe as fundamental concept of the differential calculus (rather than the differential) ; (3) the conception of the derivative as a function; and (4) the concept of limit, in particular the limit of a function for explicitly indicated behaviour of the independent variable (thus explicitly lim (p(h)), rather than merely the limit of the variable p). k->O Of the various approaches to the questions raised by Berkeley's critique, we have already seen the one adopted by Euler: he did conceive the calculus as concerning functions, but for him the prime concept was still the differential, which he considered as equal to zero but capable of having finite ratios to other differentials. Obviously this still leaves the foundational question QF 3 of section 2.10 unanswered. In fact, it does not seem that Euler was too much concerned about foundational questions. Berkeley's idea of compensating errors was used by others to show that, rather than proceeding blindfold, the calculus precisely compensates equal errors and thus arrives at truth along a sure and well-balanced path. The idea was developed by Lazare Carnot among others. Another approach was due to Joseph Louis Lagrange, who supposed that for every function f and for every x one can expand f(x +h) in a senes (2.12.2) So Lagrange defined the' derived function' f'(x) as equal to the coefficient of h in this expansion. The idea, published first in 1772a, became Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 228 of 479. 2.12. Attempts to solve the foundational questions 91 somewhat influential later through Lagrange's Thiorie des fonctions analytiques (Functions). As a solution of the foundational questions the idea is unsound (not every f(x+h) can be so expanded, and even so there would be the question of convergence), but in other ways this approach was quite fruitful; it conceived the calculus as a theory about functions and their derived functions, which are themselves again functions. For more details on Carnot and Lagrange, see sections 3.3 and 3.4. Eventually the most important approach towards solving the foundational questions was the use of limits. This was advocated with respect to the fluxional calculus by Benjamin Robins (see his 1761a, vot. 2, 49), and with respect to the differential calculus by d'Alembert. Robins and d'Alembert considered limits of variables as the limiting value which these variables can approach as near as one wishes. Thus d'Alembert explains the concept in an article 1765a on ( Limite ' in the Encyclopedie which he edited with D. Diderot: 'One magnitude is said to be the limit of another magnitude when the second may approach thc first within any given magnitude, however small, though the first magnitude may never exceed the magnitude it approaches'. m x R o A p p Figure 2.12.1. In the Encyclopedie article ( Differentiel ' (1764a) d'Alembert gave a lengthy explanation, with the parabola y2 =ax as example. His argument can be summarised as follows. From figure 2.12.1 it follows that MP/PQ is the limit of mO/OM. In formulae, mO/OM=a/(2y+z), and algebraically the limit of a/(2y+z) is easily seen to be a/2y. One variable can have only one limit, hence MP/PQ = a/2y. Furthermore, the rules of the calculus also give dy/dx = a/2y, so that we must conceive dy/dx not as a ratio of differentials or as 0/0, but as the limit of the ratio of finite differences mO/OM. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 229 of 479. 92 2. Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian tradition Robins and d'Alembert were not the first to formulate the concept of limit; in fact it occurs already implicitly in ancient Greek mathematics, and later Simon Stevin for instance came very close to formulating it (see his Works, vo!. 1, 229-231). For a very long time after Robins and d'Alembert propagated the use of this concept to solve the founda~ tional questions, the limit approach was just one among many approaches to the problem. The reason why it took so long until the value of the limit approach was recognised lay in the fact that Robins and d'Alembert considered limits of variables. In that way the concept still involves much unclarity (for details, see Baron and Bos 1976a, unit 4) which could only be removed once the limit concept was applied to functions under explicitly specified behaviour of the independent variable. 2.13. In conclusion In the century which followed Newton's and Leibniz's independent discoveries of the calculus, analysis developed in a most impressive way, despite its rather insecure foundations, thus making possible a mathematical treatment of large parts of natural science. During these developments analysis also underwent deep changes; for Newton and Leibniz did not invent the modern calculus, nor did they invent the same calculus. It will be useful to recall, in conclusion, the main features of both systems, their mutual differences, and their differences from the forms of calculus to which we are now used (compare Baron and Bos 1976a, unit 3, 55-57). Both Newton's and Leibniz's calculi were concerned with variable quantztzes. However, Newton conceived these quantities as changing in time, whereas Leibniz rather saw them as ranging over a sequence of infinitely' close values. This yielded a difference in the fundamental concepts of the two calculi; Newton's fundamental concept was the fluxion, the finite velocity or rate of change (with respect to time) of the variable, while Leibniz's fundamental concept was the differential, the infinitely small difference between successive values in the sequence. There was also a difference between the two calculi in the conception of the integral, and in the role of the fundamental theorem. For Newton integration was finding the fluent quantity of a given fluxion; in his calculus, therefore, the fundamental theorem was implied in the definition of integration. Leibniz saw integration as summation; hence for him the fundamental theorem was not implied in the definition of integration, but was a consequence of the inverse relationship between summing and taking differences. However, the Bernoullis re-interpreted the Leibnizian integral as the converse of differentiation, so that throughout Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 230 of 479. 2.13. In conclusion 93 the 18th century the fundamental theorem was implied in the definition of integration. Both Newton and Leibniz worked with infinitely small quantities and were aware of the logical difficulties inherent in their use. Newton claimed that his calculus could be given a rigorous foundation by means of the concept of prime and ultimate ratio, a concept akin to (but not the same as) the concept of limit. Leibniz valued notation very much, and his choice of symbols for the calculus proved to be a happier one than Newton's. His use of separate letters, 'd' and ' J" indicated the role of differentiation and integration as operators; moreover, his symbols were into complicated formulas much more easily than were Newton's. In general, Leibniz's calculus was the more analytical; Newton's was nearer to the geometrical figures, with accompanying arguments in prose. These are the principal differences between the two If we compare them with the modern calculus, we note three further differences. Firstly, whereas Newton's and Leibniz's were concerned with variables, the modern calculus deals with functions. Secondly, the operation of differentiation is defined in the modern calculus differently from in the 18th century ; it relates to a function a derived function, or derivative, defined by means of the concept of limit. Thirdly, unlike 18th-century calculus, modern analysis has a generally accepted approach to the problem of the foundation of the calculus namely, through a definition of real numbers (instead of the vague concept of quantity which had to serve as a basis for analysis before the 1870s) and through the use of a well-defined concept of limit. The next chapter describes much of this future progress. Text 15: H. J. M. Bos (1980). “Newton, Leibniz and the Leibnizian Tradition”. In: From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630–1910. An Introductory History. Ed. by I. Grattan-Guinness. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 49–93. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 231 of 479. CHAPTER 3 NICCOLO GurCCIARDINI 3.1. Introduction From the J660s to the 1680s, Isaac Newton and Gottfried WilheJm Leibni7, created what we nowadaY8 recognize as infinitesimal calculus. A st.udy of their achievements reveals elements of continuity with previous work 2) as well as peculiarities which distinguish their methods and concepts from those which are accepted in present day mathematics. The statement it8elf tha.t "Ncwton and Leibniz invented the calculus" is problematic. In the first placc, they two different versions of calculus, and the problem of comparing the two, of establishing equivalences and differences, arises (see Chapter 3.5). In the second place, what do we mean by "inventing calculus" in this context? The novelty of Newton's and Leibniz's contributions can be briefly characterized by pointing out three aspects of their mathematical work: problem-reduction, the calculation of areas by inversion of the process for calculating tangents, the creation of an algorithm. The "invention of calculus" can thus be conceived as consisting of these three contributions. Newton and Leibniz realized that a whole variety of problems about the calculation of centres of gravity, areas, volumes, tangents, arclengths, radii of curvature, surfaces, etc., that had occupied mathematicians in the first half of the seventeenth century, were instances of two basic problems. Furthermore, they fully realized that these two problems were the inverse of each other (this is the "fundamental theorem" of calculus). They thus understood that the solution of the former, and easier, problem could be used to answer the latter. Last but not least, Newton and Leibniz developed two efficient algorithms that can be applied in a systematic and general way. It is thanks to these contributions that Newt.on and Leibniz transformed mathematics. The peculiarity of Newton's and Leibniz's algorithms is a fact that the historian is sometimes led to forget. In fact, both, especially the latter, look very much the same as the one we employ nowadays. We can thus be tempted to modernize their calculi. As a matter of fact, their calculi are strongly embedded in the culture of their own times. We make two major points. Neither Newton's nor Leibniz's calculi are about "functions" (see (Bos 1980, 90).) The concept of function emerged only later (see Chapter 4). Newton and Leibniz talk in terms of "quantities" rather than "functions", and they refer to these quantities, their rates of change, their differences, etc., related to specific geometric entities (typically a given curve). Thus the reader will notice that in what follows I will always use the term "function" in "quotation marks". Furthermore, while we are used to referring to calculus as Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 232 of 479. '74 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS the continuum of the real numbers, the continuum to which Newton and Leibniz refer is geometrical or kinematical. It is by referring to an intuitive geometric or kinematic continuum that Newton and Leibniz develop their limit procedures (see 3.5.2). 3.2. Newton's method of series and ftuxions 3.2.1. A mathematician working in isolation. Isaac Newton was born into Cl family of small landowners. After receiving an elementary education, he was sent to Cambridge, where he matriculated as a sub-sizar in 1661. "Sub-sizars" were poor students who worked as servants to the fellows and the rich students. Newton raised himself from this condition to become Lucasian Professor, Warden of the Mint, Cl member of Parliament and President of the Royal Society. His funeral was described by Voltaire as being as full of pomp as those of a king. His success in British society was determined by the high esteem which his published scientific discoveries aroused. In his secret, unpublished, studies Newton cultivated interests that would have ruined his public image. He was involved in alchemical studies, and his theological interests, inspired by deep religious feelings, gave him strongly critical attitude towards the established Church. Some of Newton's greatest scientific discoveries were made during the years 1665-1667, when Cambridge university was closed because of the plague. During these anni mirabiles Newton performed experiments with prisms, convincing himself of the composite nature of white light, stated the binomial theorem for fractional powers, discovered the calculus of fiuxions and speculated about the moon's motion. For complicated reasons, he did not immediately share his mathematical results with others. This is only explained in part by the cost of mathematical publications at that time. More decisive was his introverted character that led him to keep his thoughts to himself. Furthermore, he was not completely confident about the conceptual foundation of his calculus. To these causes which may have hindered Newton from publishing his discoveries on calculus, one can add that it was a practice of some seventeenth century mathematicians to keep their mathematical methods secret. The mathematical tools, which allowed the solution of problems, were considered private property, not to be shared too generously with others. Very much as painters kept the secrets for obtaining colours for themselves, the mathematicians often gave the solution without revealing the demonstration. In 1676 the secretary of the Royal Society, Henry Oldenburg, obtained from Newton two letters in which some of his mathematical results were summarized. These two letters were meant to inform a German philosopher, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, about the scope of Newton's achievements. The Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), where Newton developed his theory of gravitation, also contained results connected with calculus. It was only in 1704 that Newton published a systematic treatise on calculus: the De quadratura curvaTwn. This was too late to prevent a priority dispute with Leibniz, who had already published his differential calculus in 1684. Leibniz was accused of plagiarism by Newton and by the British fellows of the Royal Society. Actually he had discovered differential and integral calculus in 1672-1676 independently. He therefore asked the Royal Society to withdraw the accusation of plagiarism that was circulating in several papers. A committee of the Royal Society, guided secretly by Newton, reported that Leibniz was guilty of plagiarism. The Newtonian and the Leibnizian schools difFered strongly on a wide Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 233 of 479. 3.2. NEWTON'S METHOD OF SERIES AND FLUXIONS range of issues. They maintained different cosmologies, different views on the relationships between God and nature, different views on space and time and on the conservation laws basic in physics. The priority dispute divided them mathematically. This was a bitter outcome for Leibniz, who had always maintained that the demonstrative power of mathematics could end all disputes and promote a more harmonious world. 3.2.2. The binomial series (1664 to 1665). It appears that Newton's interest in mathematics began in 1664, when he read Frangois Viete's works (1646), Descartes's Geometric (1637) (the second Latin edition (1659-1661) with Frans van Schooten's commentaries and Hudde's rule), William Oughtred's Clavis mathematicac (1631), and Wallis's Ar'ithmctica Infinitorum (1656). It was from reading this selected group of mathematical works in "modern analysis" that Newton learned about the most exciting discoveries on analytic geometry, algebra, tangent problems, quadratures and series. After a few months of self-instruction he was able, in the winter 16641665, to make his first mathematical discovery: the "binomial theorem" for fractional powers. In slightly modernized notation, he stated: / m/n m m/n--], 1 m (rn ) 'fn/n--2 2 (3.1) (a+x)mn a +-a x+ .- ---la x+···. n 1.2 n n Newton obtained this result generalising by Wallis's "inductive" method for squaring the unit circle. The process of interpolation with which Newton determined the binomial coefficients is too long to be described in detail here. A good presentation of Newton's guesswork can be found in (Edwards 1979, 178-187). Here it will suffice to say that Newton arrived at (3.2) 113 11 5 11 7 Ix - -x - -_·x ----x 23 85 167 5 1 9 -x 1289 as a series for the area under the curve (1 - x2?/2, a result which allows one to calculate the circle's area. He further noted that, since the area under xn and over the interval [0, xl is /(n + 1), he could extend the result valid for the area to the curve itself to obtain (3.3) (1 .- x2)1/2 = 1 _ ~X2 _ ~.T4 __ 1 2 8 16 By working through similar examples, Newton guessed the general law of formation of the binomial coefficients for fractional powers (see (3.1)). He further extrapolated (3.1) to negative powers. The case n -1, (3.4) (1 + x)-l = 1 - x + x2 - x3 + x4 - .... is particularly relevant. Since the proof of the binomial series rested on shaky "inductive" Wallisian procedures, Newton felt the need to verify the agreement of the series obtained by applying (3.1) by algebraical and numerical procedures. For instance, he applied standard techniques of root extraction to (1 - x2)1/2 and standard techniques of "long division" to (1 + x)-l, and he was happy to see that he obtained the series (3.3) and (3.4). He also knew that the area under (1 +x)--l and over the interval [0, x], or the negative of this area if -1 < x < 0, is In(l + x). He could thus express In(1 + x) as a power series by termwise integration of (3.4): (3.5) Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 234 of 479. 76 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS Actually the order of Newton's reasoning is quite unexpected: He first obtained (3.5) via interpolation, and then he obtained (3.4) by differentiation. The series (3.5) allowed Newton to calculate In(l +x), for x ~ O. He carried out his numerieal calculations up to more than fifty decimal places! We note three aspects of Newton's work on the binomial series. First of all he introduced, following Wallis's suggestion, negative and fractional exponents. Without this innovative notation (xa / b for \/xa) it would not have been possible to interpolate or extrapolate the binomial theorem from positive integers to the rationals. Secondly, Newton obtained a method for representing a large class of "curves" by a power series. For him curves are thus given not only by finite algebraical equations (as for Descartes) but also by infinite series (preferably power series) understood by Newton and by his contemporaries as infinite equations. In 1665 mathematicians had just begun to appreciate the usefulness of infinite series as representations of "difficult" curves. Transcendental curves, such as the logarithmic curve, can thus be given an "analytical" representation to which the rules of algebra can be applied. Before the advent of infinite series, such "functions" had no analytic representation, but they were generally defined in geometric terms. It should be noted that Newton had a rather intuitive concept of convergence. For instance he realized that the binomial series (3.1) can be applied when x is "small". Newton developed no rigorous treatment of convergence. 3.2.3. The fundamental theorem, 1665 to 1669. Newton's first systematic mathematical tract bears the title De analysi per aequationes nurnero terrninOr1Lrn infinitas. Newton began this short summary of his discoveries with the enunciation of three rules that can be rendered as follows (Newton 1669, 206 ff.): Rule 1: If y axm/n , then the area under y is (an) / (n + m )xm/n+I. Rule 2: If y is given by the sum of more terms (also an infinite number of terms), Y YI +Y2 + ... ,then the area under Y is given by the sum of the areas of the corresponding terms. Rule 3: In order to calculate the area under a curve f(x, y) = 0, one must expand Y as a sum of terms of the form axm / n and apply Rule 1 and Rule 2. Rule 1 had been stated by Wallis. As we will see, Newton provided a proof of this rule based on the fundamental theorem. The binomial series proved to be an important tool implementing Rule 3. In several cases, however, the binomial series cannot be applied. In the years from 1669 to 1671 Newton devised several clever techniques for obtaining a series z = I: bixi , i rational, from an implicit "function" f(x, z) = o. He also had a method for "reverting" series. That is, given z I: b;xi, he had a method of successive approximations which led to x = I: aiz;. It is reverting the power series expansion of z = In(l + x) (formula (3.5)) that he obtained the series for x = eZ (see (Edwards 1979, 204-205) and Chapter 4). The most general result concerning the squaring of curves (i.e., "integration") is the fundamental theorem of calculus which Newton discovered in 1665. Newton's reasoning, which resembles Barrow's (see 2.2.4), refers to two particular curves (see Fig. 3.1) z = x3 / a and y = 3x2 / a, but it is completely general: y is equal to the slope of z and is defined as (3.6) m(3 bg = dh n(3' Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 235 of 479. 3.2. NEWTON'S METHOD OF SERIES AND FLUXIONS 77 'If FIGURE 3.] where bg is an ordinate of the curve y, and rn(3 and [2(3 are infinitesimal increments of z and x, while dh is a unit length segment. It follows immediately that the area bpsg (= [2(3 . bg) and the area /111,)..1/ (= rn(3 . dh) are equal. It was commonplace in seventeenth century mathematics to consider the area subtended by a curve to be equal to the sum of infinitely many infinitesimal strips such as bpsg. It follows that the curvilinear area subtended by y, e.g., d1/m, is equal to the rectangular area dhO'p. A knowledge of z then allows us to "square" y, since "the area under y (the derivative curve) is proportional to the difference between corresponding ordinates of z" (Westfall1980, 127). In Leibnizian terms, Newton proves that the integral of the derivative of z is equal to z (see (Newton 1665)). A proof of the fact that the derivative of the integral of y is equal to y was given by Newton at the end of De analysi as a proof of Rule 1. He proceeded as follows. Newton considered a curve AD6 (see Fig. 3.2), where AB = x, BD = y and the area ABD = z. He defined B (3 = 0 and B K = v such that "the rectangle B(3HK ov) is equal to the space B{36D." Furthermore, Newton assumed that B(3 is "infinitely small." With these definitions one has that A(3 = x + 0 and the area A6(3 is equal to z + ov. At this point Newton wrote: "from any arbitrarily assumed relationship between x and z I seek y." He noted that the increment of the area OV, divided by the increment of the abscissa 0 is equal to v. But since one can assume "B{) to be infinitely small, that is, 0 to be zero, v and y will be equal." Therefore, the rate of increase of the area is equal to the ordinate (Newton 1669, 242244). Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 236 of 479. 78 3. NEWTON'S METfIOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS FIGURE 3.2 The fundamental theorem allowed Newton to reduce the probems of quadrature to the search for primitive "functions". He actually calculated the tangent for a great variety of "curves", so compiling what he called "tables of Huents" (in Leibnizian terms "table of integrals"). We will see in the next section how he deployed the fundamental theorem in order to square curves. 3.2.4. The method of fluents, fluxions and moments (1670 to 1671). While the De analysi was devoted mainly to series expansions and the use of series in quadratures, the De rnethodis serierurn et .fluxionv,rn written in 1670-1671 was mainly devoted to the use of an algorithm that Newton had developed in the years from 1665 to 1666. The objects to which this algorithm is applied are quantities which "flow" in time. For instance the motion of a point generates a line and the motion of a line generates a surface. The quantities generated by a "flow" are called "Huents". Their instantaneous speeds are called "fluxions". The "moments" of the fluent quantities are "the infinitely small additions by which those quantities increase during each infinitely small interval of time" (Newton 16701671, 80). Consider a point which flows with variable speed along a straight line. The distance covered at time t is the fluent, the instantaneous speed is the fluxion, and the "infinitely" (or "indefinitely") small increment acquired after an indefinitely small period of time is the moment. Newton further observed that the moments "are as their speeds of How", i.e., as the fluxions) (Newton 1670--1671, 78). His reasoning is based on the idea that during an "infinitely small period of time" the Huxion remains constant and so the moment is proportional to the fluxion. Newton warns the reader not to identify the "time" of the f-luxional method with real time. Any fluent quantity whose f-luxion is assumed constant plays the role of fluxional "time". Newton did not develop a particularly handy notation in this context. He employed a, b, c, d for constants, v, x, y, z for the f-luents and l, m, n, T for the respective fluxions, so that, e.g., m is the fluxion of x. The "indefinitely" (or "infinitely") small interval of time was denoted by o. Thus the moment of y is no. It was only in the 1690s that Newton introduced the now standard notation where the fluxion of x is denoted by x and the moment of ::r; by xo. The fluxions themselves can be considered as fluent quantities so that one can seek for the f-luxion of n/m. In the 1690s Newton denoted the "second" f-luxion of x by x. Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 237 of 479. 3.2. NEWTON'S METHOD OF SERIES AND FLUXIONS '79 x FIGURE ~).3 Newton did not use a single notation for the area undeI' a curve. Generally he put words such as "the area of" or a capital Q before the analytical expression of the curve. In some cases he used "[~jx'~" for "the area under the curve of equation y = ajx2 " (in Leibnir,ian terms this would be J(ajx2 )dx). As we will see (3.2.6) Newton also employed xto denote a Huent quantity whose Huxion is x. The limits of integration were either understood by the context or explained by words. In the De rnethodis Newton gives the solution of a series of problems. The main problems are to find maxima and minima, tangents, curvatures, areas and arclengths. The representation of quantities as generated by continuous How allows all these problems to be reduced to the following Problems 1 and 2: 1) Given the length of the space continuously (that at every time), find the speed of motion at any time proposed. 2) Given the speed of motion continuously, find the length of the space described at any time proposed. (Newton 16701671, 7071) The problems of finding tangents, extremal points and curvatures are related to the former, and the problems of finding areas and arclengths are related to the latter. Imagine a plane curve f (x, y) = 0 to be generated by the continuous How of a point P(t). If (x, y) are the Cartesian coordinates of the curve, yjx will be equal to tawy, where r is the angle formed by the tangent in P(t) with the x-axis (see Fig. 3.3). According to Newton's conception, the point will move during the "indefinitely small period of time" with uniform rectilinear motion from P(t) to P(t + 0). The infinitesimal triangle indicated in Fig. 3.3 has sides equal to yo and .1:0 and so tan r = yojXo = yjx. An extremal point will have yjX = tall{ = O. Newton showed that the radius of curvature is given by p (1 +(yjx)2)3/2 j(jjjx2). The fact that the finding of areas can be reduced to Problem 2 is a consequence of the fundamental theorem. Let z be the area generated by continuous uniform How (x = 1) of ordinate y (see Fig. 3.2). The speed of motion is given continuously, i.e., it is given by i. By the fundamental theorem y = i. In order to find the area, a method is required for obtaining z from y = i. This is Problem 2. It should be stressed how the conception of quantities as generated by continuous How allowed to Newton to conceive the problem of determining the area under a curve as a Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 238 of 479. 80 cl. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS special example of Problem 2. The reduction of arclength problems to Problem 2 depends on the application of Pythagoras's theorem to the moment of arclength 8: "50 V(xoP--+:-Cyo)2 (see Fig. :3.:-1). Therefore 8 = L------------~c-- The basic algorithm for Problem 1 is given by Newton an example (Newton 16701671, '78-81). He considered the equation x3 -~ ax2 axy y3 =, O. He substituted x+:i;o in place of x and y+yo in place of y. Deleting .<:3 -- ax2 +a:ry-y:' as equal to zero and then dividing by 0, he obtained an equation from which he cancelled the terms which had 0 as a factor. These terms have the property that they "will be equivalent to nothing in respect to the others", since "0 is supposed to be infinitely small." At last Newton arrived at (3.7) 3xx2 2a:cx + axy + ay:r ~ 3yy2 O. This result is achieved by employing a rule of cancellation of higher-order inflnitesimals (equivalent to Leibniz's :r + dx x), according to which, if x is finite and 0 is an infinitesimal interval of time, then (:3.8) x + xo = x. Notice that the above example also contains the rules for the fluxiom; of a product xy and of x"', respectively: xy + yx and nxn -- 1 x. Newton dealt with irrational "functions" as follows. He considered y2 - a2 x,;a~~--x2 O. He set z and so obtained y2 a2 - z = 0 and a2x2 - = O. Applying the direct algorithm, he determined 2yy - i = 0 and 2a2 x:r; -- 4xx" - 2iz O. He then eliminated i, restored z = X~X2, and thus arrived at 2yy + (-a2x + 2xx2)/ vfaj----x2 = 0 as the relation sought between y and X. Even though Newton presents his "direct" algorithm by applying it to particular cases, his procedure can be generalized. Given a curve expressed by a function in parametric form, f(x(t),y(t)) = 0, the relation between the fluxions x and y is obtained by application of the equation f( . . ) of.x + xo, y + yo = ~xo ox of 2 ~yo + 0 ( ... ) = o. oy After division by 0, the remaining terms in 0 are cancelled. Such a modern re·· construction clearly says more than what Newton could express. I used concepts and notation, not a.vailable to Newton, for a function f(x(t), y(t)) and for partial derivatives. However, with due caution, it can be used to highlight the following points. 1) Newton assumes that, during the infinitesimal interval of time 0, the motion is uniform, so that when x flows to x + XO, y flows to y + yo. Therefore, f(x, y) = f(x + xo, y + yo). 2) Newton applies the principle of cancellation of infinitesimals, so in the last step the terms in () are dropped. Newton's justification for his algorithmic procedure is not much more rigorous than those in the works of Pierre Fermat or Hudde. As we will see in the next subsection, he was soon to face serious foundational questions. Problem 2 is, of course, much more difficult. Given a "fluxional equation" f(x, y, x, y) = 0, Newton seeks a relation g(x, y, c) 0 (c constant) such that the Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 239 of 479. ;),2, NEWTON'S METHOD OF SERIES AND FLUXJONS 81 o FIGURE 3.4 application of the direct algorithm yields f(x, y, x, y) = 0, In [,eibnil':ian terms, he poses the problem of integrating di{f'erential equations, Newton has a very general strategy which allows him to solve a great variety of such "inverse problems", His strategy is twofold, 1) Either he changes variable in order to reduce to a known table of Huents (in Leibnizian terms, a "table of integrals") or 2) he deploys series expansion techniques (termwise integration), His strategy is a great improvement on the geometrical quadrature techniques of, e,g., Huygens, or the techniques of direct summation of, e,g" Wallis (see Chapter 2), We can give some of the Havour of Newton's first strategy by looking again at the quadrature of the cissoid which had occupied Huygens and Wallis in the late 1650s (see Chapter 2 and (van Maanen 1991)). Newton used y = as the equation for the cissoid (see Fig. 2,21). Problem 2 is solved by the determination of a z such that ijX = x2 /,rax~x2, For k = :1N2va - X, (3.9) k = ~/~x _ x2 :1; 2 Rearranging, we get (3.10) In Leibnizian terms, z Joa 3Vax- x2dx 2[k(x)]o. The area under the cissoid and over the interval [0, a] is therefore three times the area under the semicircle with equation y vax - x2 . Notice that the second term on the right of (3.10) vanishes when "integrated" over [0, a], When the first strategy failed, Newton tried the second, He generally reduced the quadrature to the area under the graph of a circular or a hyperbolic "function", such as (a2 X2)±1/2 or a/(b+cx). These he could evaluate by binomial expansion and termwise "integration". An example follows. Consider a circle with unit length radius (see Fig. 3.4): The moment of the arc eo is to the moment of the abscissa xo as 1 to . Applying the binomial theorem to (1 x2 )-1/2 and "integrating" termwise, Newton obtained the arcsin series (3,11) Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 240 of 479. 82 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LETBNIZ'S CALCULUS "R.everting" the above series by a process of successive approximations, he obtained the power series for sin. Newton was able to solve the inverse problem for a large class of fiuxional equations. Had he published his tract in 1671, he would have aroused awe in all the corners of Europe. 