Shopping, Shops and Services 1. Discussion: How often do you go shopping? What do you like shopping for? Where/when you do/don’t like shopping? Do you or someone you know write a shopping list? 2. Match each word with a picture: cash register(till) price tags counter shopping trolley window display queue shopping basket BtT7n Výsledek obrázku pro queue __________________ __________________ ___ _____________ ___________________ Výsledek obrázku pro window display Výsledek obrázku pro price tag Výsledek obrázku pro counter _______________________ ________________ ___________________________ 3. Fill each gap with the correct preposition. 1. Sorry, my bike is not _______ sale. No matter how much you like it, you can’t buy it. 2. Can I pay _______ credit card or only _______ cash _______ the chemist’s in the square? 3. They sell incredibly wide range _______ goods at this health-food shop. 4. They are running a special offer this week: if you buy a pair of shoes, you get an extra pair _______ free. 5. Their new CD goes _______ sale next Monday. They’re going to sell in _______ reduced price in most shops. 6. I can’t withdraw any more cash _______ my bank account; otherwise I’ll be _______ the red. 7. This electric drill was really good value _______ money. It only cost 1,000 crowns and it is really great. 8. Entrance to this gallery is free _______ charge on Wednesdays. 4. Find the correct collocation by choosing from A, B, C or D. 1. Check the exchange _______________ carefully before you buy any foreign currency. A: price B: rate C: course D: amount 2. You might want to _______________ around and compare prices before you buy a DVD-player. A: shop B: buy C: go D: find 3. Have you got any small _______________ on you? I’d like a cup of coffee from this vending machine. A: coin B: money C: cash D: change 4. If you want to exchange any goods, you need to have the _______________. A: paper B: certificate C: receipt D: account 5. The cereals are halfway down the third _______________ on the left. A: line B: aisle C: way D: street 6. This _______________ store has outlets in 50 towns all over the country. A: series B: string C: chain D: serial 7. I don’t know their opening hours, but I hope I’ll get there before _______________ time. A: shutting B: locking C: closing D: finishing 8. After we’d _______________the shopping, we went to a café. A: made B: done C: had D: ended 9. I like window shopping and _______________ around the shops on Saturday mornings. A: browsing B: spending C: buying D: finding 10. Which of these can you NOT use to get money out of a cash machine? A: debit card B: cash card C: credit card D: business card 11. Which of these is NOT correct? I left my _______________ at the department store the other day. A: shopping B: wallet C: purse D: buying 5. Guilt-free Brands a) Listen to a radio programme about guilt-free brands and fill in the table: Reasons people might feel guilty about what they buy Arguments in favour of guilt-free brands Arguments against guilt-free brands (NavigateB1+: R 1.11) b) Listen again and complete the phrases from the conversation. 1. So, Jem, what do you __________________ the idea? 2 Well, as ___________________ , anything which makes people think….. 3 There’s a lot more awareness, but ___________________ it would be better if … ? 4 I’m ___________________ that if people really understood … 5 Well, ___________________ the people who make Fairphone … 6 If you ___________________, we have to give people the option … (NavigateB1+: R 1.12- for checking) ASKING FOR AND GIVING OPINIONS: Giving opinion As far as I’m concerned, … I’m convinced/ certain… If you ask me … Personally … Talking about other people’s opinions Some people say that … According to (someone), … Asking for someone’s opinion 1 Negative questions (we expect someone to agree) Don’t you think …? Shouldn’t … ? 2 Other ways: What do you think about … ? How do you feel about … ? What are your views on … ? 6. Complete the conversations with appropriate phrases from the previous box. 1) A: ____________________ the fact that guilt-free brands are often more expensive? B: ____________________ it’s fine to pay a bit more to know that the environment isn’t being harmed. 2) A: Most of us can’t afford electric cars. ____________________ people who buy electric cars are showing off how rich they are, rather than actually caring about the planet? B: You may be right, but ____________________ everyone will drive electric cars in the future. 3) A: ____________________ we should just buy less stuff. What do you think about that? B: ____________________ that’s a good idea. We all have far more than we really need. 4) A: ____________________ the government make electric cars less expensive so everyone can afford one? B: Yes, definitely. Ask your partners for their opinions on the questions in this exercise. 7. Buy Nothing Day a) Listen to a radio interview with a supporter of Buy Nothing Day. Which of the following points does he mention? (NavigateB1+: R 1.5) Buy Nothing Day is important because it might encourage people not to .. 1 use shopping as a kind of therapy. 2 owe a lot of money. 3 support big companies. 4 consume so much concerning the world’s resources. 5 buy goods where the workers are badly paid. 6 buy goods with unnecessary packaging. b) Listen once again and decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1. One of Lewis Castle’s intentions is to persuade people not to buy anything for one day. 2. Lewis is not much interested in people’s spending habits. 