Fonetika a fonologie A


Subject: Phonetics & Phonology A

Teacher: Mgr. Irena Headlandová Kalischová, Ph.D.
office: 4011 (Poříčí 9)
tel: 549 49 43 59
Consultations: Thursday: 11 - 11.45
                       Friday:    by appointment
Study material: a set of handouts (to be obtained at the Copy Centre, 13 Křížová street)
other literature listed in the Power Point presentation below (when it's been shown in the first lesson)
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Credit requirements:


1. Active participation & home study

         you will be expected to come prepared, to practise at home, and to complete tasks assigned for home study

2. Contribution to an on-line forum

         there will be one on-line forum, please, make sure you meet the deadline, it will open for 3 weeks

3. Progress tests (min. 15 points)

         there will be 5 interactive on-line tests covering different areas of study available throughout the semester, you will be required to choose at least 3 of them

4. Final recording (graded "S" = satisfactory, "I" = in need of improvement, "U" = unsatisfactory)

        the recording session will be held at the department in January

5. Final test (phonemic transcription + multiple-choice questions, passmark 70%)

        this will take place in the exam period


Some basic information about what the two terms "Phonetics" and "Phonology" actually stand for; you'll also find there the complete IPA chart.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Attached below is a brief list of useful websites: sources you can use to work on your pronunciation.

If you have your favourite one, please let us know!

OK, it's November now and you've started sharing more links, here are some of them:

For US English: (you can read with the audio here)

To read FROM transcription:





Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.