3.2.5. The geometry of and ultimate ratios (1671 to l'T04). As we have seen, Newton employed methods characteristic of the seventeenth-century "new analysis" in his early writings. He used series and infinitesimal quantities. Infinitesimals entered mainly as moments, momentaneous increments of a "flowing" variable quantity. The kinematical approach to the calculus was therefore prevalent in Newton's work from the very beginning. For him, reference to our intuition of continuous "flow" provided a means to "define" the reference objects of the calculus: fiuents, fiuxions and moments (see 3.5.2). Up to the composition of the De methodis, Newton described himself with pride as a promoter of the seventeenth-century "new analysis". However, in the 1670s he abandoned the calculus of fluxions in favour of a geometry of fluxions where infinitesimal quantities were not employed. He labelled this new method the "synthetical method of fiuxions" as opposed to his earlier "analytical method of fiuxions" (Newton 1967--1981, 8, 454-455). Some of the results on the synthetical method were summarized in Section 1, Book 1 of Principia Mathematica entitled "The method of prime and ultimate ratios". He wrote: whenever in what follows I consider quantities as consisting of particles or whenever I use curved line-elements [or minute curved lines] in place of straight lines, I wish it always to be understood that I have in mind not indivisibles but evanescent divisibles, and not sums and ratios of definite parts but the limits of such sums and ratios, and that the force of such proofs always rests on the method of the preceding lemmas. (Newton 1687/1999, 441-442) He also pointed out that the method of prime and ultimate ratios rested on the following Lemma 1: Quantities, and also ratios of quantities, which in any finite time constantly tend to equality, and which before the end of that time approach so close to one another that their difference is less than any given quantity, become ultimately equal. (Newton 1687/1999, 433) Newton's ad absurdum proof runs as follows: If you deny this, let them become ultimately unequal, and let their ultimate difference be D. Then they cannot approach so close to equality that their difference is less than the given difference D, contrary to the hypothesis. (Newton 1687/1999,433) This principle might be regarded as an anticipation of Cauchy's theory of limits (see Chapter 6), but this would certainly be a mistake, since Newton's theory of limits is referred to as a geometrical rather than a numerical model. The objects to which Newton applies his "synthetical method of fluxions" or "method of prime and ultimate ratios" are geometrical quantities generated by continuous flow (i.e., "fluents"). While in his early writings Newton represented Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 241 of 479. 3,2, NEWTON'S METHOD OF SERIES AND FLUXIONS FIGURE 3,5 a~---,l f A n ~'-'--' BF C D FIGURE 3.6 E 83 the fiuents with algebraical symbols, in this new approach he referred directly to geometrical figures. These figures, however, are not static, as in classic geometry: they must be conceived as "in motion" . A typical problem is the study of the limit to which the ratio of two geometrical fiuents tends when they vanish simultaneously (Newton used the expression of the. "limit of the ratio of two vanishing quantities"). For instance, in Lemma 7 Newton shows that given a curveACB (see Fig. 3.5): the ultimate ratio of the arc, the chord, and the tangent to one another is a ratio of equality. (Newton 1687/1999, 436) The proof, which rests on Lemma 1, is based on the fact that a difference between ~ ~ the arc ACB and the tangent AD, or the arc ACB and the chord AB, can be made less than any assignable magnitude by taking B sufficiently close to A. In Lemma 2 Newton shows that a curvilinear area AabcdE (see Fig. 3.6) can be approached as the limit of the inscribed AKbLcMdD or the circumscribed AalbmcndoE rectilinear areas. The proof is magisterial in its simplicity. Its structure is still retained in present day calculus textbooks in the definition of the definite integral. It consists in showing that the difference between the areas of the circumscribed and the inscribed figures tends to zero, as the number of parallelograms tends to infinity. In fact this difference is equal to the area of parallelogram ABla: Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 242 of 479. 81 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS "but this rectangle, because its width AB is diminished indefinitely, becomes less than any given rectangle" (Newton 1687/1999, 43:3). Notice how in Lemma 2 and Lemma 7 Newton gives a proof of two assumptions that were made in the seventeenth-century "new analysis". The "new analysts" (Newton himself in his early writings!) had assumed that a curve can be conceived as a polygonal of infinitely many infinitesimal sides and that a curvilinear area can be conceived as an infinite summation of infinitesimal strip (see Chapter 2). In the Georne/;Tia cUTvilinea and in PTincipia, curves are smooth and curvilinear areas are not resolved into infinite8imal elements. In the synthetical method of fluxions onc always works with finite quantities and limi ts of ratios and sums of finite quantities. In De q1Ladmlvxa C1LTVar1Lrn Newton presented a calculus version of the method of prime and ultimate ratios (sce (Newton 16911692) and (Newton 1704)). However, he made it clear that such symbolical demonstrations were safdy grounded in geometry (sce 3.5.4). Newton began working on this treatise devoted to "integration" in the early 1690s. It is opened by the declaration that calculus is referred to as only finite flowing quantities: "Mathematical quantities I here consider not as consisting of least possible parts, but as described by a continuous motion. [... ] These geneses take place in the reality of physical nature and are daily witnessed in the rnotion of bodies" (Newton 1704, 122). For instance, in order to find the fluxion of y xn by the method of prime and ultimate ratios, Newton proceeded as follows: Let the q'uantity x fiow 1Lniformly and the fi'Uxion of the q1Lantity :];11 needs to be f01Lnd. In the time that the quantity x comes in its fiux to be x + 0, the quantity xn will come to be (x o)n, that is [when expanded] by the method of infinite series (3.12) x" + nox11 1 ~ (n2 n) + ... ; and so the augments 0 and n()Xn~l + ~(n2 - n)o2xn - 2 + .. . are one to the other as 1 and nxn~l + ~(n2 n)oxn--2 + ... . Now let those augments come to vanish and their last ratio will be 1 to ; consequently the fiuxion of the quantity x is to the fiuxion of the quantity :(;11 as 1 to nxn~l. (Newton 1704, 126128) Notice that the increment 0 is finite and that the calculation aims at determining the limit of the ratio [(x + 0)" x11 ]/o as 0 tends to zero. 3.2.6. Higher-order ftuxions and the Taylor series (1687 to 1692). In the 1690s Newton introduced a notation for fiuxions and higher-order fiuxions. He wrote X, X, X, etc., for first, second, third, etc., fiuxions. He also used the notation 1; for the iiuent of .x. Dots and accents could be repeated to generate higher-order fiuxions and higher-order fiuents. Newton also employed overindexes in order to n avoid the multiplication of dottl and accents: so he wrote Y for the nth fiuxion of y (Newton 1967-1981, 7, H~18 and 162). In discussing higher-order fluxions, Newton stated that every ordinate y of a curve in the x-y plane can be expressed, assuming x 1, as a power series whose nth 11 term is equal to the nth fiuxion of y, i.e., y, divided by n! (see (Newton 1691-1692, 7, 9698)). He probably arrived at this statement by generalizing his experience Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 243 of 479. :l.3. LElBNIZ'S DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS 85 with power series (see some examples in 3.2): For all of them this property holds. On the other hand, if we assume that y is expressible as a power series such as y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + e:r;4 + ... , one gets immediately that y(O) cc= a, y(O) b, y(O) = 2c, etc. Newton thus stated a theorem, nowadays called the TayJor theorem, which was to play an important role in the development of eighteenth··century cakulus (sce Chapter 4). It should be noted that already in the PTincipia , Scholium to ProposiLion 93, Book 1, and Proposition 10, Book 2) Newton had come close to stating that the nth term of a power series expansion is proportional to the nth fluxioH. He had actually stated that the first ternl represents the ordinate, the second the tangent (or the velocity), the third the curvature (or the acceleration), and so on. In Book 3 he had also solved the problem of determining "a parabolic curve that will pass through any number of given points" by a procedure which is equivalent to the so-called Gregory-Newton interpolation formula (a version of which he discovered in about 1676). It is indeed remarkable to see how important power serje~ were in the work of Newton. From his early research on tangent::; and quadratures to his mature development of a theory of higher··order fluxions he used power series as a major analytical tool. 3.3. Leibniz's differential and calculus 3.3.1. A mathematician and diplomat. GottfriedWilhclrn Leibniz was born in Leip7.ig in 1646 from a Protestant family of distant Slavonic origins. His father, a professor at Leip7.ig University, died in 1652, leaving CL rich library, where the young Gottfried began his scholarly life. He studied philosophy and law in the Universities of Leipzig, Jena and Altdorf. He also received some elementary education in arithmetic and algebra. Early on he formulated a project for the construction of a mathematical language with which deductive rea80ning eould be conducted. His manuscripts related to symbolical reasoning reveal anticipation of the nineteenth-century algebra of logic. Leibniz never abandoned hiH programme of devising a "charaeteristica universalis". As we will see, he conceived his mathematical research as part of this ambitious project. More specifically, his interest in number sequences played a role in the discovery of differential and integral calculus. After receiving his doctorate in 1666 from the University of Altdorf, he entered into the service of the Elector of Mainz. From 1672 to 1676 he was in Paris on a diplomatic mission. Here he met several distinguished scholars, most notably Christiaan Huygens, who belonged to the recently established Academie Royale des Sciences. It was in Paris, following Huygens's counsel, that Leibniz learned mathematics. In a few months he had digested all the relevant contemporary literature and was able to contribute original research. His discovery of calculus dates from the years 1675-1677. He published the rules of differential calculus in 1684 in the Acta CTuditOTUm, a scientific journal that he had helped to found in 1682. In 1676 his seminal period of study in Paris came to an end. After 1676 Leibniz worked in the service of the Court of Hanover. He embarked on political projects, the most ambitious of which was the reunification of the Christian churches. Leibniz was very good in divulging his mathematical discoveries through scientific journalt: and learned correspondence. While Newton kept his method secret, Leibni~ made great efforts to promote the use of calculus. In Basel, Paris and Italy several mathematicians, Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 244 of 479. 86 3. NEWTON'S METIlOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS such as the Bernoulli brothers, I'Hopital, Varignon, Manfredi, and Riccati began to use and defend the new calculus of sums and differences. A notable advance occurred at the turn of the century when .lakob and .lohann Bernoulli extended integral calculus and applied it to dynamics. Leibniz died in 1716. His funeral was attended only by his relatives and by his secretary. Leibniz's intellectual interests spanned from technology to mathematics, from physics to logic, from politics to religion. He is remembered as one of the profoundest philosophers and onc of the most creative mathematicians of all ages. 3.3.2. Infinite series (1672 to 1673). Leibniz's interests in combinatorics led him to consider finite numerical sequences of differences such as (3.13) He noted that it is possible to obtain the sum b1 + /;2 + ... + bn as a difference, al - an+l.When extrapolated to the infinite, this simple law led to interesting results with infinite series. For instance, in order to flnd the sum of the series of reciprocals of the triangular numbers 00 2 00 Lbn , n=l (3.14) n(n + 1)n=] Leibniz noted that the terms of this series may be expressed using a difference sequence by setting (3.15) bn 2 2 --0 = an - an+l· n n .. Therefore (:"\.16) Lbn 2 al - as+l = 2- 8+1 n=l So, if we "sum" all the terms, we obtain 2. Leibniz applied this procedure successfully to several other examples. }or instance he considered the "harmonic triangle" (see Fig. 3.7). In the harmonic triangle the nth oblique row is the difference sequence of the (n + l)th oblique row. It follows, for instance, that 1 1 1 1 1 (3.17) 4 + 20 + 60 + 140 + " . = 3' This research on inflnite series implies an idea that played a central role in Leibnizian calculus (see (Bos 1980, 61)). The sum of an infinite number of terms bn can be achieved via the difference sequence an. 3.3.3. The geometry of infinitesimals (1673 to 1674). In 1673 Leibniz met with the idea of the so-called "characteristic triangle". He was reading Pascal's Lettres de "A. Dettonville" (1659). Pascal, in dealing with quadrature problems, had associated a point on a circumference with a triangle with inflnitesimal sides. Leibniz generalized this idea. Given any curve (see Fig. 3.8) he associated an inflnitesimal triangle to an arbitrary point P. One can think of the curve as a polygonal constituted by infinitely many inflnitesimal sides. The prolongation of one of the sides gives the tangent to the curve. A line at right angles with one of the sides is the normal. Call t and n the length of the tangent and the normal, respectively, intercepted between P and the x-axis. From the similarity of the three Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 245 of 479. 3.3. LBIIlNIZ'S DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS 87 J 6 1 1 12 12 1 J J I 2() 30 20 :5 I 1 1 1 J. 6 30 60 60 30 1 J... _L .L 42 105 105 42 FIGURE 3.7 y (J x FIGURE 3.8 triangles shown in Fig. 3.8, Leibniz obtained several geometrical transformations which allowed him to transform a problem of quadrature into another problem. He stated equivalences which he would later write as Jkdx = Jydy, Jydx = J(J'dy, Jyd8 Jtdy, Jyd8 Jndx (here n is the normal, t is the tangent, k is the subnormal and (J' is the subtangent). The most useful transformation obtained by Leibniz in 16731674, i.e., the years immediately preceding the invention of the algorithm of calculus, is the "transmutation theorem" ((Hofmann 1949,3235) and (Bos 1980, 62-64)). Leibniz cOllsidered a smooth convex curve OAB (see Fig. 3.9). The problem is to determine the area OABG. Let PQN be the characteristic triangle associated to the point P. The area OABG can be seen either as the sum of infinitely many strips RPQS or as the sum of the triangle OBG plus the sum of infinitely many triangles OPQ. We can write (3.18) OABG 1 RPQS = 20G . GB + L OPQ. Let the prolongation of PQ (i.e., the tangent in P) meet the y-axis in T and let OW be normal to the tangent. Triangle OTW is thus similar to the characteristic triangle PQN; therefore, (3.19) PN OW PQ OT Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 246 of 479. 88 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS B w FIGURE 3.9 The area of the infinitesimal triangle OPQ is thus (3.20) OPQ = ~OW . PQ = ~OT . PN. Leibniz defines a new curve OLlvI, related to the curve OAB through the process of taking the tangent. The new curve has an ordinate in R equal to 01'. Geometrically the construction is obtained by drawing the tangent in P and determining the intersection l' between the tangent and y-axis. In symbols not yet available to Leibniz, the ordinate z of the new curve OLM is z = y - ;rdy/d.T. Leibniz has thus shown that OABG (3.21) ~OG. GB + l',OPQ 2 1 1 -OG· GB + l',~OT· PN 2 2 ~OG. GB + ~OLMG 2 2 ' where OLMG is the area subtended by the new curve. In modern symbols, setting y as the ordinate of the curve 0 AB (see (Bos 1980, 65)), (3.22) l XO 1 1 iXO 1 1 j'XO 1 f'xO dy ydx = --XoYo + - zdx = -XoYo + , ydx - x--d:J.:. o 2 2 , 0 2 2 0 2 0 dx Leibniz's geometrical "transmutation" is thus equivalent to integration by parts. He was later (see, e.g., (Leibniz 1714, 408)) to express it as (3.23) Jydx = xy - Jxdy. Leibniz thus achieved, through the geometry of the infinitesimal characteristic triangle, a reduction formula for integration. The integration of curve 0 AB is reduced to the calculation of the area subtended to an auxiliary curve OLM related to OAB through the process of taking the tangent, The relation of the tangent and quadrature problem began thus to emerge in Leibniz's mind. This work with the characteristic triangle also made him aware of the fruitfulness of dealing with infinitesimal quantities, Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 247 of 479. :3.3. LEIBNI?;'S DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS 89 y c dx x FIGURE 3.10 3.3.4. The calculus of infinitesimals to 1mb Lcib·· niz made the crucial steps which led him to forge the algorithm which is still utilized, though in a revised form and in a different conceptual context. He be· gan considering two geometric constructions which had played a relevant role in seventeenth-century infinitesimal techniques: viz., the characteristic triangle and the area subtended to a curve as the sum of infinitesimal strips. Let us consider a curve C (see Fig. 3.10) in a Cartesian coordinate system. Leib·· niz imagines a subdivision of the :r:-axis into infinitely many infinitesimal intervals with extremes Xl, X2, :r;3, etc. He further defines the differential dx =--' Xn-l-I - xn . On the curve and on the y-axis one has the corresponding successions SI, s~, 83, etc., and YI, Y2, Y3, etc. Therefore ds = Bn-l-l Sn and dy Yn-l-I Yn' 'rhe characteristic triangle has sides d:r:, dB, dy. The tangent to the curve C forms an angle, with the x-axis such that tan, ~-= dy/dx. The area subtended to the curve is equal to the sum of infinitely many i:lLrips ydx. Leibniz initially employed Cavalieri's symbol "omn.", but he soOD replaced this notation with the now familiar .r ydx, where I is a long "s" for "sum of". The first publlshed occurrence of the d-sign was in (Leibniz 1684), while the integral appeared in (Leibniz 1686). Three aspects of Leibniz's representation of the curve C in termi:l of differentials should be noted. 1) The symbols d and .r applied to a finite quantity x generate an infinitely little and an infinitely great quantity, respectively. So, if x is a finite angle or a finite line, dx and .rx are, respectively, an infinitely little and an infinitely great angle or line. Thus the two symbols d and .r change the order of infinity but preserve the geometrical dimensions. Notice that Newton's dot symbol does not do that. If x is a finite fiowing line, :i; is a finite velocity. 2) Since geometrieal dimension is preserved, the symbols d and I can be iterated to obtain higher-order infinitesimall:l and higher-order infinites. So ddx is infinitely little compared to d2:, and I I 2; is infinitely great eompared to I x. A hierarchy of infinitesimals and infinites is thus obtained. Higher-order differentials were denoted by repeming the symbol d. It became usual, from the mid-1690i:l, to abbreviate dd ... d (n times) by dn , so that the nth differential of x is dn x. 3) T'he representation of the curve C in terms of differentials can be achieved in a variety of ways. One can chose the progressions of xn , Yn and Sn so that dx Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 248 of 479. 90 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS is constant or dy is constant or ds is constant. Or one can choose the three abovementioned progressions such that dx, dy and ds are all variable. For instance, the choice of dx constant (i.e., the Xn equidistant) generates successions of Yn and Sn where ds and dy are not (generally) constant. As Bos has shown in (Bos 1974) the choice of dx constant is equivalent to selecting x as the independent variable and s and y as dependent variables. (The Newtonian equivalent is to choose i; constant, i.e., x flowing with uniform velocity.) Bos stresses, moreover, that the Leibnizian calculus is not concerned with "functions" and "derivatives" but with progressions of variable quantities and their differences. Therefore we should not read, for instance, dy/ dx as the derivative of y(x) as a function of x but as a ratio between two differential quantities, dy and dx. The conception of dy/dx as a ratio renders the algebraical manipulation of differentials quite "natural". For instance, the chain rule is nothing more than a compound ratio: (3.24) dy dx dy dw dw dx Selecting a variable x so that dx is constant simplifies the calculations since ddx 0 and higher-order differentials of x are cancelled. There is another way for cancelling higher-order differentials. When onc has a sum A + Cl: and (l; is infinitely little in comparison to A, it can be stated that A +Cl: = A. This rule of cancellation for higher-order infinitesimals can be stated as follows: (3.25) Leibniz calculated the difFerential of xy and xn as follows: d(xy) = (x + dx)(y + dy) xy = xdy + ydx + dxdy xdy + ydx, while dxn = (x + dx)n - xn nxn~ldx + dx2 (- .. ) = nxn~ldx. In fact, he assumed that dxdy cancels against xdy + ydx and that dx2 cancels against dx (see 3.5.2 for Leibniz's attempts to justify this procedure). Differentials of roots such as y .;jx a can be achieved by rewriting yb = x a, taking the differentials, byb~ldy = axa~ldx, and rearranging so that difXCi (a/b)dx\lxa~b. A similar reasoning leads to d(l/xa) -adx/xaH . Leibniz was clearly proud of the extension of his calculus. In the predifferentiation period (see 2.2) roots and fractions were difficult to handle. Leibniz published the rules for differential calculus in 1684 in a short and difficult paper which bears a title with the English translation A new method for maxima and minima as well as tangents) which is neither impeded by fractional nor irrational quantities) and a remarkable type of calculus for them. Leibniz generally performed integration by reductions of Jydx through methods of variable substitution or integration by parts. These methods could be worked out in a purely analytical way. Instead of requiring complex geometrical constructions of auxiliary curves (as in the method of transmutation), the new notation allowed algebraical manipulations. The most powerful method for performing integrations came from the understanding of the fundamental theorem of calculus. The notation d and J, for difference and sum, immediately suggests the inverse relationship of differentiation and integration. Leibniz conceived Jydx as the "sum" of an infinite sequence of strips Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 249 of 479. 3.4. MATHEMATIZING FORCE 91 FIGURE 3.11 ydx. From his research on infinite series he knew that a sum of an infinite sequence can be obtained from the difFerence sequence (see 3.3.2). In order to reduce f ydx to a sum of differences, one must find a z such that dz = ydx. Thus, at once, (3.26) Jydx Jdz = d Jz = z. Once the inverse relation of differentiation and integration is understood, several techniques of integration follow. For instance the rule of transmutation (integration by parts) comes by inverting d(xy) xdy + ydx. Wc thus obtain xy = f d(xy) f xdx + fydx. As an example of Leibniz's inverse algorithm we can consider the applicaton of the transmutation theorem to the quadrature of the cycloid generated by a circle of radius a rolling along the vertical line x = 2a (sce Fig. 3.11). The ordinate BC is equal to BE + EC = BE + AE, where AE is the length 8 of the circular arc. Since d8/a = dxr/2ax - x 2 , it follows that 8 = f; adu/V2au~u2. (Nowadays we have notation for the elementary transcendental functions and we would write 8 = a . arccos( (a - x) / a).) Thus the equation of the cycloid is (3.27) y = \hax - x2 + lx adu/V2au - u2 . Since dy/dx (2a - x)/V2ax - x 2 , from (3.22), (3.28) lxO ydx xoYo - lxO x2 dx. If we take Xo = 2a and Yo = 7ra, formula (3.28) gives 37ra2 /2 for the area subtended under the half-arch (see (Dupont and Roero 1991, 118-119)). Leibniz was greatly interested in the applications of his calculus to geometry and dynamics. In this applied context he wrote and solved several differential equations. This very important subject entered into the world of continental mathematics thanks to Leibniz's development of integration techniques (see 11.2.2). 3.4. Mathematizing force The publication in 1687 of Newton's Principia was perhaps the major event of seventeenth-century natural philosophy. The reaction of Leibniz to the Principia is too complex a subject to be tackled here. To mention just a few points, Leibniz Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 250 of 479. 92 :3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS disagreed with Newton's cosmology of universal gravitation, with his conceptions of absolute time and space, with his dynamical principles, and with his theological views (sec (Bertoloni Meli 1993a)). It is of interest for us that Leibniz and his school were critical of Newton's mathematical methods in dynamics. Even though Newton was one of the discoverers of calculus, he made explicit use of it in only a few isolated propositions in the Pr-incipia. Instead he employed the synthetical method of fiuxions, i.e., the method of prime and ultimate ratios (3.2.5). Limits of ratios and limits of sums, as well as infinitesimals of various orders, occur very often in his geomcLrical dynamics. A "translation" into the language of calculus thus might appear trivial. However, the mathematicians who, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, set themselves the task of applying the calculus to Newton's dynamics (most notably Pierre Varignon, Jakob Hermann, and Johann Bemoulli) had difficult problems to surmount. In some cases, the geometrical demonstrations of the Pr-incipia can be translated almost at once into calculus concepts; in other cases, this translation is complicated, unnatural, or even problcmatic. Today, we take it for granted that calculus is a better suited tool than geometry for dealing with dynamics. But at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the choice of mathematical methods to be applied to dynamics was problematic. Newton's mathematization of dynamics was mainly, even though not exclusively, geometrical and several members of the Newtonian school, up to Colin Maclaurin and Matthew Stewart at the middle of the eighteenth century followed Newton from this point of view (see (Guicciardini 1989)). Before writing the Pr-incipia, Newton had already turned his attention toward geometrical methods. In the 1670s he was led to distance himself from his early highly analytical mathematical research. Newton began to criticize modern mathematicians: He stressed the mechanical character of modern algebraical methods, their utility only as heuristic tools and not as demonstrative techniques, and the lack of referential clarity of the concepts employed. By contrast, he characterized the "geometry of the Ancients" as simple, elegant, concise, adherent to the problem posed, and always interpretable in terms of existing objects. Needless to say, notwithstanding Newton's rhetorical declaration of continuity between his method!:) and the methods of the "Ancients," his geometrical dynamics is a wholly seventeenth-century affair. The reasons that induced this champion of analytics, series, infinitesimals and algebra to spurn his analytical research are complex. They have to do with foundational worries about the nature of infinitesimal quantities as well as with his desire to find in geometry a unifying principle of techniques which grew wildly in his early writings. They also have to do with his dislike of Descartes, towards anything Cartesian, and with his admiration for the geometrical methods of Huygens (see (Westfall 1980, 377-381)). But other factors combined to give to the Pr-incipia the geometrical form we know. A sixteenth-century approach to natural philosophy, exemplified in the works of Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, saw the Book of Natur-e as written in circles and triangles, not in equations. Furthermore, the community of natural philosophers to which Newton addressed the Principia was trained in geometry, certainly not in calculus: In 1687 almost a still unpublished discovery. It would have been Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 251 of 479. 3.4. M ATHEMATIZING FORCE f '. c " " " " ----- -, -tI- ~.... ............ .. 5' FIGURE 3.12 hopelessly difficult for them to understand a completely new dynamics expressed into a completely new language. Another important factor that led Newton to use geometry in dynamics has to do with the relative weakness of calculus in 1687. Newton knew how to apply calculus to the simplest problems. We have manuscripts in which he writes fiuxional (i.e., differential) equations of motion for the one-body problem ((Newton 1691-- 1692, 122-129) and (Guicciardini 1999)). However, universal gravitation allows perturbed motions in planetary orbits. The possibility of mathematizing fine details of planetary motions (such as the precession of equinoxes) or planetary shapes and tides was crucial for Newton and his followers. The calculus was not yet powerful enough to allow such dynamical studies. Geometry on the other hand offered a means to tackle these problems, at least at a qualitative level (see (Greenberg 1995)). Employing the geometry of prime and ultimate ratios, refusing the new analysis in favour of the synthetical method of fiuxions, was not therefore a defensive, backward move, but rather it was seen by Newton as a progressive move, a choice of a more powerful method. Newton believed this method was better, both from a foundational point of view and from a demonstrative point of view. Let us consider, as an example of Newton's geometrical techniques in dynamics, the treatment of Kepler's area law of planetary motions, i.e., Proposition 1 of Book 1 of the Principia. This proposition states that Kepler's area law holds for any central force. Newton's geometric proof is based on an intuitive theory of limits. In the Principia we read: The areas which bodies made to move in orbits describe by radii drawn to an unmoving centre of forces lie in unmoving planes and are proportional to the times. (Newton 1687/1999, 444) Newton's proof is as follows. Divide the time into equal and finite intervals,, 6.t2 , 6.t3 , etc. At the end of each interval the force acts on the body "with a single but great impulse" (ibid.) and the velocity of the body changes instantaneously. The resulting trajectory (see Fig. 3.12) is a polygonal ABCDEF. The Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 252 of 479. 94 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS areas BAB, BBC, BCD, etc., are swept by the radius vector in equal times. Applying the first two laws of motion, it is possible to show that they are equal. In fact, if at the end of 6.t], when the body is at B, the centripetal force did not act, the body would continue in a straight line with uniform velocity (because of the first law of motion). This means that the body would reach c at the end of 6.t2 such that AB Bc. Triangles BAB and BBc have equal areas. However, we know that at the end of , when the body is at B, the centripetal force acts. Where is the body at the end 6.t2? In order to answer this question, one has to consider how Newton, in Corollary 1 to the laws, defines the mode of action of two forces acting "simultaneously": "A body, acted on by two forces simultaneously, will describe the diagonal of a parallelogram in the same time as it would describe the sides by those forces separately" (ibid., 417). Invoking the above corollary, Newton deduces that the body will move along the diagonal of parallelogram BcCV and reaching C at the cnd of 6.t2. Cc is parallel to VB, so that triangles BBc and BBC have equal area8. It follows that triangles BAB and BBC have equal areas. One can iterate this reasoning and construct points C, D, E, F. They all lie on a plane, since the force is directed towards B, and the areas of triangles BCD, BDE, BEF, etc., arc equal to the area of triangle BAB. The body therefore describes a polygo.. nal trajectory which lies on a plane, and the radius vector BP sweeps equal areas BAB, BBC, BCD, etc., in equal times. Newton passes from the polygonal to the smooth trajectory by a limit procedure based on the method of prime and ultimate ratios. He writes: Now let the number of triangles be increased and their width decreased indefinitely, and their ultimate perimeter ADF will [... ] be a curved line; and thus the centripetal force by which the body i8 continually drawn back from the tangent of this curve will act continually, while any areas described, BADB and BAFB, which are always proportional to the times of the description, will be proportional to those times in this case. (Ibid., 145) That is to tiay, since Kepler's area law always holds for any discrete model (polygonal trajectory generated by an impulsive force) and since the continuous model (smooth trajectory generated by a continuous force) is the limit of the discrete models for 6.t --J> 0, then the area law holds for the continuous model. The area swept by SP is proportional to time. The Leibnizians proceeded in a completely different way. They tackled Kepler's area law from an analytical point of view. After partial results obtained by Jakob Herrnann in 1716 (see (Guicciardini 1999)), they obtained the following analytical representation for centripetal force. The most natural choice is to use polar coordinates (r, e) so that the origin co'incides with the centre of force. The radial and transversal acceleration are thus expressed by the following two formulae: (3.29) a = d2 r _ r (de) 2 r d{;2 dt and (3.30) Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 253 of 479. 