Syntax A

Handout 2c

Lesson 2 / handout 2c - KEY


Decide about the following modals (whether they express ability, permission or possibility), and label each sentence accordingly: A = ability / I = inability, Per = permission, Poss = possibility:


A She can speak English very well.     Poss It may / might / could rain tomorrow.


Per Can I join you?    A (past) When I was young I could speak English better than my sister.


 A / Poss I could go there if I wanted.   Poss It may / might / could be raining.   I She cannot sing very well.


 I (past) Even at the age of 15 she could not swim at all.   Per Might I perhaps look at it?


Per Could I go to the theatre tonight?    Per May I open the window?


 Poss It may / might / could have rained.