3. Lewis doesn’t agree with buying things as a way of spending one’s leisure time. 4. He admits that sometimes shopping can make us feel happier. 5. Over 80% of the Earth’s natural resources are consumed by only 20% of the world’s population. 6. Transporting goods by air doesn’t have a significant effect on the environment. 7. Buy nothing day originated in the USA. 8. This movement has already spread to more than 65 countries. 8. Discussion: 8. Discuss the following questions using the expressions from the box above. What do you think about the idea of Buy nothing day and arguments given by Lewis Castle? Which of the points mentioned above would be most likely to make you think about buying less? In pairs try to come up with any other idea how to prevent people from consumerism. 9. Explain each of the following phrases in as much detail as possible. Which of them have you been to? Do you prefer shopping malls or small shops? Why? betting shop – confectioner’s shop - charity shop – chip shop / chippy (inf.) - cop shop (BrE – inf.) - junk shop - car boot sale (BrE) / swap meet (AmE) – flea market - KEY: KEY: ex. 3 1. Sorry, my bike is not for sale. No matter how much you like it, you can’t buy it. 2. Can I pay by credit card or only in cash at the chemist’s in the square? 3. They sell an incredibly wide range of goods at this health-food shop. 4. They are running a special offer this week: if you buy a pair of shoes, you get an extra pair for free. 5. Their new CD goes on sale next Monday. They’re going to sell in at reduced price in most shops. 6. I can’t withdraw any more cash from my bank account; otherwise I’ll be in the red. (If you or ​your ​bank ​account are in the red, you ​owe ​money to the ​bank) 7. This electric drill was really good value for money. It only cost 1,000 crowns and it is really great. 8. Entrance to this gallery is free of charge on Wednesdays. ex.4 Find the correct collocation by choosing from A, B, C or D. 1. Check the exchange _______________ carefully before you buy any foreign currency. A: price B: rate C: course D: amount 2. You might want to _______________ around and compare prices before you buy a DVD-player. A: shop B: buy C: go D: find 3. Have you got any small _______________ on you? I’d like a cup of coffee from this vending machine. A: coin B: money C: cash D: change 4. If you want to exchange any goods, you need to have the _______________. A: paper B: certificate C: receipt D: account 5. The cereals are halfway down the third _______________ on the left. A: line B: aisle C: way D: street 6. This _______________ store has outlets in 50 towns all over the country. A: series B: string C: chain D: serial 7. I don’t know their opening hours, but I hope I’ll get there before _______________ time. A: shutting B: locking C: closing D: finishing 8. After we’d _______________the shopping, we went to a café. A: made B: done C: had D: ended 9. I like window shopping and _______________ around the shops on Saturday mornings. A: browsing B: spending C: buying D: finding 10. Which of these can you NOT use to get money out of a cash machine? A: debit card B: cash card C: credit card D: business card 11. Which of these is NOT correct? I left my _______________ at the department store the other day. A: shopping B: wallet C: purse D: buying ex.7 a) Buy Nothing Day is important because it might encourage people not to .. 1 use shopping as a kind of therapy.← 2 owe a lot of money.← 3 support big companies. 4 consume so much concerning the world’s resources.← 5 buy goods where the workers are badly paid.← 6 buy goods with unnecessary packaging. 7b) Listen once again and decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1. One of Lewis Castle’s intentions is to persuade people not to buy anything for one day. T 2. Lewis is not much interested in people’s spending habits. F 3. Lewis doesn’t agree with buying things as a way of spending one’s leisure time. T 4. He admits that sometimes shopping can make us feel happier. F 5. Over 80% of the Earth’s natural resources are consumed by only 20% of the world’s population. T 6. Transporting goods by air doesn’t have a significant effect on the environment. F harmful effect 7. Buy nothing day originated in the USA. F Canada 8. This movement has already spread to more than 65 countries. T ex 9. Explain each of the following phrases in as much detail as possible. Which of them have you been to? Do you prefer shopping malls or small shops? Why? betting shop - a ​place where ​people go to ​risk ​money on ​horse ​races or other ​sports ​events confectioner’s shop/sweet shop (BrE)/candy store (AmE)- a ​shop that ​sells ​sweets and sometimes other things such as ​cigarettes and ​newspapers charity shop - a ​shop in which a ​charity ​sells all ​types of used ​goods that are given by the ​public, or in which they ​sell new ​goods, to make ​money for the ​work of the ​charity chip shop / chippy (inf.) - a ​shop that ​sells ​fried ​fish, ​potatoes, and other ​foods, to take away to ​eat cop shop (BrE – inf.) - a police station junk shop - a ​shop that ​sells ​old ​furniture and other things of little ​value car boot sale (BrE) / swap meet (AmE) - an ​event in a ​public ​place where ​people ​sell ​their ​unwanted possessions, often from the ​backs of ​their ​cars flea market -a ​market, usually taking ​place ​outside, where ​old or used ​goods are ​sold ​cheaply