3.5. NEWTON VERSUS LEIBNIZ 95 Let A be the area swept out by the radius vector. Then 2dA/dt T2 dO/dt and 2d2 A/dt2 = T2d2 0/ dt2 + 2T(dT/ dt) (de/ dt) = Tat. 1<'or a central force, at is equal to zero. By integrating (3.30), we obtain dA/dt k (i.e., the areal velocity is equal to a constant k). Inversely, if dA/dt = k, it follows by differentiation that at is zero (i.e., the force is central). Proposition 1 and its inverse are thus embedded in the analytical formulation of tramlVersal and radial acceleration. The above demonstration is quite 8traightforward: Mathematically speaking, it requires only elementary calculus and the use of polar coordinates. However, such a demonstration was only worked out in the 1740s in the works of Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler and Alexis Claude Clairaut on constrained and planetary motion (sec (Bertoloni Meli 1993b)). This example shows how different the approach of the Leibnizian school was to the mathematization of dynamics (sce (Whiteside 1970)). In the Leibnizian approach the geometry of infinitesimals is the model from which one can work out differential equations. The trajectory is represented locally in terms of differentials. The study of the geometrical and dynamical relationships of infinitesimals leads to differential equations which can be manipulated algebraically until the result sought is achieved. During the algebraical manipulation the geometrical interpretability of the symbols is not at issue. On the other hand, Newton adheres to geometry: The symbols he employs are always interpreted in geometric terms, and they are actually exhibited in the geometrical model, whose geometrical and dynamical properties I1re central to the demonstration. 3.5. Newton versus Leibniz 3.5.1. "Not-equivalent in practice". It is not easy to establish a compari·son between Leibniz's and Newton's calculi because Leibniz and Newton presented several versions of their calculi. Leibniz never published a systematic treatise but rather divulged the differential and integral calculus in a series of papers and letters. He changed his mind quite often especially on foundational questions. Newton abandoned his earlier version of calculus based on moments and opted for the method of prime and ultimate ratios. In my opinion, Leibniz's and Newton's calculi have sometimes been contrasted too sharply. For instance, it has been said that in the Newtonian version variable quantities are seen as varying continuously in time, while in the Leibnizian version they are conceived as ranging over a sequence of infinitely close values (Dos 1980, 92). It has also been said that in the fiuxional calculus, "time", and in general kinematical concepts such as "fluent" and "velocity", play a role which is not accorded to them in differential calculus. It is often said that geometrical quantities are seen in a different way by Leibniz and Newton. For instance, for Leibni2 a curve is conceived as polygonal~with an infinite number of infinitesimal sides--while for Newton curves are smooth (Bertoloni Meli 1993a, 61-73). These sharp distinctions, which certainly help us to capture part of the truth, are made possible only by simplifying the two calculi. As a matter of fact, they are more applicable to a comparison between the simplified versions of the Leibniz;ian and the Newtonian calculi codified in textbooks such as l'Hopital's Analyse des infiniment petits (1696) and Sirnpson's The DoctTine and Application of Fluxions (1750) rather than to a comparison between Newton and Leibniz. It seems to me Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 254 of 479. 96 3. NEWTON'S METIIOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS that important aspects of their mathematics are ignored in these historical interpretations. For instance, one should not ignore Leibniz's highly skeptical attitude towards the existence of infinitesimals: He would have agreed with Newton that variables vary continuously and that curves are smooth. Leibniz explicitly employed infinitesimals as heuristic devices. In much the same way Newton conceived "moments" as useful abbreviations which can be eliminated by translating infinitesimalist proofs into rigorous limit-based proofs. Furthermore, Newton's conception of "time" as used in the fluxional calculus is highly abstract: He was quite careful to avoid any identification of "fluxional time" with "real time". "Fluxional time" is just a variable fluent with constant fluxion. So the fluxional calculus is not simply founded on kinematics but rather of the abstract concept of continuous variation. The diilenmces between the Leibnizian and the Newtonian calculi should not be overstressed. In particular, as I shall argue in this section, the differences should not be looked for at the syntactic or at the semantic level b'ut rather at the pragmatic level. After all, the two calculi shared a great deal in common both at the syntactic level of the algorithm and at the semantic level of the interpretation of the algorithm's symbols and the justification of the algorithm's rules. It is possible to translate between the Huxional and the differential calculus (through correspondences between io and dx). The Leibnizian and the Newtonian mathematicians made such translations: They were aware that there is not a single theorem which can be proved in onc of the two calculi and which cannot have a counterpart in the other. It was exactly this "equivalence" which gave rise to the quarrel over priority. In discussing the question of equivalence, A. R. Hall writes quite appropriately: Did Newton and Leibniz discover the same thing? Obviously, in a straightforward mathematical sense they did: [Leibniz's] calculus and [Newton's] fluxions are not identical, but they arc certainly equivalent. [...] Yet one wonders whether some more subtle element may not remain, concealed, for example, in that word "equivalent". I hazard the guess that unless we obliterate the distinction between "identity" and "equivalence", then if two sets of propositions are logically equivalent, but not identical, there must be some distinction between them of a more than trivial symbolic character. (Hall 1980, 257-258) In order to explore this more subtle and concealed level, where a comparison between Newton's and Leibniz's calculi can be established, S. Sigurdsson has proposed to use the category "not-equivalent in practice". Despite the equivalence of the two calculi, [this] equivalence breaks down once it is realized that competing formalisms suggest separa.te directions for research and therefore generate different kinds of knowledge. (Sigurdsson 1992, 110) Similarly I. Schneider has remarked that "the starting point, the main emphasis and the expectations of the two pioneers were not at all identical" (Schneider 1988, 142). D. Bertoloni Meli has drawn a comparison between a Newtonian and a Leibnizian mathematician and two programmers who use different computer languages: Even if the two programmes are designed to perform the same operations, the skills required to manipulate them may differ considerably. Thus subsequent modifications and developments Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 255 of 479. 3.5. NEWTON VERSUS LEIBNIZ may follow different routes, and this is precisely what happened in Britain and on the Continent in the eighteenth century: de-- spite the initial "equivalence" of fluxions and differentials. (Bertoloni Meli 1993a, 202) 97 I agree with the approach of the above--mentioned scholars. Rather than looking for sharp distinctions between the two calculi, we should look for subtler, less evident aspects. Newton and Leibniz had two "mathematically equivalent" symbol-- isms. At the syntactical level they could translate each other's results and, at the semantieal level, they agreed on important foundational questions. Nonetheless, at the pragmatic level, they oriented their research in different directions. Belonging to the Newtonian or to the Leibnizian school meant having different skills and different expectations. It meant stressing different lines of research and different values. After all, it often happens in history of mathematics that the difference between two schools does not lay in logical or conceptual incommemmrabilities but rather in more pragmatic aspects: such as the teaching methods, the formation of mathematicians, the expectations for future research, the of values which support the view that a method of proof is preferable to another, etc. In the following three sections, I will look for such a comparison between the two schools focusing on three aspects: the conceptual foundations, the algorithms and the role of geometry. 3.5.2. The problem of foundations. The problem of foundations did not exists in the seventeenth century in the form which it took in the early nineteenth century (see Chapter 6). One of the most important foundational questions faced by seventeenth- and eighteenth-century mathematicians was a question concerning the referential content of mathematical symbols (typically "do infinitesimals ex-- ists?"). This "ontological" question was followed by a "logical" question about the legitimacy of the rules of demonstration of the new analysis (typically "is x -+dx = x legitimate?"). To these two questions Newton and Leibniz gave similar answers. They both stated that (a) actual infinitesimals do not exist; they ar-e useful fictions employed to abbr-eviate pr-oofs, (b) injinitesimals .should be defi:ned mther- as var-ying quantities in a .state of appr-oaching zcr-o, (c) infinilesimals can be completely avoided by limit-based pr-oofs, which constitute the 7"igor-ou.s for-mulation of calculus, (d) hmit-based pr-oofs ar-e a dir-ect ver-sion of and ar-e th1LS equivalent to the indir-ect, ad absurdum Archimedean method of e.Tha1Lstion. Once the calculus had been reduced to limit-based proofs, the logical question took the form: "Are limit-based proofs legitimate?" In order to answer this question, both Newton and Leibniz used the concept of continuity. However, the former legitimated limits in terms of our intuition of continuous flow, while the latter referred to a philosophical "principle of continuity". To the question, "Do differentials exist?", many Leibnizians answered in the affirmative. Leibniz did not..From his very early manuscripts (see (Leibniz 1993)) to his mature works, it is possible to infer that for him actual differentials were just "fictions", symbols without referential content (sce (Knobloch 1994)). Nonetheless the use of these symbols was justified, according to Leibniz, since correct results could be derived by employing the algorithm of differentials. As Leibniz said, differentials arc "fictions", but "well-founded fictions". Why "wellfounded"? Leibniz seems to have had the following answer. He denies the actual infinite and actual infinitesimal and conceives the differentials as "incomparable Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 256 of 479. 98 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS quantities": varying quantities which tend to zero. In his writings of the 1690s Leibniz describes these "incomparables" as magnitudes in a fluid state which is different from zero but which is not finite. These quantities would give a meaning to dy/dx as a ratio between two quantities. In fact, if dy and dx are zero, we have the problem of giving a value to 0/0, but if they are finite, they cannot be neglected (thUS x + dx = x would be invalid). However, in other later writings Leibniz stated that differentials are wellfounded, since they are symbolic abbreviations for limit-procedures. From this viewpoint, the calculus of differentials is a shorthand for a calculus of finite quantities and limits, equivalent to Archimedean exhaustion. He wrote: In fact, instead of the infinite or the infinitely small, one can take magnitudes that are so large or so small that the error will be less than the given error, so that one differs from the style of Archimedes only in the expressions, which are, in our method, more direct and more apt to the art of discovery. (Leibniz 1701, 350) Newton's approach to the question of the existence of infinitesimals is similar. Newton also spoke of infinitesimals ("moments" or "indefinitely little quantities") as a shorthand for longer and more rigourous proof given in terms of limits. He also speaks of infinitesimals as "vanishing quantities" in such a way that they seem to be defined as something in between zero and finite, as quantities in the state of disappearing, or coming to existence, in a fuzzy realm in between nothing and finite. More often he makes clear that infinitesimals can be replaced by using limits. There is not, therefore, a strong conceptual opposition between Leibniz and Newton but rather a different attitude. Both agreed that limits provide a rigorous foundation for the calculus, but for Leibniz this was more a rhetorical move in defence of the legitimacy of the differential algorithm, while for Newton this was a programme that should be implemented. While Newton explicitly developed a theory of limits (see 3.2.5), Leibniz simply alluded to the possibility of building the calculus based on such a theory. Leibniz could live with the infinitesimal quantities; Newton made a serious effort in the Pr'incipia and De quadratura to eliminate them (see (Lai 1975)), (Kitcher 1973) and (Guicciardini 1999)). Leibniz often refers to the heuristic character of calculus in order to justify the use of differentials. 1<'or him "metaphysical" questions on the foundations should not interfere with the acceptance of calculus. Calculus, according to Leibniz, should be seen also as an ars inveniendi: As such it should be valued by its fruitfulness, more than by its referential content. According to Leibniz, we can calculate with symbols devoid ofreferential content (for instance, with A) provided the calculus is structured in such a way as to lead to correct results. Newton could not agree: For him mathematics devoid of referential content could not be acceptable. The argument of continuity with the "geometry of the Ancients" also played a different role in Newton's and in Leibniz's conceptions. Fer Newton, showing a continuity between his method and the methods of Archimedes was a crucial step in guaranteeing the acceptability of the "new analysiD". Leibniz stressed this continuity only in passing references deviced to reassure the dubious or to reply to critics. He preferred to stress the novelty and revolutionary character of his calculus. Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 257 of 479. 3.5. NEWTON VERSUS LEIBNIZ 99 The next foundational question concerns the Icgitimacy of proofs based on limits. Newton in the Pr-incipia considers the objection that "there is no such thing as an ultimate proportion of vanishing quantities, inasmuch as before vanishing the proportion is not ultimate, and after vanishing it does not exist at all." However, he observes that by the same argument it could equally be contended that there is no ultimate velocity of a body reaching a certain place at which the motion ceases; for before the body arrives at this place, the velocity is not the ultimate velocity, and when it arrives there, there is no velocity at all. But the answer is easy; to understand the ultimate velocity as that with which a body is moving, neither before it arrives at its ultimate place and the motion ceases, nor after it has arrived there, but at the very instant when it arrives, that is, the very velocity with which the body arrives at its ultimate place and with which the motion ceases. (Newton 1687/1999, 442) In order to demonstrate the existence of limits, Newton thus referred to the intuition of continuous motion: We know by intuition that natural evolve by continuous motion and that in every instant of time there is a velocity of flow. Leibni?:, to the contrary, in order to justify the limiting procedures referred to a metaphysical principle of continuity which he expressed in several forms and contexts (see (Breger 1990).) The "law of continuity" pervades Leibniz's thought. He made use of it in cosmology, in physics and in logic. Thus, invoking the law of continuity, he affirmed that rest can be conceived as an infinitely little velocity or that equality can be conceived as an infinitely little inequality. In 1687 he stated this principle as follows in his difficult philosophical prose: When the difFerence between two instances in a given series or that which is presupposed [in datis] can be diminished until it becomes smaller than any given quantity whatever, the corresponding difference in what is sought [in quaesitis] (Leibniz 1687, 52) In order to explain the meaning of this general principle, Leibniz refers to the geometry of conic sections. An ellipse, he says, may approach a parabola a8 closely as onc pleases, so that the difference between the ellipse and the parabola (the difference between what "results") may become "less than any given difference", provided that one of the foci (what is "posed") is removed far enough away from the other. Consequently, the theorems valid for the ellipse can be extrapolated to the parabola "considering the parabola as an ellipse when one of the foci is infinitely distant, or (in order to avoid this expression) as a figure which differs from a certain ellipse less than any given difi'erence" (ibid.). It is the continuous dependence between what is "posed" and what "results" that justifies limit-based reasonings in which one extrapolates to the parabola what has been proved of the ellipses: "In continuous magnitudes the exclusive extremum can be treated as inclusive" (Leibniz 1713, :385). 3.5.3. The two algorithms: Method versus calculus. Leibniz's and Newton's algorithms are related through correspondences between io and dx. The two schools could easily translate each other's results. The main advantage of Leibniz's ":c;t\~_·-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 258 of 479. 100 :3. NEWTON'SIVIETHOD AND LEIBNIZ'S CALCULUS algorithm conccrns the integral sign. With Leibniz's I ydx the integration-variable x is explicitly indicated. Newton's [~], Qy and if need to be accompanied by verbal statements. This has effects on integration techniques. In the Leibnizian calculus, integration by substitutions and by parts can be performed in a more mechanical way. This advantage was recognized by the Newtonians, who often employed hybrid notations: E.g., Maclaurin wrote F, yx in (Maclaurin 1742, 665 ft'.). I. Schneider remarks (Schneider 1988, 143) that in Leibniz's calculus the fun·· damental theorem is somehow "built into" the notation itself. Indeed, Leibniz's symbols d and I that differentiation and integration arc operations and that they are the inverses of each other. As Scr'iba has observed (Scriba 196:)), Ncwton emphasized the use of infinite series. He expanded fluents into infinite series and "integrated" termwise. Leibniz also employed this technique. However, Leibniz preferred integration in "closed" form: He looked for quadraturelS expressed not by infinite series but by a finite combination of "functions". Newton also obtained "closed" integrations, but it is certainly true that for him infinite series played a more prominent role than for Leibniz. This "contrast" is thus a matter of emphasis; i.e., it is a contrast whicb relates to the values which direct research along different lines. Leibniz and Newton had equivalent symbolit:lm but different approaches to no· tation. The former attached great importance to the construction of an efficient algoritbm and chose symbols carefully. The latter was not particularly concerned with notation. Leibniz thought of his calculus as part of a general programme leading to the creation of a mathcsis universalis, a language in which all reasoning could be framed. He often insisted on the advantages of symbolical reasoning as a method of discovery. Nobody, according to Leibniz, could follow a long reasoning without freeing the mind from the "effort of imagination". The calculus was dcviced to favour this "blind reasoning" (cogitatio caeca) (sec (Pasini 1993, 205)). Newton, on the other band, did not value mechanical algorithmic reasoning. He always spoke of the geometrical demonstrations of Huygens in the highest terms and contrasted the elegant geometrical methods of the "Ancients" with the mechanical algebraic methods of Descartes (which "provoked to him nausea" (Newton 1967 ]981,4, 277). He made clear that the symbols of the "analytical method of fluxions" had to be interpreted in terms of the "synthetical method". It is this interplay between algorithm and geometry that characterizes Newton's method. Leibniz's concern with symbolism led him to develop an algebra of differentials (sec 3.3.4). His main target was the construction of a set of algorithmic rules: a calculv,s. The rules of calculus are instructions on how to manipulate the d's and the 1"s, and they allow algorithmic procedures which are as much as possible independent of the initial geometrical context. Leibniz even considered d"x for a fractional a. We note that the chain rule in Leibnizian terms takes a form (sce formula (3.24)) which is suggested by the notation itself. Everything can be done, of course, also in Newton's notation. Newton, however, preferred to give examples which show the rule rather than give the rule itself. For instance, he would introduce the chain rule with an example, as a set of instructions applied to the solution of a particular problem. 3.5.4. The role of geometry. Newton valued geometrical thinking very highly. As we have seen in 3.2.5, he developed a geometrical version of the method Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 259 of 479. 3.5. NEWTON VERSUS LElDNIZ 101 of Huxion in the 1670s: He called it the "synthetical method of fIuxions" in opposition to the "analytical method". Newton employed the synthetical method especially in dynamics (see 3.4). He often affirmed that the synthetical method was more rigorous and that it actually founded and justified the procedures employed in the analytical method. This foundation and justification depended on two factors. First of all the geometrical method of fluxions offered a model in which the analytical method could be interpreted. In the geometrical method the fluents and fluxions were exhibited to the eye, their existence in "rerum natura" proved ostcm·· sibly. In the second place, Newton conceived his geometrical method of fluxions as a generalization of the method of exhaustion of the "Ancient Geometers". The role given to geometry by Newton led him to underestimate the importance of notation. If a demonstration is legitimated when each step of it is interpretable in geometric terms, there is no motivation to develop the algorithm independently from geometry. The complexity of the relationship between calculus and should be stressed here. Newton's method was concerned with "fluxions and series". His treatment of series expansions remained a highly analytical in Newtonian fluxional works, even when the interpretation of power series as Taylor expansions paved the way for a geornctrical, or kincmatical, interpretation of the successive terms (e.g., as position, velocity, acceleration, variation of acceleration, etc.). On the other hand, Leibniz, notwithstanding his declarations in favour of a calculus as "blind reasoning", always embedded his algorithm in a geometrical interpretation. Leiblliz's differentials and integrals, as much as Newton's fluents and fiuxions, were referred to as geometrical objects. It is revealing that Leibniz always paid attention to the geometrical dimensions of the combination of symbols occurring in a differential equation. It was by studying the geometry of difIerentials (e.g., the characteristic triangle) that Leibniz and his immediate followers could extract differential equations. Once a differential equation was obtained, it waR, however, handled as much as possible as an algebraic object. From time to time, it was necessary to use geometric thinking to interpret the model under study (see 4.2). Leibnizians had to do so since the rules of the calculus did not allow the solution of the problems in geometry and dynamics that they faced (especially when transcendental "functions" occurred). A complete algebraization of calculus came only in the late eighteenth century. The calculus as "blind reasoning" was thus more a. des'idemtum than a reality. Reinterpretation of the symbolism in the geometric model was possible, and in many cases necessary, but, contrary to Newton's approach, this reinterpretation was not seen as a value, as Cl strategy to be pursued. The stress on algorithmic improvements and 011 the idea that progress could be obtained by symbolical manipulations had momentous consequences in the Leibnizian school. Continental mathematicians felt that the differential and integral calculus opened new field of research. In this field many new results could easily be obtained by following as a guideline the analogies suggested by the calculus's notation. New generalizations, new relations and formulas could be found. The mechanization and standardi"mtion of mathematical research renderecl possible by the stress over the algorithm rendered the Leibnizia.n school much more active and open to innovation. Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 260 of 479. 102 3. NEWTON'S METHOD AND LEIDN1Z'S CALCULUS Leibniz and the Leibnizian mathematicians looked at the geometrical proofs of Newton's Pr'incivia with suspicion. One of their aims was to translate Newton's geometrical proofs into the language of the differential and integral calculus. Indeed mechanics proved to be a great source of inspiration for Leibnizians. It is by trying to develop new mathematical tools for the mechanics of extended bodies (rigid, elm.,tic and fluid) that mathematicians such as Varignon, Johann and Daniel Bernoulli, Clairaut, Euler, d'Alembert, and Lagrange enriched calculus by developing new concepts and techniques (see (Truesdell1968)). Such important resultf:l of eighteenth-century calculus as trigonometric series, partial differential equations, and the calculuf:l of variations were to a great extent motivated by the analytical approach to dynamics that Leibni2 had sought to promote (sce Chapters 4, 11, and 12). The eighteenth century was thus characterized by the analytical programme emphasized by the Leibnizian school, while the role attributed to geometry by Newton and his followers faded away. 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The Mathematical Gazette, 75, 1-15. Viete, F. ]646. Opem mathemaLica. F. van Schooten (cd.). Leiden. Wallis, J. 1656. Ar-ithmetica injinito-rum. Oxford. Westfall, R.. S. 1980. NeveT (d Rest: A Biogmphy of lsaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Whiteside, D. T. 1970. The mathematical principles underlying Newton's PTincipia Mathernatica. JO'umal Jor- the Histor-y of Astmnorny 1, 116--38. Text 16: N. Guicciardini (2003). “Newton’s Method and Leibniz’s Calculus”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 3, pp. 73–103. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 262 of 479. 2 The introduction of v (where v is ultimately to be put equal to y) you may regard as something of a red herring! Newton was making the assumption that v exists, where f(x) < v < f(x + 0), such that the rectangle ov = curvilinear area Bf3(jD; since this is always possible for a simply convex curve, the equation he formed was, in consequence, exact. 3 In modern notation, if LX y dx z, where z = f(x), then y dz/dx = f'(x): in particular, if z = [n/(m + n)]ax(m+II)/II, then y axm1n• 4 Although, in earlier researches, Newton did sketch in the outline of a geometrical proof of the fundamental theorem of the calculus (on the lines of the proofs subsequently published by Barrow and Gregory) he seems to have later preferred to rely on the reversibility of the operations, so that differentiation and integration are regarded essentially as inverses, the one of the other (i.e. if = f(x) fy dx, then ~: f'(x) = y, and conversely, if y = f'(x) = ~: then z fy dx f(X)). Exercise 7 Use Newton's method to show that, if z -.j(a2 + x2 ), y x/-.j(aZ + x2 ). SA 7 z = -.j(a2 + x2 ), Z2 a2 -+ x2 , (z + OV)2 a2 + (x + o? + 20vz + 02V2 = a2 + x2 -I- 20x + 0 2 20vz -+ 02V2 20x + 02 zv x = zy, (v y) y = x/z =, x/-.j(a2 -I- x2) C3.6 FLUXIONS AND Even before writing the De Analysi Newton had experimented with other types of notation and other forms of demonstration (see flow diagram, p. 12). In the small tract written in 1666, he developed a fairly comprehensive treatment of a whole range of calculus problems based on the generation of curves by motion. These ideas, which constituted the foundation of what he called his 'method of fluxions' were developed more fully in the 1671 tract and it is from that that we will quote. The passage which we have chosen conveys well the 'flavour' of Newton's fluxions and fluent~ and suggests clear links with mediaeval ideas on motion, developed by Galileo, Torricelli and Barrow. Because of this, you may not find it easy to follow. It now remains, in illustration of this analytical art, to deliver some typical problems and such especially as the nature of curves will present. But first of all I would observe that difficulties of this sort may all be reduced to these two problems alone, which I may be permitted to propose with regard to the space traversed by any local motion however accelerated or retarded: 1 Given the length of the space continuously (that is, at every [instant of] time), to find the speed of motion at any time proposed. 2 2 Given the speed of motion continuously, to find the length of the space described at any time proposed. 22 So in the equation x 2 y, if y designates the length of the space described in any time which is measured and represented by a second space x as it increases with uniform Text 17: Newton on fluxions and fluents. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 22–25. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 263 of 479. Extract from William lones' edition of Newton's Fluxions, 1711 (Turner Collection, University of Keele). 3 speed: then 2xx will designate the speed with which the space at the same moment of time proceeds to be described. And hence it is that in the sequel I consider quantities as though they were generated by continuous increase in the manner of a space which a moving object describes in its course. We can, however, have no estimate of time except in so far as it is expounded and measured by an equable local motion, and furthermore quantities of the same kind alone, and so also their speeds of increase and decrease, may be compared one with another. For these reasons I shall, in what follows, have no regard to time, formally so considered, but from quantities propounded which are of the same kind shall suppose 4 some one to increase with an equable flow: to this all the othcrs may be referred as though it were time, and so by analogy the name of 'time' may not improperly be conferred upon it. And so whenever in the following you meet with the word 'time' (as I have, for clarity's and distinction's sake, on occasion woven it into my text), by that name should be understood not time formally considered but that other quantity through whose equable increase or flow time is expounded and measured. But to distinguish the quantities which I consider as just perceptibly but indefinitely growing from others which in any questions arc to be looked on as known and determined and are designated by the initial letters a, b, c and so on, I will hereafter call them fluents and designate them by the final letters v, x, y and z. And the speeds with which they each flow and are increased by their generating motion (which I 23 Text 17: Newton on fluxions and fluents. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 22–25. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 264 of 479. might more readily call fluxions or simple speeds) I will designate by the letters 5 v, X, yand z: namely, for the speed of the quantity v I shall putlj, and so for (he speeds of the other quantities I shall put x,y and zrespectively. Notes Although it may appear to help if we express some of Newton's statements in the notation of the calculus it should be borne in mind that, by doing so, we risk distortion in that we may the work a of clarity and I If s ds dt v which was absent. where t is the time and s the to find the l.e. 2 If v q)(t), to find s, i.e. s r(p(t) dt. These arc the two .10 inverse ,..H',·,hl"'11 from which Newton his calculus. 3 If y 2x Since IS taken to be constant. 