MINIPRESENTATIONS * I would like to familiarize you with the ______________________. * I would like to tell you something about the _________________. * First, I will give you the details of __________________________. * First, I will provide you with the basic facts concerning _________. * First, I will describe __________________________________. * Then, I will deal with the _________________________________ . * Then, I will discuss the differences between A and B. * Then, I will give you an overview of ________________________. * Is everything clear? * Are there any questions? * (If not) Thank you for your attention. General expressions * as I've said earlier – jak jsem již řekl * generally speaking – obecně řečeno * in other words – jinými slovy * to sum it up / to summarize it – abych to shrnul * to cut a long story short – abych to zkrátil * to get to the point – abych se dostal k tomu nejpodstatnějšímu * to answer your question (briefly) – abych na Váš dotaz (stručně) odpověděl * to put it simply – abych to řekl jednoduše Interaction in a pair: · Now, I would like to give the floor to Mark. · Now, over to you Mark.