4 Since time can be measured x x t. The uniformly, can be used as a 'measure' of time. 5 ]f v, x, y, arefluents, variables then D, x, y, i, represent the jluxions, or of these This may be an appropriate point to say about Newton's 'dot'-notation, particularly as you may ultimately want to compare it with the notation developed by Leibniz. Newton with dot·· notation of one kind or another from 1665 onwards flow diagram, p. 12). He did not settle on the 'standard' Newtonian form of doL-notation until late 1691 and, in the original version of the 1671 traet, he used literal symbols I, rn, n, r for the fiuxions of v, x, y, z. In 1710, William Jones made a transcript of the 1671 treatise on fluxions and inserted the dot-notation and this transcript was subsequently copied in all published editions. In the translation we are using, Whitesidc has to adhere to the 'standard' dot-notation because it is a great aid to understanding. In England, at any this notation, used to denote differentiation with respeet to t (where t is the time), has become familiar and useful. In eomthe Newtonian dot-notation with the notation developed by Leibniz (dx, dy) we should bear in mind that Newton's decision to adhere to a standard form of dot-notation and to use it consistently was certainly made with knowledge of the existence of the Leibnizian notation in Europe. Exercise 8 If Y x 3 , what is the fluxion of x? What is the f1uxion of y? How is thc f1uxion of y related to the f1uxion of x? What are x and y ealled? Which variable is taken by Newton to move uniformly? SA 8 .y; y ","0 3x2 x; x and y are ealledfiuents, x is taken to move uniformly so that x k (k normally is taken to be 1). Let us now consider how, given a relation between the fluent quantities Newton set about finding a relation between thejluxions ofthese quantities. 24 Text 17: Newton on fluxions and fluents. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 22–25. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 265 of 479. L DEMONSTRATION The moments ofthe 11uent quantities (that is, their indefinitely small parts, by addition of which they increase during each infinitely small period of time) are as their speeds of 11ow. Wherefore if the moment of any particular one, say x, be expressed by the prodnct of its speed x and an infinitely small quantity 0 (that is, by xo), then the moments of the others, v, y, z, [...], will be expressed by vo, yo, zo, [...] seeing that vo, xo, yo and io are to one another as lj, x, y and z. Now, since the moments (say, xo and yo) of 11uent quantities (x and y, say) are the infinitely small additions by which those quantities increase during each infinitely 2 small interval of time, it follows that those quantities x anci y after any infinitely small interval of time will become x + xo and y + yo. Consequently, an equation which expresses a relationship of fluent quantities without variance at all times will express that relationship equally between x xo and y -+ yo as between x and y; and so 3 x + .xo and y + yo may be substituted in place of the latter quantities, x and y, in the said equation. 4 Let there be given, accordingly, any equation x3 ax2 + axy -- l °and substitute x + xo in place of x and y +- yo in place of y: there will emerge (x3 + 3xox2 + 3X2 0 2 X + X3( 3) (ax2 + 2axox + +(axy +- axoy ayox + aX)J()2) (y3 + 3yo/ + + y3( 3) 0. Now by hypothesis x3 -- ax2 + axy y3 = 0, and when these terms arc erased and the rest divided by 0 there will remain 3xx2 + 3x2 0x + X\)2 - 2axx --- ax2 0 + axy + ayxl- axyo -- __ y3()2 0. But further, since 0 is supposed to be infinitely small so that it be able to express the moments of quantities, terms which have it as a factor will be equivalent to nothing 5 in respect of the others. I therefore cast them out and there remains 3xx2 2axx + axy + ayx - 3;iyz = 0, as in Example 1 above. Notes It is accordingly to be observed that terms not multiplied by () will always vanish, as also those multiplied by () of more than one dimension; and that the remaining terms after division by 0 will always take on the form they should have according to the rule. This is what I wanted to show.! 1 The little '0' which we saw as a general increment in the De Analysi has now become an 'infinitely small period of time', say lit. 2 All variables arefluent quantities and their moments are correspondingly expressed by the products of their respective velocities and the time '0', We ean think of xo,yo, as (dx/dt)bt, (dy/dt)lit" ,. 3 Hf(x, y) 0 expresses a relationship between x and y which is valid at all times, then .f(x, y) = f(x + xo, y + yo) f(x + (dx/dt)bt, y+ (dy/dt)bt) 4 ax2 + axy o (x + XO)3 - a(x + XO)2 + a(x + xo)(y + yo) - (y + yO)3 The steps followed are, successively: (i) expand, (ii) remove common terms from both sides, (iii) divide by 0, (iv) delete terms containing 0, 'since 0 is supposed to be infinitely small'. 5 The relation, 3xx2 - 2axx + axy + ayx - 3yy2 0, can be rewritten in the form,y /x 3x2 - 2ax + ay dy - ax dx - fx!j~, wherej~ andj~ are the partial derivatives of f (x, y) with respect to x and y respectively. (See MlO02 , Unit 15.) 1 NMP, Ill, pp. 79-81. 2 The Open University (1971) MlOO Mathematics: A Foundation Course, The Open University Press. 25 Text 17: Newton on fluxions and fluents. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 22–25. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 266 of 479. Text 18: Newton on the method of drawing tangents. From D. T. Whiteside, ed. (1964). The Mathematical Works of Isaac Newton. Vol. 1. Johnson Reprint Corp. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 267 of 479. ult.x B c We have now mentioned the three important ideas which underlie Leibniz's invention of the calculus: 1 Leibniz's interest in symbolism and notation in connection with his idea of a general symbolic language; The insight that their differences are quadraturcs and :; Thecharacteristic transformations of the ]n the 25 October 11 November 1 Leibniz combincd these ideas in a series of studies on the analytic treatment of infinitesimal problems, which contain the invention of the calculus. They are known to us becausc the manuscripts in which Leibnizjotted down his thoughts, more or less as they came to are still extant. These manuscripts, dated 29 October and 1 and 11 November 1 form a most precious record of a process of invention. It is not often that we are able to follow the successive steps in a major mathematical discovery, and in this section we will indicate these steps and illustrate them by fragments ofthe original texts. Leibniz's starting point was the study of relations between quadratures, expressed analytically (in formulae) by means ofthe symbolism introduced by Cavalieri (see Unit C2 pp. 13-8). That is, he wrote 'omn./' (abbreviation for omnes I, 'all!'), for the quadrature of a curve whose ordinates are l. To give you the flavour of this starting point of Leibniz's study, here is an argument from the manuscript of 26 October. The text is very brief, it consists only of the sentences we quotel and a series of formulae, so we have added some explanation. Consider a sequence of equidistant ordinates y of a curve as in the figure (which is an amplification of Leibniz's figure). The differences of the ys are called w. The area OCD is the sum of all rectangles xw. Now x x w is the statical moment of wwith respect to the horizontal axis. (Statical moment = weight x distance to axis; in this case the weight of w is taken equal to its length.) Therefore area OCD is the sum of the moments of the differences w. Now area OCD is the complement of area OCB in the rectangle OBCD, and the area OCB is, in Cavalieri's terminology, the sum of all 'terms' y. Hence: The moments of the differences about a straight line perpendicular to the axis are equal to the complement of the sum of the terms. Now the ws are the differences of the ys, so that conversely the 'terms' y are the sums ofthe w. So if we take any sequence with terms wand replace in the preceding sentence 'differences' by 'terms' and 'terms' by 'sum ofthe terms' we have: and the moments of the terms are equal to the complement of the sum of the sums. Leibniz expresses this result in Cavalierian symbolism: omn.xw n '--~ moments of the terms w ult.x, omn.w., - oliin.omn~w '-----v-----' ~--' total sum of the sums of the terms complement of the sum of the sums of the terms 1 Child, J. M. (1920) The Early Mathematical Manuscripts ofLeibniz, London. 42 Text 19: Leibniz’ process of discovery. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 42–43. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 268 of 479. 11 is Leibniz's symbol for equality; he llses overlining where we would use brackets; the commas are separating symbols; ult. stands for ultimus (last), meaning the last terms of the sequence. You should note the central role of the theory of difference sequences in this see Section C3. 12 p. 36. Now Leibniz with this formula, and derives other formulae from purely analytically, without use of a He does this substituting variables in the of w, and he the results as relations between In this way he finds for instance: az az n u]t.x, omn.· omn.omn x x substitution xw az, W and a a "omn.a n ult.x,om11.·· omn.OIl1I1. x x (bY substitution xw a, W a Leibniz "..j,F'rr,rpjiQ the last the last theorem expresses the sum of the logarithms in terms of the known quadral ure of the hyperbola. y = f!. is the equation of the rectangular hyperbola, hence omn. a is the x x quadrature of the hyperbola. Now this quadrature is a logarithm I a~ . a would say ~...~.. 0= log x for some base for the loganthm), so omn.omn. x x is the sum of the logarithms. So the equation indeed expresses the sum of the logarithms in terms of the quadrature of the hyperbola. You should compare this way of deriving transformations of quadratures with Leibniz's study on the transmutation, and note the advantage of a symbolism through which these transformations can be performed by means of formulae instead of by inspection of complicated figures. Exercise 19 Leibniz also derived from his basic formula the relation a a a omn.~ n x, omn. X2 ~ omn.omn.~ Could you imagine how? SA 19 a By using the substitution w = Three days later (29 October) we find Leibniz exploring the operational rules for the symbol omn., noting for instance that omn.yz is not equal to omn.y x omn.z. In this investigation Leibniz suddenly chooses a new symbol instead of omn. : It will be useful to write ffor omn., so that fI = omn.l, or the sum of the Is. Iis the long script s, it stands for summa, sum, so that the symbol is shorter and applies better to Leibniz's conception of the quadrature: the sum of the terms, rather than the Cavalierian 'all terms'. Leibniz writes IIfor omn.omn., he stresses that the differences between the terms are infinitely small and he writes simple quadrature relations in the new symbolism: 43 ..' Text 19: Leibniz’ process of discovery. From M. E. Baron and H. J. M. Bos, eds. (1974). Newton and Leibniz. History of Mathematics: Origins and Development of the Calculus 3. The Open University Press, pp. 42–43. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 269 of 479. 96 Tekst 26: Berkeley om analysens grundlag d) Tror Berkeley p˚a de resultater, som man har opn˚aet med fluxionsregningen? e) Diskuter forskellen mellem religiøs og matematisk viden ifølge Berkeley. Berkeley A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician Though I am a stranger to your person, yet I am not, Sir, a stranger to the reputation you have acquired in that branch of learning which hath been your peculiar study; nor to the authority that you therefore assume in things foreign to your profession; nor to the abuse that you, and too many more of the like character, are known to make of such undue authority, to the misleading of unwary persons in matters of the highest concernment, and whereof your mathematical knowledge can by no means qualify you to be a competent judge. [. . . ] Whereas then it is supposed that you apprehend more distinctly, consider more closely, infer more justly, and conclude more accurately than other men, and that you are therefore less religious because more judicious, I shall claim the privilege of a Freethinker; and take the liberty to inquire into the object, principles, and method of demonstration admitted by the mathematicians of the present age, with the same freedom that you presume to treat the principles and mysteries of Religion; to the end that all men may see what right you have to lead, or what encouragement others have to follow you. [. . . ] The Method of Fluxions is the general key by help whereof the modern mathematicians unlock the secrets of Geometry, and consequently of Nature. And, as it is that which hath enabled them so remarkably to outgo the ancients in discovering theorems and solving problems, the exercise and application thereof is become the main if not the sole employment of all those who in this age pass for profound geometers. But whether this method be clear or obscure, consistent or repugnant, demonstrative or precarious, as I shall inquire with the utmost impartiality, so I submit my inquiry to your own judgment, and that of every candid reader. — Lines are supposed to be generated1 by the motion of points, planes by the motion of lines, and solids by the motion of planes. And whereas quantities generated in equal times are greater or lesser according to the greater or lesser velocity wherewith they increase and are generated, a method hath been found to determine quantities from the velocities of their generating motions. And such velocities are called fluxions: and the quantities generated are called flowing quantities. These fluxions are said to be nearly as the increments of the flowing quantities, generated in the least equal particles of time; and to be accurately in the first proportion of the nascent, or in the last of the evanescent increments. Sometimes, instead of velocities, the momentaneous increments or 1 Introd. ad Quadraturam Curvarum. Text 20: Bishop Berkeley’s The Analyst. From D. E. Smith (1959). A source book in mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., pp. 627–634. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 95–99. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 270 of 479. Tekst 26: Berkeley om analysens grundlag 97 decrements of undetermined flowing quantities are considered, under the appellation of moments. By moments we are not to understand finite particles. These are said not to be moments, but quantities generated from moments, which last are only the nascent principles of finite quantities. It is said that the minutest errors are not to be neglected in mathematics: that the fluxions are celerities, not proportional to the finite increments, though ever so small; but only to the moments or nascent increments, whereof the proportion alone, and not the magnitude, is considered. And of the aforesaid fluxions there be other fluxions, which fluxions of fluxions are called second fluxions. And the fluxions of these second fluxions are called third fluxions: and so on, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., ad infinitum. [. . . ] But the velocities of the velocities — the second, third, fourth, and fifth velocities, etc. — exceed, if I mistake not, all human understanding. [. . . ] Berkeley diskuterer herefter konkrete eksempler og forskellige metoder til at finde fluxionerne. [. . . ] But whether this method be more legitimate and conclusive that the former, I proceed now to examine; and in order thereto shall premise the following lemma: — “If, with a view to demonstrate any proposition, a certain point is supposed, by virtue of which certain other points are attained; and such supposed point be itself afterwards destroyed or rejected by a contrary supposition; in that case, all the other points attained thereby, and consequently thereupon, must also be destroyed and rejected, so as from thenceforward to be no more supposed or applied in the demonstration.”2 This is so plain as to need no proof. Now, the other method of obtaining a rule to find the fluxion of any power is as follows. Let the quantity x flow uniformly, and be it proposed to find the fluxion of xn . In the same time that x by flowing becomes x + o, the power xn becomes x + o n , i.e., by the method of infinite series xn + noxn−1 + nn − n 2 ooxn−2 + &c., and the increments o and noxn−1 + nn − n 2 ooxn−2 + &c. are one to another as 1 to nxn−1 + nn − n 2 oxn−2 + &c. Let now the increments vanish, and their last proportion will be 1 to nxn−1 . But it should seem that this reasoning is not fair or conclusive. For when it is said, 2 Berkeley’s lemma was rejected as invalid by James Jurin and some other mathematical writers. The first mathematician to acknowledge openly the validity of Berkeley’s lemma was Robert Woodhouse in 1803. Text 20: Bishop Berkeley’s The Analyst. From D. E. Smith (1959). A source book in mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., pp. 627–634. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 95–99. Berkeley then discusses specic examples and dierent ways of nding the uxions. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 271 of 479. 98 Tekst 26: Berkeley om analysens grundlag let the increments vanish, i. e., let the increments be nothing, or let there be no increments, the former supposition that the increments were something, or that there were increments, is destroyed, and yet a consequence of that supposition, i. e., an expression got by virtue thereof, is retained. Which by the foregoing lemma, is a false way of reasoning. Certainly when we suppose the increments to vanish, we must suppose their proportions, their expressions, and everything else derived from the supposition of their existence, to vanish with them. [. . . ] I have no controversy about your conclusions, but only about your logic and method: how you demonstrate? what objects you are conversant with, and whether you conceive them clearly? what principles you proceed upon; how sound they may be; and how you apply them? [. . . ] The great author of the metod of fluxions felt this difficulty, and therefore he gave in to those nice abstractions and geometrical metaphysics without which he saw nothing could be done on the received principles: and what in the way of demonstration he hath done with them the reader will judge. It must, indeed, be acknowledged that he used fluxions, like the scaffold of a building, as things to be laid aside or got rid of as soon as finite lines were found proportional to them. But then these finite exponents are found by the help of fluxions. Whatever therefore is got by such exponents and proportions is to be ascribed to fluxions: which must therefore be previously understood. And what are these fluxions? The velocities of evanescent increments. And what are these same evanescent increments? They are neither finite quantities, nor quantities infinitely small, nor yet nothing. May we not call them the ghosts of departed quantities? [. . . ] And, to the end that you may more clearly comprehend the force and design of the foregoing remarks, and pursue them still farther in your own meditations, I shall subjoin the following Queries: — [. . . ] Qu. 4. Whether men may properly be said to proceed in a scientific method, without clearly conceiving the object they are conversant about, the end proposed, and the method by which it is pursued? [. . . ] Qu. 8. Whether the notions of absolute time, absolute place, and absolute motion be not most abstractely metaphysical? Whether it be possible for us to measure, compute, or know them? [. . . ] Qu. 16. Whether certain maxims do not pass current among analysts which are shocking to good sense? And whether the common assumption, that a finite quantity divided by nothing is infinite, be not of this number?3 [. . . ] Qu. 31. Where there are no increments, whether there can be any ratio of in- 3 The earliest exclusion of division by zero in ordinary elementary algebra, on the ground of its being a procedure that is inadmissible according to reasoning based on the fundamental assumptions of this algebra, was made in 1828, by Martin Ohm, in his Versuch eines vollkommen consequenten Systems der Mathematik, Vol. I, p. 112. In 1872, Robert Grassmann took the same position. But not until about 1881 was the necessity of excluding division by zero explained in elementary school books on algebra. Text 20: Bishop Berkeley’s The Analyst. From D. E. Smith (1959). A source book in mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., pp. 627–634. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 95–99. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 272 of 479. Tekst 27: Eulers formler 99 crements? Whether nothings can be considered as proportional to real quantities? Or whether to talk of their proportions be not to talk nonsense? [. . . ] Qu. 63. Whether such mathematician as cry out against mysteries have ever examined their own principles? Qu. 64. Whether mathematicians, who are so delicate in religious points, are strictly scrupulous in their own science? Whether they do not submit to authority, take things upon trust, and believe points inconceivable? Whether they have not their mysteries, and what is more, their repugnances and contradictions? [. . . ] Tekst 27: Eulers formler I bind 1 af Introductio in analysin infinitorum fra 1748 behandlede Euler sammenhængen mellem de trigonometriske funktioner og eksponentialfunktionen. Det var hans konsekvente brug af betegnelserne sin x og cos x for sinus og cosinus, samt π for den halve omkreds af enhedscirklen, der gjorde, at disse fik almindelig udbredelse i den matematiske symbolik. Nedenfor er gengivet uddrag af hans behandling i den engelske oversættelse i [Fauvel & Gray 1987, pp. 449–51]. a) Gennemg˚a Eulers udledning af rækkeudviklingerne for sin x og cos x. Hvilken formel baseres udledelsen p˚a? b) Gennemg˚a udledningen af Eulers formler. c) Kommenter Eulers brug af uendelig sm˚a og store størrelser. Euler’s unification of the theory of elementary functions 126. After logarithms and exponential quantities we shall investigate circular arcs and their sines and cosines, not only because they constitute another type of transcendental quantity, but also because they can be obtained from these very logarithms and exponentials when imaginary quantities are involved. Let us therefore take the radius of the circle, or its sinus totus, = 1. Then it is obvious that the circumference of this circle cannot be exactly expressed in rational numbers, but it has been found that the semicircumference is by approximation = 3.14159.26535.89793 . . . [127 decimal places are given] for which number I would write for short π, so that π is the semicircumference of the circle of which the radius = 1, or π is the length of the arc of 180 degrees. Text 20: Bishop Berkeley’s The Analyst. From D. E. Smith (1959). A source book in mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., pp. 627–634. Adopted from J. Lützen and K. Ramskov, eds. (1999). Kilder til matematikkens historie. 2nd ed. København: Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, pp. 95–99. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 273 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 274 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 275 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 276 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 277 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 278 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 279 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 280 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 281 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 282 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 283 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 284 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 285 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 286 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 287 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 288 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 289 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 290 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 291 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 292 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 293 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 294 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 295 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 296 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 297 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 298 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 299 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 300 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 301 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 302 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 303 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 304 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 305 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 306 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 307 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 308 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 309 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 310 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 311 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 312 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 313 of 479. Text 21: J. Lützen (2003). “The Foundation of Analysis in the 19th Century”. In: A History of Analysis. Ed. by H. N. Jahnke. History of Mathematics 24. Providence (Rhode Island): American Mathematical Society. Chap. 6, pp. 155–195. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 314 of 479. Bolzano, Caucy and "New Ana sis" of Ear Nineteent Century I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS Communicated by J. E. HOFMANN Summary Ill this paper 1 I discuss the development Of mathematical analysis during the second and third decades of tile nineteenth century; and in particular I assert that the well-known correspondence of:new ideas to be found in the writings of BOLZANO and CAueHY is not a coincidence, but that CA~ICH¥, had read one particular paper of BOLZANO and drew on its results without acknowledgement, The reasons for this conjecture involve not only the texts ill question but also the state of development of mathematical analysis itself, CAUClty both as personality and as mathematician, and the rivalries which were prevalent in Paris at that time. Contents t. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 2. The Common Ideas in BOLZAI~O and C,~ucI~,Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 3. The New Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 4. The Old Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38t 5. CAUCI~Y'S Originality as a Mathematician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 6. The State of Parisian Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 7. CAtJCHY'S Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 8. The Availability and Familiarity of BOLZANO'S Work . . . . . . . . . . . 395 9- Tile Personal Relations between BOLZANO and CAUCHY . . . . . . . . . . 397 10. Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 Index of Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 1. Introduction The central theme of this paper is an historical conjecture concerning the development of mathematical analysis in the early nineteenth century. It is well known that the major event was the publication in t821 of the Cours d'Ana- 1 This paper is a revised and greatly expanded version of a lecture entitled "Did Cauchy read Bolzano before writing his Cours d'Analyse?" given at tile Problemgeschichte der Mathematik seminar at Oberwolfach, West Germany, on the 26th November, 1969. I wish to thank Professors J. E. HOFMANN and C.J. SCRIBA for their invitation to this seminar. The text draws frequently on my history of The Development o/ the Foundations o/ Mathematical Analysis /rom Euler to Riemann and Joseph Fourier 1768--1830, which are both to be published by the M.I.T. Press and are referred to ill later footnotes as Foundations and Fourier, respectively. Tile latter work was written with the collaboration of Dr. J. R. RAVETZ, and the former with the help of his detailed criticism: I wish to record here my indebtedness to his assistance. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 315 of 479. ]3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 373 lyse of AUCUSTIN-LouIS CAUCHY(t789--t857), s in which CAUCHYpresented a new type of analytical reasoning far superior to previous ideas for the development of analysis -- limits, functions, the calculus, and so on. CAUCHY'S achievement was the so-called "arithmeticisation" of analysis, a method whose development and application has been a major interest for mathematicians ever since. It has been also well-known for some time that CAUCHYhad been anticipated in his basic ideas of the new analysis by an obscure pamphlet published in Prague in t 817 by BERNARDBOLZANO(t 78t --1848). In contrast to the broad programme of CAUCHY'Sbook, BOLZANOdevoted his little work to the proof of a theorem which he described in its title: "Purely analytical proof of the theorem, that between any two values [of a function/(x)] which guarantee an opposing result [in sign] lies at least one real root of the equation [/ (x) ----0]." s The "pure analysis" which ]3OLZANOproduced in his proof is exactly that which we find greatly developed and extended in CAUCHY'SCoufs d'Analyse and his later writings on analysis. I do not believe that we have here an example of a remarkable coincidence of new ideas. Such occurrences are of course well-known in the history of science, but I shall argue for the conjecture that in this case CAUCHYwas welt acquainted with BOLZANO'Spaper and that he drew on its novelties without ever making acknowledgement to him. The argument for this thesis is not based on new documentary evidence: there is no reference to BOLZANO'Swork among the scattered fragments of CAUCHY'Spapers and letters, no library record of CAUCHY'Sreading or borrowing BOLZANO'Spaper, no copy of it in his personal library (which in fact has been dispersed). My reasons for the conjecture are circumstantial and related to intellectual matters, and involve not only the general development of analysis at that time but also that aspect of the growth of science which is ignored all too often by its historians -- the social and educational situation of the period; and the personalities of the principal characters. 2. The Common Ideas in Bolzano and Cauchy We consider first the directly corresponding results in the two works, in each case in its general historical setting. 2.1. Continuity of a Function. Normally the continuity of a function was then identified with its description by a single algebraic expression, and the function was usually thought to be differentiable: in fact, under EULER'S influence the 2A.-L. CAucI~Y,Cours d'Analyse de l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique. ITM Pattie: Analyse Algdbrique (1821, Paris) = Oeuvres, (2) 3. No further parts of this work were published: it is referred to in later footnotes as Cours. 3 ]3. BOLZANO, "Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, die ein entgegengesetztes Resultat gew~hren, wenigstens eine reelle Wurzel der Gleichung liege," (18t7, Prague)= Abh. KSnigl. B6hm. Gesell. Wiss., (3) 5 (18t4--17: publ. 18t8), 60pp. = Ostwald's Klassiker, No. t53 (ed. P. JOURDAI~¢: 1905, Leipzig), 3--43. French trans, in Rev. d'Hist. Sci. Appl., 17 (1964), 136--164: there have also been various other translations and issues. The paper is referred to in later footnotes as Beweis. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 316 of 479. 374 I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS: term "continuous" was usually confined to functions which we now call "differentiable". 4 There were efforts to move away from this view, including by EULER himself; but nobody had come at all close to the formulation of continuity given by BOLZANOand CAUCHY: BOLZANO: "A function /(x) varies according to the law of continuity for all values of x which lie inside or outside certain limits, is nothing other than this: if x is any such value, the difference /(x +co)--/(x) can be made smaller than any given quantity, if one makes w as small as one ever wants to. ''~ CAUCHY:"The function /(x) will remain continuous with respect to x between the given limits, if between these limits an infinitely small increase of the variable always produces an infinitely small increase of the function itself".* One of the most interesting and important features of this formulation of continuity is that it extends the old formulation beyond that of differentiability, for it also encompasses functions with corners. I think that BOLZANOwas aware of the extension in t8t7, for in later manuscripts he studied the distinction between the new continuity and differentiability to the extent of constructing a continuous non-differentiable function of the type studied later only by the school of WEIERSTRASSin the t870's. ~ But CAUC~IYseems to have seen the new idea only as a reformulation of the old one when he wrote the Cours d'Analyse, for the examples he gave there of continuous functions were all of standard a differentiable algebraic expressions, with the functions x~ for negative a, and x' regarded as "discontinuous" at x----0 since they then became infinite) In fact, he explicitly discussed the distinction only in a paper of 1844, and then in a way which tried to give the impression that he had known it all along: "In the works of Euler and Lagrange, a function is caned continuous or discontinuous, according as the diverse values of that function, corresponding to diverse values of the variable ... are or are not produced by one and the same equation .... Nevertheless the definition that we have just recalled is far from offering mathematical precision; for the analytical laws to which functions can be subjected are generally expressed by algebraic or transcendental formulae [that is, by the EULERIANrange of algebraic expressions~, and it can happen that various formulae represent, for certain values of a variable x, the same function: then, for other values of x, different functions." He then quoted the example (20 V~-- 2 f x~ / xifx=>0 ~. t~fidt=t_xif x< O, (t) 0 EULER'Sclassic presentation of his theory of functions was given in the opening sections of both volumes of his Introductio ad analysin in/initorum (2 vols: 1748, Lausanne) = Opera Omnia, (1) 8--9. 5 B. BOLZANO, Beweis, preface, part IIa. A.-L. CAUCI~Y,Cours, 34--35 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 43. 7 See B. BOLZANO,Functionenlehre (ed. K. RYCHLIK), in his Schriflen, 1 (1930, Prague), esp. pp. 66--70, 88--89. 8A.-L. CAvcI~Y,Cours, 36--37 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 44--45. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 317 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 375 in which the first two forms are "continuous" in EULER'S sense while the third is "discontinuous" ; "... but the indeterminacy ceases if for Euler's definition we substitute that which I have given [in the Cours d'Analysej-.9 2.2. Convergence of a Series. A major innovation of the new analysis was the study of the convergence of a series (or of classes of series) as a general problem separate from and indeed prior to that of its summation; but it would be wrong to presume that the problem of convergence had previously been ignored or taken for granted. 17 th and t8 *h century mathematicians were perfectly well aware that a series was to be interpreted as a term-by-term addition of its members, and that individual series (usually series of constant terms or certain power series) could be shown to be convergent, especially if they were associated with some geometrical limiting procedure such as the approximation to a curve by a polygon. But this understanding had been endangered during the 18th century, especially by EULER'S great ability to devise complicated new methods of summation of series. Today we understand that some of these methods reduce to orthodox smnmation for orthodox convergent series and some do not; but EULER and his contemporaries seemed to have regarded all methods as legitimate, giving "the" sum of the series rather than its sum relative to the method of summation involved. This more sophisticated understanding began to develop only in the t 890's, under the leadership of BOREL:1° until then, series considered "divergent" (that is, oscillatory series as well as those with an infinite sum) had been banished from analysis under the influence of CAUCHY'S work. But he and BOLZANOwere not the first to consider the convergence of a series to be an important property worthy of investigation of its own. GAUSS had even advanced as far as a sophisticated convergence test by t 8t 211: FOUI~IER had already treated the convergence of particular examples of his series in 1807, in his first paper on the diffusion of heatl~: LAGRANGEhad tried to find expressions for the remainder term of a TAYLOR series, in connection with his long held belief that the series could serve as the foundation of the calculus; 13 and LACROIX was also aware of the need for general formulation of convergence. ~4 Both BOLZANOand CAOCHY also stressed that the convergence of a series is to be determined only by the tendency of the nth partial sums to a limiting value s as n tended to infinity; ~5 9 A.-L. CAuci~¥, "M6moire sur les fonctions continues ou discontinues" C.R. Acad. Roy. Sci., 18 (t844), 1t6--130 (see pp. t16--117) = Oeuvres, (t) 8, t45--160 (pp. 145--146). 10 For extended discussion, see my Foundations, ch. 4. 11 K. F. Gauss, "Disquisites generales ..." Comm. Soc. Reg. Sci. Gdltingen Rec., 2 (18t1--13: publ. 1813), cl. math., 46pp. = Werke, 3, 123--t62: see art. 16. For a history of convergence tests, see the appendix to my Foundations. 13 j. B. J. FOURIER, " Sur la propagation de la chaleur," MS. 1851, Ecole Nationale des Ponts el Chaussdes, Paris: see arts. 42--43. The publication of this entire manuscript constitutes the body of my Fourier: see there ch. 7 on this point. 13 See especially his Thdorie des/onctions analytiques .... (2nd edition: 1813, Paris) = Oeuvres, 9: part 1, arts. 35--40. i~ See especially his Traild du calcul diJ/drentiel et du calcul intdgral (Ist edition: t 797--t800, Paris), 1, 4--9. 15 B. BoLzAxo, Beweis, art. 5. A.-L. CAIJCHY, Cours, t23--t25 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 114--t15. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 318 of 479. 376 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: thus this correspondence is not so striking, although the idea was still then very much a new one. But in both works we find a new type of result, not to be found in any other contemporary writing. BOLZANO had defined a class of series: "... which possess the property that the variation (increase or decrease) which their value suffers through a prolongation Eof terms] as far as desired remains always smaller than a certain value, which again can be taken as small as one wishes, if one has already prolonged the series sufficiently far", 1~ and then he proved that for series with this property, "... there always exists a certain constant value, and certainly only one, which the terms of this series always approach the more, and towards which they can come as close as desired, if one prolongs the series sufficiently far." ~ CAUCHY stated that : "For the series 1u, to be convergent it is yet necessary that for increasing values of n the different sums u~ +u~+ 1+u~+~ ~C . . . . . ... finish by constantly achieving numerical values smaller than any assignable limit. Reciprocally, when these various conditions are fulfilled, the convergence of the series is assured. ''18 In other words, they both found a general condition for convergence in terms of the behaviour of (s,+~--s~) as n tended to infinity: a result of quite profound originality. Contrary to general belief, BOLZANO in fact only asserted the sufficiency of the condition in his paper; his proof is very difficult to follow even with the ideas of his new analysis, and in fact is faulty. The necessity of the condition is far easier to recognise and prove: CAUCltY did prove it, but then avoided difficulties by hinting that sufficiency followed as a consequence (which it does not !) : "the sums s~, s~+1.... differ from the limit s, and consequently among themsalves, by infinitely small quantities. ''19 2.3. Bolzano's Main Theorem. The theorem which BOLZANO actually proved in his paper was the following generalisation of the theorem of his title: Let /:(x) and ]~(x) be continuous functions for which /: (~) < /2 (*¢) and ]1(/5)> ]~(/5): then ]1(a) = ]~ (a) for at least one value a of x between c~and/5. (The basic theorem is the case where in (x) ~ 0.) As a theorem it is most untypical of its time: that is, a general theorem concerning the properties of functions was not the kind of result then being sought in analysis. ]3OLZANOhimself saw it rather as a theorem in the theory of equations, as a companion to GAUSS'S recent proofs of the decomposition of a polynomial lS B. BOLZANO, Beweis, art. 5. 17 t3. BOLZANO, Beweis, art. 7. is A.-L. CAUCHY, Gouts, t24--125 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 115--116. 19 A.-L. CAOCHY, Cours, 125 =Oeuvres, (2) 3, 115. My italics. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 319 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 377 into linear and quadratic factors. ~° CAucltY saw it as a theorem of the new analysis, and put it twice into the Cours d'Analyse (in its restricted form): firstly with a naive geometrical argument, and later, in the part of his book reserved for those with a special interest in analysis, with a condensation argument which seems very much like an unrigorous version of the intricate proof developed in BOLZANO'S paper. ~1 2.4. Bolzano's Lemma. A crucial lemma required by BOLZA?¢Oto establish the existence of the real root was the following lemma: "If a property M does not apply to all values of a variable quantity x, but to all those which are smaller than a certain u: so there is always a quantity U which is the largest of those of which it can be asserted that all smaller x possess the property M." 32 With this extraordinary theorem came another new idea into analysis, completely untypical of its time: the upper limit of a sequence of values. It is not to be found explicitly in CAlJCltY'S Cours d'Analyse, but instead we have there a frequent use of phrases like "... the largest value of the expression ..." when calculating limiting values, especially in connection with the development of tests for convergence of a series.~3 As with continuity of a function, CAUCltY was revealingly only partially aware of the significance of the idea; for he used it only as a tool for developing the proofs of his particular theorems and not as a profound device for investigating more sophisticated properties of analysis. Therefore it would be especially surprising if it were CAUCHY'S own invention: not until the t860's was it introduced again and properly used, by the WEIERSTRASS school of analysts. 2~ 2.5. The Real Number System. Lastly, a point which is less striking than the others but worth mentioning: the considerations given in both works to the real numbers. In the course of proving his lemma as well as in other parts of his paper BOLZANO had recourse to extended considerations of real numbers, especially regarding the rational or irrational limiting values of sequences of certain finite series of rationals. ~ In later manuscripts he extended these remarks into a full theory of rational and irrational numbers of the type which, like continuous nondifferentiable functions and the theorem on upper limits, was next investigated s0 K. F. GAuss, "Demonstratio nova altera ..." and "Theorematis de resolubitate •..", Comm. Soe. Reg. Sci. Gdttingen Rec., 3 (t814--15: publ. t816), cl. math., 107--134, and t33--142 = Werke, 3, 31--56, and 57--64. 2~ A.-L. CAUCHY,Cours,43--44 and 46(>--462 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 50--5 t and 378--380. 22 ]3. ]~OLZANO,Beweis, art. 12. 23 See especially the sections on convergence tests in chs. 6 and 9 of the Cours. 2~There is a distinction between ]3OLZANO'Sintroduction of an upper limit and CAuc~Y'S "largest value of the expression ...", in that CAUCHY actually used the Limes of a sequence (whose every neighbourhood contains members of the sequence), while BOLZANOdefined the upper limit (which does not necessarily have this property) ; but we cannot interpret this distinction as intentional in ]~OLZANO and CAUCHY'S time and I do not know of any recorded awareness of it then. For a brief discussion of the point, see P. E. ]3. JOURDAIN, "On the general theory of functions," fourn, rei. ang. Math., 128 (1905), 169--210 (pp. t85--t88). 25 ]3. BOLZANO, Beweis, art. 8: see also art. t2. 26 Arch. Hist. Exact Sci,, Vol. 6 Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 320 of 479. 378 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: only by WEIERSTRASS and his followers.Is CAUCHY wrote just once on the real number system: it was in the Cours d'Analyse, where he gave a superficial formal exposition of the real number system. The initial stimulus for this work was foundational questions concerning the representation of complex numbers; but he took the development of the ideas well into BOLZANO'Sterritory, twice including the remark that "when B is an irrational number, one can obtain it by rational numbers with values which are brought nearer and nearer to it" 37 _ merely a remark on a property of the real numbers and not as a definition of the irrational number in the sense of the later work, as has sometimes been thought. Once again CAUCHYdid not fully appreciate the depth of BOLZANO'Sthought; and yet it is clear from his partial success that he was aware of ]3OLZANO'Sideas, rather than from his partial failure that he was ignorant of them. The striking feature of this remark, as with his interpretation of continuity and his only incomplete use of the upper limit, is that it is there at all, rather than that it appears in a mutilated form. 3. The New Analysis Thus we find a significant collection of unusual results in the two works: yet there is a much stronger and more profound link between them, which cannot be identified by means of precise quotations or references -- namely, a unity o/ approach. We have here a good example of the rule that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, for it is the homogeneity and general applicability of these new ideas which is their most significant feature. The term "arithmeticisation of analysis" is given to them, because they operate by means of arithmetical differences and proofs within the analysis are based on the arithmetical manipulation of them; but I do not favour this name, partly because it is identified with the later WEIERSTRASSIANdevelopments of analysis but principally because the arithmeticisation is only at the service of something more profound: the theory of limit-avoidance. When we speak of "introducing the concept of a limit" into analysis, we are actually introducing limit-avoidance, where the limiting value is defined by the property that the values in a sequence avoid that limit by an arbitrarily small amount when the corresponding parameter (the index n for the sequence s~ of nth partial sums, say, or the increment ~ in the difference (/(x +~)--/(x)) for continuity) avoids its own limiting value (infinity and zero, in these examples). The new analysis formed in ]3OLZANO'Spamphlet and developed in CAUCHY'S text-books was nothing else than a complete reformulation of the whole of analysis in limit-avoidance terms, terms which CAUCHYmade quite explicit in the introduction to the Cours d'analyse: "When the values successively attributed to a particular variable approach indefinitely a fixed value, so as to finish by differing from it by as little as one wishes, this latter is called the limit of all the others." 2s 2s These manuscripts were published in K. RYCHLIK(ed.), TheoriederreellenZahlen im Bolzanos handschriitlichen Nachlasse (1962, Prague). 27A.-L. CAUCHY,Cours, 409 and 4t5 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 337 and 341. 2s A.-L. CAUCHY,Cours, 4 ~-Oeuvres, (2) 3, 19. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 321 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 379 One important aspect of limit-avoidance is that it is independent of the continuum of values over which the analysis is conducted. Limit-avoidance can be developed whether an infinitesimal or non-infinitesimal field is being used: the use of the WEIERSTRASSIANterm "arithmeticisation of analysis", applied to the period when WEIERSTRASS excluded infinitesimals from analysis, has led us to forget that its limit-avoiding character was shown also by the earlier period instigated by BOLZANO,who used both types of continuum in his analysis, 29 and CAucrI¥, who practiced only infinitesimals throughout his mathematical career. Since WEIERSTRASS'S time, we have held a fairly contemptuous view of the infinitesimalists which I regard as unfair. A remarkable amount of pure and applied analysis was developed from the time of NEWTON onwards with the aid of infinitesimals; but there were important foundational difficulties involved in their use, and in fact CAUCHYis a good example of them. These difficulties seem to me to lie especially in the foundations of the calculus, which if we examine from the point of view of limit-avoidance also reveal the attraction that infinitesimals must have had to the founders of the algebraic calculus. We make our point in the LEIBI~IZIAX notation, which not only became the standard system but also contained a key to the difficulties that the infinitesimalists faced. When we calculate the derivative by means of the definition dxdY-=D~ "h~olim[ /-(x+h)--/(x) ' (2) we may quite easily obtain the value of the derivative involved; but we are left with the important foundational question of how that value is obtained in light 0 of the fact that the ratio on the right hand side of (2) becomes ~- when h = 0. The virtue of infinitesimals, quantities which obeyed the law a +h=a (3) of addition to the "ordinary" numbers, was that, being non-zero they avoided the limiting value and therefore the difficulty of 0~-; on the other hand, being smaller than "any assignable quantity" (that is, any non-infinitesimal), they effectively allowed the limit to be taken. This view was of course an inconsistent one, but I think that it lay basically behind infinitesimalist reasoning and was the source of its difficulties. The infinitesimal was either zero or non-zero, according to the needs of the moment: thus it could be added to or withdrawn from any quantity in an equation, with the presumed certainty of leaving the mathematical situation described by that equation undisturbed. We may see this as a double-interpretation for the infinitesimal -- a limit-avoiding interpretation as a non-zero quantity, and what we may call by contrast a "limitachieving" interpretation as an essentially zero quantity allowing the limit to be taken. From this distinction there follows a corresponding double-inter- 29 In the Beweis ]3OLZANOdid not explicitly discuss the possible continua, and seemed to have allowed the use of infinitesimals; but later in the year he published another pamphlet, on Die drei Probleme der Recti/ication, der Complanation und die Cubirung, ohne Betrachtung des unendlich Kleinen .... und ohne irgend eine nicht s~reng erweisliche Voraussetzung gel6st; ... (t817, Prague)= Schri/ten, 5 (t948, Prague), 67--138. 26* Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 322 of 479. 380 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: dy pretation of dx' Let us take a specific example of a derivative, say for the function y = xL (3) whose derivative is calculated from dy dx = 3 x2 (4) dy lim[ (X+h)8--x3 ]d. =Dr. • (5) k~o t k When h achieves its limiting value zero (4) gives us the value of the derivative, dy and so the denoting symbol ~ is in fact just a symbol and is not to be taken as an arithmetical ratio "dy+dx". Thus it is not valid to multiply through (4) by dx to obtain dy = 3x2dx. (6) (6) follows from (4) by turning from the limit-achieving interpretation of dd--~-Yxas a whole symbol to its limit-avoiding interpretation, where it is the ratio" d'y+dx". For if we avoid the limiting value by the non-zero infinitesimal quantity dx, then we see from the right hand side of (5) that the situation for the increment dy (=d(x~)) is given by dy = 3x~dx + q, where q is a second-order infinitesimal obeying the law (7) a+q=a (8) ,, dy in thisof addition to ordinary" or first-order infinitesimal quantities a. -d7 kind of situation, if we wish to consider it, could arise by dividing throughout (7) to give: dy q a. - 3 x~ + d. ' (9) a result of a [undamentally di//erent kind [rom (4). There is a difference between the two far greater than the first order infinitesimal ~q~7.:we see a basic qualitative dy appears in (4) as a limit-achieving symbol but in (9) as a limit- ~t9 difference, for dk-x avoiding ratio. Further, the deduction of (9) from an infinitesimal equation (7) is not necessary to the derivation of (4). For let us suppose that we change continua so that in WEIERSTRASSIANstyle we reject the use of infinitesimals. Then (4) and (5) still stand (with the limit now of course taken over the non-infinitesimal field); but (7) and all its consequences, such as (9), disappear altogether for (7) itself changes into tile identity o=o, (1o) whether or not it was true in the infinitesimal continuum. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 323 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 381 The ideas that I have presented here are essentially straightforward, and are susceptible of considerable extension; but they are independent of the modern interest in developing a consistent theory of infinitesimals. 8° They do not themselves establish a consistent infinitesimalism but at least show that much can be clarified in terms which could have been understood and developed in the infinitesimalist period. Yet they were far from the considerations of the time: in particular, CAUCHY'S treatment of the foundations of the calculus was as incoherent and incompetent as any that were ever offered. In his Rdsumd des le9ons ... sur le calcul in/initdsimal of 1823, the next instalment of his new analysis after the Cours d'Analyse, he explicitly rejected LAGRANGE'S faith in TAYLOR'Sseries, but he replaced it with an extraordinary theory of the derivative which made simultaneous use of both LAGRANGE'Stheory of derived functions /' (x),/"(x), ... and also of CARNOT'Stheory of differentials dx, ddx, ... : infinitesimals not only achieved the limit in CAUCHY'Ssystem but they also avoided it, at times by non-infinitesimal amounts, changing their role with every appearance of new and usually unnecessary notation. 31 However, when CAUCHYcame to integration he was wonderfully successful, laying out the whole basic structure of the theory of the "CAucH¥ integral" (defined in terms of the area as the limit of a sum) in a masterly display of the power of the new analysis of limit- avoidance. This is what the new analysis was: only in limit-avoidance terms can its full power and subtlety be appreciated, and theorems such as the necessary and sufficient condition for convergence in the diminishing of (s~+~- s,) -- where the limit s is avoided altogether -- and BOLZANO'Stheorem on the existence of upper limits, can be seen to their best advantage. Yet to understand BOLZANO and CAUCH¥'S work we must look at the old as well as the new. What sort of analysis had they replaced ? 4. The Old Analysis We have referred earlier briefly to certain features of t8 th century analysis, and it is appropriate now to make more detailed remarks about its character. In speaking of the "old analysis", we are referring only to the subject immediately prior to BOLZANOand CAUCHY'Swork; and we find that many of its features were the result of problems in other areas of mathematics, especially in the solution of difference and differential equations. Following the leadership of EULER, his contemporaries (mainly D'ALEMBERT, DANIEL BERNOULLI and LAGRANGE) and successors (mainly LAGRANGE, LAPLACE and MONGE) had developed a wide range of solution methods. It is impossible to describe them all in a sentence, but often they involved the construction of exact differentials prior to integration to give functional solutions, or assumptions of particular kinds of solution which led via the conditions of the problem to auxiliary equa- 30 See A. ROBINSON,Non-Standard Analysis (t966. Amsterdam); and also the work initiated by C. SCHMEIDEN6: D. LAUGWITZ,"Eine Erweiterung tier Infinitesimalrechnung", Math. Zeitschr., 69 (1958), 1--39. 31A.-L. CAucI-I¥, Rdsumd des lemons donndes ~ l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique sur le calcul in]initdsimal. Tome premier (1823, Paris)= Oeuvres, (2) 4, 5--26t. No other volumes were published: see here lecture 5. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 324 of 479. 382 I. GRATTAI~-GuINNESS: tions. The analytical techniques themselves -- which involved not only differentiation and integration, but also summation and rearrangement of series (especially power series), manipulations of algebraic expressions, the taking of limiting cases (in moving from difference to differential equations for example), and so on -- were normally used as required without consideration of their validity. This is not intended as a criticism, but merely a general statement of the situation: it led to an enormous range of results in pure and applied mathematics which have remained important ever since. Further, there were cases when questions of rigour and validity did arise, of which the most important was the problem of the motion of the vibrating string; 32 but ill general the situation at the beginning of the 19~ century was that not only were such considerations relatively limited but the techniques themselves were susceptible of, and received, plenty of further development without concern for the rigour involved. This is a matter of great importance when considering the "new analysis" of BOLZANO and CAUCHY. Their new foundations, based on limit avoidance, certainly swept away the old foundations, founded largely on faith in the formal techniques; but it would be a mistake of posterior wisdom to assume that old foundations had been in a serious and comprehensive state of decay and were recognised as such by those who were using them. Historians of science seem to be only too ready to make assumptions of this kind when considering "revolutions" in science: they also tend to identify anticipations of a new system in the old one with that new system instead of what they probably were, something else in the old system which was quite different and also interesting. The historiographical point here is the danger of determinism; that because a body of knowledge developed in a particular way, then it must be viewed historically as having been capable of developing only that way, certainly from the intellectual point of view and perhaps even chronologically. Yet in fact any situation is always open to a variety of future developments: we must not allow the intermediate historical processes that actually happened to distort our vision of the situation from which they started. I have already claimed that the new analysis replaced an old analysis which does not seem to have needed such a radical replacement: from the point of view of the BOLZANo-CAucHY question, it follows that it is all the more surprising that exactly the same type of replacement began to emerge twice within four years. But we must consider also the anticipations of the new system ill the old one. The "new analysis" laid great stress on the rigour of processes: did no "old analyst" try to do the same ? Yes, certainly, but not ill any way resembling the comprehensive and homogeneous character of the new method: they had other ideas which were quite different and also interesting. EULER tried hard, though with little practical success, to produce a consistent infinitesimalism in his "reckoning with zeros", including consideration of different orders of infinitesimal. D'ALEMBERT tended to distrust infinitesimals altogether, while LAGRANGE tried to avoid all limiting processes by defining the derivatives of a function in 82For a discussion of foundational questions in the light of this problem, see my Foundations, Ch. t ; and for an extended account of the solution of differential equations ill this period, see C. TRUESDELL,The rational mechanics o[ flexible or elastic bodies 1638--1788, L. Euleri Opera Omnia, (t) 11, pt. 2 (196o, Zurich). Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 325 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 383 terms of the coefficients of its expansion as a TAYLol~series. This was "limitavoidance" of a completely different and considerably less successful kind, and it won few supporters. One of them, however, was ARBOGAST, WhO tried towards the end of the century to reduce the number of distinctions between types of function to a group based on analytical rather than algebraic or mechanical considerations. L'I-IuILIER offered a thoughtful essay on the taking of limits: I am sure that CAISCHYread it, for he always used the notation "lim" for a limiting value which L'HuILIER introduced there. But I doubt if he learnt much more from it, for the results obtained are severely limited, being concentrated on the derivative and often providing no more than a re-writing of known ideas. L'HIJILIEI~ also criticised (with iustice) EULEI~'Suse of infinitesimals, and CARNOT took it further into a profound essay on orders of the infinitely small and the interpretation of the LEIBNIZIAN notations as infinitesimals. But perhaps the best example, especially from the point of view of anticipations of BOLZAI~Oand CAUCHY, iS LACROIX, the principal text-book writer of the day. He was not an important creative mathematician, but he was capable of some measure of appreciation of contemporary work and he read exhaustively among the earlier literature. I referred earlier to his understanding of convergence of series as a general problem, which he learnt from D'ALEMBERT'S vague warnings against divergent series in the t760's: he also gave in t806 a formulation of continuity vaguely similar to that of BOLZANOand CAucI~Y.3~Thus we may say that LACROlX anticipated them if we wish; yet it would be more misleading than illuminating to do so, not least to the understanding of LACROIX'S results. For one cannot find in LACROIX'Swritings the general aim that BOLZANOand CAI~CI~Yachieved, not even in the new editions of his works that continued to appear after CAUCI-IY'S text-books were published. What would have happened if CAUCH¥ had not read BOLZANO? Without doubt, foundational questions would have received discussion, but it seems to me most unlikely that the radical reform that in fact happened would have taken place: rather only parts of that theory would probably have emerged, especially in the convergence of series and the integral as the limit of a sum, while the rest, apparently sound enough, would have received well-meaning but limited examination. But in order to put the old and the new analyses into better perspective we must describe some of the fundamental problems which were current before BOLZANO'S paper; and at the same time we shall pass on to further aspects of the CAUCHY-BoLZANOquestion, aspects which involve not only analysis itself but also the Paris in which CAUCHYwas working and the way in which his mathematical genius was inspired. ~ S. ~'. LACROIX,Traitd dldmentaire du calcul intdgral (2nd edition; 1806, Paris): see art. 60. The other works to which we referred explicitly were L. F. A. ARBOGAST, Mdmoire sur la nature des/onctions arbitraires qui ent~ent dam les intdgvales des dquations aux diHdrentielles partielles (t 791, St. Petersburg) : S. L'HuILIER, Exposilion dldmentaire des principes des calculs supdrieures (1786, Berlin), esp. chs. I and aI ; and L. N. M. CARNOT, Re/lexions suv la mdtaphysique du calcul in/initdsimale (1st edition: 1797, Paris. 2nd edition: 1813, Paris). On EULER'S and LAGRANGE'Sviews on analysis, see A. P. JUSCI-IKEWITSCI-I,'" Euler and Lagrange ~ber die Grundlagen der Analysis," Sammelband der zu Ehren des 250. Geburtstages Leonhard Eulers (ed. K. SCI-IRODER:1959, Berlin), 224--244; and on all these and other developments, my Foundations, chs. 1and 3. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 326 of 479. 384 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: 8. Cauchy's Originality as a Mathematician If CAUCHYcame to his new ideas independently of BOLZANO,then he perceived a completely novel approach to analysis and detected its superiority over known techniques which themselves were not lacking in power or generality. This kind of achievement is characteristic of certain mathematicians: it reflects their sensitive "intuition for problems", their ability to see far beyond contemporary work into totally new ways of solving current problems, or even of forming new problems of which others were hardly aware. GAuss is a prime example of such a thinker, with his notebooks already filled with the seeds of most t9 th century mathematics within its first decade: ]3OLZANOshows this ability, too, and to the extent that he was in fact extremely limited in ability at "orthodox" developments of current and popular methods. Thus in i8t6, for example, before the flood of his own new thinking, he published a treatise on the binomial series in the style of the old analysis which is really quite remarkably uninteresting)4 But CAUCHYis a good example of originality of another kind, lacking such sensitivity and feeling for new problems but, when stimulated by the achievements or especially lack o/success in some contemporary work, would expand the accomplished fragments into immense generalisations and extensions within the same field of research. His monument in mathematics in his theory of functions of a complex variable and their integration, one of the great achievements of all 19th century mathematics. Its origins are to be found in a large paper of t814 (his 25th year) on the validity of using complex numbers in the evaluation of definite integrals. The technique had been used for decades from time to time, without much consideration of its validity: in particular, in June 18t4, LEGENDI~E published an instalment of the second volume of his Exercises du calcul intdgral, a work containing various methods of evaluating definite integrals whose main aim was towards the development of his theory of elliptic integrals. 35This instalment concerned itself chiefly with integrals whose integrands were the product of rational and trigonometric functions, and it provided the spark for CAUCI~Y'S fire, for from LEGENDRE'Swork CAUCHYcame to the following generalised problem concerning the evaluation of definite integrals: what are sufficient conditions for the validity of using complex variables in such evaluations ? His solution was the equality of two mixed partial differentials: oxOy l(z)dz-- Oy~x /(z)dz, (1t) where z is a complex function of x and y; z=h(x, y) +ik(x, y) (12) and thus /(z) =~,(x, y)+iv(x, y). (13) From this fruitful equation (t 1) stemmed a variety of general theorems (including the "Cauchy-Riemann equations") and thence hosts of particular integrals, 34]~. :BOLZANO,Der binomische Lehrsatz and als Folgerung aus ihm der Polynomische und die Reihen.... (1816, Prague). The most interesting section is on pp. 27--40. 85A.-M. LEGENDRE,Exercises du calcul inl@ral sur divers ordres des hombres transcendantes el sur les quadratures (3 vols: 1811--t 7, Paris). Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 327 of 479. ]3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 385 including the evaluation of some of LEGENDRE'S. CAUCHYpresented his paper in August (18t4) to the Institut de France, and LEGENDREwas one of its examiners: he rightly praised its many important new results, but had a most interesting and important dispute with CAUCHYover the evaluation of oo f xcosax dx (t4) • si~b~ t + x~" 0 a Put in modern terms, if we regard the integral as a function of ~- then it has a discontinuity of magnitude ~ at the odd multiple values of its argument. CAVCHY had by separate equations evaluated the left- and right-hand limiting values of a a the function for ~- < t ands- > t" but in the t814 instalment of his book LEGE~DI~E had used a power series expansion method on a generalisation of (t4) to produce in a limiting case the arithmetic mean of CAUCHY'Stwo evaluations for a b --t, and he could not understand that this new type of algebraic expression - - the integral representation -- could in fact give a discontinuous function. CAUCHY produced a spurious piece of infinitesimal reasoning to resolve the situation to LEGENDRE'S satisfaction; 36 but it must have shown him that there were foundational questions in real variable analysis apart from the use of complex numbers with which he would have to deal. Let us return, however, to the question of CAUCHY'Stype of mathematical inspiration. We see in this episode that CAUCHYwas directly stimulated by LEGENDRE'S attempts at integral evaluation to work in exactly the same field, rather than to intuite from it some more general and abstract kind of problem concerned with the use of functions of a complex variable. In the t814 paper for example, the theory of singularities and residues which he was to produce in later years was given in a real variable integral form, which we may write as: Y~ ~¢2 X~ Y2 ff o, ff , f~7-x dxdy--. -~x dydx= . ES(X +p,Y +q) (t5) Yl J('l X1 Yl 0 --S(X +p, Y--q) -- S(X--p, Y +q) + S(X--p, Y--q)]dp, os where ~ has an infinity at the point (X, Y) inside the rectangle bounded by the sides, x = x1, x = x2, y = yl and y = Y2.3~ His later fine achievements in the new analysis with the theory of integration may be traced in large part to the issues involved in the profound result (15). In the following year of 18t5 CAVC~IYhad another large paper ready, this time on the propagation of water-waves.3s Complex variables were again present, 3nFor a full account of this episode see my Foundations, ch. 2. a7CAucH¥'s paper was "M6moire sur les int6grales d6finies", Mdm. prds. A cad. Roy. Sci. div. say., (2) 1 (1827), 60t--799 =Oeuvres, (1) 1, 31 9---506. LEaENI)RE'S evaluation of tile integral (t4) is in his as, 2, t24. ~sA.-L. CAucI~¥, "Ttl~orie de la propagation des ondes ~ la surface d'nn fluide pesant d'une profondeur ind6finie," Mdm. prds. Acad. Roy. Sci. div. say., (2) 1 (1827), 3--3t2 = Oeuvres, (1) 1, 4--318. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 328 of 479. 386 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: as they were to be in all of his mathematical output; and integrals were also to be found, for the prominent new feature here was tile use of integral methods to solve linear partial differential equations (and thus to use again the integral representation of a function). The inspiration in this case is not so easy to trace, as it is impossible to say how much of FOURIER'S then still unpublished work on heat diffusion he had seen; but he knew of POlSSON'S (lesser) work in the same field, and doubtless he was aware of some results of LAPLACE which we shall discuss later. At all events, in 18t 7 his further researches brought him to "Fourier's Integral Theorem": oo oo /(x) = 0 0 in a short paper whose rushed and excited tone suggests that he had really found the result independently of FOURIER.39 FOURIER acquainted him with his own prior discovery of the theorem, and then CAUCHY certainly did read his manuscripts: not only did he publish an acknowledgement in 1818,40 but in all his later work on integral solutions to partial differential equations there was a new confidence and dexterity, and again -- extensions and generalisations (to multiple integral solutions, and so on) of what FOURIER had already done. 41 And then we come to t 82t and tile Cours d'Anatyse: large numbers of theorems on all aspects of real and complex variable function theory, based on the ideas which we listed in our section 2. From where had the inspiration come this time ? From within CAucI~= himself ? Perhaps; but it is so utterly untypical of his kind of achievement whereas under the hypothesis of his prior reading of BOLZANOit is SO perfect an example of it, that it seems difficult not to accept the latter possibility. Perhaps I can best illustrate the force of this point by describing my own researches into the development of the foundations of analysis during this period. I had started naturally enough with CAUCHY'SCours d'Analyse and his other contributions to analysis, and in the course of reading other of his writings his need for an initial external stimulus to his genius had become clear to me. Thus I wanted to find the source of the new ideas of the Cours d'Analyse, and so I made a special search of all of CAOCHY'Swork written prior to 182t. I found many important things, especially the 18t 4 integrals paper and the disagreement over (t4) with LECENDRE, and the affair of 1817 over FOU~IER'S Integral Theorem (16): there was clearly plenty of motivation for CAUCHYto try to improve analytical techniques. But of the new ideas that were to achieve that aim -- of them, to my great surprise, I could find nothing. Only later did I follow up my knowledge that BOLZANOhad done "something" in analysis which no-one had read (or so I thought) ; and I can remember quite clearly the extraordinary effect of reading BOLZANO'S 18t7 pamphlet and seeing the Cours d'Analyse emerging from its pages. I then re-read the Cours d'Analyse and found the fine details of 3. A.-L. CAUCHY,"Sur une loi de r6ciprocit6 qui existe entre certaines fonctions", Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris (1817), 121--124 = Oeuvres, (2) 2, 223--227. ~0A.-L. CAucI~Y, "Second note sur les fonctions r6ciproques", Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris (t8t8), 178--181 = Oeuvres, (2) 2, 228--232. 4, For discussion of these developments, see my Fourier, chs. 21 and 22; and BURKHARDT 3a, chs. 8--11 passim. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 329 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 387 correspondence; but more than that, I could see CAlsCI~Y'Smind at work in its own individual way, taking the fragments of BOLZANO'Sthought as he had taken LEGENDRE'S morsels and FOURIER'S substantial achievements earlier, and producing from them whole new systems of mathematical thought. But if CAUCHYowed so much to BOLZANO,why did he not acknowledge him ? To answer this question, we move more fully into the social situation of the time: to Paris, the centre of the mathematical world. 6. The State of Parisian Mathematics Almost every mathematician of note at this time either lived in or at ]east visited Paris. One consequence of this galaxy of brilliance was that a state of intense rivalry and sometimes bitter enmity existed almost continuously in the Parisian scientific circles. Everybody was affected by it, although some less than others; and the reasons were not always purely scientific. There were deep and passionate political or religious disagreements, too, heightened by the Napoleonic era and its violent end and brief resurrection in the mid-t810's. These rivalries pose an exciting and difficult problem for the historian of the period, for their detection and description calls for the most careful reading of even the finest point in the most obscure paper, as well as reading between the lines of all the scientific literature of the time. Very little work has been done on these rivalries: indeed, most historians have failed to notice them altogether. 4~ But perhaps I can give some idea of how they affected the situation and bore especially upon CAUCHYand his Cours d'Analyse by describing two of the most important controversies of the time -- as fully as I have been able to disclose them. We have mentioned FOURIER'S name several times, and the first controversy involved his work on heat diffusion. Like GAUSS and BOLZANO,he also had a strong intuition for new problems, and seemingly from about 1802 he began work on the then novel study of the mathematical description of the diffusion of heat in continuous bodies. His early work on the problem proceeded by means of a discrete n-body model, and though he achieved considerable mathematical success a small hut vital error in the model itself brought failure to his efforts to obtain a solution for the corresponding continuous bodies by taking n to infinity. Then he had a slight CAocI~v-like inspiration from a small paper of 1804 by BlOT on the propagation of heat in a bar 43 to start again by forming the partial differential equation directly, and in the brief periods of leisure allowed him in the next three years from his duties as Prefect of Is~re at Grenoble and from his Egyptological researches he created a genuine revolution of his own: a revolution in mathematical physics, which he took beyond the realm of NEWTONIANmechanics into a new physical territory of heat diffusion, with its own equations and physical constants and a fresh range of solution methods based on the use of linear equations, the method of separation of variables (then mainly used in solving 42An exception is YI. ]3URKI-IARDT33" for scattered remarks, see ch. 8 pctssim. See also my Foundations, esp. chs. 2--5; and Fourier, esp. chs. 21 and 22. ~3 j. B. BLOT, "M6moire sur la propagation de la chaleur," Bibl. Brit., 27 (1804), 3t0--329 = fourn. Mines, 17 (t804), 203--224. FOURIERnever acknowledged BLOT'Spaper] Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 330 of 479. 388 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS : ordinary differential equations) and the superposition of special solutions. FOURIER series were only one consequence of these new methods: another was his creation of the basic theory of the misnamed "Bessel functions", and indeed it was there that he showed his mathematical technique at its greatest. By 1807 he had progressed far; but he was unable to solve the problem of heat diffusiou in an in/inite continuous body, and so he wrote up his theoretical achievements and experimental results in a large monograph submitted to the Institut de France in December ~4. LAGRANGEand LAPLACEwere the most important of the examiners: for various conceptual reasons LAGRANGE was opposed to the whole approach based on separation of variables, but LAPLACEwas very impressed and began to take great interest in FOURIER'S work. So a struggle began over the reception of FOURIER'S paper, with LAPLACE, FOURIER and MONGE (another examiner, and personally close to FOURIER) in support, and opposition from LAGRANGEand -- POISSON. We must consider POISSON for a moment, for in him more than in any other single person lies the key to the Parisian mathematical rivalries. He graduated brilliantly from the Ecole Polytechnique in t803, and to the aging grand masters of Parisian mathematics -- LAGRANGE, LAPLACE, LEGENDRE and MONGE -- he must have seemed to be the only heir to their crown: FOURIER was so occupied with administrative work at Grenoble that he could not be expected to be achieving substantial mathematical work, while CAUCHY was still only in his early teens. So Polssox was placed in a position of special favour from the beginning of his career which he exploited to the full, especially by means of influential positions on Parisian scientific journals; but over the next twenty years he gradually but steadily lost favour and reputation to FOURIER and then CAUCHY as they emerged and surpassed him in the quality of their work. The t807 paper of FOURIER was crucial in this development. By 1805 or 1806 Polssox was already aware of some of FOURIER'S results and the type of solution that he was trying to develop: he replied not only by applying to FOURIER'S diffusion equation in t806 the ideas of LAGRANGE and LAPLACE on solutions of partial differential equations using power series of functions, 45 but also by publishing a denigrating five-page review of FOURIER'S monograph in 1808 in a journal of which he was mathematical editor. 4° However, LAPLACE, acting in his typical political way, maintained his interest in POlSSON (and also in BLOT) while gradually changing his interests towards FOURIER'S methods and results. In t809 he published a miscellany on analysis which -- without reference to FOURIER -- just happened to contain a treatment of the diffusion equation with initial condi~4For the references of this manuscript, see 12; and for a detailed analysis of its contents, see my "Joseph Fourier and the revolution in mathematical physics", Journ. Inst. Maths. Applics., 5 (t 969), 230--253. Much new information on FOURIER'S life and Prefectural responsibilities is contained in my Fourier, ch. t. 4~ S. D. POISSON, "M6moire snr les solutions particuli~res des 6quations diff6rentielles et des 6quations aux diff6rences", Journ. Ec. Polyt., call. 13, 6 (1806), 60--116 (pp. 109--t11). 46 S. I). POlSSON,"M6moire sur la propagation de la chaleur darts les corps solides", Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1 (1808), t t2--t t6 ~ FOURIER'SOeuvres, 2, 2t 3--221. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 331 of 479. ]3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 389 tions over an infinite interval. His solution oo 0 brought into mathematics a result which later was developed as the "Laplace transform"; it may well have been CAUCH¥'S inspiration to try integral solutions to partial differential equations. 4~ It was certainly FOURIER'S inspiration, for it showed FOURIER that an integral, rather than a series, solution was applicable in the case of an infinite interval and it led him to "'Fourier integrals" and thus to his integral theorem (t6). Meanwhile, POlSSON had been opposing FOURIER'S solution method in favour of functional solutions by means of indirect references in the context of the vibration of elastic surfaces; 48 but FOURIER and his supporters eventually managed to secure a prize problem for heat diffusion in the Institut de France for January, 1812. To the revision of the manuscript of 1807 FOURIER added a new section on FOURIER integrals, and also two more new parts on physical aspects of heat which were inspired by discussions with LAPLACE. He won the prize, but the criticisms of LAGRANGE in the examiners' report hurt him for the rest of his life: "... This work contains the true differential equations of the transmission of heat, both in the interior of the bodies and at their surface, and the novelty of the purpose adjoined to its importance has determined the class [of the Institut] to crown this work, observing, however, that the manner of arriving at its equations is not free from difficulties and its analysis of integration still leaves something to be desired, both relative to its generality and on the side of rigour. "4° LAGRANGE died in 1813; but publication of this second paper was no more likely than its predecessor and so FOURIER wrote his book on heat diffusion as the third version of his work. It did not appear until 1822, 5o having been delayed partly by FOURIER'S own difficulties in developing the physical aspects of heat (which he eventually omitted and promised for a sequel which was never written) ; and the t812 prize paper did not appear until still later. 51 By this time FOURIER 47 p. S. LAPLACE,"M6moire sur divers points d'analyse", Journ. Ec. Polyt., cab. t 5, 8 (1809), 229---265 (pp. 235--244) = Oeuvres, 14, 178--214 (pp. 184--193). 4s See especially the preamble to a prize problem on this topic in Hist. cl. sci. math. phys. Inst. Fr. (1808: publ. 1809), 235--24t. Obviously written by POlSSON, it extols the virtues of functional solutions to the wave equations -- in implied contrast to FOURIER series solutions which were then available. In controversial circumstances (described in my Fourier, ch. 2t), POlSSON read his own paper on the subject in 1814, which was published as "M6moire sur les surfaces elastiques", Mdm. cL sci. math. phys. Inst. Fr., (t812), pt. 2 (publ. t8t6), 167--225. 49 Published in FOURIER'S Oeuvres, 1, vii--viii. The manuscript is kept in the Archives of the Acaddmie des Sciences, Paris. FOURIER never allied himself closely to LAPLACE, and gave no acknowledgement to LAPLACEin the prize paper. It may be that LAORANGE'Scontinued general opposition was supplemented by LAPLACIAN annoyance: the remarkable story of the relations between LAPLACEand FOURIER from 1807 until the 1820's is described in my Fourier, chs. 21 and 22. so j. ]3. J. FOURIER, Thdorie analytique de la chaleur (1822, Paris) = Oeuvres, 1. 51 j. ]3. J. FOtlRIER, "Th6orie du mouvement de la chaleur dans les corps solides", Mdm. Acad. Roy. Sci., 4 (t819--20: publ. 1824), t85--555; and 5 (1821--22: publ. t826), 153--246 = Oeuvres, 2, 3--94. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 332 of 479. 390 I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS : had risen to a strong political position, having been appointed sdcretaire perpdtuel of the Acaddmie des Sciences in 182t; and then there developed the second of our major controversies, which directly involved CAUCHY'SCours d'Analyse -- the convergence problem of FOURIERseries. FOURIER series contain many of the problems which we tackle by means of the new analysis, but we have not yet described any of FOURIER'S work in that field. The reason is that, although he understood all the basic analytical problems -- convergence, the possibility of discontinuous functions, the integral as an area -- before both BOLZANOand CAUCHYhad begun their work, he was not strongly attracted to pure analysis as a study and so did not develop his own understanding to the extent of that which he was capable.~2 Doubtless CAUC~IY was aware of this fact, for in the Cours d'Analyse he put the following theorem: "When the different terms of the series [~ u~ are functions of the P ~ same [--r=l J variable x, continuous with respect to that variable in the vicinity of a particular value for which the series is convergent, the sum of the series is also a continuous function of x in the vicinity of that particular value."sa The theorem is remarkable for its falsehood: it was known in its day to be false, and indeed CAUCHYknew it was refuted when he put it in his book. But to find the reasons why it was included, we must examine the type of counterexamples which were then known. They were in fact FOURIERseries: /(x) = ½ao + ~. (a, cos rx +b, sin rx), (18) r=l where 2v~ Ifao=~- l(u)du, +~ a, = ~ /(u) cos rudu, += I f /(u) sinrudu,b,---- (19) r = 1, 2.... (20) r = 1, 2..... (2t) The trigonometric functions are continuous, and so the series on the fight hand side of (18) is covered by CAUCHY'Stheorem: thus if [(x) is discontinuous, tile series cannot be convergent to it. But FOURIER had produced several series of discontinuous functions, and had shown by direct consideration of their nth partial sums that they were convergent; and since t8t 5 POlSSOXhad found that he had had to abandon his belief in functional and power series solutions in favour of FOURIERseries solutions, and he had found similar examples also. So what was CAUCHY'Spurpose in stating his theorem ? There was of course an intellectual aspect to it, for CAUCHYdid have a proof: suffice it to say for now that the 52 In the 1807 manuscript 1~, see arts. 42--43, 64--74: in the 1811 paper ~1, see part 1, 269--273 and 304--316: in the book 50 (mostly written by 1815), see arts. 177--I 79 and 222--229. 5a A.-L. CAUCHY, Cours, 131--t32 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 120. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 333 of 479. t3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 39t distinctions between modes of uniform and non-uniform convergence which resolve the difficulty were not noticed by anybody until the 1840's, that CAUCHY'S theorem had some role to play in their development, and that shortly afterwards, in his last years, he wrote a pathetic paper of his own on the subject presenting the same type of idea without any reference to recent work. 5~ But on the personal side, there was a message to FOURIER and POlSSON between the lines of his theorem: "your trigonometric series may be very interesting, but do you have a general convergence proof for them ? Do your series not affront the results of the new analysis ?" The later developments of this rivalry read almost like a novel. 55 Briefly, POISSON had already published a general proof in 1820 based on rather crude manipulations of the "Poisson integral" +~ f (1__p2)I(~)1 -- 2p cos (x -- ~) +p2 d ~ ; 56 (22) but, while he never abandoned it, it impressed few of his contemporaries. If CAUCHY knew it when he wrote the Cours d'Analyse, then his theorem was already a comment on it; but in a short paper of 1826 on the convergence problem he certainly showed his awareness of it. For he began that paper with a version of POISSON'S convergence proof based on (22) to produce the FOURIER series (18); and then he remarked: "The preceding series [(t8)] can be very usefully employed in many circumstances. But it is important to show its convergence. ''5~ CAocltY'S own proof followed; and while it was of considerably better mathematical calibre than POISSON'S, it contained one vital flaw -- the false assumption that if u~--*v, as n tends to infinity, then 2 ur and 2 v~ converge together. That r=l r=l this assumption is false was pointed out in a paper of t829 on the convergence problem by the young DIRICHLET. In this masterpiece DIRICHLET showed the power of the new analysis in producing the famous sufficient "Dirichlet conditions" for the convergence of a FOURIER series to its function: that it may have 5~A.-L. CAUCHY, "Note sur les s6ries convergentes ...", C. R. Acad. Roy. Sci., 36 (1853), 454--459 = Oeuvres, (1) 12, 30--36. For a detailed account of the introduction of modes of convergence, see my Foundations, ch. 6. The relevance of CAUCHY'S theorem in the Cours is especially connected with one paper important in the development of modes of convergence: P.L. SEIDlgL'S "Note tiber eine Eigenschaff der t~eihen, welche discontinuirlichen Functionen darstellen", Abh. Akad. Wiss. Mi~nich, 7 (t 847--49), math:phys. KI., 381--393. This paper (by a pupil of DIRICHLET!) dealt explicitly with that theorem in the light of discontinuous FOURIER series, and is more than likely to have been the (unmentioned) inspiration of CAUCHY'Spaper of five years later. 55A detailed description is given in my Foundations, eh. 5. 56 S.-D. PolssoN, "M6moire sur la mani~re d'exprimer les fonctions ..." Journ. Ec. Polyt., cah. 16, 11 (1820), 417--489 (pp. 422--424). 57A.-L. CAUCHY,"M6moire sur les d6veloppements des fonctions en s6ries p6riodiques", Mdm. Acad. Roy. Sci., 6 (1823: puN. 1827), 603--6t2 (p. 606) = Oeuvres, (1) 2, 12--t9 (p. 14). Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 334 of 479. 392 I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS: a finite number of discontinuities and turning values in an otherwise continuous and monotonic course.5s And his proof was a development of a sketched argument in FOURIER'S book of 1822: he took an alternative form to FOURIER'S for the nth partial sum of the series and applied to it a precise version of the proof that FOURIER had outlined) 9 Yet there was more than mathematics in DIRICHLET'S paper, too, for during his visit to Paris in 1826 he formed such a close personal attachment to FOURIER that his work on the convergence problem was a personal homage in FOORIER'S last years. However, he formed no close relationship to CAUCHY: as well as pointing out the error in CAUCHY'S 1826 proof and finding general convergence conditions which, in allowing discontinuities in the function refuted CAOCHV'S 1821 theorem, he reported in his paper a presumably verbal remark of CAUCHY'S on his t826 paper that: "The author of this work himself acknowledges that his proof is defective for certain functions for which, however, convergence is incontestable. ''8° One can find CAUCHY'S reaction to DIRICHLET'S results if one looks carefully: in 1833 CAUCHY published in French at Turin a summarised version of all his t820's text-books (based on the lectures that he had been giving there ill Italian), and was careful to include his theorem from the Cours d'Analyse word for word. 61 And so we return to ]3OLZANOand his Prague pamphlet. Is it any wonder that in an atmosphere like this CAUCHY made no acknowledgement to him ? References were often not made (apart from honorific citations of the great names of the past), either between members of the Paris cliques or outside them; and even then they were some times double-meant. For example, when CAUCHY finally managed to get his t8t4 paper on definite integrals and the 1815 paper on water-waves published in 1827 he introduced in 1825 some extra notes and footnotes to the texts and introduced fawning references to the powerful secrdtaire b perpdtuel (FouRIER), especially with regard to his invention of the notation f to represent the definite integral; he also inserted attacks on the declining POlSSON.62 But there seems to me to be more specific reasons for CAUCtIY'S failure to acknowledge ]3OLZANO.He had appreciated the qualities of BOLZANO'Swork, and I think that he deliberately excluded references to an obviously obscure work in order to prevent its acquaintance by rivals such as Polsso~ and FOURIER (and perhaps others such as A~IP~RE). This is perhaps not a nice remark to make about CAUCHY but it is all too justified, and indeed CAUCHV'S personality is worth our separate attention. 5s p. G. LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET, "Sur la convergence des s6ries trigonometriques ...", Journ. rei. ang. Math., 4 (t829), t57--169 ----Werke, 1, 117--132. DIRICI-ILET'Scontributions to the new analysis in this and other works (described in my Foundations, ch. 5), surpass in my view any other of CAucnY'S successors -- including ABEL. S9See J. B. J. FOURIER5°, esp. art. 423. s0 See P. G. LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET 5s, 157 = Werke, 1, 119. 61 A.-L. CAUCHY,RdsumdsAnalytiques (t833, Turin), 46 = Oeuvres, (2) 10, 55--56. 6, For CAUCHY'Sacknowledgements to FOURIER, see 37, 623 = Oeuvres, (1) 1, 340; and 30, 194 (omitted from Oeuvres, (1) 1, t97). For the attacks in 3s on PolssoN, see pp. 187--188 = Oeuvres, (1) 1, 189--191. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 335 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 393 7. Cauchy's Personality If CAUCHYwas one of the greatest mathematicians of his time, he was one of the most unpleasant personalities of all time: a fanatic for Catholic and Bourbonist causes to the point of perversion, he had to prove his superiority at all times over even the weakest of his contemporaries and to publish a virtually continuous stream of work. He also wrote articles on education, the rights of the Catholic and Bourbon causes, and the reform of criminals, to supplement his mathematical output; but he never helped and even at times hindered his younger colleagues in their careers and work. A good example of this concerns a young man who wrote the following of him: "Cauchy is a fool, and one can't find any understanding with him, although he is the mathematician who at this time knows how mathematics should be treated ... he is extremely catholic and bigoted .... " The writer was ABEL, in a letter sent to his friend HOLMBOE when, like DIRICHLET, he visited Paris in October, t826. ea Poor ABEL: he cannot have known how right he was, just as he did not understand the Parisian political situation. While in Berlin during the previous January, he had written a paper on convergence tests and their application to the binomial series which made important use of the new analysis: he had also spotted the weakness in CAUCHY'S theorem of the Cours d'Analyse and made the first public mention of the point in a footnote to the paper. 84 Later in the same letter to HOLMBOEhe remarked: "I have worked out a large paper on a certain class of transcendental functions to present to the Institut. I am doing it on Monday. I showed it to Cauchy: but he would hardly glance at it. And I can say without bragging that it is good. I am very curious to hear the judgement of the Institut .... "~ This was the paper which ushered in the transformation of LEGENDRE'S theory of elliptic integrals into his own theory of elliptic functions; and the story of its fate is only too characteristic of Parisian science and of CAUCtIY. CAUCIIY and LEGENDRE were the examiners: CAUCHYtook it and, perhaps because of ABEL'S footnote against his theorem, ignored it entirely: only after ABEL'S death in t829 did he fulfil a request to return it to the Acaddmie des Sciences. It was finally published in 184t, when the manuscript vanished in sensational circumstances, to be rediscovered only in the t950's. This story is well-known ;~ however, there is one aspect of it which has been little remarked upon but which shows the depths to which CAUCH¥ could sink. When ABEL'S paper was in the press another Norwegian mathematician presented a paper to the Acaddmie des Sciences 6s Niels Hendrik Abel. Mdmorial publid h l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance (t 902, Christiana), Correspondance d'Abel .... 135 pp. (pp. 45 and 46) = Texte original des lettres .... 61 pp. (pp. 41 and 42). Also in Oeuvres (ed. L. SYLOW& S. LIE), 2, 259. 6~lxT.H. ABEL, "Untersuchungen fiber die Reihe ...", Journ. rei. ang. Math., 1 (t826), 311--329 (p. 316) =Oeuvres (ed. B. HOLMBOE), 1, 66--92 (p. 71) =Oeuvres (ed. L. SYLOW& S. LIE), 1, 219--250 (p. 225). ,5 In addition to the references in ,3, we may add for this passage ABEL'S Oeuvres (ed. B. HOLMBOE), 2, 269--270. ~ For a detailed account of this affair, see O. ORE,Niels Hendrik Abel -- mathematician extraordinary (t957, Minneapolis), 246--261. 27 Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., Vol. 6 Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 336 of 479. 394 I. GI~A:rTAN-GuINNESS: on elliptic functions. CAUCHYwas again an examiner, and his report contains the following words: "Geometers know the beautiful works of Abel and of Mr. Jacobi on the theory of elliptic transcendentals. One knows that of the important papers ... one of them in particular was approved by the Acaddmie in t829, on the report of a commission of which Mr. Legendre was a part ECAucHYhimself having been the other!l, then crowned by the Institut in 1830, and that the value of the prize was remitted to Abel's mother. In fact this illustrious Norwegian, whom a project of marriage had determined to undertake a voyage in the depth of winter, unfortunately fell ill towards the middle of January t829 and, in spite of the care that had been lavished on him by his fianc6e's family, he died of phthisis on the 6th April, having been confined to bed for three months .... "Before completing this report where we have often had to recall the works of Abel, it appears to us proper to dispel an error which is already quite widespread. It has been supposed that Abel died in misery, and this supposition has been the occasion for violent attacks directed against scholars from Sweden and from other parts of Europe. We would want to believe that the authors of these attacks will regret that they expressed themselves with such vehemence, when they read the Preface of the ... Oeuvres d'Abel, recently published in Norway by Mr. Holmboe, the teacher and friend of the illustrious geometer. They will see there with interest the flattering encouragements, the expressions of esteem and admiration that Abel received from scholars during his life, particularly from those who occupied themselves at the same time as he with the theory of elliptic transcendentals .... -67 In fact CAUCH¥must have known that, while preparing his t839 edition of ABEL'S works, HOLMBOEhad tried without success to obtain the 1826 manuscript from the Acaddmie des Sciences and that its publication in t84t was due only to the fact that he had raised the matter to governmental level. Anyone capable of writing in this manner, knowing the negative role played by himself in the matter under discussion, would hardly think twice about borrowing from an unknown paper published in Prague without acknowledgement. But how unknown was BOLZANO'Spaper ? e~ A.-L. CAI:CH¥, "Rapport sur un m6moire de M. Broch, relatif ~ une certaine classe d'int6grales," C.R. Acad. Roy. Sci., 12 (184t), 847--850 = Oeuvres, (t) 6, 146---t49. ABEL'Spaper was then appearing as "M6moire Bur une propri6t6 g6n6rale d'une classe tr~s-6tendue de fonctions transcendantes", Mdm. prds. Acad. Roy. Sci. div. say., (2) 7 (184t), 175--254 =Oeuvres (ed. L. SYLOW & S. LIE), 1, 145--211. BRocI~'Spaper appeared as "M6moire sur les fonctions de la forme $ +-- f xs-ye-l /(xo)R (xQ) "o Ox", Journ. rei. ang. Math., 23 (1846), 145--t95 and 20t--242: we note the five-year delay, and the fact that its publication was not in the journal of the Acaddmie to which it had been assigned. CAUCHY'Sreport (with LIOUVlLLEas co-signatory but certainly not author!) prefaced the paper on pp. 145--147: he was referring in the above quotation to the "Notice Bur la vie de l'auteur" that HOLMBOEput in his edition of ABEL'SOeuvres, 1, v--xiv. At the end of that edition HOLMBOEincluded a selection of his letters from ABEL,and we note from s3 and s5 that he did not include ABEL'Sremark on CAUCHY. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 337 of 479. ]3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 395 8. The Availability and Familiarity of Bolzano's Work We have mentioned several times that BOLZANO'Sachievements anticipated specifically the work of the WEIERST~SS school in the t860's, and it was they who first brought BOLZANO'Smathematical publications 6s to general attention at that time. Du Bols R~YMOND,CANTO~,HA~KEL, HAR~ACK,H~IZ~E, SC~WA~Z, STOLZ -- they formed perhaps the most talented group ever to work on foundational problems in analysis, and they all had a deep interest in the history of their subject. I do not know which of them first came across BOLZANO'Swritings : the first to make a reference in print was HA~KEL in t871, 69 but SCHWARZwas the one most interested in these questions and it was he who around that time named WEIERSTaASS'Stheorem on the existence of a limiting value of an infinite closed sequence of values the "BoLzAZ~o-W~I~RSTRASS theorem", in view of BOLZA~O'S theorem on the existence of an upper limit in his t817 pamphlet which we quoted in section 2.4.7° WEIERSTRASS'S group were then studying continuous non-differentiable functions, rational and irrational numbers, and the early ideas of set theory, on all of which BOLZANOhad preceded them; and so it had tended to be assumed (posterior wisdom again) that in his own day BOLZANO was not read at all. Without any doubt his works were not widely available -- for proof of this, we need only mention that it is today extremely difficult to find copies of any of them. But it would be a mistake to assume that because they appeared as pamphlets they could not have become widely familiar. On the contrary, at that time the publication of pamphlets was a common method of issuing scientific literature and indeed avoided the notorious delays of academy journals: CAUCHYfor example, always anxious for rapid publication, put some very important work into pamphlets and lithographs, and even published his own mathematical journal during two periods of his life. 7a There seems to have been a well organised trade in the sale of such material, based on the catalognes of book shops designed especially for scientific and intellectual circles: it was by these means, for example, that BOLZANOin Bohemia managed to learn of and obtain the current literature. So we may presume that the work was in reasonably fluid circulation -- and surely especially in Paris, the scientific centre of the age. CAucHY himself reveals this in his own writings. Although his refer- 6s Apart from the Beweis and the works listed in 35and 8~, BOLZANOalso published Betrachtungen iiber einige Gegenstdnde der Elementargeometrie (1804, Prague) = Schri[ten, 5 (1948, Prague), 9--49; and Beitrdge zu einer begri~ndeten Darstellung der Mathematik. 1. Lie[erung (t8t0, Prague) = (t926, Paderborn). (No other parts published.) BOLZANO'Sfriend F. PRIHONSK~"posthumously published his Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851, Leipzig): there have been various re-issues and translations of this work, including an English edition (1950, London). 65H. HANKEL,"' Grenze", Allg. Eric. Wiss. Kiinste, sect. 1, pt. 90 (1871, Leipzig), t 85--21 t : see pp. t 89, 209---210. The first major study was by STOLZ,as " B. Bolzanos Bedeutung in der Geschichte der Infinitesimalrechnung", Math. Ann., 18 (1881), 255--279 (and corrections in 22 (1883), 5t8--519). 70 See K. SCHWARZ, "Zur Integration der partiel Differentialgleichung ~u ~2u ax, + ~- =0", Journ. rei. ang. Math., 74 (t872), 218--253 (p. 221) = Abhandlungen, 2, t75--210 (p. 178). ~ See his Exercises des Mathdmatiques (4 vols. and I instalment: 1826---30, Paris), and Exercises d'Analyse et de Physique Mathdmatique (4 vols: 1840---47, Paris). They appear respectively in his Oeuvres, (2) 6---9; and (2) 11--14. 27* Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 338 of 479. 396 I. GRATTAN-GUINN]~SS: ences were often not always given, they show that he was abreast of current writings in all European languages, and not only the most prominent authors, books and journals: there are also references to little known material. In the Cours d'Analyse, for example, he referred to a pompous little tract of t820 published in London on rules of signs in the theory of equations, 7°' which was at least as obscure as BOLZANO'S pamphlet. In fact, ]3OLZANO had given his paper two opportunities for publication, for not only did he issue it as a pamphlet in 1817, but -- with the same printing -- inserted it into the 18t8 volume of the Prague Academy Abhandlungen. ~3 That journal was available in Paris: indeed, the Biblioth~que Impdriale (now the Biblioth~que Nationale) began to take it with precisely the volume containing Bolzano's pamphlet. 74 So here is at least one plausible possibility for CAUCHY to have found a copy of BOLZANO'S paper, quite apart from the book-trade: he could have noticed a new journal in the library's stock and examined it as a possible course of interesting research. We turn now from the availability to the familiarity of BOLZANO'S WOrkS. We have seen that they were not widely circulated, although probably more so than might be imagined; but apart from that I feel that all important factor in the apparent indifference of his contemporaries was a lack o[ understanding of what he had achieved. Since his important results were so far ahead of its time, only a genius of CAUCHY'S type and magnitude could bring them to the realisation they deserved (and of which their creator was probably incapable). We can appreciate this point better if we return to ABEL. There is no reference to any of ]3OLZANO'S works in ABEL'S writings, and seemingly no direct influence either, even though they had both written on the binomial series; but ABEL had certainly- read some BOLZANO, for he expressed great admiration for him in a notebook and hoped to meet him in Prague during his European tour. v5 1 suspect that several mathematicians were in ABEL'S position: impressed by BOLZANO'S work, but unable to take it further themselves. 7e But without doubt there were, unfortunately, many who never discovered it at all. This, therefore, is a situation in marked contrast to CAUCI~Y'S works, which were read by everybody -- including BOLZANO. 72 p. NICHOLSON,Essay on involution and evolution: containing a new accurate and general method o[ ascertaining the numerical value o] any Junction ... (t 820, London). CAUCH¥'S reference is in the Cours, 500 = Oeuvres, (2) 3, 409: he also wrote a number of papers on this subject in the 18t0's, but with an interest towards structural properties (permutations, etc.) rather than in the foundations of analysis. For commentary, see H. WusslNG, Die Genesis des abstrakten Gruppenbegri[/es (1969, Berlin) esp. pp. 61--66. ~3 See the references in a 7~The present call mark of this volume is R. 15 200 in the Ddpartment des Imprimds. There is no record of its readers, neither does it contain any annotated markings or corrections. The only other copy of the work known to me in Paris is in the holding of the journal by the Musdum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle -- a source hardly likely to have been used by CAUCHY.The copy has no revealing annotations on it. 75 See L. SYLOW, "Les 6tudes d'Abel et ses d6couvertes," s2, 59 PP. (pP. 6 and t 3); and K. RYCHLIK, "Niels Hendrik Abel a ~echy", Pok. mat. [ys. astron.;9 (1964), 317--319. ~6LOBACHEWSKYalso knew BOLZANO'S18t 7 pamphlet on the roots of a continuous function: see B. L. LAPTIEV,"0 ~H6HHoTeqHBIX8an~eax RH~Ir~ImypHazXOB,~bl~aHm,xx H. H. JIo6aqeBcKoMy", VClI. MaT. HayIL 14 (t959), pt. 5, t53--t55. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 339 of 479. ]3olzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 397 9. The Personal Relations between Bolzano and Cauchy That CAOCHYread BOLZANO'S18t7 pamphlet is the subject of our conjecture; but that BOLZANOread CAOCHY'SCours d'AnaIyse is beyond question, for in an important manuscript of the 1830's on analysis he referred to CAUCHY'Sas one of the recent formulations of continuity in his own style.7~ By then of course, BOLZANO'S ideas had gained much publicity through CAUCHY'S book, which itself had been published at KSnigsberg in t 828 in a German translation which may well have been the version that BOLZANOread. Yet there was never a priority row between the two over their common ideas. This is, however, not surprising. In the first place, BOLZANOwas no CAUCHY,incessantly anxious for publication and his "rights"; and in addition he was already a controversial figure in Bohemia on account of his progressive views on society and religion. Thus, even if he had wanted to stage a priority row from Bohemia against the great CAUCHY in Paris, he would have found it especially difficult. But I would suggest that there is still another reason why BOLZANOdid not promote such a row; namely, that he probably never noticed the correspondence of ideas -- or at least their significance -- when he read the Cours d'Analyse. For the Cours is a large book, nearly 600 pages in length; and almost all of it is CAUCHY,applying BOLZANO'S germinal ideas to one analytical problem after another. But the ideas themselves and the direct points of correspondence appear only here and there in its course, and could easily be missed in the general context. This view is strengthened when we consider their personal relations. There was no meeting between the two in the t810's or 1820% for CAUCHYwas in France and BOLZANOin Bohemia; but after the fall of the Bourbons in 1830 CAUCHY exiled himself, firstly to Italy, and then, between 1833 and t835, to Prague to assist in the education of the son of the dethroned King CHARLESX. The tone of BOLZANO'Sreaction to CAUCHY'Svisit to Prague, in a letter he sent to his friend PRiHONSK~ in August, t833, indicates quite clearly that he had had no contact with CAUCHYof any sort and that he suspected no direct use of his results by CAUCHY: "The news of Cauchy's presence Ein PragueJ is uncommonly interesting for me. Among all living mathematicians today he is the one whom I esteem the most and to whom I feel the most akin; I owe to his inventive spirit some of the most important proofs. I ask you very much to recommend me to him and to say that I would have travelled now straight to Prague to make his personal acquaintance, if I -- after what you tell me of his appointment -- could not hope for certain that I will meet him at the end of September ..... ,,Ts There were in fact a few meetings, for BOLZANOdescribed them in a letter of December, t843 to FESL: "Cauchy, the mathematician, was ... in the years t834 or t835 ... in Prague, where we met a few times during the few days that I was accustomed to spend at that time (at Easter and in the autumn) in Prague. After my departure I let 72]3. BOLZANO 7, in Schri/ten, 1 (1930, Prague), t5: see also p. 94. ~s See E. WINTER (ed.), "Der b6hmische VormArz in Briefen ]3. Bolzanos an F. Pr~honsk3~ (t824--t848)", Ver6][. Inst. Slav., Dtsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin., 11 (1958), 306 pp. (p. 156). Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 340 of 479. 398 I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS: Kulik deliver to him (1834) an essay filling a single quarto sheet which I had drafted for Cauchy sometime in French, on the famous mathematical problem of the rectification of curves, because I rightly feared that he would find the "Paper on the three problems of rectification, planing and cubing" published in 18t779 too comprehensive and difficult. Early last year, as I was looking through some issues of Cauchy's writings 8° bound with the usual coloured wrappers, and [turned to I the lists of works announced on the back, I noticed with astonishment a small note by him on the same subject, that he had published as a lithograph in Paris in t834 (therefore presumably only after he had read my little essay). Naturally I would be very eager to read the note .... ,,81 Eventually BOLZANOmanaged to obtain a copy of the paper: in fact it came through FESL who pointed out to him that it had been written in 1832 rather than 1834 and so could not be related to his essay, and that it treated the subject in a quite different way. BOLZANOadmitted this in an acknowledgement to FESL in May, t 844,82 and it is quite clear that in this case there was not even a correspondence of ideas; but on the foundations of analysis a very different situation seems to have applied. One would dearly like to know the content of their conversations; but if BOLZANO ever wondered even for a moment that CAUCHYhad read his 18t7 paper before writing the tours d'Analyse, I imagine that he would have been pleased rather than annoyed. For when he wrote that paper, he had known then that it was a significant work which would probably not reach the audience that it deserved; and so he had ended its preface with a plea to the scientific community which I believe CAUCHYaccepted: "... I must request ... that one does not overlook this particular paper because of its limited size, but rather examine it with all possible strictness and make known publicly the results of this examination, in order to explain more clearly what is perhaps unclear, to revoke what is quite incorrect, but to let succeed to general acceptance, the sooner the better, what is true and right. ''s8 10. Epilogue My conjecture has aroused considerable adverse criticism before publication, and will doubtless receive much more now: thus to minimise the possibility of misunderstandings of this paper, a few points may be worth stressing. t. Part of my purpose has been to describe some of the extra-intellectual aspects of Parisian mathematics; and whether or not my conjecture is correct ~9Tile reference for this work is given in 29 80Presumably the Exercises d'Analyse listed in 71 sl See I. SEIDERLOVA,"]3emerkung zu den UmgAngen zwischen B. Bolzano und A. Cauchy," ~as. pdst. mat., 87 (t962), 225--226. 82 See sl. CAUCHY'Spaper, read to the Acaddmie des Sciences on the 22nd October, 1832, was the "M6moire sur la rectification des courbes et la quadrature des surfaces courbes", Mdm. Acad. Roy. Sci., 22 (1850), 3--15 = Oeuvres, (1) 2, 167--t77; but in the publisher's lists in the Exercises d'Analyse it is described as an t l-page lithograph of t 832, which was its first publication. I do not understand why ]3OLZANOthought that it had been published in t 834. s8 ]3. ]3OLZANO,Beweis, end of preface. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 341 of 479. Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis 399 I am firmly convinced that rivalries of the type of which I have given some examples played an important role in Parisian mathematics, and so I have tried to bring to the attention of historians of this period the kinds of historical problem that they will have to face in interpreting its literature. In addition, the theory of "limit-avoidance" is an historical tool which appears to be some use in one form or another in investigating the development of analysis and the calculus in this and other periods. 2. I cannot stress too strongly that in characterising Cauchy's genius as responsive to exterior stimuli I am trying to describe rather than decry the depth and extent of his originality. Without any question he and GAUSS were the major mathematicians of the first decades of the nineteenth century: thus his work has to be given especial attention by historians. It is of course not my position that CAUCHYwould never give references without intending a double meaning, but I do think that in his writings, and equally in those o[ his" colleagues", questions of this type do need to be borne very carefully in mind. With regard to ]3OLZANO'S pamphlet, it is possible that CAUCHY,the busy and active researchmathematician and professor at three Paris colleges, simply did not bother to mention it or even forgot that he had read it (though personally I would not regard this explanation as sufficient). My case would be much strengthened by documentary evidence of some kind: CAUCHYdid leave a Nachlass containing mathematical manuscripts and correspondence, for it was used by VALSON when preparing his excessively admiring biography of CAUCHY,s4 but unfortunately it was kept in the family and there is reason to think that, like his library, it has now been lost. 3. I remarked that CAUCHYwas familiar with European languages: in the case of German, it is perhaps worth mentioning explicitly (from a number of examples) that he examined in t817 a manuscript in German sent in to the Acaddmie des Sciences,s5 and that he reviewed MCBIUS'SDer barycentrische Calcul in t828.s~ We may also record another "coincidence of ideas" with obscure German writing strikingly similar to the case of t3OLZANO'Spamphlet. In April t847, GRASSMANN,then a schoolmaster at Stettin, sent to CAUCHYtWO copies of his t844 Ausdehnungslehre, but he never received any acknowledgement; however between late 1847 and t853 CAUCHYpublished a number of papers on a theory of "clefs algCbriques" which basically used the same sort of ideas and even some almost identical notation, s7 I offer no judgement here on the matter: 84 C.-A. VALSON, La vie et les travaux du Baron Cauchy (2 vols.: 1868, Paris): see esp. vol. 2, viii--x. s5 See Proc~s-Verbaux des sdances de l'Acaddmie tenues depuis la fondation jusqu'au mois d'ao~t, 1835 (10 vols: 1910--22, Hendaye), 6, 210. I may remark here that these volumes are an invaluable source of historical insight into the period 1795--1835, when the rivalries were at their height. They give the minutes of all the private meetings of the A caddmie des Sciences, which the participants can hardly have expected to be published! s6 A.-L. CAUCHY,Bull. Univ. Sci. Ind. [Ferrusac~, Sci. math. phys. chim., 9 (1828), 77--80. Not in the Oeuvres. sTFor the references and some discussion of the affair, see M. J. CROWE,A history of vector analysis (1967, Notre Dame and London), 82--85 and 106. CROWE'Slast reference in his 63is inaccurate and ill fact misleading; it should be "MCmoire sur les clefs algCbriques", Exercises d'Analyse et de Physique Mathdmatique, 4 (t847, Paris), 356---400 = Oeuvres, (2) 14, 4t7--460. Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 342 of 479. 400 I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS: Bolzano, Cauchy and New Analysis I merely record it as another example of the kind of historical problem which surrounds the great achievements of the Parisian mathematicians of the time, when Paris was the centre of the scientific world and CAUCHY'$ achievements among its principal adornments. Index of Names We list here the names and dates of persons mentioned in the main text. D'ALEMBERT, JEANLE ROND (t 7t 7--1783) AMPERE, ADRIENMARIE (1775--1836) ARBOGAST,LOUISFRANCOISANTOINE(1759--1803) BERNOULLI,DANIEL (1700--t 782) BESSEL, FRIEDRICHWILHELM(1784--1846) BLOT, JEAN BAPTISTE(t 774--1862) DU BOIS REYMOND,PAUL DAVID GUSTAV(t83t--1889) BOLZANO,BERNARDPLACIDUSJOHANNNEPOMUK(t781--1848) BOREL, EMILE FELIX EDOUARD JUSTIN (187t--t959) CANTOR, GEORGFERDINANDLUDWIGPHILIPP (1845--t 918) CARNOT,LAZARENICOLASMARGUERITE(1753--t823) CAUCHY,AUGUSTIN-LouIs (t 789--1857) CHARLESX, KING (t 757--1836) DIRICHLET,PETER GUSTAVLEJEUNE- (1805--t859) EULER, LEONHARD (I707--t 783) FESL, MICHAEL JOSEPH (1786--1864) FOURIER, JEAN BAPTISTEJOSEPH (I 768--t830) GAUSS, KARLFRIEDRICH(1777--t855) GRASSMANN,HERMANNG/JNTHER(1809---t877) HANKEL,HERMANN(t839--1873) HARNACK,CARLGUSTAVAXEL (I851--1888) HEINE, EDUARD HEINRICH (I821--I881) L'HUILIER, SIMONANTOINEJEAN (1750--1840) HOLMBOE,BERNTMICHAEL(1795--1850) JACOBI, CARLGUSTAVJACOB(t804--1851) KULIK, JAKOBPHILIPP (1793--1863) LACROIX, SYLVESTREFRAN9OIS(1765--1843) LAGRANGE,JOSEPHLOUIS (1736--18t 3) LAPLACE,PII~RRESIMON(1749---1827) LEGENDRE, ADRIEN MARIE (1752--t833) LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM (1646--1716) M6BIUS, AUGUSTFERDINAND(t 790--1868) MONGE, GASPARD(! 746--1818) NEWTON, ISAAC (1642--1727) POISSON, SIMI~ONDENIS (1781--1840) PR~HONSK~',FRANZ(1788--t859) RIEMANN, GEORG FRIEDRICH BERNHARD (1826--1866) SCHWARZ, KARLHERMANN AMANDUS (1843--192t) STOLZ,OTTO(1842--1905) TAYLOR,BROOKE(1685--1731) VALSON,CLAUDEALPHONSE(1826-- ? ) WEIERSTRASS, KARLTHEODORWILHELM(t 8t 5--1897) Enfield College of Technology Middlesex England (Received February 17, 1970.) Text 22: I. Grattan-Guinness (1970). “Bolzano, Cauchy and the “New Analysis” of the Early Nineteenth Century”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 372–400. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 343 of 479. Did Cau@ Plagiarizegolzano? H. FREUDENTHAL 1. Introduction t. In an elaborate erudite paper* I. GRATTAN-GUINNESShas put forward a case that CAUCHYplagiarized BOLZANO: In Section 2, he discusses why i] CAUCHYplagiarized BOLZAXO,he did it so badly, In Section 3, he presents a new limit concept which he calls "limit avoidance", In Section 4, he mentions some facts from analysis before CAUCHY'Stime, In Section 5 he claims that CAUCHYcould not have written a so "utterly untypical" work as his Cours d'Analyse of 182t without having been inspired by somebody else, In Section 6-7 he analyzes the quarrels among French mathematicians around 1800 and CAUCHY'S bad character so as to explain psychologically why CAUCHY plagiarized BOLZANO, In Section 8 he discusses whether CAUCHYcould have read BOLZANO, In Section 9 he deals with the personal relations between CAUCHYand BOLZANO. Here I wish to discuss the specific question set as the title of this paper, whether CAUCHY plagiarized BOLZANO, a question not considered directly by GRATTAN-GuINNESS. I have to apologize that I am not well enough acquainted with the chronique scandateuse of the French Academy to follow GRATTAN-GuINNESSthere. On the other hand I entirely agree with him that a historian is obliged to read between the lines**, though I think it just as important to read the lines themselves. In history of mathematics it is also a good idea to understand the mathematics involved. The question set as the title of the present paper can be put more precisely by asking whether CAUCHYread BOLZANO, whether CAUCHYcould have learned new things from BOLZANO, whether these things were so important that he should have cited BOLZANO. * I. G~ATTA~-GI3INNBSS,"Bolzano, Cauchy and the New Analysis of the Early Nineteenth Century", Archive for History of Exact Sciences 6 (1970), 372-400. ** p. 387, t 7. 27* Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 344 of 479. 376 H. FREUDENTHAL: It is no sacrilege to ask such questions, even the last one. False ascriptions are a tradition in mathematics; twice I have met opposition when I refuted such ascriptions*. 2. The Style of Cauchy's Text-Books on Calculus** CAUCHY is credited with having laid the first solid foundations of what is now called Analysis or Calculus. Though this is true, it is not the whole truth, and in a certain sense it is a misleading statement. It is true that mathematicians learned from CAUCHY'S Cours d'Analyse and other text-books what continuity and convergence were and how to test for them, how to be careful with TAYLO~ series and how to estimate their remainders, how to avoid pitfalls when multiplying and rearranging series, how to deal with multivalued functions, how to define differential quotients and integrals, how to be careful with improper and singular integrals, and that they found there the first example of the powerful method that later became standard in analysis and recently has come to be called "epsi- lontics". To know what was new in CAUCHY'S textbooks on Calculus, we had better listen to his own words, in the Introduction to his Cours d'Aualyse***: Quant aux m6thodes, j'ai cherch6 ~ leur donner route la rigueur qu'on exige en g~orn~trie, de mani~re ~ ne jarnais recourir aux raisons tir~es de la g~n~ralit~ de l'alg~bre. Les raisons de cette esp~ce, quoique assez cornmun6rnent admises, surtout dans le passage des s6ries convergentes aux s~ries divergentes, et des quantit~s r~elles aux expressions imaginaires, ne peuvent ~tre consid~rdes, ce rne sernble, que comme des inductions propres ~ faire pressentir quelquefois la v~rit6, mais qui s'accordent peu avec l'exactitude si vant~e des sciences math~rnatiques. On doit m~me observer qu'elles tendent faire attribuer aux formules alg~briques une ~tendue ind~finie, tandis que, dans la r6alit~, la plupart de ces formules subsistent uniquernent sous certaines conditions, et pour certaines valeurs des quantit~s qu'elles renferrnent. En ddterrninant ces conditions et ces valeurs, et en fixant d'une mani~re precise le sens des notations dont je me sers, je fais disparaltre toute incertitude; et alors les diff~rentes formules ne pr~sentent plus que des relations entre les quantit~s r6elles, relations qu'il est toujours facile de v~rifier par la substitution des nornbres aux quantit~s elles-m~mes. I1 est vrai que, pour rester constamrnent fiddle ~ ces principes, je me suis vu forc~ d'admettre plusieurs propositions qui parMtront peut-~tre un peu dures au premier abord. Par exemple, j'~nonce dans le chapitre VI, qu'une sdrie divergente n'a pas de somme/ dans le chapitre VII, qu'une dquation imaginaire est seulement la reprdsentation symbolique de deux dquations entre quantitds rdelles; dans le chapitre IX, que, si des constantes ou des variables comprises dam une ]onction, apr~s avoir dtd supposdes rdelles, deviennent imaginaires, la notation ~ l'aide de laquelle la ]onc* GR.~.TTAN-GuINNESSremarks (p. 398, 5f.b.) that his "conjecture has aroused considerable adverse criticism before publication". In his lecture on this subject before an audience of mathematicians rather than historians that I attended, it was his mathematics rather than his thesis on CAuctiY that aroused opposition. ** CAUCHY,Oeuvres (2) 3~S. *** CAUCHY,Oeuvres (2) 3. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 345 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 377 tion se trouvait exprimde, ne peut gtre conservde dans le calcul qu'en vertu d'une convention nouvelle propre d~ ]ixer le sens de cette notation dam la derni~re hypoth~se; & c. Mais ceux qui liront mon ouvrage reconnaltront, je l'espfire, que les propositions de cette nature, entralnant l'heureuse nfcessit6 de mettre plus de pr&ision dans les tlifories, et d'apporter des restrictions utiles ~ des assertions trop ~tendues, tournent au profit de l'analyse, et fournissent plusieurs sujets de recherches qui ne sont pas sans importance. Ainsi, avant d'effectuer la sommation d'aucune sfrie, j'ai dr examiner dans quels cas les sfries peuvent 6tre somm6es, ou, en d'autres termes, quelles sont les conditions de leur convergence; et j'ai, ~ ce sujet, 6tabli des r~gles g6n6rales qui me paraissent m6riter quelque attention. The "generality of algebra" meant that what was true for real numbers, was true for complex numbers, too, what was true for convergent series, was true for divergent ones, what was true for finite magnitudes, held also for infinitesimal ones. Today it is hard to believe that mathematics ever relied on such principles, and since differentials now are only an uneasy remainder of the preCAUCH¥ period, we readily identify CAUCI~Y'Srenovation with the progress from "infinitesimal" methods to epsilontics, in spite of CAUCHY'Sown, much broader, appreciation, by which all metaphysics was barred from mathematics. The next generation of mathematicians, who had been brought up with the Cours d'Analyse, and the generations after WEIERSTRASS,CANTOR and DEDEKIND, who knew which course the development of analysis was due to take after CAUCHY, put the stress differently than CAUCItYand his generation would have done; at that time, and even more today, people would not properly understand what it meant if you told them that CAUCHYabolished "the generality of algebra" as a foundation stone of mathematics. I. GRATTAN-GuINNESShas been puzzled by the "untypical" character of CAUCHY'S work on Calculus as compared to his production before t821. It is indeed puzzling. But GRATTAN-GuINNESSmight have added that it is untypical even if compared with CAUCHY'Swork after t82t. The strange thing is that in his research papers CAucttY never lived up to the standards he had set in his Cours d'Analyse. Though he had given a definition of continuity, he never proved formally the continuity of any particular function. Though he had stressed tile importance of convergence, he operated on series, on FOURIER transforms, on improper and multiple integrals, as though he had never raised problems of rigor. In spite of the stress he had laid on the limit origin of the differential quotient, he developed also a formal approach to differential quotients like LAGRANGE'S. He admitted semi-convergent series and rearrangements of conditionally convergent series if he could use them. He formally restricted multivalued complex functions of x as logx, Vx, and so on, to the upper half plane, but if he could use them in the lower half plane, he easily forgot about this prescription. CAUCHYlooks self-contradictory, but he was simply an opportunist in mathematics, notwithstanding his dogmatism in religious and political affairs. He could afford this opportunism because, with the background of a vast experience, he had a sure feeling for what was true, even if it was not formulated or proved according to the standards of the Cours d'Analyse. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 346 of 479. 378 H. FREUDENTHAL: Why, then, was the Cours d'Analyse so different from his other work ? Not because it was more fundamental, but because it was a textbook, in which he not only communicated his results but also made explicit his background experience. CAUCHYwas not a lover of foundational research like BOLZANO,but to teach mathematics to beginners, he had to analyze and to present the techniques implicit in his background. A similar situation is common today, when a modern teacher of mathematics will make explicit his logical habits, even though he is not a logician. There is at least one work of CAOCH¥, his theory of determinants of 18t2% which shows the same "untypical" features; it is not to be wondered at that for a long time this was the only textbook on determinants. The most "untypical" CAIJC~IY of all, however, is found in his marvellous first communication on Elasticity of t822"*, which by its conceptual style towers high above the usual algorithmic swamp in which he moves. Certainly, one has to be careful with stylistic arguments. If CAUCHY'Swork had come down to us anonymously, by stylistic arguments we might attribute the Cours d'Analyse, the introduction to elasticity, and the remainder of his scientific work to at least three different CAUCHYS; on account of content we might even attribute his work on complex functions also to at least three CAOC~IYS, so as to account for the strange phenomenon of periodic amnesia: often he asserts propositions he had recognized as wrong a short time before*** and for 26 years he seems to have forgotten the most important paper he wrote in this field****. CAUCHYdid not live in vacuo. He was moved by work of others, and though he made lavish acknowledgements to work of others, we can never be sure whether he cited all sources of his inspiration. By his own testimony we know that LEIBNIZ was inspired to his discoveries in Calculus by work of PASCAL which actually was only weakly related to what LEIBNIZ himself finally achieved; even according to modern standards LEIBNIZ could hardly have been obliged to cite PASCALon these grounds. In any case from LEIB~IZ' publications we could not guess who among LEIBNIZ' predecessors was the most influential. To tell from mere stylistic arguments that CAUCRY'S Cours d'Analyse must have been inspired by essentially other sources than those on complex functions or hydrodynamics, is an utterly dangerous conclusion. I have spent so much time on it because the difference of style between the Cours d'Analyse and other work of CAUCHYis indeed striking, and because I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSconfesses that this feature was the starting point of his investigation. * CAUCHY, Oeuvres (2) 1, 9t-t69. (M6moire sur les fonctions qui ne peuvent obtenir que deux valeurs...) See also Oeuvres (2) 1 64-90. (M6moire sur le hombre de valeurs qu'une fonction peut acqu6rir.) ** CAUCHY, Oeuvres (2) 2, 300-304. *** E.g. the conditions for development into a series of partial fractions in CAUCHV,Oeuvres (2) 7, 324-362, and (i) 8, 55-64, or multivalued functions in CAt3CmZ, Oeuvres (l), 8, 156-160 and (!) 8, 264. **** A. L. CAIYCI~Y,M6moire sur les int6grales d6finies prises entre des limites imaginaires, Paris 1825, 4°, 68 pages. Reprinted in Bull. sci. math. 7 (t874), 265-304; 8 (1875), 43-55, 148-159; due to be reprinted in CAtYCnY,Oeuvres (2) 15. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 347 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 379 3. Bolzano's Pamphlet of 1817 The first theorem of BOLZANO'Spamphlet* is what is now called CAUCHY'S convergence theorem; since a theory of real numbers is lacking, its proof can be nothing but a sham. We will come back to this point. The next theorem is usually described as the theorem on the existence of the lowest upper bound of a bounded set of real numbers; in fact the only bounded sets considered are lower classes as used in DEDEKIND cuts, SO that it would be better to term it the theorem on the existence of the cut number. From old times this existence has been used implicitly or explicitly. It was BOLZANO'S great idea to prove it. The proof, using a sequence of dichotomies and the "Cauchy convergence criterion", is correct. The third theorem is about continuous functions f and q5 with [(c~)< ~b(~) and f(/~)> $ (~); it states the existence of an intermediate x where f(x)= $ (x). Continuity had been defined in the preface in a perfectly modern way. The theorem is derived by considering the subset of y such that [ (x) < $ (x) for all x ~y and by applying the preceding theorem to it. Again it is a merit of BOLZANOto have recognized the idea to prove it. The last theorem asserts the existence of a real root of a polynomial between two points where its values are of opposite sign. As compared to CAUCHY'Swork, BOLZANO'Spamphlet is clumsily written and partially confused. ]3OLZANOhas no term for convergence, and none for the limit of a sequence; he always circumscribes the convergence to a certain limit by the sentence that defines this property. Of course he has no term for lowest upper bound either. His terminology is unusual; a sequence of functions is called a ver~nderliche Gr6sse, and a single function a best~ndige Gr6sse. The CAUCHYconvergence criterion is formulated for a sequence, not of numbers, but of functions, and the property that is formulated, is, ill fact, uniform convergence although BOLZANO draws no conclusion from it (e.g. with respect to continuity); the criterion is actually applied to numerical sequences only**. The proof of this criterion is worse than faulty, it is utterly confused and not at all related to the thing to be proved. At that time it was, indeed, hard to understand that such a theorem could not be proved without an underlying theory of real numbers; recently published papers of BOLZANO show that later he became aware of this fact. This failure does not prevent the pamphlet from being a marvellous piece of work; the proofs of the other theorems are correct. 4. The Common Ideas in Bolzano and Cauchy I am borrowing the titles of this section and of the subsections t-5 from I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS; his remarks in the corresponding section will be analyzed here. * B. BOLZANO, Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, die ein entgegengesetztes Resultat gewdhren, wenigstens eine reelle Wurzel der Gleichung liege (18t7), Prague = Abh. K6nigh B6hm. Gesell. Wiss. (3) 5 (1814-1817; publ. 1818), 60 p.- Also in: OSTWALD'SKlassiker No. 153, ed. Ph. E. B. JOURDAIN. ** This is dissimulated in I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS'quotation, where the hypothesis of the theorem is replaced with a provisional announcement taken from another section of the pamphlet. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 348 of 479. 380 H. FREUDENTHAL" 4.1. Continuity o/a Function. BOLZAXO'Sand CAUCHY'Sdefinitions are equivalent. BOLZANO'SiS far better; it is modern (though instead of ~ and e he uses coand f2) ; the succession of the quantifiers is correct and clear. CAUCHY'Sdefinition uses the language of infinitesimals (an infinitely small increase of the variable produces an infinitely small increase of the functions); even the succession of the quantifiers is not clear in this formulation. It is hard to explain how CAUCHY, if borrowing the definition of continuity from ]3OLZANO, could have presented it in deteriorated form; later on such occurrences are explained by I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS as instances of CAUCHY'S failure to fathom the depth of ]3OLZANO'Sthought. There is, however, not the slightest reason to assume that CAUCHYlearned tile concept of continuous function from BOLZANO,since it was already instrumental in CAUCHY'S* treatise of t8t4 on complex functions (the Cauchy integral theorem): Solution. -- Si la fonction 9 (z) croit ou d6croit d'une mani~re continue entre les limites z =b', z =b", la valeur de l'int6grale sera repr6sent6e, l'ordinaire, par (b") -- 9 (b'). Mais, si, pour une certaine valeur de z repr6sent6e par Z et comprise entre les limites de l'int6gration, la fonction ~ (z) passe subitement d'une valeur d6terminde ~ une valeur sensiblement diffdrente de la premiere, en sorte qu'en d6signant par ~ une quantit6 tr~s petite, on ait (Z +~) -- 9 (Z --~) =A, alors la valeur ordinaire de l'int6grale d6finie, savoir, (b") -- ~ (b') devra ~tre diminu6e de la quantit6 A, comme on peut ais6ment s'en assurer. To within a formal definition the full-fledged idea of continuity is presented not only here; it is also the main idea underlying the introduction of the CAUC~IY principal value of singular integrals, which provided CAUC~IY'Sapproach to his integral theorem. There can be little doubt that here was CAUCHY'S point of departure to continuity. I. GRATTAN-GuINNESSclaims that in t 82t CAUCHYdid not know that continuity did not imply differentiability, while BOLZANOknew it. There is no proof for the second claim, and in the light of the role continuity plays in CAUC~IY'Streatise of 18t4, the first claim is ridiculous. 4.2. Convergence o[ a Series. In the case of the Cauchy convergence criterion CAUCHY'S formulation is much better than BOLZANO'S. If CAUCHY ever read BOLZANO,and even if he did not understand his confused exposition, the possibility can hardly be excluded that he guessed what BOLZANOmeant and consequently arrived at an improved version. Of course, this is no proof that it really happened this way. CAUCHYprepares tile announcement of his criterion by a fine heuristic approach which, undoubtedly, is his own**; when reading his exposition, one can * C~,UCH¥,Oeuvres (1) 1, 402-403. •• CAUCHY,Oeuvres (2) 3, I t 5-t 16. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 349 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 381 imagine him standing at the blackboard, explaining that for a sum Y, u. to converge, it does not suffice that the u, converge to 0, nor does it suffice that the u. +u.+l converge to 0, nor does it suffice that the u,+u,+ 1+u,+ 2 converge to 0, and so on, and that in order to get convergence of the sum you have rather to make all these expressions arbitrarily small by choosing n large. In today's mathematics this is so natural an approach that one feels little need to ask who invented it, yet in the historical setting the CAUCHYconvergence criterion looks like a premature discovery. In fact, if we expect a great many applications of the CAUCHY convergence criterion in CAOCH¥'S work, we are likely to be disappointed. It is applied at essentially two places: First, to justify the majorant method of convergence proofs (if [a~[<]c. I for almost all n, and if Y, [c,] converges, then Y, a~ converges), which in the particular case of a geometrical series as a majorant, is the foundation of CAUCHY'Sfamous "Calcul des limites" in power series and differential equations, Second, to prove the convergence criterion on alternating series (if the [a~[ are such that a~a~+1~ O, [a~] ~[ a~+l [, and lira a~ = 0, then • a~ converges). As soon as these two criteria have been established, the reader of tile Cours d'Analyse may readily forget about the CAUCHYconvergence criterion. This is not to be wondered at since there was not any other essential use of the CAUCHYconvergence criterion up to the rise of the direct methods of the variational calculus at the turn of the t9 th century. The majorant method and the criterion on alternating series as algorithmic tools were just what mathematicians in CAUCHY'Stime, and even later, needed. The CAUCHYconvergence criterion with its much more involved logical structure, lacked this algorithmic appeal. CAUCHY'S work in analysis would not have looked different if he had never formulated the CAUCHYconvergence criterion and, instead, had accepted the principle of the majorant method and the criterion on alternating series as obvious truths which did not need a proof, just as, for instance, he accepted without argument that the endpoints of a nested sequence of intervals, shrinking to zero, had a limit*. From CAUCHY'Stime up to the end of the {9th century the CAUCHYconvergence criterion was an expression of logical profundity rather than a practical tool. This is what I meant when I characterized the CAUCHYconvergence criterion as a "premature discovery"--a characterization which at the same time means a praise of its discoverers. I. CvRATTAN-GUINNESScould have made a relatively strong point against CAUCHYout of the argument that the CAUCHYconvergence criterion fitted less into CAUCHY'Swork than anything else. Strangely enough he did not. Though he challenged CAUCHY'S originality in much weaker cases, he did not do so in this one, which would have been the strongest. Though I cannot exclude the possibility that CAUCI-IYborrowed his convergence criterion from BOLZANO, I stress that i do not see any indication that he actually did so. * CAucI~¥, Oeuvres (2) 3, 379; ill the proof of the theorem of the intermediate zero of a continuous function. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 350 of 479. 382 H. FREUDENTHAL: 4.3. Bohano's Main Theorem. The theorem on the vanishing of a continuous function between two points where its values are of opposite sign is still less fundamental to CAUCHY'SCalculus. It is almost self-evident that such a pure existence theorem did not mean much at that time. In CAVCHY'SCours d'Analyse it stands in the classical constructive context of solving numerical equations, particularly in connection with a method of LEGENDRE*, cited by CAUCHY**. The theorem itself had long been known. BOLZANO'S and CAUCHY'S merit is to have proved it. I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS'statement that CAUCHY'Sproof uses a condensation argument is far off the mark if by "condensation argument" he means what is usually understood by this term. His claim that CAUC~IY'S proof seems very much like an unrigorous version of the intricate proof developed in BOLZANO'Spaper is as wrong as can be. The most convincing though somewhat lengthy way to refute this claim is to quote CAUCI~Yhimself***: Th6or6me I. -- Soit /(x) une /onction rdelle de la variable x, qui demeure continue par rapport ~ cette variable entre les limites x = xo, x = X. Si les deux quantitds /(xo),/(X) sont de signes contraires, on pourra satis]aire ~ l'dquation (~) l(x) =0 par une ou plusieurs valeurs rdelles de x comprises entre xo et X. Ddmonstration. -- Soit x0 la plus petite des deux quantit6s x0, X. Faisons X--x o =h, et d6siguons par m un nombre entier quelconque sup6fieur ~ l'unit6. Comme des deux quantit6s /(xo),/(X), l'une est positive, l'autre n6gative, si Yon forme la suite 2 h et que, dans cette suite, on compare successivement le premier terme avec le second, le second avec le troisi6me, le troisi6me avec le quatri6me, etc., on finira n6cessairement par trouver une ou plusieurs lois deux termes cons6cutifs qui seront de sigues contraires. Soient t (xl), !(X') deux termes de cette esp6ce, xI 6tant la plus petite des deux valeurs correspondantes de x. On aura 6videmment Xo 1. At another place*: Cherchez la limite ou les limites vers lesquelles converge, tandis que n crolt ind6finiment, l'expression (0~)1/.. Suivant que ]a plus grande de ces limites sera inf6rieure ou sup6rieure ~ l'unit6, la s6rie (3) sera convergente ou divergente. The alternative definition is here repeated in the proof of the theorem: Considdrons d'abord le cas off les plus grandes valeurs de l'expression (0~)1/~ convergent... It is difficult to say which one of the two definitions was operative, since the proofs do not use the explicit value of the upper limit but only its being < t (or > t), that is, the existence of an U such that (u~)l/~< U < 1 for almost all n ((u.)l/~> U > t for infinitely many n). Contrary to I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS' statement the term of upper limit (la plus grande de ces lirnites) is explicit in CAUCHY'S text. On the other hand the plural form and the context "la lirnite des plus grandes valeurs de l'expressions" clearly show that this is not CAUCHY'Sterminology for the upper limit as suggested by I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS' quotation "the largest value of the expression..." Cut out this way from CAUCHY'Stext by I. GRATTANGUI]qNESS, it is meaningless because it does not allow the hidden quantifiers to be traced. It does not matter too much what artificially isolated pieces of a text mean if the text is globally clear; in the present case it is not far-fetched, and it is in agreement with the global text to assume that "la plus grande valeur" applies to a finite set, to wit the set of (u,)1/~, .... (u.+k)1/~+k,and the plural is to indicate that all such sets are considered. I. GRATTAN-GUINNESScontinues: As with continuity of a function, CAUCIIY was revealingly only partially aware of the significance of the idea; for he used it only as a tool for developing the proofs of his particular theorems and not as a profound device for investigating more sophisticated properties of analysis. Therefore it would be especially surprising if it were CAUCHY'Sown invention... Everybody who is not a stranger to calculus knows that there is no other use of upper limits than just those theorems where CAUCI-IYused them. Even today they provide an unusual and ineffective device. The conclusion that it was not CAUCtIY'S invention because he used it too little is consequently mistaken. I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS still suggests that CAUCHY took this tool from BOLZANO. When he wrote that sentence, he certainly believed that this tool was in BOLZANO'S pamphlet. Probably he was misled by the so-called BOLZANO-WEIERSTRASS Theorem on the existence of an accumulation point for an infinite bounded set of numbers, which can be proved by showing the existence of the upper limit. * CAucI~Y, Oeuvres (2) 3, 235. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 354 of 479. 386 H. FREUDENTHAL : BOLZANO'Sname in this context, however, is an honorific rather than an historic epithet as is HEINE'S name in "HEINE-BOREL theorem"*. CAUCHYdid not use the notion of upper limit more often than he did, because he could not**, and he did not take it from BOLZANO,because it was not in BOLZANO'Spamphlet. There is no doubt that I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSnow knows these facts, but instead of cancelling the whole section, he has nullified it in a footnote: There is a distinction between BOLZANO'Sintroduction of an upper limit and CAUCHY'S"largest value of the expression..." in that CAUCHYactually used the Limes of a sequence.., while BOLZANOdefined the upper limit... but we cannot interpret this distinction as intentional in BOLZANO'Sand CAUCHY'Stime... First, neither did CAUCHYuse the term "largest value of the expression" nor did BOLZANOspeak of upper limits. According to modern terminology the terms are upper limit (orlimit superior) and least upper bound (orcut number), respectively. Second, CAUCHYdoesnot use the limit but the upper limit--I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS seems still not to grant that these are different things. Third: Both BOLZANO'S and CAUCHY'Sconcepts of least upper bound and upper limit, respectively, were introduced on purpose because in the given context neither of them could use any other concept. The fact that at first I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSdid not notice this distinction, does not entitle him to claim that BOLZANOand CAUCHYcould not make it. They did not have to, because they were confronted with different situations, and it is no use asking whether they would have made the distinction if there had been some need to do so. To summarize, at this point there is no influence of BOLZANOon CAUCHY visible. 4.5. The Real Number System. I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSsays: In the course of proving this Lemma as well as in other parts of his paper BOLZANOhad recourse to extended considerations of real numbers regarding the rational or irrational limiting values of sequences of certain finite series of rationals... On the contrary: CAUCHY wrote just once on the real number system: it was in the Cours d'Analyse, where he gave a superficial exposition of the real number system. The initial stimulus for this work was foundational questions concerning the representation of complex numbers; but he took the development of the ideas well into BOLZANO'Sterritory, twice including the remark that "when B is * HEINE first recognized the importance of uniform convergence, but he did not formulate covering properties. ** Even a concept like the least upper bound was not of any importance for the mathematics of the CAUCHYera. Such concepts become instrumental only with the direct methods of the variational calculus at the end of the 19m century, in particular after HILBEgT'S salvation of DIEICHLET'Sprinciple. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 355 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 387 an irrational number one can obtain it by rational numbers with values which are brought nearer and nearer to it"--merely a remark on a property of the real numbers and not as a definition of the irrational number... Once again CAUCHY did not fully appreciate the depth of BoLzAxo's thought; and yet it is clear from his partial success that he was aware of BOLZANO'S ideas rather than from his partial failure that he was ignorant of them. It is hard to believe, but the truth is just the other way round. It is true that neither BOLZANO nor CAUCHY defined real numbers (in later investigations ]3OLZANO tried to do so). There is, however, nothing in BOLZANO'S pamphlet that justifies the sentence quoted. There are no "extended considerations on real numbers...", there is not any consideration of real numbers and not even anything that could be misunderstood as such by somebody unaccustomed to reading mathematics. What I. GRATTAN-CjuINNESS writes is a pure invention. The terms "rational" and "irrational" do occur once, in § 8, when, using as an example the decimal development of 1 ]3OLZANOwarns the reader against believing that the limit of a sequence of different rational numbers must be irra- tional. On the contrary, CAUCH¥'Soccupation with real numbers in the Cours d'Analyse is hatefully misrepresented. CAUCHY, though not defining real numbers, at least defines the algebraic and exponential operations on real numbers; starting from the rational numbers, where they had been defined directly, he extends the definitions to the real numbers by continuity. In this context he twice uses the fact that real numbers can be obtained as limits of rational ones. These are not isolated remarks as I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS claimed, but rather a deliberate use of this property in a meaningful context. In any case CAUCHYwrote in the Cours d'Analyse much more on real numbers than BOLZAI~Odid in his pamphlet (which was nothing). What could CAUCHY learn at this point from BOLZANO? What was the "depth of ]3OLZANO'Sthought" that CAUCHYcould not fathom? The bare Nothing or the fact that 0.ttt ... is rational ? Where did he trespass into BOLZANO'Sterritory, if this territory consisted of Nothing or of the fact that 0.ttl... was rational? 4.6. Summary as to the Common Ideas in Bolzano and Cauchy. 1. The idea of continuity, common to them both, was arrived at by each of them independently. 2. The CAUCHYconvergence criterion was formulated by each of them; it is possible that CAUCH¥took it from ]~OLZANO,though it can easily be explained as an original invention of CAocltY'S. 3. The theorem on the intermediate value of a continuous function had long been known as a more or less obvious proposition. The idea to prove it may have come to CAUCHYwhen he read the title of BOLZANO'Spamphlet if he ever did. His proof is different from BOLZAI~O'S. 4. As regards upper limits and least upper bounds, there is no common element. 5. On real numbers ]3OLZANO'S pamphlet contains nothing, while CAUC~IY in his Cours d'Analyse developed a theory of operations with real numbers. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 356 of 479. 388 H. FREUDENTHAL: In section 2 I explained how the Cours d'Analyse rested on a much broader basis of ideas than the few CAUCHYcould have borrowed from BOLZANO'Spamphlet. Therefore I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS'insinuating question* What would have happened if CAUCHY had not read BOLZANO.~ is irrelevant. The present section shows that there is even little if any cause to ask the other insinuating question** But if CAUCHYowed so much to BOLZANO,why did he not acknowledge him ? Before analyzing his answer on this question, we shall cast a glance at his section 3. 5. Limit-Avoidance I quote I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS' new limit definition***: When we speak of "introducing the concept of a limit" into analysis, we are actually introducing limit-avoidance, where the limiting value is defined by the property that the values in a sequence avoid that limit by an arbitrarily small amount when the corresponding parameter [the index n or the sequence s, of n-th partial sums, say, or the increment c~in the difference (] (x + ~) -- ] (x)) for continuity I avoids its own limiting value (infinity and zero in these examples). The new analysis of BOLZANO'S pamphlet and developed in CAUCHY'S text-books was nothing else than a complete reformulation of the whole of analysis in limit-avoidance terms... No, no, and no. BOLZANOand CAUCHYknew better than I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS what was convergence and what was continuity. It is true there are bad 19thcentury textbooks where you can find such silly definitions, but this was neither BOLZANO'S fault nor CAUCHY'S**** 6. Cauchy's Character To explain why CAUCHY plagiarized BOLZANO, I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS writes a story about what he calls the Paris clique of mathematicians. No doubt he has studied that chronique scandaleuse better than anybody else. But if the secrets of that society are as relevant to understanding the history of mathematics as he suggests, why does he wrap himself in veils of mystery rather than disclose them ? Why does he concoct a pompous story from plain historical facts and unfathomable allusions ? Whoever has studied CAUCHY'S work knows how chaotic it is. A proposition is stated, then refuted, only to be stated once more; a procedure is severely criticized, only to be applied successfully at the next opportunity; for no reason * p. 383, 12 f.b. ** p. 387, 5. *** p. 378, t3 f.b. -- 5 f.b. **** When I. GRATTA•-GUI•NESS lectured at the Utrecht Mathematical Colloquium everybody protested. An hour later people thought they had convinced him. It is a pity they had not done so. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 357 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 389 notations are changed back and forth. No, I. GRATTA~-GuINNESS says, stating a certain apparently wrong theorem was a strategic move in the secret game of the Paris clique. As long as I do not know the secret information on which such conclusions must be based, I cannot challenge them*. A critic is on a safer ground when I. GRATTAN-GuINNESS gives his sources. To prove that CAUCHY took sides in the quarrels of the "Paris clique" (which is utterly improbable) he mentions, in the same work, "fawning references to the powerful secrdtaire perpftuel (FouRIER)" and "attacks on the declining POISSON"**. Any one who checks the sources will find that neither is the reference to FOURIER fawning nor is Polsso~ attacked. The first reads X'P si l'on ddsigne avec M. FOURIER avec f ] (x)d x l'int6grale d6finie, prise entre les limites x = x', x = x" . . . ~" and it is the style in which such acknowledgements have been made a thousand times by mathematicians. At the second place quoted we find CAUCHY, rather than attacking POlSSON, explaining why he had overlooked certain consequences of his theory which had meanwhile been discovered by •OISSON. To understand what citations mean for mathematicians, it would be worthwhile to make a statistical study of them, say around CAUCHY. Isolated examples are of little value. At the very period when, according to I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS, CAUCtIY had reasons to fawn FOURIER and to attack PoISSON, he used the introduction to his Cours d'Analyse to extend his thanks to LAPLACE and POISSON, who had advised him to publish his courses, and at the end of the same introduction he acknowledged the good counsel he had received from Polsso~, AMPERE and CORIOLIS. Should we interpret these acknowledgments, too, as attacks ? It is well known that CAUCHYwas a strange fellow, and to prove it, there is no need to invent strange stories about him. The strangest is his quixotic conduct after the July revolution of 1830, when as a lone paladine he followed his king to his exile court in Prague. He was a religious and political dogmatic who often exhibited an appalling lack of human relations. * A characteristic pomposity is the remark in footnote 85 that the Proc~s verbaux des sdanees de l'Acaddmie tenues depuis la ]ondation jusqu'au mois d'aoC~t 1835 (t0 vols; 19t0-22, Hendaye) "are an invaluable source of historical insight into the period 1795-1835, when the rivalries were at their height. They give the minutes of all the private meetings of the Acaddmie des Sciences, which the participants can hardly have expected to be published!" In fact, there is little that might be regarded as sensational to be found in the Proc~s verbaux. The style is the same as that of the later Comptes Rendus; the greater part is routine business. The meetings were not private but public. All spontaneous remarks were afterwards carefully edited or omitted; the oral text is better reflected by the newspaper reports. ** CAUCHY, Oeuvres (1) 1, 340 and 189-191; another source mentioned is not accessible to me. The adjectives "powerful" and "declining" are melodramatic stereotypes. There has never been any secrdtaire perpdtuel who was not powerful, but I doubt whether FOURIER was more so than his predecessors or successors. Facing a powerful secrdtaire perpdtuel, POISSON, too, needed an adjective though it is a pity that I. GRATTANGUINNESShit on one that is so trivially mistaken as is "declining". 28a Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., Vol. 7 Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 358 of 479. 390 H. FREUDENTHAL: There is a story about CAUCHYand a manuscript of ABEL. In t826, when his first important work had yet to appear, ABEL visited Paris. A few times he met CAUCHY, who at that period was interested only in mathematical physics. In Paris ABEL wrote the famous work he presented to the French Academy in October t826. In t829 he died. In the late thirties the editor of his Oeuvres, who knew about the manuscript, tried to get it back from the Academy, but it could not be found. Suddenly, in t841, the text of the manuscript appeared in print in a publication of the Academy, though, strangely enough, the manuscript itself was still lost. This trackless manuscript has always been an exciting feature in the melodramatic life of ABEL,who according to the stories died in misery, oblivion, and disappointment. (It has long been known that this story is untrue*.) In such a story a villain is needed. According to old LEGENDRE,ABEL'S paper was illegible, so the referees, CAUCHYand himself, could not read it. Even today it is commonly believed that the manuscript was lost by CAUCHY'Sneglect. In t922 a copy of CAUCHY and LEGENDRE'S report on ABEL'S paper, dated 29 June t829, was discovered**; it proved that CAUCHY'Saccount of his role in the story was correct. It is obvious that CAUCHY had no further business with ABEL'S manuscript, since after the July revolution of 1830 he went abroad and did not return before t838. The academician LIBRI, however, who to annoy other people, had invented the main facts in ABEL'S melodramatic life, got some business with ABEL'S paper; in any case he read the proofs, though according to him without the manuscript. LIBRI was a mediocre mathematician who became famous by his sudden departure to London in t848, when he was accused of having over many years stolen from the French public libraries a million's worth of rare books and manuscripts. Thus it was not too far-fetched to look into LIBRI'S estate in the Moreniana library in Florence. Finally, in 1952, VIGGOBI~UN did so, and he found ABEL'S manuscript***. A written explanation of it by LEGENDRE had been published in World War II**** but had not been noticed. It readst: Ce M6moire a 6t6 mis d'abord entre les mains de M. Le Gendre qui l'a parcouru, mais voyant que l'6criture 6toit peu lisible et les caract~res alg~briques souvent real form6s, il le remit entre les mains de son confrere, M. Cauchy avec pri~re de se charger du rapport. M. Cauchy distrait par d'autres affaires et n'ayant re~u nulle provocation pour s'occuper du M6moire de M. Abel, attendu que celui-ci n'6tait rest6 que peu de jours ~ Paris apr~s la pr~sentation de son M6moire ~t l'Acad6mie, et n'avait charg6 personne de suivre cette affaire auprfis des cornmissaires, M. Cauchy, dis-je, a oubli6 pendant tr~s long temps le M6moire de M. Abel dont il 6toit d@ositaire. Ce n'est que vers * Read VIGC-OBRUN'S debunking paper in Journal r. u. angew. Math. 193 (1954), 239-249. ** D. E. SMITH,Amer. Math. Monthly 29 (1922), 394-5. Among my autographs, 29. Legendre and Cauchy sponsor Abel. -- It is in agreement with the Proems verbaux (el. footnote*, p. 389). *** See footnote *. **** G. CANDIDE, Sulla mancata pubblieazione, nel t 826 delia celebre Memoria di Abel. Tip. Editr. "Marra" di G. Bellone, Galatina t942, XX. t Journ. r. u. angew. Math. 193, 244-245. Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 359 of 479. Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? 39t le mois de mars 1829, que les deux Commissaires apprirent, par l'avis que l'un d'eux r6~ut** d'un savant d'Allemagne, que le M6moire de M. Abel, qui avait 6t6 present6 ~ l'Acad6mie, contenait ou devait contenir des r6sultats d'analyse fort interessants, et qu'il 6tait 6tonnant qu'on n'en efit pas fair de rapport ~t l'Acad6mie. Sur cet avis M. Cauchy rechercha le M6moire, le trouva et se disposait ~t en faire son rapport; mais les Commissaires furent retenus par la consid6ration que M. Abel avait d6j~t publi6 dans le Journal de Crelle une pattie de son M6moire pr6sent6 ~ l'Aead6mie, qu'il continuerait probablement ~t faire paraitre la suite, et qu'alors le rapport de l'Acad6mie, qui ne pouvait ~tre que verbal, deviendrait intempestif*. Dans cet 6tat de choses nous apprenons subitement la mort de M. Abel, perte tr~s fAcheuse pour les sciences, et qui parait maintenant rendre le rapport n6cessaire pour conserver s'il y a lieu, dans le receuil des savants 6trangers, un des principaux titres de gloire de son auctor**. This unveils the mystery around ABEL'S manuscript. It is not unusual that referees neglect their task, in particular, if they are not interested in the subject or if it is the work of a virtually unknown author, though I agree that CAUCHY was usually more careful. Delays of 10-t 5 years in printing treatises accepted by the French Academy were not unusual either; every publication needed a royal authorization. In ABEL'S case it may have played a role that the essential part of the manuscript had already been published in "Crelle's Journal". I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS'report on this event is a distortion of the story as it is known now. He omits all evidence that is in favour of CAUCHY,and he falsifies two points***: First he claims that the neglected manuscript ... was the paper which ushered in the transformation of LEGENDRE'S theory of elliptic integrals into his own theory of elliptic functions... to add one more melodramatic feature. The paper on elliptic functions was published in Crelle's Journal. The manuscript in question was about "ABEL'S theorem"; an extract also appeared in Crelle's Journal. Second, he claims: CAUCHYtook it and, perhaps because of ABEL'S footnote against him, ignored it entirely: only after ABEL'S death in t829 did he fulfil a request to return it to the Acaddmie des Sciences. The reader can check that this is in all essentials contrary to LEGENDRE'S report. If I. GRATTAN-GuINNESSis in the possession of secret information that refutes LEGENDRE'Sreport, he should reveal his sources. Meanwhile I am entitled to consider LEGENDRE'S report as correct. * The procedure of a formal report was applied only to manuscripts; printed pieces submitted to the Academy were given a rapport verbal. ** Sic. *** p. 393. 28b Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., Vol. 7 Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 360 of 479. 392 H. FREUDENTHAL:Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano ? I. GRATTAN-GUINNESScontinues: ...there is one aspect of it which has been little remarked upon but which shows the depths to which CAUCHYcould sink. The evidence I. GRATTAN-GuINNESSproduces for CAUCHY'Smoral downfall is an expos6 of 1841, where CAUCHYfirst praises ABEL and then refutes the story that ABEL died in misery. We now know that CAUCHY'Sexpos6 is correct. I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSdoes not explain in what CAUCH¥'Sdownfall consisted, but anyhow it was a downfall and ...anyone capable of writing in this manner, knowing the negative role played by himself in the matter under discussion, would hardly think twice about borrowing from an unknown paper published in Prague without acknow- ledgment. Anyone ? Maybe. But CAUCHYwas someone. Mathematical Institute Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (ReceivedFebruary 1, 1971) Text 23: H. Freudenthal (1970–1971). “Did Cauchy Plagiarize Bolzano?” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 375–392. Summer University 2012: Asking and Answering Questions Page 361 of 479.